Yes, I am aware of this blog’s bias, but still:
“I don’t love the concept of ballots.” — Donald Trump, 2016 Republican candidate in the election for the office of President of the United States
Finally found a case of in-person voter fraud for the conservatives to get mad at--a Trump voter voted by mail and then voted in person because she wanted to "de-rig" the election.
And was almost immediately caught because we actually do keep track of whether or not a person has voted, making all this fuss people make about in-person voter fraud all the stupider.
>>410572 His eyes wild, his hair unkempt. He has neither bathed nor shaved for weeks. He doesn't have time. He must make sure all the blind people of this world see the truth. That the only man who can save this world is an amoral idiot billionaire with a bad fake tan and a worse toupee.
Honestly, I thought USA was on the track to recovery with Obama. George Bush was a stumbling fool who was not fit to be in the position he was. Then you lot voted in Obama, who made your country look respectable again due to his diplomatic skills and general sanity.
And now this.
However, it does seem poetically fitting that a businessman is running for President in the country that prides itself on capitalism.
>>410577 I mean, he's not going to win so sorry Probably the UK, Brexit still wins out for Most Embarrassing Political Direction From A First World Nation.
Or, well, DID until South Korea swept in for an unexpected dark horse victory. What the fuck, seriously.
>South Korea swept in for an unexpected dark horse victory I don't think I heard about this. Please explain.
Also, just saw a short news story on Hillary campaigning with Jennifer Lopez. It's odd seeing an entertainer blatantly showing off their ass (no, for real, they even put a fan underneath her to blow up her dress) right next to an older woman running for President. It seems to be an odd mix. Still, has nothing on that le maymay angle she went for (13 year olds and manchildren don't vote, remember?).
No. Stop being complacent as fuck. Trump has a chance, slim though it may be, to win this election: If Clinton supporters become so confident of her impending victory that they don’t bother to vote, Trump could win states that would otherwise go to Clinton, which would secure the electoral votes he needs to become POTUS. The only way to stop Trump is to vote for Clinton, no matter what you think of her—and that means you have to get off your ass, go to your polling place, and fucking vote for Clinton.
>>410580 >No. Stop being complacent as fuck. Already voted. >>410579 >I don't think I heard about this. Please explain. It turns out that the long-standing, ludicrous conspiracy theory that President Park was the puppet of this cult lady and her friends was true. As in like, she apologized for it on TV. Among other things, the cult lady appointed ministers, wrote speeches, DRESSED HER (in deliberately cheap clothes), set North Korean policy, and was given control of massive amounts of classified information and the budget (much of which she and her friends embezzled).
This woman, and her father the cult founder before her, appear to basically been gaslighting Park since she was in her 20's.
>>410577 >on the track to recovery with Obama >his diplomatic skills and general sanity LOL. We haven't had a good president since before Bush Sr.
>made your country look respectable again We like BEING respectable instead of just LOOKING respectable.
>You lot Wait... are you the Britshit butthurt about some referendum? You aren't speaking from a position of moral or actual superiority, fuck off and fix your own country.
>>410588 >We haven't had a good president since before Bush Sr. Yes, I too hated when Clinton brought us economic prosperity, environmental protection and, while still leaving a lot of room for improvement, improved civil rights for minorities compared to the status quo before his term. And hated when Obama saved us from the economic clusterfuck Bush put us in, finally broke the heinous embargo we've been engaging in on Cuba, improved diplomatic relations with all the countries that hated us after we went crazy post 9/11, forced insurance companies to provide better service to those they were already covering and provide any service for people who they weren't covering, slowed the average rate of increase of insurance premiums, created jobs, tried to salvage our crumbling infrastructure, and did all of that while squaring off against the most obstructive and childish Congress in history.
>>410593 >inb4 giant douche fans complain It's funny how you realized even when you said all this that what you were saying was wrong. But what do you expect from someone who thinks things were best for the country when segregation was still going on.
>>410583 >This woman, and her father the cult founder before her, appear to basically been gaslighting Park since she was in her 20's. Fuark. I don't even know what to say about that.
Suddenly I don't feel so bad about any of the Five Eyes' political states.
>Clinton brought us economic prosperity That wasn't Clinton, that was the world wide web and collapse of the second world which opened new markets.
>improved civil rights for minorities Clinton signed his Crime bill, which put blacks in prison longer than whites. Remember superpredators?
>evironmental protection I don't remember Clinton getting anywhere with Kyoto, and his presidency had some of the worst environmental disasters ever. NAFTA pretty much shat on any possibility of environmentalism being established in Mexico.
>the economic clusterfuck Bush put us in Clinton deleted Glass-Steagall, signed away the protections we've had since the great depression. Which in turn created predatory lending, conglomeration and the 2008 recession. Bush didn't put us in economic clusterfucks, he put us in political and legal clusterfucks with his wars and patriot acts.
Clinton and Bush are the same kind of shitfuck, both are a direct continuation of Bush Sr.
>finally broke the heinous embargo we've been engaging in on Cuba Embargo is still in place, Obama just announced plans to improve relations, he did fuck all. Even the idea to improve relation wasn't his, it was Collin Petersons. Although it's interesting how you don't mention that Clinton expanded the embargo...
>improved diplomatic relations with all the countries that hated us after we went crazy post 9/11 The entire Muslim world hates us now due to expansions of drone strikes in dozens of different countries under Obama. We're entering a new cold war with Russia because of Obama supporting the Clintons so hard, he's managed to turn the Democratic party into a bunch of McCarthyist warhawks.
>forced insurance companies to provide better service to those they were already covering and provide any service for people who they weren't covering What a rosy view of the ACA, which has raised premiums for everyone, and which insurance companies are ignoring.
>slowed the average rate of increase of insurance premiums [citation needed]
>created jobs The president doesn't "make jobs", he's not the jobs fairy.
>tried to salvage our crumbling infrastructure [citation needed]
>and did all of that while squaring off against the most obstructive and childish Congress in history. The reason the GOP had sweeping wins in congress is the lack of popularity in Obamas policies. The GOP wouldn't have had a chance of filling the house and senate if Obama delivered the change he promised.
Obama has been a sort of mediocre president whose only real achievement is boosting American image abroad. He hasn't accomplished anything at home, not even boosting local morale.
Are you retarded or just incredibly young? I can't tell.
God I'm excited for the next couple of years. Trump's ravaged the GOP, and if the Dems play their cards right, this is the best chance they're going to get to break the right as a stable political entity once and for all. It'd shift our political center of gravity to that of proper, civilized countries, such that the Progressives and Centrists in the Dem primary are the real fight and the actual election is more of a formality. It'd be a beautiful thing.
Only if you prefer the political Overton Window where it is right now instead of where it could be without the Religious Right and the Alt-Right pulling one edge of it back toward the 1950s.
>>410588 Regular British guy here: not the one you're replying to. I'm doing almost everything I can to help fix this shit, aside from calling out my shitheel MP for lying down and going along with this shit, and I plan on taking care of that over the next week.
Yeah well that ship has sailed in regards to the GOP—look at the obstructionist bullshit they’ve pulled with Obama as an example. The party needs its modern principles annihilated at the polls for it to ever have a chance of saving itself.
>>410618 >look at the obstructionist bullshit they’ve pulled with Obama as an example Yes, that is the kind of just awful nonsense that occurs when political extremists accept ONLY THEIR VIEWS as EVEN A POSSIBILITY, and want nothing more than the ELIMINATION OF THE OTHER PARTIES, agreed. I, also, wish to avoid that entirely
I don’t want the GOP dead. I want the principles for which it stands in 2016—obstructionism of the federal government, “fuck compromise” governing where only Republicans get to decide what laws should be made, the revocation of civil rights for LGBT people, unfettered and irresponsible gun ownership, the repeal of the ACA without any sort of actual replacement in mind, policies such as gerrymandering and voter ID laws to ensure Democrats are given the shaft at the polls, and the re-criminalization of abortion—to die in a hellfire.
>>410605 >>410628 I'd think any real liberal would want the overton window as wide as possible, considering free exchange of ideas is a keystone of liberal philosophy.
If your enemies ideas are so flawed, then why do you want to hide them? Why not expose the flaws?
