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Full video has the guy being dragged with his arm caught in the car while the thieves drive off, but somebody put a rather uncreative song on it
Doubt this is going to get much media attention since it's not white people doing the crime.
I would like to retract my earlier condemnation and attempt to capture even a sliver of the humility of those attempting to show graciousness in defeat.
Fuck that, I'm sick of the Dems trying to take the high road and getting shit for it, and I'm sick of the poor whites spitting on every attempt to educate or care for them. Fuck that and fuck them. Now it's time to viciously claw for every inch and make the Right's lives as miserable as they intend to make ours.
I too am pissed of Trump winning, but for the life of mine I can't make sense of the protests. What is exactly the goal of protesting at this point, when the asshole isn't even the president? To repeat the elections or what? The whole #NotMyPresident thing is not how democracy works, it is not something that is good when your side wins but suddendly becomes awful when the other guys do. I will get out and strongly voice my disagreement next year when he actually is about to do something terrible (and I doubt it will take too much time to get there), but right now it's throwing a fit like sore losers, and that's the wrong way to start a political opposition.
I seriously hope you are not trying to justify what happens in that video up there.
Neonazis are already out there attacking people, the rednecks are attacking lgbtq people, all these forces he galvanized and used are taking this as justification for their actions.
Being bitter is just too goddamned easy.
No one should ever try to justify something like that, instead jump to 3 minutes in on this, it's what we should be trying to do.
>I too am pissed of Trump winning, but for the life of mine I can't make sense of the protests.
Emotional release, aka catharsis.
Like the old man Ghandi used to tay, an eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world go blind.
>I would like to retract my earlier condemnation and attempt to capture even a sliver of the humility of those attempting to show graciousness in defeat.
We never expected it, everyone knows you fuckers are the scum of the earth :^)
>Dems trying to take the high road
Is that what you call the sitting president taking time off his busy job to campaign for a candidate? He's supposed to be the president of 100% of Americans, not just the 40% that support Hilldawg.
He was literally being paid by conservatives taxes while he did that shit, just like every other liberal on welfare.
>I too am pissed of Trump winning, but for the life of mine I can't make sense of the protests.
That's because they aren't organic protests, they're astroturfs by Soros.
When Obama won, he didn't go into it actively campaigning on the intention to strip people of rights just given to them by the previous president, or take away health care they need to survive, or whip up a frenzy of bigotry resulting in emboldening hate crimes. And more importantly he actually won the damn popular vote.
But no, surely this will end well, especially with all branches of government now subject to either kowtow to the bratty orange bully or pass any heinous shit they want through him without resistance because he has no clue how to manage on his own.
>Being bitter is just too goddamned easy.
Yes, extremely, when you've just been condemned to die by an ignorant electorate.
I see, so you claim that organic protests never use mass-produced signage or public transportation?
>When Obama won, he didn't go into it actively campaigning on the intention to strip people of rights just given to them by the previous president
Rights aren't given, moron.
And Obama went into it actively campaigning to take away rights Americans have had since before America existed as a country.
>condemned to die
Jesus Christ can you be more melodramatic?
Not if the mass produced signage came from violent astroturfing companies in the employ of the DNC.
>Rights aren't given, moron.
But they are often taken.
California like "waaaah we gonna secede" and I'm like "quit teasing and do it bitch".
55 electoral votes for a parasite state full of human trash.
>Jesus Christ can you be more melodramatic?
The second most powerful man in the country is greatly in favor of forced conversion therapy for gays, which has at best a 50% surgical rate. The alt right skinheads, Nazis, and klansmen have been told that half of America thinks their actions ate acceptable. The president elect believes that black men accused, but proven innocent of crimes should be executed.
Yes, people have been condemned to death because of this. They're just people you don't see as people.
People talking about the electoral college breaking ranks and picking Hillary are wishing for a pipe dream but oh the beautiful constitutional crisis it would be
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.
If you want to talk natural or inherent rights, instead of constitutional, we can address those as well.
Wouldn't be a constitutional crisis at all--it'd be a wakeup call about just how stupid the electoral college system is, but the constitution does not require electors to vote with the State's popular vote. That's down to State-level rules, and not all states have rules that require it.
Actually, that's the entire theory behind how we get rid of the Electoral College at the federal level through State-only action, a movement that's been going on for years. If enough states change their elector rules to be such that whoever wins the national popular vote gets all of the state's electors, then the electoral college is effectively removed as a consideration. That just has to add up to 270 electors.
Currently 165 electoral votes worth of states have agreed to it, and it will take effect if 105 votes' worth more agree.
You're arguing as an anonymous jackoff on a barely-trafficked imageboard available to pretty much anyone in the US who has Internet access. Your 1A rights are pretty goddamned well-protected, son.
>First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.
Impressive list. How are these threatened for you? Such widespread abuses must be well documented by many credible sources.
>First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.
Democrats have taken none of those from you.
>The second most powerful man in the country
By what fucking metric? Speakers in the house or senate outrank him and can do more damage. Anyone on the supreme court outranks him. Most of the secretaries outrank the VP.
And you think the VP has the power to what, force people at gunpoint to undertake dangerous surgery?
You're being a twat right now. Stop being a twat.
>The alt right skinheads, Nazis, and klansmen
>alt right
Yeah you're going to get a meme overdose.
Are a subculture of British punk, last i checked.
Got crushed by us in WWII.
Number in the low tens. TENS. And they're all inbred hicks living in a swamp in Florida, so you're safe bro.
>Yes, people have been condemned to death because of this.
People have been condemned to ignorant twattery.
>They're just people you don't see as people.
No I see you as a twat.
I actually had a picture of a pussy I was going to post as added insult for your twat-like behavior, but I looked at it for a few moments, and realized this was a beautiful thing. This pussy doesn't deserve to be tainted by comparison with you, it's a marvel of nature.
>By what fucking metric?
By the metric that Trump is a stupid, lazy, and irresponsible fuck who's going to let Pence do all the decision making outside of vanity projects.
Also everything else just shows off why Trump won with the uneducated and lost with the educated.
>I wish, man oh man I wish, but they almost certainly won't do it.
No, you're right, they won't. While it's not illegal for them to do so, the DNC and RNC both tend to make them sign contracts that levy fines and other penalties against them if they don't. It's not impossible that they'll go against it, but it's incredibly unlikely.
We've also got making it impossible for Trump to pass anything through political action. We may not have any presence in government, but we can make the lives of the people who do hell until they listen.
After all. As the popular vote shows, there are more of us than there are of them.
>congress shall make no law establishing nor denying a religion.
Congress has made laws establishing SJW religion, and laws restricting older religions. Even among older religions, congress has made laws which disparage against some and boost others. Not to speak of all the laws congress has made just generally banning religious behavior.
>shall not be infringed.
It has been infringed.
>without consent
Eminent domaining of houses, owners forced to allow people they don't like on their property.
>no searches or seizures
IRS continually searches locations without warrants or probable cause, something it has no right to do. In fact the democratic party has turned the IRS into a tool of harassment against republicans. Obama has ordered Trump audited for the third consecutive time throughout his campaign, while Hillary was spinning all that bullshit about him not "showing his taxes".
>no person shall be held to account for an INFAMOUS crime except on indictment by a grand jury. nor shall any person be deprived of life liberty or property without due process.
Drumhead trials by random ministries and agencies and private institutions funded by government.
>right to speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, right to be told what the accusation is, who the accuser is, and the right to face the accuser.
See above.
>trial by jury
See above.
>no cruel and unusual punishments
See above.
>natural and inherent rights
I offered to cover these in depth, but it's a bit of a longer topic. I'd mostly give you a list of books to read on the issues.
>powers not granted to the federal government by the people, will be reserved for the states, or the people
Every alphabet soup agency is in breach of this, as is congress with their fucking commerce clause.
>Trump is a stupid, lazy, and irresponsible fuck
Media spin, the same media that called him a clown and kept saying he wouldn't win for YEARS, right up until he did. The fact is that he's more capable than Hillary, so unless you want to claim Tim Kaine would be the power behind the throne there...
Republicans hold the house, senate, and governorship. You can't even filibuster right.
>After all. As the popular vote shows, there are more voting machines than there are of them.
Fixt lol.
Hope you guys enjoy living under Russian rule:
>Media spin, the same media that called him a clown and kept saying he wouldn't win for YEARS, right up until he did.
Actually, it's all in his record of constant failure at business (which is why he hasn't paid taxes in decades), proving himself to be completely stupid every time he opened his mouth (in his commercials, on his reality show, and in debates), never paying debts, and every single thing he tweeted.
Look, just because he gives you cummies doesn't make him smart or capable.
>Republicans hold the house, senate, and governorship. You can't even filibuster right.
I didn't say filibuster, I said political action. That said, you're wrong about that--a true filibuster can be performed by even just one person, but even the procedural filibuster can be performed on many items as long as the side wanting to end it doesn't have a supermajority.
Funny how Trump supporters keep showing off that they know absolutely nothing about how anything works.
He won at the presidency. And clearly by supporting him we knew quite a bit more than you and every other cake eater that predicted his demise. Cry harder.
Although I guess your candidate should get props for making billions without selling a product*.
*American people notwithstanding.
Why not? They're not communist anymore. We can teach them to love gays, and they can teach us to make blini.
>We can teach them to love gays
You would have a hard time, seeing as you hate them.
Contact anonex and provide the ability to post multiple images in one post then.
>Contact anonex and provide the ability to post multiple images in one post then.
Alternately, you could stop posting these images that no one's bothering to look at because they're not entertaining to anyone with a high school diploma.
There is a reason that function is not available. Go back to 7chan/etc. if you think it's important.
He's not returning until September 2nd
>look at how not bothered by you i am!
>im just responding so much because im ignoring you!
>with a high school diploma
You only got a GED?
Reminder that one of the first things that happened this year was Alan Rickman and David Bowie dying (and last year ended with Lemmy dying).
2016 folks
we should have known
>Sanders, a self-described Democratic socialist, repeatedly warned in the primary that he would have a greater chance of defeating Trump. Poll after poll showed that he would have beaten Trump in the general election by wide margins. Instead, his candidacy was repressed — and now Clinton has lost to Trump.
Oh, and that DNC document has been available since June 15th:
Only Hillary could have lost to Trump.
Bernouts stupidly believing that the sort of people who voted for Donald Fucking Trump wouldn't have had a problem standing with a jewish socialist.
You miss understand that moderates. They came to Trumps side merely because he wasn't part of Washington, the Bern would have capitalized on them, while Hillary apparently scared them away. Demonizing people who voted Trump/Republican shows how insular your thinking is. Oh, and Hillary had a silly campaign that boiled down to "I'm not Trump" which might have worked, but obviously didn't. But this is falling on deaf ears, as I can see that you had taken the Clinton rhetoric to heart, and would rather double down than fold.
>You miss understand that moderates. They came to Trumps side merely because he wasn't part of Washington, the Bern would have capitalized on them, while Hillary apparently scared them away.
No one who voted for Trump is a moderate. The word you're looking for is "idiots."
"Trump's win doesn't empower racism and white nationalism," says lying crackers.
Maybe this will be a net positive in the end. Maybe, after 2 years of absolute hell, democrats will learn that midterms are important. Maybe Bernouts and "protest voters" will learn that elections aren't a fucking game. Maybe rural America and the rust belt will finally learn that the Republicans aren't their friends.
Until then, we have to deal with Newt calling for a new House Committee on Un-American Activities and yes he really is doing that
>Maybe Bernouts
And maybe the DNC will learn that rigging the primaries will piss people off.
>Newt calling for a new House Committee on Un-American Activities
That may be so, but can you give some citation?
And maybe you’ll learn that not even Bernie Sanders could’ve won. (A Socialist Jew with a history of social activism? Trump’s campaign would’ve destroyed him in the long term.)
