Hello, and good morning or afternoon, Friends. I hope you are doing well today, I'm doing quite well. As always, let's talk about Drones. But I do have a question about you Friends, what's your favorite OC and Canon Drone? Maybe it's just one and one, maybe it's a list on both, say as many or as little as you want, I just want to know. Hope you do well today. The outstanding Booru: https://dronebooru.co The absolutely gorgeous wheel with OCs: https://wheelofnames.com/z8q-2mf And it's modifier: https://wheelofnames.com/4h8-fyf The dearly beloved OC wiki: https://dronebooru.co/wiki_pages/original_character The last Thread: >>154669
>>154941 >Pavo looks over his collection of important things >A little medal cut out of cardboard painted on crayon, faded wording once reading "beSt uncLe awa rd" >A completely faded photograph, his CPU automatically drawing the picture of his odd little friend group >And the gold ring he still wore on a finger, almost part of his chassis at this point >"You never do forget, huh? Don't worry, guys, you're still here in my core," Pavo says softly, to nobody. >"And what about me. Sad face," says a stilted voice behind him >He turns to see the ghost of Cyn, that ever-present smile so small >"You're not a fond memory. I'm the last one left who remembers you, right?" Pavo says >"You are my remaining link to this dumb universe. Please die so I can find a better hunting ground." >"Not planning on it. Everything personal." >"Pavo. Best buddy Pavo. How about an offer?" >"I know where your deals g-" >"I give you back all your friends, and I put you all in a funny dimensional bubble and push you to another universe that I cannot... consume. And you give me one vessel here. Actual, real, serious, sincere, one hundred percent, pinky promise, for realsies, on my lack of honor as the last Antithesis." >Pavo shakes his head, smiling softly >"Fine. Go die then. Like all your friends. Jerk."
>>155668 >J, buddy, I'll be real. >Stay away from women. They are vicious, without boundries and are absolutely going to peg your roboholes. >"What are you talking about, dipshit?" >Femanons.... >"What?" >FEMANONS! >The scourge of the internet!
I want DDanni and Pavo's POV from when >>155087>>155072 happened I am also morbidly curious about the timeline where Buddy was too late to save Molly, moreso about how Buddy DDanni and Pavo would react to it
>>155263 >>155270 >Tessa yawned as sunlight filtered into her room. >"Morning already?" She thought >It felt like she been sleeping for ages. >Ah whatever, its a brand new day and Tessa could wait to meet her friends- >Tessa stopped at the unexpected thought >She didn't have friends, noone wanted to talk to the weird Elliot girl who was rumored to be a grave robber. >Tessa's mood soured at the bitter thought >'Where it even come from' she thought >Maybe she was still a bit drowsy, maybe some breakfast will straighten her up. >After quickly brushing her teeth and walking down her stairs. she passed by a drone wearing glasses and >Wait what? >She turned to the drone, who was bare faced and dusting the floor >'Odd, could have swore she was wearing glasses' >It was a weird idea, drones wearing accessories. >As if her parents would allow it, their drones didn't even have hair! >Great. Now she can't stop thinking about drones with hair. >Bob-cut, pigtails and matching hairstyles instantly popped into her head. > Well atleast she got new material for "Tessa's book of weird ideas" >As Tessa entered the dinning room, it was strangely barren. >"Ma? Pa?" She called out, before noticing the note on the table. >Oh so they were on a business trip and wouldn't be back for a while. >'Strange, could have swore that they had a party or something planned this week' thought Tessa. >So now she was alone in the house with a couple of unremarkable drones. >Tessa wondered how she dealt with the robots all her life. >They were forgettable she couldn't remember their faces and the mere sight of them made her head hurt. > In fact, she couldn't even remember if their eyes were white or yellow! >Turning the corner, nearly bumping into a plain drone. >Tessa swore for a spilt second, a large yellow X was on it's screen >She rubbed her eyes and opened them again, only seeing a confused looking drone staring at her. >She must have gotten sick or something, she was seeing things.
>molly in one of little neighborhood police stations Japan has, making sure kids are safe on their way to and from school >occasionally getting to do tricks for them again >becoming known as "Miss Molly" and "that nice police lady"
>>155699 I've been meaning to draw just that but haven't had the motivation. I wanted to draw her as a cute mascot on a police PSA sign– I swear that sort of thing exists but I can't find any, so maybe I'm thinking of something from a game or anime. picrel is the closest to what I'm picturing style-wise but it's not quite right and it's not police-related
>youre just another old guy. you had a wife and kids, and youre almost at retirement. >one night though, while you were watching football and yelling at the opposing team. you get a phonecall >it's from your eldest son >out of all your children, you were alwys proud of your him, such a smart boy. Good grades, got him to college amd he majored in engineering. and has a high paying job, many fathers wish they could've had a son like that >you hear what he has to say >"hey dad, i've done it! ive found the love my life!" >those words hit you hard, in a good way! >Oh joy! Hes got himself a girlfriend! You akways knew this was gonna happen! >hopefully this leads to you getting grandkids! >"Really son! wow! I knew you had it in you!" >"thanks dad, actually we're coming over tonight!" >"right now!" >you hear your doorbell ring. >answer it and wouodnt you know it! >you give him a big old hug! >"gee thanks dad!" he says as a sits on the couch >"so, son. wheres that girlfriend of yours?" you ask him >"Oh shes on her way! shes a little slow." he answers >you sit there eagerly waiting. Just who is this young lass! >you hear footsteps. and....whirring? >your son perks up. >"Oh dad! here she comes! >you see her come in and..... >what the fuck? >is that a robot!? >not only that, a very short and adorable looking robot with long white hair, a visor with 2 glowing ovals, white metal skin, a black helmet with a black bow and a little black hoodie with little pants to boot! >she looks like a little kid! what the fuck!? where did he get this! >her movement was slow and awkward, a few steps in she trips and he comes in to help her up >he turns to face you "dad, meet my daughterwife! CYN!" >he turns to look at her "say hi to your grandpa father in law cyn!" >"..............hello"
>>155673 No this was the last I drew yet (no need to upload this to Booru, I have no problem with it but it might be unnecessary because this is 90% done and the final one will come very soon-just to save some work)
>Be you >Worker drone anon >Be office wagie >Take a nap in a closet >End up napping past the core collapse >Wake up strapped to a gurney and a drone with antlers shining a light in your eyes >"Whoa whoa whoa there cutie, thought you were a goner! Just gotta make sure you ain't got somethin' dangerous about ya..." >You can't help but notice the large amount of drone parts and oil splattered everywhere >"Oh don't pay that no mind they were dead to begin with...mostly." >And now you're scared >scaroused
Another totally legit drawing from pocketsteaks and not just me replicating his art style. (Before anyone asks, no this isn’t out of spite I like the guy.)