The fact that you want to shut down discussion is proof positive that you aren't liberal.
And if you define yourself as progressive, it's only because you are progressing towards fascism.
>>410629 At what point did I suggest I want to hide you (incidentally I'm a centrist, not a progressive, I don't believe in single payer)? I don't want you hidden, you'll be free to rattle around your little Alt-Right monkey cage with all your freaky friends. You'll just be politically neutered, running around with the Johnsons and Steins of the nation, where you belong.
>>410631 I mean I figure we've got about a week before y'all start rolling out your carefully prepared macros about how the whole thing was rigged by the (((Rothschilds))) but we'll happily accommodate you until then.
>>410634 >y'all Yes, plus4chan is an alt-right conspiracy group. You found us out. And now we must drown you in misinformation until you join us. Google gobble.
>>410637 Tbh, if Clinton really is on the verge of death, it only makes her victory more appealing to me. I'd happily take Kaine over any of the Big 4.
Grow a spine, Stone. You can speak out against suicide bait by Your Team without pretending "the world would be better without this politician" is remotely on the same level.
>>410647 >>410650 Then again, i guess you've seen where criticizing the extremists of your own side gets you, since that's where this hatred towards me originated, bofofo
>>410651 The hatred against you originated from your own actions as a steadfast defender of Alt-Right ideology and action, stop trying to cover your ass.
>>410654 >Nah. Not sure why I'd lie to try to impress people who routinely tell me to kill myself, lol You're not "lying," just demonstrating your longstanding inability to understand that your reputation is the consequences of your own shitty behavior.
Somehow someone making exactly the same (terrible) post as Slowpoke but substituting Slowpoke's name with Hillary's "crossed a line" in Slowpoke's mind, while his didn't. How very odd that Slowpoke judges his own actions on a different rubric than he does other people's.
>>410655 Oh no, i fully agree. I stepped out of line by critiquing the poor behavior of +4's liberals, and despite once being one of the most liberal people on this site, speaking against The Group proved i was secretly always an alt-right plant. Okay I'm gonna drop the condescension but that's basically what happened originally, some years ago. Then people acting poorly against me made me criticize them more, which snowballed into uh, this. >>410656 Can you see why saying "Ted Nugent is dumb as rocks and should just stop talking" to someone is less inflammatory than "you're dumb as rocks and should just stop talking" is? If not, just feel free to compare the number of deaths Clinton is personally responsible for to the number of deaths I'm personally responsible for, maybe you'll find something there.
>>410657 >Can you see why saying "Ted Nugent is dumb as rocks and should just stop talking" to someone is less inflammatory than "you're dumb as rocks and should just stop talking" is?
Only in the sense that when the person you're insulting is in the room, you suddenly remember you're supposed to treat them like human beings.
>If not, just feel free to compare the number of deaths Clinton is personally responsible for to the number of deaths I'm personally responsible for, maybe you'll find something there.
Oh, it's just a numbers game now, is it? So then do you believe that Hillary Clinton is personally responsible for more deaths than, say, Abraham Lincoln?
>>410659 Here. If NOTHING else, one will hurt no one, one has the potential to be incredibly harmful to an individual. Will Ted Nugent ever hear that person complain? Will Clinton ever know that I assume the world would be better if she had died before she ever gained any sort of power? No, probably not. But telling that person directly ensures that they hear it, and thus demonstrates active malevolence--an effort put forward to hurt someone.
I don't know, and I think Lincoln was a douche too, so even if not, uh...
>>410657 >Oh no, i fully agree. I stepped out of line by critiquing the poor behavior of +4's liberals, and despite once being one of the most liberal people on this site, speaking against The Group proved i was secretly always an alt-right plant. >Okay I'm gonna drop the condescension but that's basically what happened originally, some years ago. Then people acting poorly against me made me criticize them more, which snowballed into uh, this. Hahaha you are such a lying piece of shit. You have repeatedly defended Alt-Right harassment campaigns, praised MRAs, attacked feminists, shielded /pol/-kun and friends when people called them out for being racist/sexist/etc.
>>410657 >critiquing the poor behavior of +4's liberals >liberals They aren't liberals, they're progressives.
Liberals believe in free speech, ESPECIALLY of their opponents. Liberals are anti-war and believe in good relations with all countries, especially other superpowers like Russia. Liberals believe in individual liberty, and noninterference from government. In which of his philosophical works did John Locke talk about privilege ladders?
Calling them liberals is utter nonsense.
Hillary and her supporters simply aren't. The idiots in this thread like Stone and his intestinal parasite are a new breed of progressives that ally themselves with rich fucks to fuck over the working class, regardless of their race, sex, or creed.
They aren't even democrats! Since when is the Democratic Party the pro-business, pro-war party? Since when is the Democratic Party calling for McCarthyist trials to be held?
>Liberals believe in free speech, ESPECIALLY of their opponents.
As do I. But hey, guess what? That runs both ways. I’m allowed to critique and criticize the speech of others, regardless of whether you like it; that’s a consequence of speaking your mind around and to other people. “Free speech” does not mean “consequence-free speech”, and you’d do well to remember that.
>Liberals are anti-war and believe in good relations with all countries, especially other superpowers like Russia.
You’re thinking of idealistic liberals who want “world peace” and other such pie-in-the-sky hippie horseshit. Pragmatic liberals don’t want war—what they want is for the US military to stop playing World Police.
>Liberals believe in individual liberty, and noninterference from government.
I believe in freedom so long as someone else doesn’t use their freedom in an attempt to curtail my rights. You wanna worship God, Allah, Buddah, or Darth Vader? Go with the Sith, my son. But don't use your religion as an excuse to kick me out of my home or refuse to employ me.
>ally themselves with rich fucks to fuck over the working class
Realistically, I’d like to see some of those rich fucks give up their hoards of wealth to those who actually need it. Whether they do it of their own volition or because the government taxed them all to hell…well, whatever works.
But I’m also aware that those same rich fucks have a lot of economic/political power. And they will do everything possible to avoid giving up that power until they’re in the grave. Short of a “revolution” where we eat the rich (figuratively or literally), they’re not going away any time soon. So I don’t know what you expect anyone to do other than shake their fist at the sky and bitch about Peter Thiel trying to become a literal vampire.
>Since when is the Democratic Party calling for McCarthyist trials to be held?
Haven’t the Republicans promised to immediately impeach Hillary post-Inauguration?
>>410668 >I’m allowed to critique and criticize the speech of others Not if your method of critique is yelling louder so the other guy is drowned out. Nor if you think criticizing means SWATing someone or sending slanderous letters to their friends and family. These are called CENSORSHIP.
>and you’d do well to remember that. Is this a fucking threat? The ONLY consequence for speaking my mind in a free society are being proven wrong and losing the argument. If you're imagining consequences on top of that... You are not a liberal. You are a fascist.
>You’re thinking of idealistic liberals who want “world peace” and other such pie-in-the-sky hippie horseshit. No I'm thinking of people who don't want to increase suffering in the world, or get vaporized. You know, sane human beings.
>I believe in freedom so long as someone else doesn’t use their freedom in an attempt to curtail my rights. Correct. >being employed by whoever i want is a right >being a twat to my roommates with no consequences is a right Incorrect. Your rights are enumerated in the conveniently called "bill of rights".
>Realistically, I’d like to see some of those rich fucks give up their hoards of wealth to those who actually need it. Correct. >hillary is one of those who needs it Incorrect. Clintons were dead broke, disbarred and unable to earn money in any legitimate fashion in 2001. Now they're millionaires, without having sold a single product or worked a day since then. It takes a special sort of idiot pissant to think she hasn't sold the American people to the barons (domestic and international).
>impeach ??? Do you know who McCarthy even was? Google the reference before making a fool of yourself.
For those who know: The progressive cancer in the Democratic Party is calling for purges of the FBI (because progressives are so fucking retarded they can't conceive of Hillary doing something bad) and are blaming the FBI investigation on VLADIMIR PUTIN.
>Not if your method of critique is yelling louder so the other guy is drowned out.
Show me where that’s against the law.
>Is this a fucking threat?
No. I don’t make threats. Why would I make a threat if I can just do the thing I’d threaten to do?