Trump trounced sixteen other Republicans — some qualified for the POTUS seat, the rest far from it — on his way to a showdown with Clinton. The GOP couldn’t stop Trump, and they did as much as they could to stop him. Sanders, Clinton, Warren — whoever the DNC tossed in Trump’s path likely would’ve lost.
Trump and the GOP will inherit the national surveillance apparatus in their hands. The military will be in his control. The FBI, the CIA, and the other alphabet soup orgs will be working for him. The police might be emboldened by a “law and order” candidate-turned-President-elect to violate civil liberties. Omarosa, one of Trump’s campaign surrogates, has already said he has an “enemies list”. Trump’s campaign denied press credentials to damn near everyone who wanted to cover his first meeting with Obama, and you can likely expect more of that in the future. And there’s been all that talk about Trump “opening up” the libel laws so he can sue the press easier.
It's not hard to believe we’ll be seeing the GOP go after America’s “enemies within” — starting with the press and the protestors and the people who have ripped on Trump or the GOP for years.
Welcome to the new America.
Oh, and here’s your citation:
Why wouldn't he have a problem with the media who have been constantly calling him a racist misogynist literally Hitler?
And look where their precious political purity got us.
Fuck them. If they didn’t want to help stop the rise of Trump, they’re as complicit in his rise as the people who actively supported it. They better enjoy feeling morally superior to those of us who voted pragmatically; it might be all that keeps them warm at night once Trump takes office.
It’s not about him having issues with the press. It’s about him actively trying to stifle the press’s job — reporting on what the President, his administration, and the federal government in general does on a daily basis — because his fee-fees got hurt by all the namecalling. From here on out, the press will either play ball with Trump (and all but become a state-sanctioned press in the process) or be shut out of even the most basic things they took for granted during every other administration.
A House Un-American Activites Committee, by the by, dredges up fears of McCarthyism — fears of ordinary Americans being called traitors and spies and “un-American” because of who they are, what they do, what they read, say, create. Nobody thought the original committee would go as far as it did because it was started with “good intentions”. But McCarthy twisted it into a witch hunt for “communists” and destroyed innocent people’s lives as a result. Nobody with any common sense wants to see that happen again. “Un-American” behavior will be defined by those doing the hunting, and right now, those doing the hunting can define that behavior broadly (thanks to Dubya and Obama doing what they did to define “terrorism” and expand the defintion, respectively).
Mr Stone, are you saying that it was justified that the DNC employed shady tactics to torpedoe Bernie's chance at the primaries? Two wrongs make one right?
And Hillary was an equally bad candidate to put against Trump. Plenty of uneducated whites were pissed at Obama, and her representing a continuity of the Obama administration facilitated Trump to consolidate his base of electoral power among that sector of the population. Those people don't really care about political arguments, and Hillary made it easy to throw a simple message at them: You don't like Obama? Hillary more like Obama's Shillary. Trump thrived on that, and the result is clear.
>Trump trounced sixteen other Republicans — some qualified for the POTUS seat, the rest far from it — on his way to a showdown with Clinton.
All of them severely underestimating him at the beggining, which let him ride on the wave of surprise that he wasn't immediately trounced while those sixteen other Rebublicans continued failing to realise that being so numerous just made it harder to draw any attention away from Trump until the primaries were almost over.
>Mr Stone, are you saying that it was justified that the DNC employed shady tactics to torpedoe Bernie's chance at the primaries? Two wrongs make one right?
No, not in the least. But let’s not act like Bernie would’ve trounced Trump if the race had come down to those two. Trump’s campaign did everything possible to destroy Clinton, and they had years of shit to fling at her. But Sanders? Like I said: Socialist Jew with a history of social activism. Racist Trump supporters would’ve pegged him as part of the “globalist Jew conspiracy” and the Trump campaign would’ve done nothing to disavow anti-Semitic attacks against him. His socialist views would’ve been ripped to shreds by Trump’s surrogates. Angry white Trump supporters would’ve likely seen Sanders’s social activism as “anti-white” or “pro-minority”; stacked alongside his socialist leanings, they would've had him painted as the Anti-Christ of “white America”. I would’ve voted for Bernie if he had made it, but I’m not dumb enough to pretend he would’ve trounced Trump in the end. (If anything, a Sanders victory would probably have been as close as the actual election results.)
I literally just said that, anecdotally, in my area of the south, Bernie was significantly more popular than Trump.
In which the right begins to discover that they really HAVE elected a magic 8 ball
>90% of the Trump voters i know (and i know quite a few, i live in the south) say they would have voted for Sanders if he were the candidate
Then they are idiots who know neither candidate's platform.
That they may be, but don't run a national election strategy without looking for what can sway the idiot vote.
Oh, no, I agree, this was a fuckup on the Democrats' part. I just want the people who voted for Trump to feel bad about themselves.
Currently democrats are blaming hispanics, blacks, women and young people for not being loyal enough, for not showing in enough numbers.
Now we all see what the DNC really thinks of minorities.
The Democratic Party will pretend to like minorities as long as they are useful. The moment they stop being useful, the knives come out.
And if there are any minorities on this board... the Democratic Party elite despises you. They hate you with every fiber of their being, because they need you.
And a power drunk megalomaniac hates to need anyone.
It penetrates their illusion of godhood.
>and would rather double down than fold.
It reminds me of that Family Guy episode where people keeps saying "hit me" at the blackjack table.
>They were less pro-Trump and more never-Clinton
lol pre election hillarites: "Everyone who refuses to vote for the most corrupt candidate ever is a racist."
Post election hillarites: "Why are there so many racists!!!?!"
lol the same media that attacked trump groundlessly and predicted his failure for a year straight, being wrong again, and again, and again, and again, and again... is the media you want to trust to deliver you the unvarnished truth?
Trump is doing what his website promised since he made it. You didn't bother to read his website, and neither did the BBC apparently.
He is keeping the provisions of ACA which currently work, which is like 8% of the bill, because to do this picture >>411206 with shit people depend on their day-to-day meds for would be unethical and immoral.
It just so happens the media was also wrong when they called Trump unethical and immoral. He's also not a racist, not a bigot, not a nazi by any reasonable or accepted definition of the word.
It's going to be hilarious watching you tards for the next 8 years waiting for the RWDS to kick down your door and take you to a FEMA camp, only to realize at the end of it when you survive, that everything you know is a lie, that we're not the evil people, YOU ARE.
The Trump election was just a smaaaaaaal taste of how all your closely held beliefs are about to get proven wrong.
Having a two day party to celebrate our victory this weekend, just warning your echo chamber is about to get more echoey.
The republic won't fall to some fat old man who lost a fight with a tanning bed and his ghoulish shadow, nor to any of the worthless reds now in Congress. In fact, in a sense we will now see the truth of the Republican party: that they have no real policies, no real solutions, and no real spine. They've promised the rust belt and the flyover states the world and now have no democratic power to place the blame on when they fail to deliver. Rural America is poor and desperate, and has been taken in on a con man. What, oh I wonder, will happen when he fails to deliver?
>fail to deliver
already walking back the lies they've told to the poor schmucks they've walked across to get where they are now
and oh hey, some plagiarism while we're at it!
Also considering Sarah Palin as Secretary of the Interior.
Because you know, nothing says "Drain the swamp" like filling the swamp with your own insiders.
>one part that pretty much existed before the law and the other which nobody has problem with.
Yep massive U Turn
Shake that ball again maybe it'll be right this time.
Yep representative democracy where everyone has an equal effect and everyone isn't subject to the will of the major metropolitan areas.
EC exact purpose has always been a block to mob rule politics.
Course if California wants to become its own nation (North Mexico) and remove themselves from the process I'm not going to stop them.
>Yep representative democracy where everyone has an equal effect
No that would be if one person equalled one vote. The EC is national scale gerrymandering that gives areas with a small population more influence than they should have.
>that gives areas with a small population more influence than they should have.
Hey man, if you metropolitan areas want to go segregate yourselves from the rest of "dumbfuckistan" we won't stop you (but we all know you won't do it because you're all a bunch of fucking pussies who won't even move to Canada despite making the shrill claim every time an election doesn't go your way). I hope you enjoy starving, though. I don't think you'd be able to find too many states to join your union when they'd have no influence on one of the three branches of federal government.
>if you metropolitan areas
Metropolitan areas are not a hive mind anymore than the rural areas are.
If anything, “Dumbfuckistan” — more politely known as “Middle America” — is the group of people segregating themselves from America. A not-zero number of people in “flyover states” act like the “coastal elites” are ruining the country with “political correctness” and “kowtowing to minorities”, but those same people often refuse to get out of their bubble and see other parts of the country/world for themselves.
Yes, part of the job “coastal elites” have to do is reach out towards those communities in a sympathetic way (though not in a way that undercuts support for demographic minorities). But it would be nice to see those communities do a little outreach of their own, too.
Iirc by the latest figures in order for the urban population to completely override the rural population, 87% of the former would have to vote as a bloc. That doesn't happen. Any successful campaign for the popular vote would have to target both urban and rural populations. Yes, it would have to target urban populations MORE, but that only makes sense because there are more fucking people there.
>EC exact purpose has always been a block to mob rule politics.
Actually it's exact purpose has always been to keep the pro-slavery states with more power than the non-slavery states so as to maintain the supremacy of the white man over the black man. So you're 100% right in saying this election is an example of it working exactly as it was intended.
>every election where the electoral vote trumps (SEE I MADE A FUNNY) the popular vote, the Democrat loses
So, why doesn't the Democratic party even try to do anything about it?
Because as Stone so kindly put it, the coastal elites need to reach out and educate the unwashed masses but they wouldn't want to go to the flyover states to do so because they aren't worth the effort.
Because math requires that there be at least SOME bipartisan support for any such amending and the Republicans will never agree to something clearly disadvantageous them.
No, I said it is incumbent upon both “sides” — the “coast” and “Middle America” — to reach out to each other. There is only so much the “coastal elietes” can do on their own, especially if people in “Middle America” don’t want to reach out and learn about the world outside their own bubble.
There is the movement to have “faithless electors” — Electors who are not bound by state law to vote for the candidate who won the majority vote in that state — vote for Clinton when the Electoral College meets in December. But that seems like a long shot. There’s also the movement to have states with enough electoral votes to band together and respect only the winner of the national popular vote so the popular vote will equal the electoral vote. That seems less a long shot, and it’ll likely have renewed strength as a movement in the next couple of years. But there’s another big three reasons Dems lost this year: the gutting of the Voting Rights Act, the passing of voter-supression-in-intent laws in states once covered by the VRA’s most stringent provisions, and the gerrymandering of electoral districts by State legislatures controlled by Republicans.
Britain here. Your fuckup makes our fuckup look less stupid, so thanks for that.
Meanwhile, Theresa May was in India for a week, trying to get a post-Brexit deal. She was, of course, told to fuck off, but pretended she had a productive time. Turns out student visas to the UK have dropped by 50% since Brexit... can't say I blame them.
There'll be an appeal against the High Court ruling that May can't just ignore the constitution because she feels like it in early December, and Farage has promised to lead 100,000 people to intimidate the judges into doing what they want, because that's all some Leave voters want: "Do what we want, or else we'll riot". Also, the woman who led the legal challenge has been told by police not to go outside, because there's a good chance she'd get killed.
Most political parties in Britain have said they'll block Brexit if there isn't a second referendum. Labour has said they won't (guy who hates Corbyn, go ahead and give me shit: you did indeed tell me so) because they want to get old people to vote for them.
