/jam/ - Japan, Anime, & Manga

Thread stats: 2 posts, 2 files (2 image(s))

Replying to /jam/92525
Image:145036374000.png(772kB, 1025x770)Maico Hitler Stache.png
Fat Stupid Garbage - Japanophobia

Stream 3 runs anime mostly from the 1980s and 1990s from 7:00 AM to about 4:00 PM Central Standard Time on weekdays and is set to a schedule.

Stream 1 has live action B-movies from the VHS era and other things of that sort in the evenings.


irc.rizon.net #fatstupidgarbage

This is all non-profit, so I am not getting paid to advertise. I only want people to watch. I hope this does not count as spam.

If you tune in, thank you very much.
Image:145036723100.png(417kB, 1024x768)Schedule Thurs Dec 17.png
A copy of the schedule for today. This card runs after program blocks for one minute.