>The ONLY consequence for speaking my mind in a free society are being proven wrong and losing the argument.
You can also destroy your reputation by speaking your mind in a way that others deem offensive or insulting. That’s a consequence you forgot about—and it’s one you’d do well to remember, lest you fuck up your reputation further.
>I'm thinking of people who don't want to increase suffering in the world, or get vaporized.
Violence doesn't solve the world’s problems, but sometimes you have to deal with a stubborn son of a bitch who thinks it does. Diplomacy, no matter how good, is not going to win everyone over.
>being employed by whoever i want is a right >being a twat to my roommates with no consequences is a right >Incorrect.
Being employed or housed is not a right; being employed or housed without fear of being fired or evicted for certain characteristics—including being LGBT, at least in some states—is a right upheld by government.
>hillary is one of those who needs it >Incorrect.
Did I say that? Show me where I said that. Show me where I said the Clintons shouldn't be taxed at a higher rate than the average American based on them being the Clintons/politicians/millionaires/whatever.
>the barons (domestic and international)
Whatever globalist conspiracy you think exists: It doesn’t. There is no Illuminati. There is no grand plan amongst the world's leaders to shortchange the average regular jackoff. We are all rudderless.
>The progressive cancer in the Democratic Party is calling for purges of the FBI (because progressives are so fucking retarded they can't conceive of Hillary doing something bad) and are blaming the FBI investigation on VLADIMIR PUTIN.
Considering how Comey acted outside protocol to release a statement about emails that might have already been seen by the FBI in their initial investigation of Clinton—emails that were neither to or from Clinton, in fact—just days before the election, I’m not surprised he’d be at the top of Clinton’s “fire this dumb motherfucker” list. As for the Russian bit…yeah I got nothin’, but let’s not act like Russia’s in the bag for Hillary, okay?
>>410672 >Why would I make a threat if I can just do the thing I’d threaten to do? >You can also destroy your reputation by speaking your mind in a way that others deem offensive or insulting. That’s a consequence you forgot about—and it’s one you’d do well to remember, lest you fuck up your reputation further. >Violence doesn't solve the world’s problems, but sometimes you have to deal with a stubborn son of a bitch who thinks it does. Yeah I think you're fucking threatening me.
Especially stupid on the internet, because you can't do shit dumbass.
>There is no grand plan amongst the world's leaders to shortchange the average regular jackoff. DNC leaks suggest otherwise.
>Comey acted outside protocol to release a statement about emails that might have already been seen by the FBI in their initial investigation of Clinton—emails that were neither to or from Clinton, in fact—just days before the election, I’m not surprised he’d be at the top of Clinton’s “fire this dumb motherfucker” list. Four things:
1. Correcting the record of his statements to congress is fully within protocol, and he would be guilty of breaching the Hatch act if he withheld the information. In fact Comey acted outside of protocol when he recommended that Clinton not be punished in the first place, and you were all singing his praises then.... Kudos to Obama for standing by Comey in reopening the investigation. Remember Comey let her off the first time so it's not as if he's biased, Hillary had to hire literal retards who kept shoving evidence into Comeys face until he finally relented and did his job. Is that Comeys fault?
2. For the original investigation Clinton handed over 30,000 emails and withheld 33,000 of a "personal nature". The new email source has 650,000 emails. So what are you basing the claim that the FBI has already seen the old emails in the first investigation? Your inability to do math?
3. You're discussing a suspect of a criminal investigation being elected president and then using her new power to crush the policeman and shut down the investigation.... why would she do this if she wasn't guilty?
4. Russia WAS in the bag for Hillary at the start of the election, remember she did a reset with them (pic)? Remember how she gave them a shitload of American uranium reserves? The problem is that when the national campaign began she started blaming everything on Russia, which completely fucked up any chance of them ever doing diplomacy with her. She blamed the DNC leaks on Russia for fucks sake, which were broken because the DNC was dumb enough to have their MASTER PASSWORD be "Obama08". A five year old child in india with a Commodore computer, a brutus program on a floppy disk and a few minutes supply of mountain dew could have cracked that particular gem of a passphrase.
Paranoid much? Besides, I don’t have ban powers, and the mods told me not to delete posts in threads I’m active in, so I couldn’t even really do anything to you. Take a pill, then a deep breath.
>DNC leaks suggest otherwise.
And if you actually believe a global cabal of people with their own interests can actually work together to control all the world’s major markets—and would shift the economy into a wealth gap so wide that regular jackoffs won't be able to prop the economy—you have more issues than a Playboy archive.
>Comey acted outside of protocol when he recommended that Clinton not be punished in the first place
Not as far as I know. If anything, the breach of protocol—even if just superficially—was in his sharing the opinion that Clinton acted like a dumbass in re: the emails. Alls he really had to do was just announce that she hadn’t done anything to warrant criminal charges.
And last I heard, the emails being investigated right now were neither to nor from Clinton, and there may even be duplicates of emails already seen by the FBI in its initial investigation, so his reporting this “new” information without knowing what the information was (and doing so days ahead of the election) reeks of Comey trying to put his finger on the electoral scale, even if that wasn’t his actual intent.
>The new email source has 650,000 emails.
How many of those have any relevance to the original investigation, though?
>You're discussing a suspect of a criminal investigation being elected president and then using her new power to crush the policeman and shut down the investigation.... why would she do this if she wasn't guilty?
Comey shat in his own bed with his breaches of protocol; I can’t imagine why Clinton would keep him around after she wins the election, even if he clears her of all charges again. And who says she’s shutting down the investigation? If anything, I’d think her confidence in being cleared of any wrongdoing (i.e., committing any criminal acts) would make her willing to let the investigation go on.
>Russia WAS in the bag for Hillary at the start of the election
Key word: “was”. Now they’re sucking Trump’s shriveled dick.
>The problem is that when the national campaign began she started blaming everything on Russia, which completely fucked up any chance of them ever doing diplomacy with her.
And what would diplomacy with Putin under a Trump administration look like—the two of them all but making out in the Oval Office while Russia bombs the shit out of Ukraine? I'd rather our country have an antagonistic relationship with a hyper-authoritarian asshole like Putin than a buddy-buddy relationship where we let him do whatever he wants so he’ll “play nice” with us.
Oh, like Donald Trump, the billionaire New York business mogul and entertainer who was born into wealth and used every trick in the book to retain the wealth he earned by stiffing middle-to-lower-class workers and rerouting contributions from his charitable organization back to himself? That kind of “elite”?
>>410688 go easy on the condescending posts, you of all anons haven't earned the right to use them
>>410689 My country (for one) doesn't hate him because he is a monster (?), simply that he's an immature delusional idiot and will have authority over nuclear weapons.
>>410690 >an immature delusional idiot and will have authority over nuclear weapons. Just out of curiosity, if an immature delusional idiot with nuclear weapons isn't a monster, what is?
We won't even get into all the things he's accused of that would make him a monster even if he doesn't win, like all the sexual assaults, history of abusing SLAPP lawsuits, business scams, potential tax fraud, racism, inciting violence, eroding the foundations of democracy, rape, and most recently, death threats.
>>410691 >Just out of curiosity, if an immature delusional idiot with nuclear weapons isn't a monster, what is? I wouldn't call someone a monster just because they are scary. But I guess I don't call any person a monster, so it's mainly personal preference of description here, rather than disagreement. I just think "slimy douchebag" is more appropriate.
>>410694 >twice as bad This just in: being condescending on the internet makes you twice as bad as people who set black churches on fire and sabotage illegally placed signs so that election workers will injure themselves taking them down according to "Some rando."
>>410703 In the United States this sort of thing is considered election fraud--in fact, it's the most commonly prosecuted variant of election fraud. That's why Twitter suspended the account and is assisting law enforcement on tracking down the person responsible. Whoever they are, they're fugitives on the run from justice.
>>410704 And I'll add a citation since I know you're going to point to your out of date infographic up above instead of keeping track of what actually happens:
>>410706 Oh, you're denying the overlap of the neonazis with Trump supporters even after the "Jew S A!" and "Lugenpress" things and razor-blades-in-the-Trump-signs trick taken straight out of European neonazis' playbooks?