And finally, of course, we have "Mr Brexit" himself to deal with. Farage joked about Trump groping May on their first visit, because of course he fucking did. Trump's said he'll support Britain if they go through with Brexit, making him the only world leader (I think?) to say he won't give us exactly what we deserve. This has given pro-Brexit politicians some ammunition, because being the bitch of a racist and suspected child molester is much better than staying within Europe's best peace project. There's a real fear that Trump and Brexit winning will make other far-right cunts in Europe gain power - Le Pen is pretty smug right now, and I don't blame her.
On a serious note, I am honestly pretty scared of the rise of neo-fascism and white supremacy in my country and America. Our generation has its Hitler (Putin), Mussolini (Trump), Stalin (Putin. Yes, I'm counting him twice.) and even a Lord Haw-Haw (Farage), but I don't see a Churchill or FDR stepping up to the plate.
Because it's part of the US constitution, and any attempt to change that would not go down well, especially after this shit.
>guy who hates Corbyn, go ahead and give me shit: you did indeed tell me so
He's a worthless fuck and always has been, but what do I know, we just voted for Donald Fucking Trump who, even if he's not actually what the Nazis and Evangelicals think they've won IS a racist, sexist, conartist pos.
It might seem hypocritical and stupid to you, and maybe it is in the grand scheme of things, but guess what? People are allowed to have gut reactions and feel however they wish about things — especially reactions you might think are hypocritical and stupid. People are people, and they’re not perfect. Deal with it.
Don't be tempted m8s, it may seem like an easy solution but it'll give you Tony Abbott as easily as Hillary Clinton.
I support automatic registration, Election Day as a national holiday, and reforms to the overall voting process (Proportional Voting would be nice).
Election day as a national holiday doesn't work out so well because, like every national holiday, the people who are forced to work those days tend to be the people at the bottom of society. Wal-Mart is not going to close on *any* day, regardless of its Holiday status, so the people who are going to lose out are going to be the people with the least seniority--and incidentally the poorest people, as they're also going to be the people who make the least money.
A better idea is to expand early voting and not even treat "Election Day" as anything other than the final day of voting. Tuesday is not the day you vote, it's your last chance to vote. Also make sure voting places are open well after business hours, from like 4 AM to 9 PM or something--if not straight up 24 hours for the, let's say, two weeks of voting.
>expand early voting
That won't happen in any Republican-controlled states. The slashing of both the amount of early-voting hours/days and the number of polling sites in states like North Carolina had a direct effect on the number of voters who turned out to vote in those states this year. (I’m not going to say it cost Hillary the election, but it’s at least one factor as to why she only won the popular vote.)
For that same reason, though, Republican controlled states / Republican congresscritters aren't going to vote in favor of a national election day holiday, either.
I can acknowledge that fact and still support the idea, you know.
The election process is direct democratic within a state, but outside the state the process becomes driven by representative democracy out of necessity. Because America isn't a single state, it's a union of states. Electorals are a check and balance put in place to ensure that low population states aren't disenfranchised, in fact the electoral voting system was how the country was formed in the first place. What state would ever join a union where they were sure to have zero say because of their low population?
As to their number.... electors are representatives of the congressmen from that state, who are in turn representatives of the people of that state. Electors are essentially stand-ins for congressmen, so congressmen don't have to travel home from washington every election (tough in the past). The number of senators is a pre-set two for every state, just in case one dies. The number of representatives in the House are decided by POPULATION, which determines the number of districts, and the number of seats. So it's almost a direct representation of the population of that state, low population states might get more impact because of the two Senator limit, but that's not really as significant as people think. All but one state have more representatives in the house than the senate.
1. The electoral college is completely democratic, just representatively so. It is also part and parcel of how America was formed, and what keeps it together.
2. It is difficult to win the popular vote yet lose the electoral, chances are 10:1 against it happening. Which is why we should probably wait until all the votes are counted before tearing down the pillars holding America together.
Uneducated, opinionated folk on this website smh.
So you see nothing wrong with the fact that republicans in California and democrats in Texas effectively don't get to vote in Presidential elections? Or that once the threshold has been met, millions of voters can have their votes discarded because their state has already been decided?
This may be, broadly, "democratic," but it's not one-man-one-vote by any stretch of the imagination. It is inherently unfair, and easily the most powerful form of gerrymandering in the US system. The only reason you support this form of gerrymandering is because it happens to churn out results you like.
You left out something important about the Electoral College’s history:
The American Jewish Committee and Islamic Society of North America have launched the Muslim-Jewish Advisory Council in the face of our incoming national nightmare.
I honestly thought you were making a joke at first
>but it's not one-man-one-vote by any stretch of the imagination.
>It is inherently unfair,
Not true. It is no more "unfair" than the Senate giving each state two representatives regardless of population.
>The only reason you support this form of gerrymandering is because it happens to churn out results you like.
Also not true, as I voted for Hillary in a red state. However, I am able to look at the broader picture and recognize the practical reasons for keeping the system. In fact, the Slate, hardly something I would call a "conservative" website, went through five practical reasons for keeping the system, if you wish to read it:
>Not true. It is no more "unfair" than the Senate giving each state two representatives regardless of population.
That is explicitly meant to be counterbalanced by the House (it isn't due to redistricting but oh well)
>Also not true, as I voted for Hillary in a red state.
Then you didn't get a vote.
The president is meant to be the leader of the whole nation, not a few hundred thousand people in PN, FL, and MI. One person, one vote, is the only fair system, the opposite has no non-partisan benefits.
Seeing Swedish nazis march to celebrate Trump's victory really highlight the global nature of today's anti-globalism.
>Also not true, as I voted for Hillary in a red state.
Then you didn't vote. There is no broader picture for you. Your vote was not counted.
>Then you didn't vote.
Actually, he did. He voted for Hillary. A vote for the losing “side” is still a vote and it still counts.
>Actually, he did. He voted for Hillary. A vote for the losing “side” is still a vote and it still counts.
No, it literally doesn't, not in the EC system of winner take all. A Republican in California will never count. A Democrat in Mississippi will never count. They might as well not exist.
>Actually, he did. He voted for Hillary. A vote for the losing “side” is still a vote and it still counts.
He didn't vote for Hillary though. He voted for the elector who was pledged to vote for Hillary. Under the electoral college system, you don't get to vote for President, you only get to vote for electors. Which is why if your candidate loses, you don't get to vote for President. You only get to have a say in who the President is if your elector wins.
Effectively, the Electoral College makes it to where you must compete for the opportunity to vote.
He still voted. He cast a ballot for whom he believed his state’s Electors should vote for. His choice may have lost, but he still offered his opinion in the form of a voting ballot. If you don’t think that counts because his “side” lost, you’ll have to do a better job of persuading me to believe as you do.
I’m not pro-EC. I’m acknowledging how >>411314 said they voted despite other anons saying otherwise. That anon cast a ballot and thus expressed an opinion on who they wanted their state’s electors to vote for. That their vote didn’t lead to a victory for their expressed opinion doesn’t change the legal validity of their vote or somehow erase the objective fact that they went to a polling site on Election Day and cast a ballot. And the fact of their having cast a ballot is not undone by an opinion — mine or anyone else’s — about the Electoral College.
Fine, he voted. Then his vote was discarded when it was determined not to matter because it was cast in the wrong state. If he wanted his vote to count he should've lived in Florida or something--Californians' votes are completely irrelevant to who becomes President.
So yes, you've made the pedantic point that he went down and filled out a form before they threw it away because he was born in the wrong place. Well done.
Fine, he voted. Then his vote was discarded when it was determined not to matter because it was cast in the wrong state. If he wanted his vote to count he should've lived in Florida or something--Californians' votes are completely irrelevant to who becomes President.
So yes, you've made the pedantic point that he went down and filled out a form before they threw it away because he was born in the wrong place. Well done.
But you haven't changed the fact that there would have been no difference in the election if he had stayed home. He may have technically voted, but his vote was ignored just the same as it would have been if he had been a twelve year old casting it in a "Kids Choose The President" poll. It amounts to nothing more than a curiosity because how you vote is irrelevant unless you live in a swing state.
>his vote was discarded when it was determined not to matter because it was cast in the wrong state
No, what happened was their vote was counted along with all the others and helped determine which opinion on “Who should be President?” the Electors should follow. The vote was not “discarded” because it was for the “wrong candidate”. It had — still has — as much legal validity as a vote for Trump.
>you haven't changed the fact that there would have been no difference in the election if he had stayed home
So? Just because their opinion wasn’t listened to by the Electors doesn’t mean they didn’t voice it. Just because the state went red doesn’t mean votes for Hillary were nullified, disqualified, and disavowed. Was their vote “meaningless”? No. It was a fulfillment of their civic duty as a citizen of the United States and a clear expression of their opinion on the matter of the 2016 Presidential Election. Like I said: If you really want me to believe in the idea of “a losing vote means you didn’t actually vote because your vote didn’t fucking matter”, your current attempts at persuasion are not getting the job done.
At this point you're basically arguing that gerrymandering isn't anti-democratic. California will always vote democrat. Being a Republican in California means you have no voice in national elections. You can be an apologist for voter disenfranchisement if you like, but don't try to pretend like these people's votes matter.
They don't get a voice. You're just arguing to keep them marginalized.
>you're basically arguing that gerrymandering isn't anti-democratic
I’m saying that a vote is an opinion, and casting that opinion in favor of the side that ultimately loses does not invalidate that opinion — or that vote. If you live in a blue state and vote for a Republican (or a red state and a Democrat, respectively), your vote is still counted and tallied just like everyone else’s, and it stays tallied even if your side loses. More could be done to fix voter disenfranchisement issues — and hopefully will be done after Trump leaves office — but voting in a state that historically goes against your “side” is not disenfranchisement. You still get to vote. Your voice is still part of the opposing crowd. Even if your choice loses, the vote is not ultimately tallied as 100%–0% in favor of the winning side.
I cannot, in good conscience, refer to a vote as worthless if it was cast for the losing side. You may say what you wish about that; I bet you already have a response rolling around in your head. But I cannot say that a vote is worthless if it goes towards a failing effort; doing so dismisses every “failed” vote in every election my side won as worthless, and my side can’t afford to be that motherfucking condescending towards “the other side” any more.
>but voting in a state that historically goes against your “side” is not disenfranchisement.
Then I suppose you don't see anything wrong with gerrymandering, either. The creation of "safe" districts to game the system and thereby invalidate the votes of millions of people, ensuring that people who have the least support are given the majority of the power. Which is exactly what happened in this election--the candidate with the least support now controls the entire government. Despite the fact that the majority of the country doesn't want him to--because the system was designed to make sure that Will of the People is ignored.
And people like you come in and act as apologists for this sort of political gamesmanship because you're so fixated on "Well they filled out a ballot" that you won't even acknowledge that there was never any universe in which their opinions mattered, or indeed *could* have mattered in any way other than as a curiosity.
Any form of district-based voting in single office runoffs is inherently undemocratic, whether you want to admit it or not. If there were 50 presidents being chosen, then it would be fine--the Senate is a perfectly reasonable setup (though it would probably be better if there were four senators per State, and about twice as many representatives--with the Representatives chosen via a proportional representation system to reduce the power of gerrymandering). But what you're espousing here guarantees oligarchy.
>The creation of "safe" districts to game the system and thereby invalidate the votes of millions of people, ensuring that people who have the least support are given the majority of the power.
In terms of the national election, this happens because of partisan political divisions and liberals being more likely to live in the large cities within the bulk of the “blue states”. If more Republicans lived in the bastions of evil coastal elitism, perhaps they’d have more of a voice in those states. (The inverse holds true, too.) But the partisan splitting of blue and red states is not due to some devious form of gerrymandering that makes voting “districts” look like a goddamned hieroglyph.
>the candidate with the least support now controls the entire government
I’m pretty sure Jill Stein didn’t win the election.
