/tnt/ - Tournaments & Events

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Thread stats: 18 posts, 13 files (13 image(s))

Replying to /tnt/125191
Your Never Ever'sAnonymous
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Post characters that you'd do everything in your power to campaign for, but will most certainly not make it into the bracket in any capacity.

My choice is Sister Bragante, from the Ogre Gods.
The comic itself is genuinely a hidden masterpiece and even dead-side characters have an entire personality around them. Bragante has to be one of the most tragic figures I've ever read in a comic.
The Ogre Gods threads seem to have gotten quite the attention and made quite a few anons read it but few people are aware of Bragante due to volume 4 not being available online.
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Sillypoo tbh
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Any character from Cytus II, a mobile rhythm game isn't gonna have many fans on /v/. Amazing story, great music and good gameplay (if you like rhythm games).
Gekkoukayoutube thumb
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Minato Kageaki

I'm not THE Kageaki anon that's been campaigning since 2021 but I read Muramasa and it toppled Umineko as my favorite VN. Last year I was sadly too busy with my main to do anything for him in bottom bracket so there was that. I'll try to give my balance man some OCs next year and honestly don't mind him not making it in the main bracket.
Just got recommended this comic on the Eda thread on /co/. I am reading through the first chapter I got to say and the premise of the story is very interesting and the art is phenomenal. I really hope this comic gets some traction.
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>THE original /co/ schizo
>will never qualify because GOTG 3 failed to adapt him properly and make him known to the larger public
>has a long and interesting history with Thanos in the comics to the point where most people find out about Adam through trying to read up on Thanos' stuff, but the never even meet in the movies
Maybe it's for the better for Adam to be semi-obscure because that prevents him from appearing too much and being oversaturated, but I still wish he had more traction. His core concept of a perfect artificial man without a purpose in the universe is ripe with potential, and the kinds of fantastical, psychedelic, internal conflict-heavy stories told with him are something that reignited my love for comics years ago.
Btw him being a schizo is not a buzzword, he's been actually described that way by Starlin. Plus his archnemesis is himself in a very literal sense.

As is often the case with comics, his history of publication is long and convoluted so it'd be quicker to just link a reading guide. https://www.comicbookherald.com/adam-warlock-reading-order/
It's a lot of legwork to do, jumping from one series to another pretty much all the time, but it's WORTH IT. I mean it 100% when I say Adam Warlock is one of the coolest and most underrated Big Two characters.
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I tried last year with flip the frog, between the fact that he’s not only very obscure but also a character that failed to catch on with audiences back in the 30s means he’s probably never getting in. Even went as far as having his qualifier campaign being a history of his character by showing off his shorts and that relatively new thunderbean blu ray 4K restoration set. Alas it didn’t work but anon’s did at least vote for him out of interest alone, I think animation enthusiasts and historians are more familiar with this guy anyway.
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I love Blazblue's main cast a lot and would push any of them (last year was Hakumen, my main) but they've never gotten into the King bracket, since Ragna always gets closest I guess I'll try my luck this year since he did decently in /cov/.
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I wish Zote was more popular
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Spyro's older long-lost brother Figment.
Weird case because he has an obsessive cult fanbase and is very prominent recently, but main issue you basically have to be in Florida or the Eastern USA and gone to Disney World to truly know him, which blocks out most voters even with a comic series under his belt.
Only way he'll ever qualify for even a minor is if the theatrical film stays in production and actually releases and is well liked. He's either jumping up instantly in ranks or never qualifying even for side shit as I've been unable to crack for years.
I’d vote for him but like you said, one has to have actually gone to Disney world to truly know who this is.
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There is no /a/ torunament.
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Otacon has always been my favorite supporting character in Metal Gear since I like his nerd talk and how he plays off of Snake, but he's never gonna qualify due to the series limit. Maybe I could push for him and Snake in Co-Op next year.
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He has my vote.
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This comic was a fucking wild ride, holy shit. When euros do comics they actually create absolute timeless bangers and this is no exception.

Damn shame that the author is dead.
That finished thing?
More like SHITgar
>t. Seething Tardku.