>>410682 It's hilarious that anybody would think this was anthing but a test of their website that accidentally got published. Just how paranoid one would have to be?
>>410713 No, don't you see, obviously these people are competent enough to juggle a nationwide, bipartisan conspiracy to control election results and impugn an illiterate millionaire-posing-as-a-billionaire, with total domination over most of the media, half of the voters in the country, and all of the government, but they're not competent enough to not upload their website early. What seems far-fetched about that?
Lol an Ohio judge just slapped the Trump campaign and related organization with a restraining order on poll "watching" activities, eat shit Agent Orange.
So it turns out the FBI is a wing of the RNC, and has been leaking information to the Trump campaign since the beginning. Are we still supposed to pretend the fact they were "investigating" Clinton has any merit when they're so blatantly partisan?
>>410721 >So it turns out the FBI is a wing of the RNC Fucking lol, Obama literally chose the guy currently in charge, the GOP fought him every step of the way. The same FBI chief dropped the investigation in the first place, despite there being evidence of Hillarys guilt, simply because Obama asked him to.
You're like a goldfish, your memory lasts a few months max.
The only reason the investigation is reopened is because Comey had no choice. He gave testimony under oath to congress that the emails he received were 100% accounted for, the discovery of new ones meant that he lied under oath, which could potentially have crushed his career if he didn't send a letter to congress and reopen the damn investigation.
Blame Huma for keeping a blackmail file on her pedophile husbands computer.
Like a goldfish you've got no foresight either. How long do you think a Hillary presidency will last with these scandals? If she's elected, she'll do 4 years, and the next 5 presidents will be republican. Goldfish tier imagination as wll... what if Comey hadn't found the emails? What would Huma have done with the blackmail file, with all the dirt she had on Hilldog? Some shady character could literally blackmail and control the POTUS. If this doesn't worry you, it's probably because you're too stupid to feel worried.
>>410726 You don't follow the news that isn't shared on /r/the_donald, I'm guessing. It's been publically revealed that the FBI has been leaking information on Clinton to Trump's campaign and Giulianni even bragged about it. This is not a matter of opinion: the FBI has become politicized and it is supporting Trump, not Clinton.
The other fun part of that is that it proves that Trump is just as much a part of the "Establishment" as any other candidate, contrary to your wet dreams.
Also, >>410727, you're not very informed about the laws of this country. The FBI is not allowed to interfere in partisan elections, and it's not allowed to favor one candidate over the other. Anyone who is publically aiding the Trump campaign in the FBI is breaking the law.
Britain here again. Only one thing happened this week - that High Court ruling.
The reactions from Leave voters and campaigners was even worse than I thought it would be: every right-wing newspaper called the judges )who correctly pointed out that a government can't ignore its own constitution just because it feels like it) "enemies of the people" and immediately demanded they all be fired. All the neo-nazi groups in the UK like Britain First and the EDL are talking about rioting and killing anyone who might block Brexit. I haven't made any of that up.
The government's pretending that nothing's changed, and have outright said that Article 50 will still be triggered mid-March 2017, and that they'll appeal the decision to the British Supreme Court (some wags have pointed out that they could always appeal to the EU's Court of Justice). However, there are rumours of a General Election to be held next Spring, but even then it's entirely possible that May will win that by pandering to racist dipshits. Hell, one Tory MP has resigned, saying that may's turning it into "UKIP-lite".
Really, all it means is that the government will have to discuss their strategy for Brexit with the whole of Parliament... which will be one short conversation, judging by the last couple of months.
>>410746 >Hilldog just tried to assassinate The Donald. bzzzzzzzzzzzt >RENO — Donald Trump was rushed off stage Saturday night during a campaign rally here as security officials swarmed, but the candidate emerged back on stage after a few minutes and finished his speech.
>The U.S. Secret Service later said in a statement that it took action after “an unidentified individual shouted ‘gun’” in front of the stage. Agents apprehended the person, but found no gun, the statement said, adding that an investigation into the incident continues.
>Trump concluded his rally without further incident.
>>410762 >>410763 The very same Trump supporters who tried to pass off the crowd beating a Republicans Against Trump protestor as an assassination attempt yes.
>>410760 He didn't recommend charges the first time, although it's nice to see all of you eating one of your own.
Thanks for the hilarious week long conspiracy theories of FBI being allied with Trump and Putin because he said something that could maybe sorta kina be interpreted as REMOTELY critical of Hillary.
>>410770 >Thanks for the hilarious week long conspiracy theories of FBI being allied with Trump and Putin because he said something that could maybe sorta kina be interpreted as REMOTELY critical of Hillary. He violated the Hatch Act and is still likely to be sacked or prosecuted. Comey is right wing, he's just run afoul of the usual right wing problem with pinning something on the Clintons: there's really nothing to pin.
>although it's nice to see all of you eating one of your own.
Wait, what? Most of the Democrats I know were pissed about Comey’s initial “we found no evidence of wrongdoing” statement for going all “…but Hillary is still a fucking idiot”. If that wasn’t a Hatch violation, it was right on the line, and that’s what got Democrats pissed off at him. When Hillary wins, he’ll be out of a job; the only question is whether he’ll resign or wait to be fired.
If you can prove either of the latter two are happening, feel free to post the evidence. Same goes for>>410774 — if you have the evidence necessary to support the charge, you might want to show it.
I’ve seen a few pro-Trump ads on YouTube whenever I use the YT app on my phone or tablet. Don’t get pissy because his campaign didn’t spend as much money on digital advertising as Hillary’s did.
>>410776 >>410771 It was actually two Hatch violations, for protecting Clinton. She lied twice to congress, that's perjury, and punishable by jail, and yet FBI recommended not to pursue. Ergo FBI violated the Hatch act twice in her favor.
>>410777 You know what it's called when government colludes with corporations? Fascism. Gotta make those trains run on time, Mussolini!
Do you ever do research yourself? It took me 10 minutes to do this, just going one by one for my browser search bars, and it's enough to convince me not to vote for the hag.
>>410783 Capitalism specifically forbids government interference in economy, you fucking idiot.
>Capitalism specifically forbids government interference in economy, you fucking idiot.
Pure capitalism, sure. But America isn’t running on pure capitalism. It’s more capitalism mixed with socialism — what with Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid and public schools all that. In pure capitalism, wouldn’t everything be privatized?
>>410782 >government >communism We're talking about economic systems, not political. Communism, socialism and mercantilism all have governments colluding with corps. In the case of communism, the government owns the corps.
Only capitalism avoids this.
>>410785 Maybe if all of y'all did the experiment in June like everyone else, you wouldn't be whinging about Hillary anymore.
>>410788 >It’s more capitalism mixed with socialism — (pssst! you're talking about corporatism! which is a decentralized version of socialism!)
And yes, America hasn't been capitalist since the new deal and the war on poverty bullshit. It blows my mind that people think we're capitalist still.
>>410791 That's not me idiot, and fascism is a political system not economic. Look up #9 on this list:
Answering that comment with >Literally any government besides communism? Is you being double wrong.
Showing me verifiable evidence reported in multiple sources outside of the Alt-Right Angry Dome would be a hell of a start. If you’re just gonna link to a Breitbart column with a clickbait headline or some YouTube video with an attention-grabbing thumbnail, don’t waste your time or mine.
Scott Adam's attempts to not look like he leaned toward Trump from the start instead of merely predicting him are getting very silly. > Aside from "unhypnotizing" being a concept he never promoted at any point, and the fact that his entire coverage of the election fits his own description of persuasion as described in his series on persuasion including his coverage of the election perefectly (even the fact that he's describing how he tries to persuade people was itself mentioned as a persuasion technique), I'll go ahead and refute the first entry on his lsit of reasons to trust Trump:
>Trump’s Tough Talk Inspires violence: Ask Clinton supporters if they have seen the Project Veritas video of Clinton operatives talking about paying people to incite violence at Trump rallies. The people on the video have been fired, and we haven’t seen violence at Trump rallies since. I would think that if Clinton supported the actions of people inciting vioence, she either wouldn't punish them or would have someone in place to continue inciting such violence after the initial perpetrators are fired. It seems that she hasn't, meanwhile Trump has made no indication of firing himself from his own campaign despite being directly responsible for his own words.