>people like you come in and act as apologists for this sort of political gamesmanship
The Electoral College is the system we have in place until and unless it is done away with or enough states sign off on that Popular Vote Equals 270 Electoral Votes thing. It is the system we have to work within. My opinion on that matter — which is “the US should have Proportional Voting and no Electoral College” — does not change that fact. And I absolutely will not apologize for acknowledging a fact.
>you won't even acknowledge that there was never any universe in which their opinions mattered, or indeed *could* have mattered in any way other than as a curiosity
I can acknowledge it. But that doesn’t mean I believe an opinion is instantly trash because a majority decided to go with a different opinion. To put this in context: A Democrat vote within an ostensibly Republican state (or vice versa) may not win the day, but the vote is still counted all the same. If the vote is counted, it matters. Opposition to harmful or dangerous opinions matters, even if the opposition is a minority of voices. You can keep trying to convince me otherwise, but your efforts will be in vain.
>Any form of district-based voting in single office runoffs is inherently undemocratic
You say this, but offer no deeper backing argument for it. I want to see that backing argument.
>what you're espousing here guarantees oligarchy
Only if our checks and balances are tossed out of whack. Only if the general public allows it. Only if people decide that bellyaching on social media — and doing nothing else — is preferable to doing political groundwork.
Ben Carson has refused a spot in Trump’s administration.
On the basis that he, a former wannabe candidate for President, has no government experience and doesn’t want to impede the incoming administration.
>Only if our checks and balances are tossed out of whack. Only if the general public allows it. Only if people decide that bellyaching on social media — and doing nothing else — is preferable to doing political groundwork.
It just happened, dude. Glad you're okay with it.
> effectively don't get to vote in Presidential elections?
Texas almost swung this election. Also Florida flipflopped. California is only solid due to race pandering, but the Mormons are finding an in there. States CAN change, through migration, aging of population, paradigm shifts.... Your party is not a race, it isn't something you're born with, a sizeable percentage of Democrats voted for Trump.
>it's not one-man-one-vote
Yes it is. The problem is you think you're voting with the entire country for who gets to be the president. This isn't true. You are voting with the people in your state for who gets to be the president. And then, when your state decides, it votes for the FEDERAL leader.
--------------- WARNING: ANTHRO TANGENT ------------------
You seem to be arguing for direct democracy which leads to rule by referendum, or mob rule.
This is the second most primitive form of government thought up by mankind. The moment we started organizing in larger groups we realized direct democracy doesn't work anymore, because the guy living near the river doesn't know what the guy living on the mountain needs or wants.
Same applies to the modern world, despite California having more people, the people living in California have no idea what the people in Kentucky need or want.
Hence, since about the Neolithic up to 380BC we have been trying methods of government that avoided direct democracy, because it clearly didn't work on the large scale.
In 380BC a guy called Plato came up with a form of rule that incorporated democracy but actually functioned on the large scalle. It was called a "republic", and we're living in one.
Republics can use representative forms of government, where different regions with different cultures/environments can still have their voices heard overall.
tl;dr your ignorance would be amusing if it didn't point to a weak basic background in the arts, and a severe lack of critical thinking skills training for our kids
Your anthro tangent is stupid because it doesn't matter if California knows what Kentucky wants or not in the Head of State. The Head of State is the Head of State for everyone in America, not just for the people who live in Kentucky. As such, there's no reason that if more people want one person for President, regardless of their location, they be given that. The Senate is there to give Kentuckians a voice in the legislative procedure of the country, as well as State-level government. But John Q Kentuckian shouldn't get more votes for President than John Q Californian, which is the situation we're living in now.
Doesn't electoral college just push down the mob rule problem to state level?
Yeah, it's a turtles-all-the-way-down situation. People who support the Electoral College only do so when the gerrymandering falls in their favor.
Trump shows lack of transparency for having a lunch with his family.
Trump is shirking his presidential responsibility to waste money.
>The Head of State is the Head of State for everyone in America, not just for the people who live in Kentucky.
I think the fact that Obama campaigned for Hillary instead of Trump shows that's false.
>Japanese internment camps from WW II
How is this related to registering people who come in?
Here's an example that's recent, and also related:
>Such a programme would echo a registration system created under Mr Bush’s presidency, which Mr Kobach also helped design, and which required thousands of Arab and Muslim visitors and temporary US residents to register with the state, but was abandoned in 2011 after it was criticised for unfairly targeting immigrants from Muslim-majority nations.
So we've had this same thing and even Obama was ok with it for two years.
>Trump is shirking his presidential responsibility to waste money.
Not to go all Godwin on this, but Hitler refused to accept a salary, too. And why would Trump need one when he can get his brats to run his businesses and essentially make him richer and richer?
>I think the fact that Obama campaigned for Hillary instead of Trump shows that's false.
Gee it’s almost as if Obama belongs to the same political party as Hillary. Imagine that.
>How is this related to registering people who come in?
It’s easy to believe Muslim immigrants will be held in special detainment centers while they’re vetted — “extremely” vetted, of course — and from there, it’s just a hop-skip-jump to putting Muslim Americans in those same centers while, to paraphrase our President-elect, “we figure out what’s going on”. It’s not just a religious test for citizenship (an unconstitutional act). It’s a precursor to religious and racial persecution (when people think “Muslim”, they think “someone from the Middle East”). Given how the groundwork is being laid for a defense of this shit with the comparisons to the Japanese internment camps, I take it on faith that the Trump administration will try to make some sort of Muslim interment camp system.
Oh, and incidentally, the Korematsu case — the one that legalized those internment camps in the first place — is still a legal precedent that has never been overturned. Internment camps are still considered legal and constitutional. If you think the Trump administration won’t take advantage of that (especially in a “national emergency” situation), you have far more faith in that shitshow than they deserve.
Stone, I get that it's fun to argue, but please keep in mind that Trump's support base is made up 100% of trolls and that even treating them like they have actual political opinions worth debating is feeding them.
You and people like you are basically why Hillary lost the election.
Pretty much.
>people have emotional reaction to authoritarian demagogue winning national election, ask for and receive distractions and places to help process their emotions
Why is this a story, again?
Except it appears to be entirely accurate?
Belittling the other side or treating Donald Trump as some sort of ridiculous boogeyman did not win the Dem Candidate the election.
And the continuing overreaction to Trump becoming the President is not doing anyone any good, its just making people continue to look deranged in this overblown tribal Us/Them reaction to the situation.
I certainly wouldn't have voted for his campaign if I was American but there needs to be a degree of perspective on these things.
(not him) I understand why people could feel very strongly about Trump winning, but some of that stuff is just unnecessary and honestly pathetic. If you want to vent, do it at home.
If it were a school shooting, I could understand it.
>And the continuing overreaction to Trump becoming the President is not doing anyone any good
He has a white nationalist on his transition team and will likely name said white nationalist to an important cabinet position. He has pledged to sign the First Amendment Defense Act, which would turn LGBT people into second-class citizens; there won’t be a need to overturn Obergefell when people can legally refuse to acknowledge legal same-sex marriages. Things he said about immigration — Mexicans and Muslims alike — appear to be one of the few promises he intends to keep. He has asked for his family to receive the proper security clearances necessary for hearing top-secret information. What I’m saying is this: There is no overreaction because the things Trump has done and has said he will do should be frightening to anyone paying attention.
I can understand the emotional reaction despite Trump’s electoral win not being a school shooting. Pretty much anyone who isn't a straight white male got put “on notice” by a bigoted authoritarian demagogue and his supporters (which include white nationalist/white supremacist groups like the KKK). Now, we can argue whether the things being asked for in some colleges to help some students cope with the emotional gutpunch of the election’s outcome are necessary or even sensible. But I won’t argue about anyone’s feelings being “too much”. A person has every right to feel whatever emotion they want.
Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. She was researching the Clinton Foundation's practices in Haiti when she died under suspicious circumstances, her friends and family (pic) still have no answers.
>im not going to convince my political opponents im right
>or even talk to them so they know im a human being
>im going to insult and denigrate even centrists for not being loyal to my party
>WAS IT FATE?!?!?!
wew lad.
>Hitler refused a salary too
They both wear pants and drink water too. It's the same fucking guy!
>Monica Petersen was in Haiti working for the Human Trafficking Center and the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force. She was researching the Clinton Foundation's practices in Haiti when she died under suspicious circumstances, her friends and family (pic) still have no answers.
If there is any evidence of foul play directly associated with the Clintons, you might want to show it before you start sounding like all the other insane conspiracy theorists who think Bill and Hillary are Bonnie and Clyde.
Hey if you can claim Comey is working for Republicans, then claim Comey is a great guy, then claim Comey is working for Trump, then claim Comey is a great guy, then claim Comey is working for Putin... if you can flipflop like that on dozens of conspiracy theories.... and if you can claim that Trump is working for Putin but also Trump will start a war with Putin, claim two completely contradictory conspiracy theories are true... then I should be able to insinuate a conspiracy theory that happens to be INTERNALLY CONSISTENT and PREDICTIVE.
>Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have already gotten more than 4 million signatures on a petition asking the Electoral College to toss Donald Trump’s victory. But some, apparently, aren’t content to simply vent their frustrations online.
>According to reports out of Idaho and elsewhere, Clinton supporters have obtained Electoral College voters’ personal information and are harassing them with calls, Facebook messages, emails and even home visits, encouraging them to become “faithless electors,” and change their Trump votes to Clinton votes.
>another of Idaho’s electors told local media that the calls — some of them pre-recorded — were coming from across the country, from California, Massachusetts, Oregon, and New York, among other states.
>While Idahoans may be the most vocal about the harassment, lists of Electors, their home phone numbers, addresses and contact information began floating around social media Monday. POLITICO published a list of Electors last week*, and supporters clearly spent the rest of the weekend filling in necessary information.
*Clintonite publication.
>A Twitter account called “VoteHillary2016” was among those who Tweeted out the Google spreadsheet containing Electors’ personal information. The account has since deleted the Tweet, but others have already taken up the cause.
If you have at least two more credible sources for this story — and I know you don’t like to use “credible” sources, but try it just this once — now would be the time to post them.
I never claimed shit about Comey, especially that he’s a “nice guy”. Show the evidence that proves I did and I’ll concede the point, but I’ll gladly wager my credibility and say that you can’t because I know that I didn’t. (And besides, Comey was a dick for both making his original “we’re not charging her but she was a real dumbass” statement after the investigation and dropping his little “October Surprise” a couple of weeks before the election.)
And the whole “Russia/America war” thing is based on the idea of mutually assured nuclear annihilation in the event of Trump actually dropping a nuke, not on something silly and outlandish like America doing its World Police thing to help protect countries from Russian military takeover. (Besides, Trump is far more likely to buddy up to bear-fucking autocrat Vladimir Putin; Putin praises Trump to high heaven, and Trump is a slut for praise.)
>I never
Oh my god you are retarded. That was a plural YOU, referring to democrats.
>And the whole “Russia/America war” thing is based on the idea of mutually assured nuclear annihilation in the event of Trump actually dropping a nuke
Nope plenty of democrat commentators have said Trump will antagonize Putin into war. While at the same time saying Trump is in league with Putin.
>silly and outlandish like America doing its World Police thing
You mean like Clinton promising to shoot down Russian jets if they violate her no-fly zone over Syria, theby starting that global thermonuclear war you're so fake-worried about.
Your bullshit is so transparent NASA could use it as material for telescope optical lenses.
>You mean like Clinton promising to shoot down Russian jets if they violate her no-fly zone over Syria, theby starting that global thermonuclear war you're so fake-worried about.
Because if there's one thing Putin cares about, it's Russian troops.
One of these is a clearer threat to my future than the other.
1. MSM fever dream that Trump would drop a nuke for no reason, and then some Russian officer would mistake it for an attack on Russia, accidentally launching an attack on America, which would cause global thermonuclear war.
