>>244096 I guess working against it is that the author always wanted to have a cartoon and so had a little trailer made to promote one of the books, so now there's something for people to point to and wonder why the show doesn't look like that https://youtu.be/ZBsA30gu7ZI
Video:147587384100.webm(6.50MB / 0:02:29 / vp8, 720x404)lets all stop a volcano.webm
I think I unironically really enjoy Dinotrux. When that building music swells up I genuinely feel the hype for the real super power of friendship and teamwork as expressed via construction.
Man, this show is hilarious. In episode we pretty much get Stephen King's "Misery", when Dulcinea seeks out the author of the book she based her life around, only to find out she hates the book as it ruined her career and only 1 copy was ever sold. Dulcinea pretty much snaps and takes her hostage so they can be best friends forever and forces her to write a sequel... :D
>>244904 >it's Billy West That's it. Thanks. The first bit sounds like Fry from Futurama, the next bit sounds like Stimpy with a touch of Zapp Brannigan.
Video:148409370100.webm(6.49MB / 0:01:55 / vp8, 720x405)battle with the bloodwolf.webm
They threw in plenty of hooks for future seasons, but it feels like Ancient World Eating Evil From the Depths of Hell with 2 seasons (3 if we're being generous) of buildup is going to be a tough act to follow. >Darkest Hour >Scene literally gets darker I love stuff like that.
Video:148561998400.webm(5.90MB / 0:01:20 / vp8, 720x405)lords and lazers.webm
>>245065 It's a good trick given that Van Orman was apparently only around for the setup and first couple of episodes before leaving to do something else.
>>245560 >>245572 That looks like Robot Chicken. I really do love Robot Chicken and all the stop-motion animation they use. I really need to hunt down the dvds and watch all the seasons I've missed.