>>410801 If project Veritas tells you the sky is blue, you can safely assume it has turned red. It's run by James O'Keefe, the notorious compulsive liar and fraud who had never released a video he hasn't edited to say something defamatory in his entire career.
And here I thought the Republicans were the ones that gerrymandered state districts, gutted the Voting Rights Act, and exploited said VRA-gutting by immediately passing new laws that make access to voting harder for minorities and the poor.
Probably. Voting machines are not the most reliable technology in terms of properly functioning 100% of the time. At least we still have paper ballots.
>>410828 They do, it's just that Trump's little band of morons are the only ones who are stupid enough to think that an error you can see when you go to vote is more likely to be "tampering" than "a shitty machine." The adults in the room realize that actual tampering wouldn't be visible until votes were tabulated, so they just ask for a paper ballot.
>>410828 >FIRST REPUBLICAN SINCE REAGAN TO DO SO I was just talking the other day about how there's a lot of similarities between the two. Like, not in a good way tho.
>>410830 I'm sure they've been rigged. I'm also sure that if anyone was going to actually try to steal the election that way they would do it in a way that would make it so people couldn't tell that their vote was counted wrong. You're an idiot if you think a voting machine that's rigged, rather than malfunctioning, is going to tell you who it's going to report you voted for.
>>410856 That is presently accurate yes, but rather omits the fact that the counties yet to be fully tallied include heavily populated, solid blue area while Trump's easy win areas in rural florida have pretty much run out.
That could be seen as passive electioneering at a voting site, which is explicitly illegal in many states. I can understand why camera crews might not want to be seen as encouraging that kind of thing. (Also: “runs away” is a hell of a hyperbolic statement for a movement that was more “move slightly to the right” than anything.)
Well he's got a solid enough lead that I might believe he can pull it off, but now ALL the remaining votes are smack dab in clinton country so we'll see.
>>410838 I don't believe you're against Trump. I believe you're in favor of whoever everyone else in the country decides upon, and that you're going to bitch about it and act as though you're superior for not doing anything to help either way.
>>410879 >>410881 People are going to die because of you. I know this is something that you consider a net win, but I just want you to understand why people loathe you and your kind. Friends of mine are going to die because you couldn't stand not being able to say "nigger."
/pol/-kun, I want you to understand something: I was prepared to take responsibility for my vote if Hillary had won. (Let’s face it, she’s done for now.) I was prepared to own up for voting Clinton if she did something I considered stupid or damaging to the country — or other countries. If she had fucked up somehow, I would’ve considered it partly my fault for supporting and voting for her, for helping to put her in that position.
Are you prepared for that? Are you prepared to feel responsible for putting Trump in the White House when he fucks up? How much responsibility will you — and your fellow Trump supporters — prepared to take if a Trump-led Congress or a newly-conservative SCOTUS revokes marriage rights for same-sex couples or overturns Roe v Wade or starts another war? How willing are you to take it on the chin if Trump fucks up the economy or undoes every bit of social progress we’ve made since the 1950s?
Just how ready are you to accept your role in putting that fucking lunatic in the White House? Because he’s your responsibility now. I didn’t support him, I didn’t vote for him, and I sure as fuck don’t want him in the White House.
>>410886 Yes, that's pretty much what I expected from a goddamned nazi like you. Laughing at other people's deaths because no one matters to you but yourself.
>>410890 >>410886 >>410881 >>410879 Saving all these to fire back at you and Slowpoke when you get drafted for one of Trump's many wars or lose your homes because of what he does to the economy.
If you’re not going to use a name or a tripcode to make yourself easily identifiable amongst the anonymous posters here, you’re going to be called /pol/-kun until you do. Especially when you’re laughing at the misery and pain and fear of those who are rightfully terrified of a Trump presidency.
>>410902 You don't get off the hook for this. You said the two candidates are just as bad as one another. Trump *had* to have Florida to win, and he won it by considerably less than the number of third party votes. You and your cadre of fence-sitters decided this election for Trump. So everything that happens for the next four years are just as much your fault as they were /pol/-kun's.
>>410897 >>410899 >>410901 Your misery and fear is like a fine wine to me. It is something I have been looking forward to partaking in for some time now.
We're gonna Make America Great Again, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>>410906 It doesn't matter. You're a third party voter, and you've argued constantly in favor of little shits like>>410904 . You helped elect Trump. Enjoy your president.
>>410910 >Lying. Show me the receipts, man. I've said an awful lot of bad about Clinton, but I've never had any love for Trump. >Johnson Nihilism overcame me and I decided voting third party was basically exactly the same as not voting, but more time-consuming. That said, I haven't been very fond of him lately anyway.
So you admit to having no problem with the notion that Trump could undo abortion rights, LGBT civil rights (including same-sex marriage), voting rights, worker's rights, and the economy based on the fact that he’ll have Congress on his side to help pass such policies and a conservative SCOTUS ready to rule in favor of such policies? You really don’t see how millions of people are scared out of their minds at what Trump’s victory has endorsed and emboldened — and if you do see it, you don’t give a shit because it doesn’t affect you. So you go on thinking only about yourself, /pol/-kun. Just remember: When Trump fucks up, it’s partially your fault.
Just want to remind everyone that when we wake up tomorrow, the President Elect is going to be scheduled to go to court for the time he raped a thirteen year old girl, and half the country will be celebrating that he won. This is the country we live in.
Wisconsin seems a lost cause, Michigan might actually tip, Pennsylvania is currently trump but what's left appears to be in the city so it will likely flip, Arizona he's ahead but it's only 69% so it's still possible, and no data on Alaska. She's on track to take Maine and Minnesota while NH keeps going back and forth.
Technically, he’s not going to court for that any more — she dropped the lawsuit. He is, however, still scheduled to be part of the case against Trump University, which defrauded a shitload of the kind of regular jackoffs who voted for the rat bastard.
>>410920 Just remember--if the left were as hateful as you and your ilk, you would be in serious danger of being murdered right now. Thank your lucky stars that you're on the side of hate rather than the side of self-loathing.
I literally can’t leave. (Too poor.) But rest assured that even if I did move, I’d still post here to make you remember how you helped put Trump into office and how everything he does, everything his supporters do, and everything awful that happens to his detractors/“enemies” is on your fucking head. You got him into office. You helped normalize his racism, sexism, and xenophobia. You helped those who approved of those things to celebrate feeling justified in expressing their hatred out in the open.
How willing will you be to take responsibility for what you’ve done when he fucks up?
From Carl Bialik, over on 538’s election liveblog:
>I wrote this morning about this election’s status as the first since a Supreme Court decision struck down portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, prompting states to close hundreds of polling places. Among the states affected were three crucial states won by Trump: Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina.
>>410931 I'm seriously considering just living in denial for the next four years. Never acknowledge whoever we're letting live in the big white building and call himself Emperor even exists, and shun and/or ignore anything said by anyone who publicly admits to voting for him. Just....un-person them. They no longer exist in the same universe as me.
>>410933 Regardless of what HE'S said, his supporters are posting FUCKING SWASTIKAS in the chats. You don't get to come in here as a white man who doesn't face any threat from the now-validated nazis that think America's behind them because of the way this country just voted. Fuck your "Come down off the ledge" bullshit. People are going to DIE because of what happened tonight.
>Nothing he's actually said sounds like the liberal propaganda they've spouted about him being the Fourth Reich.
Other than the xenophobia and racism, sure. But it’s not Trump, on his own, that is so worrying — it’s the fact that he has a Republican Congress to work with and a Supreme Court vacancy to fill. Everything conservatives have ever wanted to do is now possible. The repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the potential passage of a law that nullifies same-sex marriages, the complete revocation of the Voting Rights Act’s last remnants, the enactment of economic policies that favor the rich and private corporations to the detriment of public spending (e.g., public schools), the denial of global climate change (and the ensuing refusal to do anything about it)…all that and more is on the table. Congress can pass the laws, Trump can sign them, and a conservative SCOTUS can call them constitutional. And by the way, the last time Republicans gained control of the White House and both chambers of Congress? 1928. Y’know, right before Black Tuesday and The Great Depression.