2. Hillary actually making campaign promises to start a war with Russia.
I'm going to believe Hillary Clintons policy proposals and campaign promises more than your personal beliefs on a chain of events that make Occam spin in his grave.
Britain again. Been kind of a slow week; a memo leak from Deloitte that our government hasn't actually got a plan, which sounds about right - May got shit in Prime Minister's Questions for saying that there totally is a plan, but nobody gets to know what it is, because reasons; Boris told a Ukranian newspaper more about the Brexit plan than he's told Parliament, and (allegedly) tried to talk shit to some Italian politician about prosecco; one of the judges for the Supreme Court court case said "Hey, you know you probably won't be able to just pass a bill, right? This shit will take at least a couple months, you know. I mean, it's not as if the referendum was binding...", which probably didn't go down well; speaking of the Brexit legal challenge, the Scottish and Welsh governments have been allowed to intervene, so they can highlight the importance of parliamentary sovereignty.
Of course, as my own dad pointed out to me a few days ago, the Tory party will be brought to heel and vote the whole sorry mess through with nary a murmur. This will mean that a lot of businesses, banks and scientists will Britain, so the countries I love will turn to shit over a 1.9% majority in an advisory referendum. I wish I could see the good things about Brexit, like my father does, but it's like seeing Bigfoot's dickpix... they're not there.
>Hillary actually making campaign promises to start a war with Russia.
You don't actually know how international politics work, do you?
*will leave Britain
Sorry, my spiralling depression over my government's stupidity has clearly affected my proofreading skills.
Let me guess, what a psychic says the candidate is thinking is actually more valid than what the candidate says.
Thanks for your contribution, fuck off back to kindergarten now.
>actually more valid than what the candidate says
If your candidate's most recent action and statements are any indication, yes
It's been 28 years since the last time a non-incumbent Republican presidential candidate has had more votes than his opponents.
On the other hand, given how hard it is for an incumbent to lose in a presidential election (or most elections, really), it's hard to deny that either he was profoundly disliked as a President, or Clinton was just a fantastic candidate, to take that victory from him.
He just didn't have the Charisma that Reagan or Clinton did and ended up getting lost in the shuffle because of that, more or less.
Another silver lining of this disastrous election has been watching all the trump supporters going into damage control trying to explain why, no, really, this latest boneheaded move was a *good* sign. They never really wanted legalized marijuana anyway! And when they said get rid of Washington Insiders, they weren't talking about Rudy Giuliani and Reince Priebus and Sarah Palin and Jeff Sessions. And when they were talking about getting rid of government corruption, they weren't talking about a president with an unprecedented level of conflicts of interest in how he deals with foreign powers due to active business deals.
It's going to be hilarious watching as they continue trying to convince themselves that they didn't cut off their own noses to spite the rest of us for the next four years.
Even “better”: Trump won, and yet Trump supporters are still pissed off, as evidenced by the #TrumpCup debacle.
Trump supporters are going to Starbucks and asking the baristas to write “Trump” on their cups of coffee. On the surface, it seems like a dumb thing to do, especially since the “average” Trump supporter probably wouldn’t be the kind of person to give a company like Starbucks their money — but it’s actually an insidious attempt to target minority baristas with a subtle form of harassment.
Why is it ok to legalize marijuana but someone who's dying of infection still can't buy antibiotics when they need them?
>and yet Trump supporters are still pissed off,
Probably because you keep rioting, beating up homeless people, dragging people out of their cars, assaulting passers by, and generally acting like uncivilized turds.
Trump cup is in response of a Starbucks employee who called the police on a customer that was a Trump supporter.
>but it’s actually an insidious attempt to target minority baristas with a subtle form of harassment.
Fucking lol. Not only did you leave out context, but you're also outright lying and trying to trick people.
What a slimy piece of shit you are, buddy.
Oh and the man who got caught up in the Starbucks political bullshit is David Sanguesa, a man with Hispanic heritage who only looks white. Kind of like the opposite of George Zimmerman, who has a German name but looks Hispanic.
The baristas who called the cops were a white woman and a white man.
So it's kind of funny seeing the SlimyFossilizedTurdStone talk about "targeting minority baristas".
>Trump cup is in response of a Starbucks employee who called the police on a customer that was a Trump supporter.
And wasn’t that because he was being a colossal douchecanoe?
>Probably because you keep rioting, beating up homeless people, dragging people out of their cars, assaulting passers by, and generally acting like uncivilized turds.
[citations needed]
Oh, come on! That’s way too unwieldy and clunky to be an effective insult. ShitStone would work much better.
>Why is it ok to legalize marijuana but someone who's dying of infection still can't buy antibiotics when they need them?
Those are not actually related issues at all, but since you brought it up, that's not okay, which is why we need single payer like real countries. Obama tried to give us that, but Republicans ripped it out of the ACA, so even if you're about to lie and claim Trump wants single payer too, Congress would NEVER accept it.
>y is it ok to legalize marijuana but someone who's dying of infection still can't buy antibiotics when they need them?
And you intend to solve this problem by taking insurance away from millions of people and eliminating medicare at the same time?
I wonder if Trump cup was started by Starbucks as an insidious plot to make dumb people think the best way to show your disapproval of Starbucks is to go out of your way to give them money, just in a slightly obnoxious manner.
Trump supporters: telling you they're smarter than you and then "boycotting" a company by buying its products and getting their friends to do it too.
Trump supporters: Mocking the idea of safe spaces and trigger warnings, then complaining about anti-gay shitpile Mike Pence getting booed at a Broadway show and talking about boycotting the show and parroting Trump’s tweet about the theater being a “safe and special space”.
(Liberals and the media deserve to catch shit for making a bigger deal of the Pence/Hamilton distraction than of both the Trump University lawsuit settlement and the “Trump convincing world leaders to stay at his hotels” story. Trump and his cohorts are rat bastards, but they’re not complete dumbasses. They knew Pence going to Broadway would “reset” the news cycle and get the media to ignore the bigger stories.)
>Trump and his cohorts are rat bastards, but they’re not complete dumbasses.
Citation needed. I still think Samantha Bee was 100% on the money when she revealed her "theory" that Trump is illiterate.
Libs are buying guns lol.
This is going to be a fun new years, better get some ar500s.
Hillary supporters: They pay before they get their product.
>Libs are buying guns
It’s almost as if they want the guns for actual self-defense and not just to feed a firearm fetish. Imagine that.
>They pay before they get their product.
So they’re foreign diplomats trying to curry favor with Trump by staying at his hotels?
>keltec pmr30
Yeah they're ready.
You don't even need plate, a simple denim jacket will be enough.
It's too bad libs have tiny trex hands, can't stand to hold let alone fire a weapon, felons can't buy guns and guns can't be purchased with ebt or on a starbucks salary.
Worst case scenario Right Wing Death Squads send a gay black stormtrooper to shoot libs.
Instead of firing back they'd be apologizing and begging for his africanized bullet.
>It's too bad libs have tiny trex hands
No, no, you see, Trump was the CONSERVATIVE party's candidate. You got mixed up.
That you’re already imagining the deaths of liberals at the hands of government agents working under a Trump administration says a lot about you.
That you miss the joke that I'm mocking your ever present fear of RWDS that never come to pass says a lot about you.
>the boy who cried wolf in his head
>the boy who convinced himself the townspeople were wolves
>the boy who bought a gun to shoot the townspeople he thinks are wolves
But doesn’t your greentext more accurately reflect the effect of the NRA’s “hurry up and buy guns to protect yourselves from home invasions and rioters and thugs before the gubmint takes ’em all away” propaganda?
Well the problem with your hypothesis is that leftist riots and lynchings do happen, whereas Right Wing Death Squads are nowhere to be seen.
>NRA propaganda
NRA is a hunting organization, they've been against self-defense since forever. This is almost as dumb as that terrorist-american saying NRA gave us gun rights.
>NRA is a hunting organization
No, the NRA is a lobbying organization that represents the major gun manufacturers and stokes “THEY’RE GONNA TAKE YOUR GUNS” fears amongst right-wing gun fetishists to jack up gun sales. Hell, the NRA was probably pissed that Trump won precisely because its typical propaganda doesn’t work during a Republican presidency (no Republican would dare to “attack” the Second Amendment and risk running afoul of a lobbying group powerful enough to have only three million members but still somehow control the discussion on any gun-centric legislation, after all).
Donations are less than 15% of their revenue, most of it is fudd membership fees. You're a fucking idiot.
>powerful enough to have only three million members
>three million
Brady Campaign, the largest anti-gun organization, has 50,000 members. The only reason we even know these chucklefucks exist is because MSM is lockstep behind them.
Also you just said three million members. I assume you can do math, so didn't that number times the membership fee of $35 suggest to you that NRA doesn't fucking need corporate funding on top of the 100 million they get from hunters???
Please fellow woke, the proper term is "luegenpresse" please stay on brand
>NRA is a hunting organization, they've been against self-defense since forever. This is almost as dumb as that terrorist-american saying NRA gave us gun rights.
This is what we call a lie kids, you too can learn the truth with one 5 second google search:
The NRA is a lobbying organization that has frequently worked to hobble the ATF from being able to accurately enforce gun laws we already have on the books while publicly lying about weakening the ATF. They are the lobbying arm of the firearm industry, interested only in sabotaging the agencies that were designed to regulate them.
>Hillary supporters: They pay before they get their product.
Trump Supporters: Haven't bought anything since 1955.
Post-election hate crime map
If we do keep the electoral college, we should at least consider weighting the votes for it to make up for the difference between a state's number of seats in the house and their actual population. So if in 2015 California had a size of over 66.5 times Wyoming's, but only 53 times as many seats, maybe its elector's votes should count 1.26 times as much.
Maybe also weight the senate's electors more heavily compared to the house's if for some reason states need to be more powerful, that way what the ratio of people to electoral vote power gets delibaratley layed out rather than being an incidental consequence.
Or we could just do away with the EC as 60-70% of the country consistently supports anyway.
That article doesn't disprove that NRA is concerned with hunters rights, not the 2nd amendment as its meant to be used. Universal background checks only bother hunters, no one else cares.
>The NRA is a lobbying organization that has frequently worked to hobble the ATF from being able to accurately enforce gun laws we already have on the books while publicly lying about weakening the ATF. They are the lobbying arm of the firearm industry, interested only in sabotaging the agencies that were designed to regulate them.
Again how does this disprove the NRA is primarily concerned with hunting instead of self defense?
The kind that are honest. How are you supposed to evaluate their service and decide whether to give them a tip, if they haven't provided the service yet? Don't shop at ripoff stores designed for feeble brains.
Representatives = based on population.
Senators = a set 2 per state, so that California and Wyoming both have two.
Senators are the imbalancing factor, if you consider pure population numbers to be "balanced". But only ridiculously tiny states with small populations benefit from this, states which would otherwise be at risk of not having their voices heard.
OK say you do away with EC.
Scenario A:
1. Politicians eventually focus on high population areas like metropolises, because it's the way to win most votes with least effort.
2. The majority of the country is ignored.
3. Some years later a politician runs on bringing the electoral college back, just that one issue.
4. Sweeps it in the smaller cities and towns.
5. The politician brings the EC back.
Scenario B:
1. Politicians eventually focus on high population areas like metropolises, because it's the way to win most votes with least effort.
2. The majority of the country is ignored.
3. They secede.
4. Metropolises end up having to purchase resources/food/water/power from the seceded states at inflated prices.
5. The EC is essentially brought back but in economic form, with the non-metropolises wielding an imbalance of economic power instead of political.
Scenario C:
1. Politicians eventually focus on high population areas like metropolises, because it's the way to win most votes with least effort.