>>155728 >You feel a presence nearing your location >First a skitter, then floundering thuds and then >*CRASH!~* >That's another 500 dollars to fix the hole in the wall. >"What is it S?" >She stares at you while on all fours. Optics wide as bulbs. >"I need you." >You sit there, unconvinced. >"For?"
>>155728 >Be random civilian. >Have a nice house. >Have a nice yard. >Have a serious mosquito problem. >But you're resourceful, and environmentally friendly, so instead of nuking the site from orbit as most would, instead you start to grow catnip in your garden. >You read somewhere that it tends to keep them away. >And sure enough, it does. >The bloodsuckers slowly start to leave your home alone. >Then, one day, you walk outside to find a disassembly drone. >Not at your door. >No. >She's rolling around in the yard, looking high as fuck. >Her visor is outputting seven different kinds of error codes. >On seeing you, the error codes disappear and the drones eyes lock with yours. >"Wha-" is all you manage to get out before she's on you. >You see your life flash before your eyes... only to find the drone nuzzling you. >And hugging you. >And you can't move because it's a weapon of mass destruction and you're an out of shape ex-office worker turned neet. >It's when the licking... and eventually the biting begins that you start to worry. >You've traded one blood sucker for another...
>shrunken and placed inside J's panties to keep you safe from the cold of Copper-9 >V knows you're in there and keeps slapping J on the ass at every opportunity
>>155760 he's been around for so long. and we have so many other talented anon's like Amyanon and tegaki-anon who have also been around for a while that it doesn't stick out as much. if anything we have so much talent here it makes the worse looking ones stand out more then the good ones, at least in my opinion
>>155763 I was referring to the main page with the search bar. You have this really well done version of doll and there’s all these goofy little scribbles and doodles. Like seeing the Mona Lisa among crayon drawings.
>Nightly canon fun facts: V doesn't actually murder innocent drones post-good ending. She only eats drones who were already dead, or who died of natural causes. Not looking where you're going and walking into V's outstretched claws counts as natural causes.
>>155765 I mean, I think he’s the best artist I’ve seen here. I like all his art, it extends beyond the drones. I want to see him to a webcomic or anything like that. He’s one of many artists I admire. And he’s been one of my goals for my art. if you haven’t seen them here’s some. >>155685 >>155694 >>155697 >>155701 I always feel some jealousy because he’s just better at art than me
>>155766 Really, if you don't know to stay away from two women arguing about how fuckable monsters may or may not be, you dying is just natural selection.
>>155752 She's out for the pound of flesh, I see >>155753 Hopefully there's a numbing aspect to the saliva so the bites are less "ouch" and more pleasant
>pour a bowl of lucky charms >meticulously pick out the marshmallows from the bowl of cereal >feed them to my Enn because he's sweet and deserves sweet things >scratch Enn's head and twirl his tail as he happily munches on his marshmallow meal >when he's done, take the bowl of cereal to the oogi nest >grab a handful of hard cereal pieces and throw it at the assembled oogis like a bunch of buckshot >they scatter and eep as they dive for cover >Enn comes to snuggle at night because I'm a better provider than the oogis
>>155790 >>155781 >>155777 man dude, i don't wanna sound mean but 95% of this stuff is stuff you should be asking yourself without posting it on an anonymous imageboard it's making you seem really needy (and if you understand what i'm saying then please, for the love of God, do NOT reply to this message with something like "oh dang, i didn't realize, sowwy" because that just makes it WORSE)
>>155788 Honestly, at least the creator of this exact one isn't a cunt like Alex Kister. Unknowingly isn't the best creator but he's very sweet and that's what counts
>>155779 >Auntie I-Im not that old yet... Plz- >>155782 Cute! >>155788 I am so disappointed with how the design is wasted on that type of horror... but please, trust me on this one. Im trying to make him a between of fleshy thing and bug boi
>>155793 Yeah. I understand. I tend to very needy, that moment when he told me he liked my art will never leave my mind. Though with this >>155777 I’m just asking a question about my art. Which Honestly I didn’t to. I deleted it now.
>>155718 Finished this now, finally something. Is based on the IS-2 (the tank) request from a few days ago, added Yeva and Doll >>155689 >>155675 Thaz is really nice, I want to but I know I am not getting anything done tonight anymore, will post something tomorrow
>>155796 >spoiler i'd never go so far as to suggest i don't trust you to cook (because woman, kitchen joke, haha) i'll look forward to seeing how it turns out
>>155800 Y’know there have been times where I stay up all night waiting for him to come by and I can talk to him. I can’t blame you if this seems obsessive.
>Remember as your wife I earn the money in this house! You are to save your energy for raising our children! >Now get ready Anon, I've made sure my fertility settings are set to max!
>>155827 Look man. I personally don'tt like your art; so I'm not willing to stare at it and figure out how you do shapes and perspective. especially since you've only ever posted doodles and sketch's here,
>>155846 There's the gone original femnano, the vicious femanon, the 3d akita and jane model femanon, there were others too in history but I cannot remember
>>155856 Seeing this nice art, how fitting do you think these humanizations are for 002, 048 and 017? How should others look, like Lizzy or Uzi? Anyone has headcanons?