>>410933 A man who supports and signed into law forced conversion therapy and electo-shock therapy bills for gay people is the second most powerful person in the country--and since Trump is too dumb to actually run the country, is probably going to be making all the decisions.
And I want to note that as of Inauguration Day, Republicans will control the Presidency, the Senate, the House of Representatives, a majority of State Houses, and a majority of Governorships — and that’s on top of Trump getting to pick the next Supreme Court Justice.
>>410937 The democrats need to play tit for tat and filibuster every single nomination he makes without even listening to them. I'm sick of liberals being the ones expected to be the bigger person. It's time we got as childish as the Republicans.
Man, the really nutty part is that even if someone succeeds with an assassination(as i see many people hoping for), the veep is honestly even worse than Trump. I wonder if that was deliberate, as form of deterrence.
>>410941 Or they were just afraid that Trump's hatred of brown people, non-Christians, and trans people needed a hatred of LGBT chaser to really dominate the fuckhead vote.
I was pro-Trump the entire time. Even so I'm not going to gloat about a 51-40% victory in the electoral votes, a 11 point lead when every one of you and your MSM bobbleheads said Trump is 10 points behind, or rub your face in it.
I think it's time for the nation to heal and unite behind the God Emperor, because we're all Americans and the Xenos threat is always there. Burn the heretic. Kill the mutant. Purge the unclean.
God bless.
>>410941 Trump is at pro-LGBT and pro-minority.... as long as they're American. He kind of doesn't give a fuck about anyone not holding a green card. Trump doesn't seem to give a fuck about issues like abortion either, I think he mentioned it once on the campaign trail. And Trump seems serious about stepping on megacorporations.
Pence though is a dyed in the wool evangelist Republican. He loves corps, hates women, homosexuals, transgenders, minorities REGARDLESS of if they're American. Electroshock them ALL into place.
Actually if corporations kill Trump, they're better off with Pence.
They might use a far-left nut to do it, but I think if there's a serious assassination attempt some billionaire or megacorp will be behind it.
Although if there is an assassination we're going to skullfuck everything.
>>410947 No fucking shit. Even with Soros rigging the e-vote machines for her, Trump still won in a massive 51-40% landslide. Hillary is THAT unlikable!
"Experience" is not a positive attributed when she can't talk about her prior experience without stumbling over a negative event that crushes her entire campaign.
Serious question for Democrats. Do you not have a single female democrat politician, a single female democrat actress or famous person, that is: Young. Likeable. And doesn't have more shadiness and historical baggage than a fucking mafia boss?
Seriously a 20 year old democrat could have visited twice as many states and done way more campaigning. And she could do press conferences without worrying about that one journalist asking her a question about her past.
>>410948 >Aaaand Hillary looks on track to be the 5th candidate to win the voting machines but lose the election.
Hillary Clinton had concession speech ready… but was too upset to give it
>>410964 >‘It’s really, really heartbreaking. I’ve seen so many little girls … defeated.’ Little girls defeated because someone who protected child rapists didn't get into the white house. Yeah sure.
>‘It’s really, really heartbreaking. I’ve seen so many landwhale feminists think that all women agree with them, so many landwhale feminists projecting their own view onto toddlers… they don't even know feminists are a mentally ill minority.’ fixt
Refugee crisis: Sweden's mass deportation of asylum seekers 'could strengthen EU migration policy'
Even libcuck Sweden is fixing itself. 20 million Mexicans will soon be given the option to learn english and stay on a work visa, or get the fuck out.
Suicide watch? For some people, sure. (And I’m sure you’re just ecstatic about the idea of people killing themselves over this election, /pol/-kun.) This is a gutpunch of an outcome, especially considering all the damage Trump and Pence want to do. For example: Pence confirmed on a talk radio show last week that Trump plans to reverse Obama’s guidances on trans people, and Trump himself said he would sign the First Amendment Defense Act, which would legalize religious anti-gay discrimination across the country. And that’s just for starters. (You know they’re looking at Obergefell. Gay marriage is on borrowed time.) So yeah, pretty sure a fair number of people are considering “getting out” the hard way because they don’t want to see what Trump and Pence will do to this country.
But a good number of liberals aren’t going anywhere. They won’t be killing themselves — as much as you would love them to — and they won’t be moving out of the country. They will be staying here to fight for a country they believed in and still want to believe in. What good would leaving America do if it turns into a smoking crater of a nation and takes the global economy with it?
>>410971 >They will be staying here to fight for a country You promised you'd leave to Canada, fucker. I guess it's too much to expect a cuck to keep his promise.
>>410946 >Trump is at pro-LGBT and pro-minority.... as long as they're American. You elected a fucking forced conversion therapy vice president.
But I don't even get what you're doing here. You guys won. You can stop pretending you care about anyone but straight white people. You "took your country back" from the brown people and the queers by voting for the Klan's choice for president. Just stop the lies.
>>410979 Who cares about the VP? How much control does child molester Biden have over anything? Don't kill trump and you'll be fine, Pence is there as insurance.
>You guys won. You can stop pretending you care about anyone but straight white people. It. Was. Not. Pretending. We care about everyone, far more than you do, you fucking shitbird.
We took the country back from neo-slavers and their useful idiots (you're in the second group).
BREAKING NEWS: FASCISM ON THE RISE - FEMALE DEATH CAMPS OPENING NATIONWIDE one woman is distraught, and we got to interview her "ooblublublub he said 'cunt' that means he hates women" my god, that monster, he offended one woman. literally the same as rape-o-cide.
With a GOP-controlled federal government, there is a very real possibility of rollbacks on climate change policies, reproductive health rights (including abortion rights), civil rights for minorities of all kinds (but chiefly LGBT people and religious minorities), changes to the healthcare system, justice system/mass incarceration reform, government surveillance reform, public education, voting/electoral reform (e.g., the rest of the Voting Rights Act) and immigration reform. Those things, just off the top of my head, will affect actual people who are not you.
I know you think that’s funny, though. You don’t have empathy for others; I get that. So keep laughing. When one of the GOP’s policies actually affects you (and one of them will eventually affect you), I’ll be here to ask you how you want to fight it.
Trumps victory speech: Praising Hillary for her campaign and past service in the government, let's all come together, we're all Americans etc. Hillarys looooser speech: UH GUYS WE NEED TO FIGHT THIS GUY HE SUCKS
>>410989 >Prophetic. Nate Silver predicted the Cubs have a better chance of winning the world series than Trump winning the election. Cubs won the world series. It's the Trump curse.
>>410990 Shit that won't change: >government surveillance reform, public education >reproductive health rights (including abortion rights) >civil rights for minorities of all kinds (but chiefly LGBT people and religious minorities) Nope still no changes, at least if you don't assassinate Trump. If you do... there might be some changes under Pence.
Shit that will change: >climate change policies Your climate change policies were shit low-energy reactionary solutions anyway. Carbon tax? Fucking windmills? Sad. We need proactive solutions now. Thorium and tidal turbines is the way to go, it's the only reliable, low-impact, sustainable energy source that can power us for the next 10k years. We need to fund climate control programs as well, it's time humanity had control of this shit. >changes to the healthcare system Changes to the failed ACA that takes 20% out of a middle class persons paycheck? You bet. It's what won Trump the election more than anything. >justice system/mass incarceration reform Yeah the Clinton Crime Bill and the [school--->prison] pipeline will be demolished. No more suprepredator racist bullshit. >voting/electoral reform (e.g., the rest of the Voting Rights Act) Presenting ID when you vote, like the rest of the Western world. *Gasp!* We're going to be as intolerant as Canada! >immigration reform Badly needed reform.
lol what makes you think I'm not an immigrant? I'm a fucking dual citizen bitch, and everyone else should go through the same legal process too.
>You don’t have empathy for others You clearly don't empathize with the majority of America. Trump couldn't have won without women and minorities supporting him, so don't pretend you empathize with them either.
