This whole "OP can't bump his own thread" is so much bullshit. It used to be that storytime threads helped prevent /co/'s front page from being on big mass of general threads. Now, the generals are crowding out the storytime threads, simply because people are too busy reading the stories to comment.
>>391934 It is bullshit considered how people on /co/ respond to any and all troll threads and people that actually want to troll just change their IP so they can bump the threads. I would be even more upset if most storytimes lately weren't just new comics or shitty events.
Changing captcha has been around for a while. I believe it was done to stop people from spamming. They'd fill out like 50-100 captchas and use a script to post several times within a few minutes.
While we're on the subject of captcha, I really wish it wasn't on the reports as well. Captcha has been pretty shit lately, and sometimes I have to fill it out multiple times just to report posts. This is really starting to discourage me from reporting shitposters.
It would be nice if they could make Captcha on a karma/frequency system. Every day after you get X successful captchas you only have to do if you post more than once an hour (or half hour, or something). But that would work against 4chan Pass, which probably helps with the billz. I notice that most of the ads are about 4chan itself, though I don't know if the Pass is keeping the lights on entirely or if they're still having a bitch of a time finding advertisers...
>>392049 It was taking room and they need more space to advertise godzilla, facebook games and reactionface+greentext dumps. /co/ has standards you know!
>>392126 The usual. that shit stays until bump limits because mods only check for the OP pic anyway. Same with posting QC or Sinfest just to shitpost about feminism and trannies right at the second post.
Made a Poppy thread. After 50 or so pleasant posts, Morbi showed up. Then a silly person made a post whining to Morbi about not being able to make dirty comments on the comic's website. This was my reply.
A few hours later the thread was deleted and I was b&. WAT.
>>392141 >A few hours later the thread was deleted and I was b&. WAT. My guess would be global ban for the thread. Which is stupid. Poppy his in no way furry shit. Mods complete ignorance about the content of what they moderate is astounding at time.
>>392145 Mister Twister made the thread so when he got banned, all his posts were deleted including the thread. Don't make it seem like this was an attack on furries or Poppy. He should not have been banned for what he said though.
Also, I wonder if anyone else from this thread got b& as well. And if yes, why aren't they complaining about it here? After all, this is the place to do that.
damnit 4chan >shit post angrily >"you can't post for 10 minutes because blablabla" >10 minute later : can post. >get back to work 7 hours later >lol banned for 24h
I fail to see the logic of those delayed ban. Either do it or not, but changing mind several hours later just make them look like lunatic amateurs.
boy, I always though mods were absent on week end, yet I got banned for a G1 ponie joke on /vp/ in less than a minute. So it's not that the mods are lazy, they are actually biased and let boards shit under porn, pseudo feminism and racism on purpose. Good to know.
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>>392327 It's not even pseudo-feminism - it's bitching about pseudo-feminism. I posted this yesterday, and after about 10 minutes somebody was whining about how Minerva and Hello Nurse had only gone out of the public eye because they hadn't found an alpha male to marry. /pol/ and /r9k keep shitting on the rug and demanding a biscuit because, hey, the smell's totally driving tumblr away!
Not my own screenshot, since Adblock and all that, but there's apparently anons now paying for adspace to promote their OTPs and waifus. That's fucking hilarious and also kinda adorable.
>two threads about casey Kasem on /co/ >Neither of them are stickied yet >somebody tried to make a thread on /a/, met with children going WAAAH NOT RELATED, STOP TRYING TO CROSSPOST >no thread on /mu/, because somebody from /mu/ posted in one of the /co/ threads to say that we shouldn't even bother
Sometimes, I wonder why I still give a shit about the old place.
I got permab&'d for requesting porn. Who would have guessed that was under rule #1? I swore requesting r34 was a time old tradition. Oh well. HA HA! Time for proxies!
wow, just got permabanned because of a vaguely aggressive post on /v/ against the use of anime sluts easter eggs to sell games. Meanwhile shitting on Splatoon is moda approved, same for loli threads. OK, I'm not really sure I even want to come back. I'm not begging to such people. sayonara 4chan it's been a cool run.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
And here I didn't apply to a be 4chan janitor because I doubted my ability to dedicate myself to such a fast paced board. Maybe most people think that unless they're actually so unfit for the job they don't even stop to consider how bad they might be at it.
>>392411 even though the subjects are usually "draw muh waifu doing something that makes me hard and sweaty", I admit /a/ has the best drawfags in average, no matter what /ic/ and /co/ tells you, simple styles aren't easy styles and the guys do it really well, way better than when /co/ and /ic/ try to "prove" you how "lazy" anime art is by drawing it themselves, or worse, when they try to redline/correct it.
So, are Disgaea threads forbidden on ?v? or is the board really that fast that not posting in 5 minute send threads in page 10? I see that guy reposting NIS threads all day but none manage to survive more than 50 posts, which is getting annoying because it leads to lots of repost.
And just like that any decent or reasonable discussion about the comic and it's merits are now out the window and every /co/ thread about Paranatural is going to devolve into complaining about tumblr and SWJ and "how the comic sucks now.