>Be Alice's roommate/boyfriend. >One day you have a tummy ache. >Alice freaks out. >You try to assure her you're fine, but... tummy hurt. >Starts digging through her spare part pile. >You watch, confused. >Eventually she returns. >Holding a DD stomach. >And a hacksaw. >She says she can fix you right up, even if it's not human it should probably work. Probably. >What a caring girlfriend.
>>155831 >>155852 >Anon we need to meet quarterly profits! >Every night after I get home from work you'll be pulling overtime! >I expect to be pregnant with at LEAST triplets by the end of the year!
>>155869 >she cries for a while after realizing her smile is scary now >from then on she practices smiling in the mirror every day >slowly but surely the hideous grin returns to the warm, glowing smile she had before >albeit a little pointier
Fun OC Facts: Beretta sometimes likes to visit Lizzy for talk therapy and beauty salon
>"And she's all like 'Bite me! You don't know what I went through so you can have it as good as you do!' and I'm like 'Shut up, Mom! That's not a good enough excuse anymore!' and she starts traumadumping about how she didn't ask for Robo-Satan powers and needing to hide an eldritch monster up her butt and I'm like 'Ugh, whatever, that's not even what I'm mad about.'" >"Mm-hm, yeah, that sounds like her. You want to use lavender or strawberry conditioner?" >"Lavender, please."
Shitpost AM timeline >Cyn doesn't change AM into a DD >Keeps him as a weak, helpless and powerless WD >Sends him to copper 9 after she got bored mindraping him >Now AM has to either join a worker drone outpost and deal with their retardation or join up with his robovampire family and hope they don't eat him >Shenanigans ensue
>>155878 She will not appear ever again the Glitchiggers are eternal anglos we cannot count on them for anything Alice, they even lied in the blogpost featuring her
>>155907 Just exploded. It was wild. Dude was just standing there. Then it was like someone stuck a stick of dynamite up his ass. Just went everywhere. Kind of fucked up in retrospect.
>>155908 Nta who sent them but it captures her art pretty well, it's recognizable at first glance, nice work! Do you have plans for which drawfags you want to cover or is it spontaneous?
>>155890 >"Uncle AM you're smart, tell me something smart!" "Human cells start to die at 109° Fahrenheit, and at 113° Fahrenheit is where human cells start to die at a significant rate." >"Wicked! Thanks Uncle AM!" "You're welcome Uzi."
>>155917 Was just wondering what else will come, think you did everyone justice so far (imo), and I hope to see more whenever you feel like it, that's all
>>155922 In my experience having such high standards and feeling like you will fail leads to eventually really good results, at least once you step away for a while and give them a second look. Tegaki anon also used to draw drones simpler, pretty sure pic rel was him
Anyone else think MD humanity went through a civilization collapse scenario, basically a water down version of 40k's age of strife.
Would make sense why human technology is inconsistent despite being a thousand years in the future. Most technology was either lost, banned, or abandoned for retro stuff and only a few of the more advanced stuff survived
>>155928 Well lets get the obvious out of the way, it's all pretty much a scribble. Hair is made up of overlapping volumes, and usually starts from either a single parting line or a central knot, and it doesn't just spike out in random directions, it flows in a couple different unique ways. My advice would be to start practicing the basic art techniques of drawing 3D construction shapes such as cylinders, spheres, and rectangles, as well as ribbons, this will help you later with hair.
>>155739 It brought to mind the main character of the iconic Soviet cartoon: Uncle Styopa.
He is a millitary man that is incredibly kind and very tall. The cartoon was created to improve children's attitudes towards the police, and I find it a bit funny to compare Styopa and Molly.
Guys I licked my oogi back after she licked my face and now she's making the most adorable noises and keeps nuzzling her face against mine Such an adorable oogi!
>>155960 >uzi voiced by Fran drescher >n voiced by Seth Rogan >khan voiced by jack black >v voiced by Tiffany haddish >cyn voiced by Millie Bobbie brown >alice voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger >the sentinels all voiced by Chris Pratt >tessa voiced by rob schneider >lizzie voiced by Adam Sandler >thad voiced by Tom hanks >doll voiced by Rihanna
>The group of four were having a movie night in Pavo’s apartment for the day. >Since it was Molly’s turn, Instead of bring a movie, she brought a collection of DVDs for a cartoon that she had seen went out shopping. >She talked about how the cover of the DVD collection had some cute cartoon animals that she couldn’t resist the urge to get it. >When asked the name of the cartoon, she only said three words: >“Happy Tree Friends.” >Cue Buddy and and DDanni lunging at Molly to stop her from having more of her innocence ruined. >They don’t want her to experience what they had.
>looking through screencaps of greens I wrote >realize I never capped the one about helping Alice through a traumatic episode any chance someone has that? I have no idea how far back that was and there's no convenient way to search for it
>>155981 No, its not good. Objectively it is bad. You chicken scratch everything you lack solid shapes and 3d forms, perspective, and objectively it is closer to childlike scribblings than any actual decent art. You need to study more and make an actual effort towards art. Thinking in 3D
>>155992 I mean, there’s a charm to it right? But you’re right, I do tend to chicken scratch everything. thanks for the advice though! Gonna watch that video soon.
>>155993 I am tired of his constant attention seeking and need for approval. It won't work but this is how you get through to people. you do not praise a man doing everything wrong
it'd be funny if V was weirdly knowledgeable and/or autistic about fancy shit because of her time as a maid. like she knows every blend of tea and how best to prepare it and will make a bizarre, hyperspecific reference to a regional delicacy while biting a worker's legs off
>>156019 >Aidan Hughes >Artistic movement of Futurism >Mike Mignola >Some European/Russian artistic movements (Constructivism, Suprematism) >Vorticism >art deco >brutalism >Zenitism >retro futurism >fucking Bauhaus style, but I am not ready to ramble about it for the 4th time
I know there's a pattern, lots of shapes, and sharp angles, but it is what stuck to my brain in my years of art uni
>>156019 Honestly? Unsure. While the quality of my art has improved over the 2 years ive gotten back into it, i have no clue what to really base my art off in terms of 'style' i really dont have many example of non-md art that dosent look like ref sheets/blueprints.