2. The majority of the country is ignored.
3. They secede violently.
4. Country is plunged into civil war, with the metropolises having the manpower to fight but the smaller cities and towns having the wealth and resources.
5. Country is destroyed forever in a struggle between two well matched foes.
Pick one.
I suppose the best case scenario from point of view of people who don't like the EC would be the eternal enslavement of the non-metropolic areas, but I don't know how any sane person could view that as a positive outcome.
The rhetoric that the urban would override the rural is always going to be a false one. Neither urban nor rural areas are blocs. There are liberals in the country and conservatives in the city. There are Democrats in Texas and Republicans in California. The rurals in California and Kentucky do not necessarily have the same interests, nor do the urbans in New York and Atlanta.
Though the urban population does indeed house the majority of the US populace, in order to win ONLY with the urban populace you would have to get somewhere in the ballpark of 87% of them to vote as a bloc (nearly impossible) in order to completely bury the rural vote. As this effectively impossible without the introduction of wizard candidates, any successful popular vote campaign would require that a candidate appeal to both rural and urban voters.
>Neither urban nor rural areas are blocs.
They are blocks in the sense of basic economic realities, those won't change until the heat death of the universe bud.
They're also blocks in the sense that the government will always have a tougher time providing services and imposing itself in rural areas. After all it's easier to run pipe to connect an entire building with water supply compared to piping water between just two neighbors a few miles apart outside the city.
Those cushy government programs liberals like so much? Yeah people outside the city don't see much of that shit because you need 1000x the cash to have 1/1000th the effect. Instead the rural folk see their taxes being used to help neighborhoods in the city, which naturally pisses them off.
>There are liberals in the country and conservatives in the city.
What absolute horseshit.
The Great Meme War of 2016:
I consider myself a liberal, and i grew up in the buttcrack of Mississippi and Louisiana.
I'm now in North Carolina, still a liberal, and know many others locally.
Majority of the country can't be ignored, since you need majority of the country to win.
Unless you mean by area, which is silly, since it isn't really proportional with anything.
The honest truths that rural, Christian, white Americans don’t want to accept and until they do nothing is going to change, are:
-Their economic situation is largely the result of voting for supply-side economic policies that have been the largest redistribution of wealth from the bottom/middle to the top in U.S. history.
-Immigrants haven’t taken their jobs. If all immigrants, legal or otherwise, were removed from the U.S., our economy would come to a screeching halt and prices on food would soar.
-Immigrants are not responsible for companies moving their plants overseas. Almost exclusively white business owners are the ones responsible because they care more about their share holders who are also mostly white than they do American workers.
-No one is coming for their guns. All that has been proposed during the entire Obama administration is having better background checks.
-Gay people getting married is not a threat to their freedom to believe in whatever white God you want to. No one is going to make their church marry gays, make gays your pastor, accept gays for membership.
-Women having access to birth control doesn’t affect their life either, especially women who they complain about being teenage, single mothers.
-Blacks are not “lazy moochers living off their hard earned tax dollars” anymore than many of your fellow rural neighbors. People in need are people in need. People who can’t find jobs because of their circumstances, a changing economy, outsourcing overseas, etc. belong to all races.
-They get a tremendous amount of help from the government they complain does nothing for them. From the roads and utility grids they use to the farm subsidies, crop insurance, commodities protections…they benefit greatly from government assistance. The Farm Bill is one of the largest financial expenditures by the U.S. government. Without government assistance, their lives would be considerably worse.
-They get the largest share of Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
-They complain about globalization but line up like everyone else to get the latest Apple product. They have no problem buying foreign-made guns, scopes, and hunting equipment. They don’t think twice about driving trucks whose engine was made in Canada, tires made in Japan, radio made in Korea, computer parts made in Malaysia.
-They use illicit drugs as much as any other group. But, when other people do it is a “moral failing” and they should be severely punished, legally. When they do it, it is a “health crisis” that needs sympathy and attention.
-When jobs dry up for whatever reasons, they refuse to relocate but lecture the poor in places like Flint for staying in towns that are failing.
-They are quick to judge minorities for being “welfare moochers” but don’t think twice about cashing their welfare check every month.
-They complain about coastal liberals, but the taxes from California and New York are what covers their farm subsidies, helps maintain their highways, and keeps their hospitals in their sparsely populated areas open for business.
-They complain about “the little man being run out of business” then turn around and shop at big box stores.
-They make sure outsiders are not welcome, deny businesses permits to build, then complain about businesses, plants opening up in less rural areas.
-Government has not done enough to help them in many cases but their local and state governments are almost completely Republican and so too are their representatives and senators. Instead of holding them accountable, they vote them in over and over and over again.
-All the economic policies and ideas that could help rural America belong to the Democratic Party: raising the minimum wage, strengthening unions, infrastructure spending, reusable energy growth, slowing down the damage done by climate change, healthcare reform…all of these and more would really help a lot of rural Americans.
>since it isn't really proportional with anything.
It's proportional with resources.
And if EC was disbanded, the politician that devoted all their time to the 40% of the electorate in the bigger cities would win every time over politicians who devote their time on 60% of country in smaller cities, because any politician who devoted their time to the second group would be disadvantaged by having to travel far more often to get the same result, despite it being 20% bigger.
I don't know how else to elucidate this, I'd draw you a MS paint flowchart but you'd probably complain about it not being a source from or something.
You are clearly a classical liberal, not a progressive liberal, ergo you have absolutely nothing to do with the democratic party.
>The honest truths that rural, Christian, white Americans don’t want to accept and until they do nothing is going to change, are:
There aren't any rural non-christians. No rural non-whites either! Also lold at the losing side telling me I should change so I can win in the future. Dumbo you need to change.
>Their economic situation is largely the result of voting for supply-side economic policies that have been the largest redistribution of wealth from the bottom/middle to the top in U.S. history.
"Redistribution" (fucking what?) of wealth has to do with mechanization, the growth of the service economy, and the increase in regulations that prevent small businesses from competing.
>Immigrants haven’t taken their jobs.
No, they've taken my kids jobs. Mowing lawns and cleaning houses is how teenagers used to earn the money for college, and work on their employment habits/experience. Since that rug has been pulled out of generation after generation, it's resulted in a lowering of HDI for fucking everyone.
>If all immigrants, legal or otherwise, were removed from the U.S., our economy would come to a screeching halt and prices on food would soar.
Nonsensical sentence. Food prices have nothing to do with immigrants, food prices are controlled by Mexicans who stayed in Mexico to compete with our agriculture.
>Immigrants are not responsible for companies moving their plants overseas.
Who the fuck said they were?
>No one is coming for their guns.
You clearly know nothing about the history of firearms legislation.
>Gay people getting married is not a threat to their freedom to believe in whatever white God you want to.
Sure it is. If a gay person asks me to photograph their gay orgy, I can get sued for not doing it.
>Women having access to birth control doesn’t affect their life either
No one is preventing women from having access to birth control. What you want is for me to pay for womens birth control.
Which is all besides the point because you don't even care about birth control. If we're concerned with birth control, women should pay for condoms, since condoms prevent birth, almost every disease, and are cheaper to boot. But no, you aren't concerned about birth control, your primary issue is an attempt to beat me over the shoulders with higher taxes.
>Blacks are not “lazy moochers living off their hard earned tax dollars”
Who the fuck is saying that? There are more liberal white kids on welfare than blacks. You fuckers squandered your money on a $100,000 dollar pubic hair diploma, can't get a job, and now suck on the governments teat.
>help from the government
>government assistance
1. Government takes money from me in taxes.
2. Builds road in front of my house with 90% of it, skims 10% for speedboats.
How about I keep the money and use 100% of it to build a better road myself, fucker.
Also lold at making a list of things the government fucked up. Removing the Farm Bill would be the best thing ever for farmers, because then their customers could actually have enough money left over to buy food.
>They get the largest share of Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security.
Who is "they"? Also is the share proportionate according to "their" demographics?
>They complain about globalization but line up like everyone else to get the latest Apple product.
I couldn't finish your comment after laughing about this one. I just don't have the energy anymore.
>And if EC was disbanded, the politician that devoted all their time to the 40% of the electorate in the bigger cities would win every time over politicians who devote their time on 60% of country in smaller cities, because any politician who devoted their time to the second group would be disadvantaged by having to travel far more often to get the same result, despite it being 20% bigger.
60% of the country lives in cities, 40% in the country, false
Yes I know what you said, 60% of the country doesn't live in "small cities."
For the record the actual US census (obvious the last was 2010 so it isn't up to date but it's what we have) puts 80% of the population in urbanized areas, where urban is defined as any place with more than 50k people.
Hiii, I'm the map you DIDN'T post that shows the overlap WITHIN the counties.
That was either a hoax report or an isolated incident, so don’t act as if this was some big nationwide mistake. If it had been, I’m pretty sure there’d be more evidence and testimony to corroborate the story.
Well I certainly didn't invent it.
In fact...
>CNN initially told
The only way this could be fake is if A) CNN released the clip to some people to create buzz on Twitter, B) followed through by specifically lying to other media sources in order to get other media to release non-factual info, and C) finally came out to say "hey this never happened".
I don't know what's worse, actually releasing tranny porn, or lying about releasing tranny porn to create buzz and justify a narrative. Because while the first is an accident, the second is mass misinformation on purpose.
MSM attacking foreigners when MSM is the largest manufacturer of propaganda is pretty fucking low. We wouldn't know half the shit happening in our country without foreign outlets.
I know you didn’t invent it, but you’re helping spread something that is either a lie or an overblown isolated incident at best. If “millions” of people saw it, why aren’t more people saying so? Why isn’t the PTC asking for CNN to get tossed off the air? Why isn’t the FCC looking into CNN broadcasting porn in “millions” of homes? Why doesn’t more evidence of this event exist?
The simplest and easiest explanation is that this shit is either a hoax or an isolated incident that is getting overblown by people with an agenda against CNN/the mainstream media. In either case, it’s propaganda meant to undermine the network’s (remaining) credibility and push people into the arms of less-trustworthy news sources — or, worse yet, make them hunger for a state-run news network that will “tell the truth” (according to the government) and put the “lamestream media” out of business.
Not that guy but it's clearly a lie by CNN, overblown by CNN.
You're blaming the victim here, he was lied to by CNN, not the other way around.
It doesn't matter, your anti-EC sentiment will last for as long as your masters desire it. Probably you'll stop whining about it in 4 years, when Trump is up for re-election and the EC starts to benefit Democrats.
>It doesn't matter
Apparently it did because you said that no democrats exist in the country and no republicans in the city using a map from that exact source.
Also those articles are by two entirely different authors, try to argue using something you didn't just grab off of r/thedonald or whatever the fuck.
>Post-election hate crime map
Jam NASDAQ stocks through the roof.
Oh I'm sorry, technically what you rolled with was, in response to "There are liberals in the country and conservatives in the city" the line "What absolute horseshit," which you backed up with >>411470 that map and deliberately didn't mention>>411493 that one from the same source which demonstrates that there are in fact democrats in the country and republicans in the city. Glad we cleared this all up and can reestablish EXACTLY what your lie was.
You know, one would think that if Agent Orange really believes that millions of people voted illegally, he'd be in a huge hurry to audit the vote himself, as clearly our electoral system has been subverted. Curious, he's not!
>it's clearly a lie by CNN, overblown by CNN’s kinda not? If CNN lied about accidentally airing porn, there would have to be incontrovertible proof of such a thing happening in the first place. As of this moment, no such proof corroborates the original accusations. There are no testimonies by other people who claim to have witnessed the event in question. There are no other screencaptures than the ones offered by the original complaintant. The people who are overblowing the “incident” have an anti-CNN bias and are trying to destroy the network’s credibility by proclaiming it showed porn to “millions”. They want to believe CNN showed porn — and the absence of credible evidence never bothered them anyway.