I'm glad Trump won so that maybe America will get its act together next time and realize elections shouldn't be about who can sling the most shit. Four years of a worse government might help voters understand that both major parties are full of idiots, and hopefully this will push people to look beyond whether the person they're voting for is Republican or Democrat and which of them can spout the most party buzzwords and catchphrases. Also, I can't bring myself to hate Clinton because she's part of the reason I had healthcare in Arkansas when I was a kid, and I can't hate Trump because at least you know exactly what you're getting. PS. I got a letter from my health insurance a few weeks ago doubling the price for 2017 with no changes in my income or health status, so the ACA certainly doesn't seem to be working properly.
>>410994 >so the ACA certainly doesn't seem to be working properly. it's almost like it was supposed to function totally different but some mysterious, malicious group forced it to be gutted
>Hillarys looooser speech: UH GUYS WE NEED TO FIGHT THIS GUY HE SUCKS
Gee, it’s almost as if the electorate giving Trump and the GOP all but a blank check to write whatever policies they want (Congress passes them, Trump signs them, a conservative SCOTUS legalizes them) is a reason to make sure everyone opposed to the GOP’s policies and platform stays active in politics. Imagine that.
>Nope still no changes
If you don’t think the GOP won’t try to nationalize TRAP laws or get rid of Roe v Wade, you underestimate just how much the GOP hates the existence of abortion/reproductive rights. As for civil rights? Trump promised to sign the First Amendment Defense Act — which would give people grounds to legally discriminate against LGBT people and justify it with “religious freedom” — and while there won’t be any undoing of civil rights for racial minorities (that will be obvious), I’d bet on the GOP trying to pass anti-religious minority laws that will barely pass muster with even a conservative SCOTUS.
>We need proactive solutions now.
The GOP is full of climate change deniers. They’re like anti-vaxxers: They see that minor disagreement within the scientific community in re: humanity’s effect on global climate change, then use that disagreement as “evidence” of climate change being a hoax or a fraud or whatever — all while ignoring the overwhelming evidence that says otherwise. I have no faith in the GOP to enact policies that will help curb humanity’s effects on climate change, but I do expect them to roll back existing policies so as to prop up fossil fuel industries.
>Changes to the failed ACA that takes 20% out of a middle class persons paycheck? You bet.
Except the GOP hasn’t proposed any changes other than repealing the ACA. I haven’t seen a single comprehensive GOP plan for healthcare reform beyond “repeal Obamacare”, and I’d wager it’s because the solutions they want to offer are either economically unfeasable, politically unpopular, or both.
>Yeah the Clinton Crime Bill and the [school--->prison] pipeline will be demolished. No more suprepredator racist bullshit.
Trump ran on being a “law and order” president. I don’t expect your fantasy to happen. I expect the growth of that pipeline, the growth of privatized prisons, and the growth of mass incarceration. (Doubly so if the GOP gets the feds to crack down on marijuana in states where it's legal.)
>Presenting ID when you vote, like the rest of the Western world.
For the record, I didn't have to present my ID when I voted. But the dismantling of the Voting Rights Act is about more than “voter ID”. In states without the VRA’s restrictions in place this year, there were fewer polling places and fewer early voting hours. Several states tried enacting stringent voter ID laws that made it harder for citizens (legal ones, before you blow a gasket about “the illegals”) to vote. For people without access to the proper paperwork and without the time/money necessary to either get the ID or vote, such moves could have (and likely did) disenfranchise them. Hell, given how close the race was in North Carolina alone, the cuts made to early voting hours and polling places in that state — all enacted by the GOP legislature, natch — made an actual difference in which candidate won. And that’s to say nothing of the state-level gerrymandering done by GOP legislatures so as to give them a greater advantage in state-wide races. All that sort of shit will not only be protected by a GOP-controlled federal government; if anything, it might even get worse, given how the GOP now controls a majority of State Houses and Governorships.
>Badly needed reform.
Our current President-elect promised to build a wall along the Mexican border; what do you really think he’s going to reform about immigration other than tightening it to near-isolationist levels?
>You clearly don't empathize with the majority of America.
I empathize with the people who took Trump at his word and were bamboozled by a conman who has no fucking business being in the White House. I don't empathize with the people who have used, are using, and will use the things he said and did during his campaign (and eventual victory) to justify violence and hatred aimed towards anyone considered an “enemy” of the Trump campaign. I don't empathize with racists, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes, and religious bigots — people who will be more than happy to see this country become a Straight White Christian Male “safe space”, regardless of who gets hurt in the process — because I see no reason to give such people my empathy. If you can come up with one, it better be really fucking convincing.
>>410992 Don't worry, we'll make it bro. Lot of work ahead of us.
>>410994 >PS. I got a letter from my health insurance a few weeks ago doubling the price for 2017 with no changes in my income or health status, so the ACA certainly doesn't seem to be working properly. My auntie didn't even get the letter, they just sent her the larger invoice. On top of that she's paying $100 per needle and syringe for her chemo meds. I went on alibaba and found the same exact needle+syringe combo for $0.05 per package. So we need something, just not ACA. It's a piece of shit the way it was written and carried out. And everyone is afraid of saying the emperor has no clothes because he's democrat. Sick of it.
>>410998 You realize we've had a border fence for awhile now? Parts of it got built under Obama as well.
It even worked sort of, illegal immigration is down to record levels. The problem is the fence just isn't manned properly, and the people we catch aren't sent back but imprisoned here, then let out on the streets anyway.
Your hysterics are hilarious, it's like you think it's the end of the world, and things couldn't possibly get any better.
>So we need something, just not ACA. It's a piece of shit the way it was written and carried out.
And if the GOP had something, don’t you think it would’ve revealed its plan by now? Trump’s got a fucking Congressional mandate at this point; if he and the GOP has a detailed and feasible plan to fix the healthcare system beyond “repeal Obamacare”, now would be the time to show it off. (And by the by: The ACA was “carried out” the way it was because the GOP stomped its feet for concessions every step of the way, and even those weren’t good enough.)
Fence? Yes. But Trump talked about a wall. No matter how unfeasible his plan, he still promised a wall across the entire border.
And yes, illegal immigration is down, but that’s not entirely because of the border patrol — it’s also because people are leaving the country on their own and returning to Mexico. Net immigration levels are practically “zero” because of that. The rate might even drop into negative digits (more people leaving that entering) now that Trump has won the election; after all, what illegal immigrant would want to live in Trump’s America?
>>411001 >And if the GOP had something, don’t you think it would’ve revealed its plan by now? The ACA is almost a word for word copy of Romneys healthcare plan. Why do you think it didn't work? Another huge problem is that no one read the ACA to make sure it makes internally consistent logic. Also one more flaw is... well I don't remember the GOP forcing Obama to sit with heads of insurance companies and sell America to them.
>now would be the time to show it off Check out his website.
>>411003 What's the moral difference between a fence and a wall? Also if immigration net is reversing, then why are you crying? If illegals want to leave on their own, the National Guard won't even have to drag them out.
>>411005 Gay people are going back in the closet, trans people are cross dressing as their assigned genders instead of their actual ones, and Muslims are going against religious beliefs by not wearing their hijabs because everyone who can't pass for a straight white Christian is terrified of being caught being "other" in a country that Hates us.
So yeah, things are pretty dire. My girlfriend is Jewish and I'm terrified of a Trump supporter finding out and deciding to take Mayers into his own hands.
I mean, as damaging as this whole thing could be to may things, especially international relations, I'd still like to say that it was worth it to see that paranoid anti-Alt-Right kid react.
Hopefully Trump does all the good things without the bad things, but I doubt it.
/pol/-kun, we get it, you only care about yourself. You don’t care how many people get beaten up, killed, or pushed into suicide because of what Trump has now normalized.
>Hopefully Trump does all the good things without the bad things, but I doubt it.
Define “good things”. Are you hoping to see same-sex marriage rights revoked? Because I’m pretty sure that’s on the GOP’s table here, what with its adherence to “the protection of traditional marriage”.
>>411014 >Define “good things” Taking a chunk out of the Machiavellian, amoral attitudes that Hillary promotes through her actions. Boosting your economy, for not just the rich, but the other classes too (which he claims to do, but I have doubts). Expanding mental health programs to aid the violently mental ill. Improvements to water infrastructure. Reducing financial burden of college.
I agree that most of his policies are bullshit, but he isn't going to destroy your country. He had to get in through having some sane policies.
