>watching movies and cartoons >Pause >Do gesture study >I've boosted my practice time like 120% without changeing my routine >I've gotten better in record time >MFW Why nobody told me about this years ago?! Its the best step I've taken!
It means nothing to me since I started wageslaving, my hand shakes like crazy, no matter how good I sleep or if I don't drink coffee, I guess is the dread of going to work.
>>44039 There are things you learn from drawing from movies and TV that you don't learn from drawing from life, like cinematography. Don't get me wrong, drawing from life is good and important, but it isn't the Solution To Everything.
>>44047 ngl man you should probably just take a break from drawing entirely if this is the case, I just flat out stopped drawing for a year and it helped a lot. I ended up just wanting to draw instead of forcing myself.
>>44144 ngl man that post is 7 years old. You have a point though, burnout kills creativity, but I don't art-for-money so I can just choose to not draw.