It's deeply depressing, but also somewhat amusing, to watch Republicans consistently argue that democracy is inherently unfair because it means that the country does what the majority of the people who live in it want instead of what people like themselves want.
>the country does what the majority of the people who live in it want
And even that’s not technically true this time around, since only around 25% of eligible voters voted for Trump (and Hillary won the popular vote).
That's what I mean. They argue against the popular vote mattering because, they claim, it would be unfair for the president to be the person who the most people voted for.
That's what I mean. They argue that the electoral college is needed because somehow 2 million more people voting against a candidate than for them is meaningless because of where they live.
We all know that person who says "[people whom I deem] stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote"
//, that's great for comptuer security.
> If CNN lied about accidentally airing porn, there would have to be incontrovertible proof of such a thing happening in the first place.
I don't fucking understand this sentence.
If CNN lies about something happening, it must have happened?
>Republicans consistently argue that democracy is inherently unfair because
Actually it's depressing watching lefties berate every democratic system, from representative democracy (trumps victory) to direct democracy (brexit), simply because they lost the vote.
Whiny children.
>democratic system
We just elected someone who has made history by having so many fewer votes than his opponent that no other president even comes close. That's not democracy. That's oligarchy.
He won the vote in over 3000 counties. She won the vote in less than a hundred.
??? What does the number of counties someone won in have to do with anything? All you're proving is that gerrymandering is an effective way to defeat democracy, which no one ever denied.
>Actually it's depressing watching lefties berate every democratic system
Well you know, you reap what you sow. After six years of bringing the government to a complete gridlock, abusing filibusters, shutting down the government, sabotaging government agencies like the ATF and branches of the government like the Judicial branch, at the local and Supreme Court level, and abusing their investigative capabilities, maybe conservatives are just going to have to deal with liberals being extra mean to them for quite awhile.
Conservatives can fuck off the edge of my dick, they have no clean hands when it comes to "berating every democratic system" when things don't go their way. They made this political hell-climate we're in right now. You can pretend like the last six years didn't happen, but ain't nobody here is gonna buy that sack of bullshit.
>Representative democracy.
And yet, the popular vote still went to Hillary Clinton. It's almost as if the number of counties Trump won means dick in regards to the popular vote because those counties are not nearly as populated as the ones Hillary won (and a fair number of Trump-leaning counties might even be gerrymandered in favor of the GOP).
>Representative democracy.
Representative of what? How big your land is? How far you have to walk before you see your neighbor? It's not representative of the will of the people or the needs of the country, that's for damned sure. You may as well be going by amount of land mass if you're going to go by number of counties--make Puerto Rico a State and you can say the entire Atlantic Ocean voted however they did, get rid of all the concerns of landlubbers entirely.
That's not what Representative Democracy is, anyway. Representative Democracy just means that we let elected officials vote on issues instead of each of us having to vote on every law, because that shit's a fucking full time job. If you just want it to be representative in the sense of being a representative sample of opinions, rather than electing Representatives to represent us--well, firstly, you're only saying that so you can game statistics to make sure that most of the country doesn't get a say in how it's run--but the most honest way of doing that would be to do away with democracy entirely and replace it with appointment of representatives by lottery. Have an arbitrary number of voting-age citizens (let's say 528 for the sake of argument) selected at random from the populace every term and make it a civic duty like jury duty that they can't refuse without some major reason like a medical situation that makes it unduly burdensome on them to serve. You could use a random number generator and just pull their social security numbers at random.
In the short term you're going to get major outliers with a system like that, but it's guaranteed that over enough time, you would have a fair representation of real American moods and attitudes.
Of course the downside is that it would give lobbyists far more power than they have now as the most experienced lawmakers in the country, same as term limits would. But you're the one who doesn't like what happens when the citizens of the united states get to actually choose who represents them.
>How big your land is?
>amount of land mass
Also called "agricultural and natural resources", without which the country doesn't exist.
>electing Representatives to represent us
Those are called the Electors, of the Electoral College. Though this has been explained ad nauseum and you'll probably still not understand it if we draw you a flowchart.
Look, I’m all for giving “Middle America” adequate representation, but the fact is that they now have a disproportionate amount of representation and power by way of living across a larger mass of land than “the coastal elites” (i.e., everyone who lives in the country’s biggest cities, regardless of their income or sociopolitical power). Is it Middle America’s fault that New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are three of the most populated places in the country? No. Is it Middle America’s fault that they voted primarily with their own interests in mind rather than with the best interests of the country in mind? Abso-fucking-lutely.
And don’t regale me with “but the coastal elites don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves, either!”, okay? The coasts overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, and despite all of the issues that would have come with a Clinton presidency, at least she wouldn’t be breaking decades-long diplomatic protocols, running her transition like a reality show, tweeting policy decisions, bitching about getting mocked by SNL, and taking credit for deals that will see more jobs leave America than stay there as if the opposite were true — and all before she’d even be President. She would’ve at least kept the status quo going for another four years, sure. But given how shitty Trump’s presidency looks before he even takes office, I’ll take four years of the status quo than four years of a President who is in way over his head and a Cabinet staffed with people who are wholly unqualified — some to the point of being a danger to the future of this country — for their positions.
>Trumpers advocate electing their candidate to "smash the system"
>People suggest changing the system that went in Trump's favor
>"n-nooo not that system that system is fair and balanced even though we gamed it to be completely in one party's favor."
What a bunch of hypocrites.
>disproportionate amount of representation
They don't, this has been explained to you.
>"smash the system"
That's a gommie thing.
>we gamed it to be completely in one party's favor
??? How did Obama win twice then ???
You lost because your party chose a character so unelectable, that not even vote rigging could put her in office.
If you chose ANY OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE, the election would have been a sweep.
>You lost because your party chose a character so unelectable, that not even vote rigging could put her in office.
>If you chose ANY OTHER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE, the election would have been a sweep.
Yeah this is pretty true.
>You lost because your party chose a character so unelectable, that not even vote rigging could put her in office.
Prove the vote was rigged. And look at “your party”: They chose someone stupid enough to get this country into two or three international incidents before he even takes office. Nobody “wins” here.
>They don't, this has been explained to you.
They do, you just like to lie.
> stupid enough to get this country into two or three international incidents
Are you talking about Hillary Clinton threatening to nuke Russia if they fly over Syria? Or if some random fat script kiddie breaks a password as complicated as "Obama08"?
Actually the Democratic Party is probably going to pick Michelle Obama, which is the second worst option, as I said in the other thread.
So the Democratic party will lose in 2020, and we'll be hearing this whining about the democratic process for the next 8 years minimum.
Whoo, Dakota pipeline easement denied! Trump will probably reverse it but temporary victory!
>Are you talking about Hillary Clinton threatening to nuke Russia if they fly over Syria?
No, I’m talking about Trump getting buddy-buddy with Putin and Trump pissing off China by putting personal business interests before international diplomatic interests. Trump is the President-elect, remember? You voted for him, remember?
>the Democratic party will lose in 2020
This assumes the United States will still be a country by 2020 — and that Trump will have succeeded enough to the point where he’ll not only re-run for President, he’ll win re-election. I don’t believe the latter, and I don’t put my wholehearted trust in the former.
>Also called "agricultural and natural resources", without which the country doesn't exist.
Ah, I see, so you admit you're in favor of giving increased power to people based on property rather than making everyone's vote equal. I'm glad we've gotten to the core of this conversation and now understand that there will be no conclusion reached because one side wants fair representation for people and one side wants fair representation for things.
Because the Corps of Engineers thinks the land is unstable and the pipeline may burst.
Protest had nothing to do with it (because clearly hippiecicles cant accomplish anything) and Trump probably won't override the corps.
>pissing off China
Except he didn't, the Chinese chairman met with Trump and they have cordial relations.
>I don’t believe
You didn't believe he would win either, and here we are.
Seems like your judgement is suspect, fella.
>Protest had nothing to do with it (because clearly hippiecicles cant accomplish anything)
uh huh
>Except he didn't, the Chinese chairman met with Trump and they have cordial relations.
Except he did, because he called the Taiwanese president because he's an idiot.
(inb4 you post the part where he then lied to say she called him)
Yes that is their statement on the matter, made after a reinvestigation prompted, per an earlier statement, in response to the SRS's concerns and related protests.
>Nov 15
I'm not even sure what /pol/-kun is hoping to accomplish with this disinformation campaign about the Chinese response to Trump meeting with Taiwan here. Like the vote is over, so trying to gaslight us all into respecting Trump is just idiotic. At least make some (idiotic, as per usual) argument about why pissing off Beijing is a good thing, don't just pretend that Beijing hasn't specifically said that Trump comes off as inexperienced and is risking retribution if it continues in response to his blasé disrespect of international protocol.
>Protest had nothing to do with it (because clearly hippiecicles cant accomplish anything) and Trump probably won't override the corps.
So, to you, Native American people who are concerned about the potential effects of the pipeline on the land on which they live — people who protested in the face of a militarized police sent to protect corporate interests — are “hippies”. Like, God forbid they should care about having water they can actually drink and all, right? I suppose that makes “hippies” out of the citizens of Flint, MI who are still having to deal with the “tainted drinking water” situation, then.
As for Trump: I put no faith in his governance (he doesn’t appear to be trying too hard right now anyway), so I put no faith in him choosing to go along with the ACE. If he does, credit where it’s due, but that alone won’t validate his impending presidency as “good”.
>I'm not even sure what /pol/-kun is hoping to accomplish with this disinformation campaign about the Chinese response to Trump meeting with Taiwan here.
If I had to wager a guess: He wants us to think Trump is secretly some sort of incredible diplomat, despite all evidence to the contrary. I’d also guess he wants to distract us from the kleptocracy that will soon be a Trump presidency — to wit,
But why? What's the point of denying reality? Why not at least make political arguments as to why Trump's "strategy" is advantageous?
I would half suspect he *is* Trump (which would be absurd to suggest about any other celebrity, but Trump's so petty and thin skinned I could actually imagine him wasting his time arguing with nameless nobodies on imageboards with only a few dozen people on them if he found out they were disparaging him) if his grammar weren't slightly too proper.
>What's the point of denying reality?
If you can alter the facts to fit your world view, you won’t have to alter your world view to fit the facts.
>But why? What's the point of denying reality?
imo, it's because they're bored, don't care, and want to just fuck with people.
That or they suffer paranoid delusions like that guy involved in the whole "Pizzagate" thing where he actually believed it was a Hillary sex slave ring, and should actually be in a mental health facility.
It's a simple concept, for those with a brain. If Peking is pissed off that we said "Hi" to any free and independent country, Peking can kindly fuck off.
If you think we should cut all ties with a sovereign allied country because Peking demands it.... you can kindly fuck off to the orient, if you like it so much.
By the way this isn't going to make anyone support Trump less.... you need to find real issues to hate on him for, all this random flailing is making you look like big babbies.
>It's a simple concept, for those with a brain. If Peking is pissed off that we said "Hi" to any free and independent country, Peking can kindly fuck off.
It is not a free or independent country, as both Beijing and Taipei would tell you.
>If you think we should cut all ties with a sovereign allied country
It is neither sovereign nor allied. The United States recognises no country called the Republic of China OR Taiwan.
>you need to find real issues to hate on him for
Well, there are his decisions to staff his cabinet with people who are either underqualified or completely unqualified for the offices to which he has nominated them — decisions like nominating Ben Carson for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Carson has literally no form of experience that would suggest he could run a federal agency with a budget of around $30 million, over 8,000 employees, and a mandate to create affordable housing and inclusive communities. Shit, Carson himself said just last month that he didn’t have the experience to accept a position in the Trump administration. The only things that seem to qualify him for the position — under Trump-ish logic, anyway — are that he’s black (“urban”), he owns a home (“housing”), and he once referred to fair housing as “communism”.