And keep in mind: why didn't the democrats enact Hillary's proposals over the past 7 years? To me, they sound like empty promises, however good they may be.
>>411016 I don't even /pol/, just went there to see if they were celebrating or whining. It's 50:50.
>>411020 >And keep in mind: why didn't the democrats enact Hillary's proposals over the past 7 years? Because the only period during which Obama didn't face a hostile legislature was focused on cleaning up after Bush.
>>411016 You've elected Reagan, and actor. California elected Schwarzenegger, and actor and bodybuilder. It's clear your country does not talk politics seriously.
>>411016 Hillary would have been worse regardless for much longer and sustained impact. TTP and TTIP would have resulted in a permanent loss of jobs and sovereignty to a quasi government corporation group. And then she'd Nickel and Dime our rights away just for the hell of it because she'd get some cash.
Also she'd destroy the Internet since that was the main tool that caused her so much grief.
>>411018 >You are fucking insane. > lol, yeah, nothing to worry about from skinheads when they were spamming swastikas in the Youtube chat during Trump's victory speech.
Whether you did it intentionally or not (personally, I think you did), you have emboldened nazis with your campaign. People are going to die because of the campaign you ran, and you don't give even the slightest fuck about those people because they helped achieve your agenda. And you have the gall to accuse other people of being Machiavellian here>>411020 .
>>411024 >Also she'd destroy the Internet since that was the main tool that caused her so much grief. Although, to be fair, I reckon both Hillary and Trump want to up internet surveillance and control. Lose lose.
>>411024 >Also she'd destroy the Internet since that was the main tool that caused her so much grief.
Telecom companies are already popping the corks on champagne and drafting new anti net-neutrality legislation to celebrate the fact that they might be able to finally destroy the internet now that they have the most corrupt, pro-business asshole who's ever held the office taking over in January. But yeah, voting Trump "saved" the internet.
Maybe if you keep backing up his lies daddy will finally give you the cummies you so desperately crave from him.
>>411028 I don't give even a tiny shit if you are multiple people or not. You've fought very, very hard to destroy diversity, so you should take pride in the fact that everyone sees you as a fucking monolith of mayonaisse-assed deplorables.
>>411029 Trump pulled from across all demos regardless the "White Power" meme the media wants to play. He wants to break up the private prision system and fix the urban centers for those that live there.
Not the method of "renewal" liberals like to do which is driving out the people that are there and putting in condos.
>>411025 >emboldened nazis Actually decades of you calling everything racist have. Out of the thousands of people you called racist in the past year, one may have been a neo-nazi, but he hid among the normal people you denigrated and insulted.
And yeah it's pretty fucking insane to think Trump is a Nazi. He supports Israel and his daughter married a Jew. What the fuck kind of Nazi does that? Nazis put lineage and racial purity above all, a nazi would never allow his daughter to marry a Jew of all things. You'll never convince anyone with a working brain that Trump is fascist.
Meanwhile... the Clintons are textbook fascist.
>And you have the gall to accuse other people of being Machiavellian here>411020 That's not me.
>>411032 >Meanwhile... the Clintons are textbook fascist.
As opposed to the guy whose businesses are going to remain under his children's control and be negotiating trade with foreign companies bearing the name of the President. But lol, there's no conflict of interest when Daddy is doing it.
>>411031 >Trump pulled from across all demos regardless the "White Power" meme the media wants to play. Polls show very clearly that the *only* demographics Trump got the majority in are white. Every single other demographic group voted against him in huge majorities.
Please leave. I’m begging you, please leave and go back to /pol/ where your weaponized insincerity isn’t out of place. We know you don’t care about other people. We understand that. You don’t have to stay here and keep making that clear. Please, please, just fucking leave.
>>411038 About what? About the fact that Trump's support came entirely from white people who wanted to "Make America Great Again" by returning it to how it was when they were the only ones with any freedom or power?
>>411035 > Every single other demographic group voted against him in huge majorities. You're forgetting about the minorities of the minorities who didn't vote for Hillary.
Thanks for silencing their voices though, massa. Does CTR still pay you $0.05 for that?
All righty, I am tired of seeing Stone and his ilk flail around trying combat anonymous behavior with negative reinforcement and moral high grounding because /that shit don't work/, so I think now is a good time to mention that Kazerad updated his study on the nature of anonymous:
>>411044 It's all well and good to suggest these things, but people are fucking terrified right now because of this band of anonymous people who are relying on anonymity to let them get away with antisocial behavior. It's easy to say "just chill" when you're not one of the people who's going to get hurt by them when they decide we're not giving them enough social attention so they'll have to get it by shooting people.
Of course it doesn’t. You don’t give a shit about anything but yourself and your ability to laugh at other people’s misery and pain. If you actually cared about other people — especially those who aren’t like you — you would be fucking terrified of what could happen with a Trump presidency and a GOP-controlled federal government. But you don’t care. Why should you? You meme’d Donald Trump into the White House! Nothing else matters but your candidate, your victory, you you you you you. You are the only thing that matters to you. Your happiness, your joy, your feelings, your life, that’s all that has ever mattered to you. “Fuck you, got mine” is probably your life motto. And if someone else is pained as a result of what you’ve helped accomplish — even a family member or a close friend — why should you give a shit? After all, they’re not you.
The difference between me and you, /pol/-kun? I can still give a shit about things. And I can still be sincere when I say I give a shit. When was the last time you gave a shit about anyone or anything but yourself?
>>411049 >but people are fucking terrified right now because of this band of anonymous people who are relying on anonymity to let them get away with antisocial behavior People used to be terrified (and are literally right now, looking at this thread) of people relying on social status to let them get away with antisocial behavior.
>>411054 Also, Trump's army of malcontents sent armed people with guns to polling booths to make sure potential Hilary voters didn't feel safe voting, so there's that too.
>>411055 Oh, trust me, we're going to. Just get Putin to suggest his penis is bigger than Trump's and we'll be in a nuclear war before he finishes tweeting about how YUGE his penis is.
Nuclear war is not a fucking videogame. Mutually-assured destruction can’t be undone with a keyboard combination. If we start a nuclear war, it is the end of humanity, one way or the other.
Hillary didn’t fuck up incredibly hard. How do I know? Because I don’t think even Bernie Sanders could’ve won this one. We all underestimated the reaction of White America — the only demographic that voted for Trump in a majority — to eight years of a black President. Given the social climate of America after Obama, I’m not wholly surprised a racist demagogue like Trump won the election (and a majority of the white vote). I’m angry and sad and a whole host of other emotions, but ultimately, I’m not surprised.
>>411052 You do realise Anon over there could not give a shit about the attacks in your post due to your futile method of persuasion. If you actually read and processed his post, maybe you would understand.
I will post whatever I want because I choose to. If you’re trying to stop me, you’ll have to try harder. And I mean “slit my throat” harder. And by that I mean you will literally have to murder me to stop me from posting.
>>411061 >who wanted to start a war with Russia How did this become a thing anyway? The only one I saw threatening nuclear war if Hillary was elected was Russia. And they certainly don't have US interests in mind.
>>411066 >Well, anyone who was persuaded by them are idiots.
Saying that just proves that you don't give a shit about voting rights. "Voter intimidation is okay as long as I don't personally respect the groups being targeted."
That won’t be a problem. I mean, the radioactive fallout from a nuclear war between Russia and the US alone would probably wipe out a good chunk of the world’s population, so there would be no need to bomb other countries.
But at least we can all pretend Trump is Ghandi from Civilization as we watch the mushroom clouds. Right?
>>411069 >How did this become a thing anyway? The only one I saw threatening nuclear war if Hillary was elected was Russia. And they certainly don't have US interests in mind.
People who admire Trump also admire Putin, because this whole thing was all about wanting a Daddy Dom who they could beg for cummies, and both of them fit the mold. They'll give their allegience to anyone who spanks them when they're bad and gives them cummies when they're good.
>>411065 I'm not trying to stop you posting. I'm suggesting you make more useful posts. Insulting an anon is useless apart from providing catharsis. If you want to change the world, or even your imageboards, you need to step up your rhetoric. And to me, it seems like that is something you wish to do.