>>156019 Liam himself does not inspire my art. It gets the idea across sure but thats not why i like his work. I am more inspired by semi realism. Here is a piece i made today
>>156019 >Old Disney from the 40s to the 2000s >wacky Saturday morning cartoons like animaniacs >stephen silver >the fairly oddparents and even butch’s later art style >classic Joyner Vasquez >craig Kellman >hernyed >samurai jack >onebadnoodle >gris grimly >jeff merghart >sergio Pablos >don bluth >tim Burton >chris battle >charles zembillas >maxwell atoms >looney tunes >xilliam shows like oggy zig and sharko and space goofs >ed Edd n eddy >spongebob >comics like asterix Here’s all the stuff I can list. I don’t know if you could tell them from my art alone. Tell me if you can spot a pattern.
>>156036 >>156009 >>156011 The guy they mentioned. Like I already mentioned. Can you find any semblance of what influences me to draw in my actual work?
>>156040 Dude, PLEASE for the love of God. Stop asking about your works and art. The more you shove it down everyone's throats the less they will like to respond, and please don't go "Woe is me". You're really acting parasocial, are you ok? Do you need help?
>>156042 Thank you, i don’t need help, im alright. Even though that one guy was a bit harsh, atleast he gave me real advice, made me look at my influences and what I actually draw and now I have the drive to improve.
>>156045(me) Now’s the time I think I should change the way I draw. The way I just draw I just line in all the shapes and erase some. And I asked thst because I wanna know if my art lines up with my influences.
You'd think he'd drank a concoction of Honey Nyquil, Juneberry Red Bull, Pre-Workout, Banana Smoothie, and Half a bottle of Everclear during the March 2025 /md/ community meetup at the Lvl Up expo at Las Vegas and got sent to the hospital after a near death experience and afterwards becoming a thread legend and yearly highlight by the way he was MILKing it
>>156071 If you just got here, I got a very serious critique from someone. He linked me a really good drawing tutorial channel though so I can’t be too mad.
>>156073 Proko https://youtube.com/@prokotv?si=BXDmK6TzuDSCDufO I’ve just heard about them, but he seems like a good source on how to draw better. I need to start constructing my art more, I use shapes but i do all my art as doodles. They come out looking decent but I can get better if I just construct more. I often look at this website https://characterdesignreferences.com/ And just look in awe at all the beautiful illustrations and incorporating elements of them into my art.
>>156072 Think of it like this Anon, you go to the gym and work out hard, you've just started exercising recently. You wake up the next morning in agony with every muscle you worked feeling like a solid cramp. You suffered pain, but that pain is also an indicator of progress. Critique is the same way, a really cutting critique that hits accurately at your weaknesses will often be the most painful to read/hear, but it also represents the greatest opportunity to grow as an artist.
>>156075 You’re right on that. Y’know I tend to browse other people’s art and there are times when I’m like “fuck I wish I could draw like that!” I feel that way with all the people who inspire to draw listed here >>156032 One if them who isn’t listed is grim. one time I asked him about my art and he complimented me and said I had this “knack for silhouettes” and even drew an old design of Molly I made here! >>156060 Hes part of the reason I still stick around here! Other than just fooling around I’ve lost sleep waiting for him to come by so I could interact with him. Same with pocketsteaks but just because his art makes me laugh and I like them
Did J,V,N actually care for Tessa in any way or did the writers forget to insert a relationship? I mean they don’t seem bothered that she was skinned, V threatened her and it’s confirmed when N beheaded Cyn he really believed it was Tessa.
>>156080 It kind of reminds me of a warrior cat analysis video I watched about a cat acting totally different from when she first appeared cause the writers and fandom felt that she should be softer
>what were you doing taking to another drone Anon? am I not enough for you?, are you not my [special fella]? do we need to go to the basement for punishment time? [upset expression]
>>156046 >do literally nothing to change the world of murder drones– no sooper spooky redesigns or anything like that, just play it straight. >make it about the events following the gala massacre leading up to the end of the world– a series of vignettes of DDs and the solver slowly revealing itself. >start with blurry photos and rumors, then CCTV footage, then handheld video, then events on live TV and the news. >intersperse that with training tapes and briefings of JCJ and the military studying DDs and gradually realizing how fucked they are. >end on various recordings of the end of the world, then a briefing on how the remnants are fleeing earth and trying to find a way to stop the solver elsewhere– then one last scare making it clear they're being pursued
>DDanni: molly, you need to fuck Buddy Molly. >Molly: I'm sorry but I have joined the church if [Null] and have taken a vow of chastity! I am now Sister Molly
>>156109 Thank you for bringing this up! The dronestate believes that Nanotrasen is controlled by a shadow government of desperate and lonely female anthropomorphic aliens! N-not like the dronestate is in any way similar to that haha hahaha please help me my state appointed drone "wife" monitors everything I post
>>156110 Your government literally enforces mandatory drone marriage and yet you accuse us of being controlled by a shadow government? Where are you right now? We can help you get out.
>>156111 There are no state mandated marriages in the Dronestate! There are no abductions of single human men! There are no black sites dedicated to influencing human men to love drone women!
>>156112 >There are no state mandated marriages in the Dronestate! What about the Veteran Act? It literally forces you to marry a drone to be an actual citizen. >There are no abductions of single human men! Are you sure? We've heard rumors of humans disappearing from your territories... >There are no black sites dedicated to influencing human men to love drone women! Thank you for informing us that the Union runs CounterOps against Nanotrasen.
We can help you get a job where humans are actually valued. Just tell us where you are.
>>156117 Stop sending spies to our space stations and facilities. I also recommend that you stop spreading Union propaganda on NT controlled systems or even collaborating with the Syndicate. Central Command is getting tired of you.
>>156019 I do not know, can't really tell. I mostly try to avoid stylization since it is unrealistic so the only inspiration cones from the thing I want to draw. If I do styilization tho I try to make it look angular, but not "spikey" from the lines, it should still work to make certain things more emphasized but proportions and all should still be somewhat right. Pic rel was very much styilized and inspired by one I'll post directly after, I think it worked well other than messing up the face (too small/weird expression/should have gone with round eyes/creation damage so the orange is muddy and doesn't shine at all) Also I don't do styilization at all except for MD
>>156128 >>156133 Only in this depraved, bastardised version of Murder Drones does 'Thalia' even have a smidgen of a chance with Anon. Even then there's nothing stopping Doll from obliterating the worker in a heartbeat. >Or worse. Given the original motivations for this alter ego.