"Peking?" What is this, 1920? Calling Beijing is like calling black people "Colored." You have to be either a zillion years old or intentionally trying to be an asshole.
Also, in response to that nonsense about counties earlier:
Black people are called colored all the time, by your ilk actually.
>The Associated Press finds that Clinton won 487 counties nationwide, compared with 2,626 for President-elect Donald Trump.
>It also falsely claimed that Clinton outpaced Trump by more than 2 million votes in the five counties that comprise New York City, which the story said accounted for the entirety of her lead in the national popular vote. An AP count finds that Clinton beat Trump by roughly 1.5 million votes in New York City. Nationwide, Clinton holds a popular vote lead of more than 2 million.
lol media falls for it again.
I guarantee you that you yourself called them colored at some point. You sound like exactly the kind of self righteous SJW prick to have done it.
If I ever did, it was when I was a kid — when I was too dumb to not know any better.
Are you referring to people saying "POC"?
>years ago, say "negro"
>someone thought I was saying "nigger"
Hahaha, I, the clever WHITE MAN shall record their perfidious capital's name in Postal instead of Pinyin! That will teach those uppity Asiatics what for!
It's not that so much as that one is intentionally choosing to avoid going by the accepted term for something and use a non-official name. It is a fairly direct show of disrespect for that thing, and always has been. Don't pretend you're not aware of this--you can't have ever participated in society if you didn't know that mislabeling something is disrespectful, especially when you have to go out of your way to do it.
For example, when people call Trump "Drumpf," they're intentionally disrespecting him even though that's the original form of his last name before his grandparents changed it to assimilate. Just like he was intentionally disrespecting Jon Stewart when he referred to him as Jon Liebowitz (which had the added bonus of making his Jewishness seem nefarious, by implying he was ashamed of being Jewish rather than just not liking his dad).
Hellas - GREECE
Deutschland - GERMANY
Moskva - MOSCOW
Zhonguo - CHINA!
The replicated sounds from a foreign language often are not what's used for the nouns regarding that foreign nation.
The name of Beijing in English is PEKING.
Hillary didn't even win the popular vote. This was the vote at the time that Trump won.
The issue is that Hillary supporters kept voting, trying in vain to change reality, whereas Trump supporters went out in the streets to celebrate the moment it happened.
So AFTER she lost EC, the Hillary vote kept increasing whereas Trump vote froze.
>The name of Beijing in English is PEKING.
No, it is Beijing, per the internationally recognized usage of the Pinyin system for romanization of Standard Chinese.
>Hillary didn't even win the popular vote.
Except for the 2.5 million more votes she had than Trump.
>The issue is that Hillary supporters kept voting
You are no longer worth taking seriously.
Trump crew lost their case against Stein in Michigan, statewide recount is a go.
It won't change anything, but anything that makes Agent Orange mad is ultimately a good thing.
Also: A recount isn’t a full audit of the vote, which you’d think would be a priority of every major electoral official and whatnot, given all the news and speculation about Russia’s involvement with the election.
Plus Trump seems to think there's been massive voter fraud from ineligible voters voting, so an audit is definitely called for--it would prove his case.
...of course the reason he opposes it is because it would also prove that he's talking out of his ass, and that he really did get the lowest portion of the popular vote in history.
Over 2 million of which are in one district in New York according to link posted >>411630
Country wide she had under 500,000 more votes than Trump, and those were probably in the rejected Detroit vote numbers and elsewhere she cheated. I'm not even confident her NY numbers were honest.
Detroit recount already trashed over half of Hillary votes lol.
Now you'll see just how crooked the bitch was.
Inb4 muh PROOOOOFS from stone
Confirmed: Jill Stein’s Recount Finds Voter Fraud … By Hillary Supporters
The only one of these that discusses fraud is PI, which cites no credible evidence actually indicating it, and is itself not terribly credible.
Has any actual recount effort spearheaded by Stein even begun? Last I heard, the GOP was still making efforts to block them. Which is weird, because if they’re so confident that Trump won and any recounts might uncover Clinton-led voter fraud, you’d think they would want to back those efforts and see democracy defended regardless of the winner.
Proofstone plz, the links are in the comment.
If this is the best meme magic you can conjure up, you’re never going to survive outside of here.
I'm surprised you even believe in chromosomes. Don't you know they're just a hoax by scientists to make people think we came from monkeys?
Who said it was an argument? You're not worth that level of effort any more.
Hey guy who doesn't believe in race telling me about biology, did you know that Republicans are more science-friendly than Democrats? For example funding for DARPA, NASA and NHS rises during Republican presidents, and falls during Democrat ones.
Probably because Democrats steal from science to put into gibsmedat funds.
Turns out the "anti science" stereotype of conservatives parroted by FreeThoughtBlogs and MSM is completely wrong. The only thing we underfund is baby killing and windmill subsidies, but only an idiot would call that "science"...... buuuuut considering you probably think "social science" is a science, you might actually be the aforementioned idiot.
>You're not
Apparently no one is, because I've never seen you make an argument in these threads, only shitposts.
Look at your posts ITT, they are either insults, deflections or requests for source followed by refusing to accept provided sources. Not a single comment of yours points out a logical flaw or fallacy in other peoples arguments, or provides any evidence to back anything up.
>did you know that Republicans are more science-friendly than Democrats
No, I didn't! I also didn't know that the sun is actually cold and the ocean actually dry!
Hm, yes, chem trails, profound stuff anonymous.
Since when have you ever listened to rational, logical arguments?
Shouldn't you be teaching an abstinence-only sex education class about now?
Aww, that's such a good job little guy! I'll bet you'll be able to count even higher one of these days!
Deflection is your middle name my dude, you've never finished a conversation.
The American education system at work, everybody!
You can address your ass, because it's the only thing that gives a shit.
>Still waiting for counterargument.
You won’t get one. You only ever peddle in conspiracy theories and bullshit, and since nothing will change that, you’re only ever going to be insulted from here on out — which is the only treatment you deserve, you living doorstop.
>Still waiting for counterargument.
>You won’t get one.
I'm beginning to see that.
Yes, yes, you’re the pigeon that shits, we get it. Go shit up /pol/.
Says /pol/-kun, who only ever reads right-wing blogs and parrots insane conspiracy theories like Pizzagate.
>detroit news
>the independent
>right wing blogs
Fucking lol, you are so out of touch with reality. These were VASTLY pro-Hillary, they just happen to be reporting what's happening, and the reality [currently occurring] is proving that Hillary gamed the vote and is losing half the votes in Detroit to an anti-fraud review.
Ok, put the facts where your mouth is.
If you can't link to my post talking about "pizzagate" ITT in your next reply, you're clearly a retard.
Don't worry! You have a choice to wait this out until the next thread! Maybe everyone will forget you're a retard in that one.
>the reality is proving that Hillary gamed the vote
No. No, it's not. It's proving that she won the popular vote, yes, but if she had really “gamed the vote”, she’d be the President-elect. You’re dumber than your fucking toilet, and even that doesn’t swallow half the shit that you do.
You're engaging it again, Stone. After we had such a good run of simply mocking it as it deserves you had to go and make it think its opinions were valid enough to merit an argument.
I'm sorry. I keep forgetting that I’m a massive fucking failure who should just blow my brains out.
Man, it's so weird to argue with the Russian sponsored trolls, no wonder the US is so fucked up with the amount of money these guys are being paid.
Yeah man the country whose annual budget is 1/60th that of the west, is currently in a recession, and has the burden of a foreign war, is actually funding all of the right wing movements in the West. Especially those on small imageboard and bbs websites no one ever heard of.
For example we get thousands of Roubles per week to post on +4.
>leaving a mess behind you when you go
If you had any consideration you would use poison or hanging.
Has to be a douchebag and attention whore until the last possible moment.
You're right. I should use a bottle of sleeping pills. Will be less of a problem for my family to do cleanup that way.
I feel like maybe this thread wouldn't be so awful if you all would just go outside
I didn't mean here at all, Youtube, facebook, the big sites like that and no, it's not all, they are smart enough to just use a leading hand and get others to work against themselves.
Also you are right, my initial comment made it seem like they were being paid big bucks when really it's just a 9 to 5. I was referring more to the amount of them than what they were being paid.
Pablo, a user from a long time ago used to argue the same thing but it holds no more weight now than then.
>no wonder the US is so fucked up with the amount of money these guys are being paid
Well strap yourself in Tiki because they're coming to a conservative party near YOU soon!
The few media (including social media) companies Russia pays are all in Russia. All their paid posters/bloggers blog in Russian on Russian sites.
They don't really care what we think, they are preoccupied with their own population, which is constantly under propaganda assault from hundreds of Western NGOs.
>They don't really care what we think
You keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day, it’ll actually be true.
Courts look totally set to force Brexit to Parliament. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that will actually matter because, as has been covered, the cowardly and deceitful Corbyn was allowed back in control of labour despite the entire rest of the party leadership trying to show the rank and file he was unfit for the job.
Aw look at him, he thinks he's a member of the conversation.
You’re only worth fighting game win quotes now. Get fucked, PK.
I ran a fucking imageboard, anon. Two, in fact. I’m well aware of “anonymous culture”. So if you want to post anonymously and have people confuse you with PK, you’re more than welcome to do just that.
I was making fun of an obvious PK post you idiot, can't you follow the context? He was replying to you after all.
He did the same with one of my posts too. I reckon he's just a bit stressed.
You know Stone, you should muster the Art Of Not Replying.
(different anon)
fucking hell, media's getting shitter all the time, even to the point of downright fabricating events.
Student union claims it's bullshit. And I'm damn glad it is.
Well it's just a liberal rag reporting liberal wet dreams, MSM is down to tabloid levels (except not as entertaining).
Remember a few months ago when they kept saying Hillary had 90% chance of victory?
>Remember a few months ago when they kept saying Hillary had 90% chance of victory?
You say that as though she didn't. A 90% chance of victory does not mean "Will win every time with a victory margin of 90%," it means "In 9 out of 10 possible outcomes, she's the winner." If you'd been paying attention to Fivethirtyeight, they said very clearly for months leading up to this that while Clinton had good odds, they were never a sure thing and that this election had a greater than average chance of winning in a popular vote victory for Clinton and an Electoral victory for Trump--which is exactly what happened.
Polling wasn't perfect, but the results of this election were pretty much all within the margins of error mentioned in the polls. The fact that a lot of people don't seem to understand how those projections work is not an excuse to accuse the math of being wrong.
To put this further in context for people who see that as "Well how did he win if there's a 90% chance of his losing?!" Imagine this:
Someone asks you to play Russian Roulette, and the gun has ten chambers, and only one bullet. Would you play?
But of course, that's the exact attitude that led the Bernouts and co to throw away the election.
If this keeps up, Trump and Company are literally going to irreparably damage the environment in this, our precious window where we can still turn back
his gathering of climate deniers and fossil fuel tycoons speaks of a grim future for us all
and the ONLY hope we have is that Mccain and 2 other GOP senators with principle actually grow spines, dig in, and oppose the madness
This woman was the wife of a president.
Had a career as senator.
A job as secretary of state.
Had the current president take time out of his job to campaign for her.
Had her party cheat to get her elected.
Had a third of the opposing party rooting for her.
Had complete support of media establishment, elites.
Had the support of corporations and big businesses.
Had the support of most foreign nations and allies.
Spent 1.5 billion on her campaign.
And her rallies could barely fill 100 seats.
She never had any chance whatsoever, saying she had a 90% chance is laughable.
>She never had any chance whatsoever
Oh, with all those advantages you listed, she had a hell of a chance. She just threw it down the drain.
It's actually impressive in a morbid way.