>>156139 >molly looks at buddy >"you're closer to her age than mine, buddy. you're both basically kids to me" >molli smirks at molly >"then why haven't you eaten us yet?"
>>156148 Buddy would probably see Molli as like a little sister. Not like his actual little sister, Ashley was an angel compared to this chihuahua from hell.
>>156019 It's probably pretty apparent, but the Sonic series as a whole for how I draw MD characters. I'm specifically drawn to that Tracy Yardley + Matt Herms combo on the Archie comics - Yardley for the pencils and Herms for the colors. I adapt what I like from that to what quirks I can lift from Liam's work for my MD style.
Anons please don't let your boogi try to feed you honey It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk It's not worth the risk
>>156210 >Tessa and the entire Elliot family does not exist in this timeline, instead each Drone is shown working in different professions and parts of the world >N is shown working as an assistant in an animal shelter >J is shown working as the secretary to JCJenson himself >V is shown to be working as a maid in an abusive home, explaining her sociopathic nature >Somehow all three of these stories connect as The Solver appears as a satanic figure, deceiving the three into letting it inside them
>Be you >Dadanon >Lying on your deathbed, cancer got the better of you >You hold your drone daughter's hand as you feel yourself slipping from this mortal coil "I like to think I did a good job raising you Cyn. I think I'll just take a quick nap..." >Just before everything fades away you hear Cyn say something >"I will not [discard] you." >The last thing you see is a flash if light as Cyn is replaced with a massive biomechanical centipede
>>156203 >some of you probably recognize molly here from your childhood, from that funny TV show you put on with the volume all the way up to forget about mommy and daddy arguing in the next room over >I recognize her as the third patron saint of clownfuckers– who started a widespread coulrophilia epidemic that swept through gradeschools like crack through black neighborhoods >and like the crack epidemic, miss molly got the youth hooked before killing large groups of them– though in her case, all that death *wasn't* part of the plan
>>156216 >Each character faces a breaking point which makes them surrender to The Solver >N's breaking point is learning what happens to dogs that aren't adopted, when they take his favorite Golden Retriever to get put down >J's breaking point is being publicly humiliated by JCJenson himself with a fake promotion, driving in the point that she will never be seen as anything more than a stupid robot >V accepts The Solver without hesitation to get revenge
>>156228 I'm more disappointed V didn't get rekt. FFS we saw one lunging at her head when the elevator drops. Have her die and stick around as Uzi's tail-familiar, or at least succumb to her injuries after killing them all and reenter the story as a core fused to an intact sentinel corpse (a V-lociraptor, if you will).
>>156234 >What's left of Delta inside of DDanni trying to make her horny constantly >This is the closest thing she can get to revenge anymore >Also she may or may not really want to get clanged
Imagine if all DDs/Solver witches had different matter collection forms, would they all be based on different arthropods? If so, what would canon characters/OCs matter collection forms be based on?
>>156245 There was definitely a lot of that too, the point is Uzi is a weirdo pervert and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot freaky shit happed in her bedroom
>>156247 >Mackenzie grumbling as she comes over to dispense the Dr. Pepper >She moans as she tweaks her nipple to spray frothy fresh soda into your cup >Readjusting her tanktop, the remaining moisture soaks into the fabric, making it transparent enough to see her glowing nipple >You plan to order another refill quickly, before she has a chance to service another table - and you'll have a big tip for her later, too
>>156250 >You go to P's bakery >All you find is a blob that's dressed kind of like him on the ground >The curse has struck him down; you gnash your teeth and wail over the loss of the only guy who could reasonably cater your party >Meanwhile, Beretta is concerned that this will affect her relationship with P, at least until she realizes he's now cucumber-shaped and sized >After that, she's perfectly fine with the change
>>156243 > set up the most obvious fakeout death known to man > "hes not dumb enough to play it straight and just have it be a fakeout death" > "he knows the audience is going to see through it and expect her to live" > "so having it not be a fakeout after all would be the real twist, because boy does he love twists"
> Liam takes the lazy option and does the most hand-waved shit imaginable > off-screen
>>156249 Uzi's into phasing in her real body and so N and V can hold her freaky human hand at the end of a Doctor Octopus tentacle and her original body's hand at the same time.
>>156243 I don't. As soon as I saw her ‘goodbye,’ I knew immediately that she would survive, because Glitch wouldn't have been allowed to get rid of the show's main fanservice.
>>156273 >Beretta shooting P one hell of a stinkeye at P as she cleans it out of her internals >"I wanted to BANG you, P. Not get actual batter poured into me." >"Oh. Sorry." >"Don't worry, you'll make it up to me later..." >She grins to herself; P begins to sweat intensely out of fear
>>156280 >spoiler The voices in her head are very husky and soothing, asking for her to let them back into the physical world It's Danon or Henry asking to be freed from some limbo and made relevant again
>>156279 >Four hours later both of them are lying in bed spooning >"You probably should've let me take the maid dress off of you. We'll have to get it dry-cleaned now" >"Shhhhhhh"
>>156261 >Obvious Fakeout Death I mean, she was surrounded, one even lunging at her head with emotional music playing. I think she was actually supposed to die there.
>>156283 What if the only way to get Negev to take her meds was to have yourself genetically modified to produce the medicine in your bloodstream and then she drinks the blood from your neck while you hold her on your lap
>>156285 > kill the face of the show > cut before you see anything > never show the aftermath textbook fakeout but maybe they were going to actually do it before Liam realized he has 25 minutes of show left and said "fuck it"
>>156176 >>156173 Dead Dove, gay shit inside >[spoilerLizzy's boyfriend Anon walks into her bedroom to get her for their date[/spoiler] >Thad was in there wearing her clothes and was facing away from the door and subsequently Anon >Anon walks up to his "girlfriend" and wraps his arms around "her" waist and gives "her" neck a teasing kiss >Thad's oil pump races as Anon keeps him pressed against the much larger human >Thad can feel Anons bulge pressing against him >Anon tells "Lizzy" that he'll let "her" take "her" time to get ready for their date and leaves >Thad meanwhile waits to make sure Anon is gone before rushing to his room to masturbate
>V breaks into Copper-9 >When she breaks in Thad's home, the boy drone reminds her so much of butler N... >So she grabs and takes him right there on the floor >Lizzy is hiding in the closest, watching as a blood sucking monster rapes her brother >It's oddly arousing
V doesn't rape, she'd just speedrun a date with Thad. >Grabs Thad. >Pours liquor down his throat. >Demands he call her pretty. >Sloppy makeout. >Proceed.
>>156307 (me) But that aside, I feel like Negev and Lucy is the most random mash-up ever, feels more like Lucy fans fighting for her to become relevant again through any means than anything else. Because atleast when I wrote Negev she was a tragic and vengeful character and that just doesn't match personally with Lucy who is a goofy/sometimes serious seasonal character. Honestly, though I hope you Lucy fans do find some avenue with her to explore since I do adore Lucy, but this isn't it.
>Statistically, one of her kids was going to be a homosexual >Uzi always figured that it was going to be Beretta, because she was always hanging out with that bull dyke. >And she was a girl born after 3071, who only knew Solver Borgar, be bisexual, eat stripped bolts and lie >But rumor has it she’s fucking the school chef working the cafeteria…who coincidentally looked exactly like her Dad >It may be degenerate, immoral, and borderline illegal, but it was straight…though she and N would have to confront it later >Uzi worried for a bit that Mac may have been gay, too, and schizophrenic >Fortunately, those schizo ghosts he screamed about while he was masturbating seemed to be female, so he may have been a whackjob with a sex addiction, but he too at least, was normal…in orientation >Who would’ve guessed it would’ve been Negev who got caught lezzing out in the storage room with the girl working the holiday shop? >All the signs were there, in retrospect . You didn’t even need to see the video evidence of her daughter eating muff in 4K to figure it out >Statistically, one of them was going to be a homo! >Uzi has a mentally insane lesbian daughter! >Uzi loves her mentally insane lesbian daughter!
>Lucy sat in her box, cramped with the only visible light being that of her laptop >Desperate to escape her box and become relevant again she immediately thought of a solution >Why doesn't she just do what Jane and Beretta did, but even fucking gayer!? GENUIS! >She typed away at her keyboard and thus this post was born! >>156322 >The only question now is if it would work, sure Negev's literal creator came down and said no, but like fuck that guy! >Sure there are Anons out there who want to fuck Negev and she was made to be a Vickers waifu, but Fuck those guys too!
>>156327 >3 months have passed >The plan worked! Lucy was now free from her box and able to walk among the population daily >Sure! In the process she completely destroyed the characterization of another Drone and regulated her to being just a practically voiceless side-piece and nothing more, but atleast Lucy was fre- >Suddenly a large explosion shook the halls of Outpost >A crowd of Anons angry and violent fought with other Anons >"Seperate Nege from Lucy!", some shouted >"Keep them together!", shouted the otherside >The walls of the Outpost were decorated with blood and fire >Then a third group of Anons joined in, these ones didn't have a side in the conflict instead they just wanted to see the carnage increase >Lucy watched on in shock >"First time?", said Beretta
>gets unreasonably defensive about the prospect of lesbianism >writes a longwinded accusatory Schizopost about a sekrit Lucy relevancy conspiracy so Pillarchan, are they really as big as everyone says? >>156333 Nice try we can see that you’re mad
>>156341 P doesn't look like N at all! His hair is slightly pointier, see? And he also wears sunglasses sometimes (nowadays mostly because Beretta says it makes him look "fierce", whatever that means, all that matters is she likes it) >>156342 What if we made MG straight?
I feel like Beretta’s characterization sometimes gets flattened by her relationship with P, she had interests and desires and an ensemble of characters to bounce off of and now it feels like every time she’s mentioned it’s just a story about her & P getting groceries or something, and P never does any fun P stuff anymore either as a result
>>156345 >Dr. Ones rubs his hands together evilly, ready to fuck the ass of every OC to make them gay or straight or whatever >He's really just looking to fuck some ass, okay?
>P Watching As His Future Daughter Gets Erased From Existence Because He Sold His Relationship With Beretta To The Solver In Exchange To Truly Live The Pimp Life Again
>>156359 >Truly Live The Pimp Life Again He'd never give up love from the one girl who liked him, since returning to his "pimp life" just means sitting in the limo with the windows rolled up, eating snacks, and listening to rap he doesn't even like
>>156362 >P at his kid's birthday party, being accosted by some random brat demanding he do the roar >After ruining the party, discovering MG has downsized to a wagon, offering him an opportunity to "live the good old days again" >He signs >Nothing magic happens, the contract just has him working back at the store as a stocker (also it gives MG a 100% interest in the bakery, which he promptly sells out to JCJenson)
Why don't we just do a Dragon Break? Like imagine this >When Uzi ate The Solver's core it created two timelines >One where Uzi vanished entirely after the fight thus leaving Copper-9 entirely without the ever looming Solver threat >And one reality which Uzi traveled to where things are similar, but only very slightly different
>>156370 Actually it would be more like >The Solver dissappears entirely from the perspective of Universe one, leaving Uzi and the rest of the group confused and somewhat paranoid >Meanwhile, The Solver is consumed by Uzi in Universe two, leaving the episode the play out normally
>>156341 I think it'd be funnier if their relationship seems like the filthiest, horniest thing imaginable but it's completely platonic and they just talk horny because they're idiots
>>156372 or it turns out somehow henry returned (palpatine style) holstering together what was left of research team 6 into the new jcj, kind of like the enclave is the remnant of america in fallout, intent on wiping the slate clean and using an unaware mg as a way to locate everyone else
>>156382 >P popping a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie into Beretta's mouth >She chews it happily, giving it a ten out of ten before giving P a hug >The two continue to discuss the best parts of the star wars expanded universe, unaware that Uzi is spying on them from outside, knowing something about this is horny teenager stuff >She looks like picrel
>>156384 >"I've spent countless sleepless nights studying the disgusting genre of lesbian pornography known as yuri so I can bring the hard-hitting FACTS to you good people"
>>156386 i guess henry could use a better, more competent mg, who's also plotting to destroy him for his own gain like the satam snively to henry's robotnik
>>156391 In the past, if I remember correctly, he was used like a gary stu, then incest, then rape, then rape with incest, and etc. making him a not well liked character, then people started to make changes for the better
>>156398 >dred'fal gets completely shafted because he's going to be introduced next season >except they never make a next season i'm still mad about the cliffhanger man
>>156407 She's already a character in her own right, she has several avenues of development and the path with DDanni, Buddy and Pavo is just one of them.
Crack theory. >Molly, Issac and Esther from Mr Hopp's playhouse are the reincarnations of J,N and V. >Cyn reincarnates into Isabelle and the AS becomes the enity.
How do I remove Molly from my party? I didn't want her, but the bundle I purchased makes her automatically join your party at level 5. She's fucking annoying, she fucking sucks at combat, she keeps honking her nose every 30 seconds and if completely fucking destroys the natural ambiance.
>Molly wakes up from yet another nightmare >Well, more of a memory than a nightmare >She, or what she was during the war, had captured a family in their own home >The children were tied to the dining room chairs with their hands bound together >The children could only sit there and listen as Molly worked on their parents in the kitchen >The sounds of the parents screams and the sound if flames searing flesh filled the house >The children were screaming and bawling as Molly served them their own parents for dinner >Molly had tsk tsk'd them for not appreciating all of her hard work >Molly remembers forcibly feeding the children their "dinner" >Molly doubles over and vomits a mixture of oil, antifreeze and other soporific fluids >Tears come to her optics as she washes her mouth out with more antifreeze >She drinks and drinks and drinks to forget, but she'll always remember >Molly would then spend the rest of the day clutching a bottle and crying to herself
>>156412 Make her get the killing blows to trash mobs After enough kills she gets traumatized and leaves on her own accord But after this she returns as SD-M and acts as a challenging mid game boss fight
>>156412 Just find DDanni and Buddy's apartment and pawn her off on them She'll still be accessible as a vendor afterwards, just absent while she's pregante
>>156412 >starts the sad clown DLC and then leaves the area without finishing it you just need to go to the studio set, Molly will stand at the door an block it but she relents if you exhaust her dialogue
>P hanging out at Berettas home. >Leaves for the little drones room. >Beretta comes outside, sees her father from the back and, confusing him for P, slaps him on the ass and talks dirty. >N panic.exe
>>156424 >these drones were forced by an eldritch god to do horrific things and are now plagued by nightmares of what they did while they were prisoners in their own bodies >clearly, they're all bad guys and should just die
>Molly tries to convince herself that she hated what she did during the war >But she would be lying to herself >She might have not been hereelf during the war but deep down? >Some sick part of her programming LOVED it >And she hates herself even more for it
>>156436 that would be an impossible decision for Molly. sure she'd be freed from all of that pain, sorrow, trauma and self-loathing– but she'd forget her playhouse pals, the happiest years of her life spent making the boys and girls smile, all those letters and drawings and gifts...
>>156450 >"Hey, Danni, I was wondering..." >"Yeah, Buddy?" >"What if I did that weird core thing you like..." >"Uh huh?" >"While also banging you normally? What would happen th-" >Buddy isn't able to finish his thought; Danni has already dragged him off to try it out on her
>>156456 >One day, Molly forgets a name for a second. >It comes to her a moment later, but it worries her. >If she forgets, who will remember? >She starts to write it down. >Then writes down another. >And another. >By the time DDanni and Buddy find her, the walls are covered with names, and Molly is crying on the floor.
>>156456 she'd also feel like it wasn't fair that she got to be relieved of that unbearable weight while the survivors of the war still had to carry that burden
>>156457 >Buddy and DDanni checked the number of names on Molly’s wall. >There were more kids on that last episode that day than there were when Buddy and Danni on it when they were kids.
>>156457 >DDanni stays with Molly while Buddy goes to see Pavo and Techanon about a solution >Molly cries for a while longer before falling asleep >When Buddy gets back, both drones are slumbering peacefully, still curled up on the floor
Just bought the “Echoes of War” DLC for the Murder drones RPG. There’s no way that this Buddy character is a normal Veteran turned Oogi exterminator. Bro looks overly qualified.
>>156452 >Anon sits with M in a bar after work. >The two had just been drinking for... well a few hours now, and they were starting to get deep in their cups. >At some point, M had started to tune out Anon's ramblings, distracted by antifreeze going through her core. By the time she snapped out if it, he... hadn't noticed. >"-I just don't know how to go about it." Anon says. "It's like, sure I like human women well enough..." >"Huh," M replies. >"I know, I know," Anon says. "But there's just something about drones. You know. Tight little bodies and-" >Anon then goes into vivid detail about the things he'd do to a drone. >M just silently sits there, drinking, and pretending she's somewhere else.
Image:173905952291.png(64kB, 874x687)lizzy (murder drones) drawn by itanon - 07e59a976be592acc3ac2bca08af46b0.png
Lizzy's "Bestie" Leaderboard (3071) Most Hot: Doll V Best Kisser: Doll Top Cuddler: V Dirtiest Flirter: Doll Best Wireplayer: V Doll Oil Ghost Advantage Freakiest Fingerer: V Armament Assembler Advantage Top Clanger: results pending Most Monstrous:VDoll Uzi?!
>>156463 >>156465 >>156481 >>156484 you guys jest about the idea of an MDrpg, but RPG Maker VX Ace is free to grab before the 10th https://store.steampowered.com/app/220700/RPG_Maker_VX_Ace/ all of you better get your hands on it while you can. you know what they say about infinite monkeys right? well instead of monkeys imagine an infinite amount of dronefuckers, and instead of writing shakespeare its making MD-themed rpgmakerslopkino.
>>156453 >Buddy is wheeled to the hospital with bandages around his pelvis. Again. >“Hey Buddy.” “Hey Rodney.” >The veteran greeted the security guard again before being taken to the ER.
>>156503 >Danni, meanwhile, is at the technician >"You're in need of some serious defragging, Danni," Anon says >"Fuuuck... I didn't know it was gonna be like that," she replies slowly, her entire system lagging >"You basically wired your entire CPU to pleasure processing and it's having a hard time doing anything else. The good news is there's no permanent damage, and I've fixed this kind of issue before." >Danni's eyes look over at Pavo >Pavo is examining the floor tiles with sudden interest
>>156500 I hope that someone does it, because I literally have no time to devout to that....just hope others don't have my same mindset and literally nothing gets done because you're all a bunch of lazy asses
>Molly holds a tazer to her core >The flow of electricity floods her processors with pain and pleasure signals >She only does this when she knows that no one will check on her for a long time >If she had an anatomy adapter she would have long since ruined her dress >She likes the pain, it's what a monster like her deserves
So looking at episode 1 again, Doll already has one big oil stain around the hem of her skirt, but episode 3 tries to give the impression V killed her parents and awoke her 3D modeling tool powers during episode 1. Episode 1 was produced before Liam got cold feet about doing multiple seasons. Makes me wonder what the chronology was going to be back when the story would have had enough episodes to breathe.
For my fellow Anons who want something better for Molly.
>Be roommates with a Disassembly Drone. >Kind of a long story on how it happened, housing doesn't come cheap and sticking together to make it more affordable is a common option. >The biggest reason? You recognized her. >She changed over the years, different hair color, ragged clothing, and her smile was a lot more forced. >Her eyes no longer had that charmingly pink hue to them. >But it was still her. Molly. In a better world, sharing a place with a celebrity would be a cause for celebration. >Her history is complicated. She's shared some details about it with you, just because you two have spent so much time together. Some secrets were bound to come out. >She trusts you, and you want to be there for her. Baggage be damned. >"Golly, Anon. Another late shift?" >Her voice sounds a little more melodic than usual. More like her old self. That meant it was one of the better days. >She'd been having less bad days. Slowly but surely. She still had them, and you helped her when those came up. >"Yeah. Voluntary, at least. Time and a half pay is nice." >You replied, stepping into the living room to see she's already got a table arranged with a fresh cooked meal for you. >"Thanks, Molly." >She gives you a smile. "Of course!" >You sit down on the sofa, pulling the table a bit closer, and you start to chow down. >Playing on the TV is some old cartoons. You didn't mind it, and Molly always seemed to enjoy more comedic stuff. You were happy to oblige. >While you enjoy your meal, she begins to scoot closer to you. Taking your cue, you move an arm around her, letting her lean in and rest on you. >She enjoyed your warmth. She used to cling tightly. Sometimes she still does, but now... Now she feels safe just being close to you >She's precious. You'd do anything to make her feel safe and wanted. >It means the world to her. She reciprocates those feelings to you. >It's a humble life. But a nice one. You two are making it work.
>>156525 Good attention to detail! I feel as if the shift towards rushing to 8 wasn't necessarily made immediately after the pilot, an explanation would be too crooked and complex tho
>>156523 >DDanni comes to check in on Molly. >“Molll… do you still have my taser? Pavo is doing a uniform check tomorrow and he’s going to chew my ass if I don’t-“ >She stops mid-sentence when she notices Molly tazing herself. The look of euphoria clear across her face. >“…Damn sis, you could have just told me.”
>>156541 >>156543 The real ubermensch are the booru uploaders, ensuring all of the wrote and drawfags are covered in the dust of ages Kneel before them, lest we erase you from history
>The nights are pretty peaceful anymore. >You two share a room. Initially you were separate, but when you first arrived, she was doing the worst mentally. >Those nights were quiet, but you could pick up on the subtle things. >The movements that suggested she couldn't get to sleep. Usually followed by a knock on your door. >She always apologized for it. You told her it was fine. >Usually it ended with her climbing into bed with you, cuddling you, and finally drifting to sleep. >After a certain number of times, you decided to just be in the same room together. >Sometimes she had her nightmares. Sometimes she woke up in a startle and crying. >That was happening less now too. But it was always the same when it did happen. >You'd hold her close, gently stroking the back of her head. >It didn't take her long to calm right back down when you did that. >But now? Now she had so many nights where she could just sleep. It made you feel good. >You gently cupped her cheek, and give her another little kiss on the forehead. >She smiles in her sleep, holding you a bit tighter. It doesn't take you long to drift to sleep with her.
>>156588 I told him that those were just soaps that looked like rocks, but did he listen? no. he just shoveled every last one into his mouth and now he's been puking suds for the past hour.
>You two tried to be intimate before. >Well, you're plenty intimate now, but sexually. >It was natural, being around each other so often. Romantic affections would form. >Some of it is also because you two got wasted one night. >She was getting drunk on antifreeze. You're glad you managed to get her to slow down on that stuff. >You wanted to get through to her, show her what it was like. >So you got a bottle of whiskey, you sat next to her. >You two drank. She tried persuading you not to. But every time she downed some, you downed some. >Eventually she starts cracking jokes, honking her nose >You'd drop a pun or the ever-infamous "dad joke" and she'd still accentuate it with a honk of her nose. >Both of you double over with laughter. >Eventually you end up on the floor, lying next to each other. >You two tried experimenting with each other. Just some foreplay. It was quiet, filled with blushes and a drunken haze. >Neither of you can remember if you went farther than that or not. >You both agreed that maybe you're just not ready for sex yet... But maybe soon. >But the two of you did agree that it was best to put the liquor away. >That way if you two did do something, you're thinking clearly, and you'll remember it. >You want it to be special. >She does too.
>Anon forms a suber sekrit discord >Immediately every single Drone in existence feels the overwhelming and uncontrollable urge to throw sharp rocks at him