Yeah, pretty much. You are watching an entire subset of a generation of people get old and cranky in real time. 4chan is going to be an insufferable mess once the average demographic all turns 35.
Age has nothing to do with it, Paranat threads were always plagued with noisy fanboys/girls with an insufferable ego. The 4chan fanbase was never as big as they believe it is.
YES! No longer permab&'d! I don't know why. And now I don't have to post from other computers anymore. I'm also happy that being permab&'d isn't like it use to be, allowing for lurking but no posting.
>that fucking double Korra invasion in both /co/ and /v/.
o fuck you, I planned to get back to /v/ during the obvious /co/ invasion during the new show airtime, why the fuck can't you keep that shit in one place goddamn.
>>392464 Too bad /v/'s korra thread are the same shit as /co/, threads started with the infamous smug korra, then imediately folled with "omg fit brown girl so hot best show ever" and people dumping cropped porn.
>>392466 Honestly I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand this was probably a long time coming and needed to happen eventually. On the other hand as shitty as those threads got they were self-contained and didn't interfere with the other threads.
Either way I blame the author for not finishing the damn thing.
>>392476 I wouldn't mind /co/ working like /v/, where general threads are actively removed and disliked and sent to a place where they can live away without taking up space for the lesser threads.
>>392488 No, I meant before that, I don't remember them talking about the comics the couple times I looked at them. Also, they wouldn't have to be generals, since they could instead be talkbacks for specific stories.
>>392479 Of course it is. Honestly if he didn't waste time with Cons and Kickstarter stuff we would be done and the generals wouldn't have become so cancerous. I mean going of 200 days with no update to the main story is unacceptable. I'm surprised we didn't just end it out of spite.
He even said once that the whole deal with getting things made quickly is stretches of unbroken focus being needed to build up steam, and I'd think conventions could be a serious roadblock to that. Kickstarter, I can see being important enough to interrupt for, but that's just because of the amount of money that went into it. Even then, I think a good sense of focus would help both projects succeed relatively sooner in terms of their actual end goals.
>>392505 that's because /v/ was plagged with shitty fake sexism thread for years before that on real(?) event came so nobdy wants to side the women side anymore. It's a by the book case of yelling at the wolf.
I understand that the show's on hiatus until Late July/Early August, but do we really have throw THAT into the discussion? The only folks that openly discuss it are those that approve of it!
And how the fuck is it still up if 4chan has mods and janitors?
>4th of July
Oh... Right...
There are times when I genuinely hate holidays, this is one of 'em.
>>392532 What are you referring to? Is there something wrong in the Steven Universe thread or do you just not want them to have a Steven Universe thread? Also is Scraps involved, cause he's an asshole?
>>392539 I assume he is referring to how some people took over the SU thread and trying to make them into 24/7 generals with fetish talk like wanting Garnet to have a dick and how Pearl's feet smell. They also tend to kiss Scraps' ass. My tinfoil hat says they probably don't like the show and are just doing this so they can go back and show how shitty the fanbase is.
>>392551 meh. I think /b/ should have gone with a theme, like "pool's closed" or even just desuspam or something, that would have marked the event way more than generic gorespam.
>>392563 >like "pool's closed" or even just desuspam
Damn man that is so 2006.
>>392564 This is /b/ we're talking about. Every raid ever used to be about harsh revenge. The raid on Habbo back in 2006 was in retaliation for moderators being racist and banning black players. Even if there was a reason behind it, they treated it like a meme. Now they're treating it like serious business, spamming gore and porn? Yeah, way to go guys, you sure showed them.
>>392566 >spamming gore and porn? That's what I'm saying, this is pretty unimaginative and pedestrian for /b/. Memes would have been great if they'd put some thought into it.
>>392570 >this is pretty unimaginative and pedestrian for /b/ you say that as if /b/ is all of a single like mind, it was only like 10 or so people that even contributed to the flood and it's still causing a ruckus which is hilarious
anyway, gore and porn is what would keep the fire running the longest and get tumblr up in arms, so that's what we did
>>392571 >you say that as if /b/ is all of a single like mind, it was only like 10 or so people that even contributed to the flood and it's still causing a ruckus which is hilarious 12 year olds made other 12 year olds overreact to something: film at 11.
>>392571 >anyway, gore and porn is what would keep the fire running the longest and get tumblr up in arms, so that's what we did
I disagree, gore and porn are too common and versatile on the internet to have lasting shock value. A really obnoxious shitty maymay would have done more harm because lots of dumb kids would just continue using it years after, like they still do with desu and trollfaces. That's were it hurts, picture you hate that just don't fucking die, or worse, end up being liked by other people you used to like.
Man, I just went on /b/ for the first time in years because of this nonsense....has /b/ always been this easy to troll? I mean I've never even intentionally trolled before, and it's like they WANTED me to troll them.
>SFW images of anthro characters (Peg from gooftroop, Lola's mom etc) now earn you a ban on /co/ >But only sometimes
The mods are getting silly. They hit a Milf thread and started deleting posts and issuing bans for SOME sfw anthro character pics, but ignored others, some of which were far closer to nsfw.
>No furry allowed outside of /b/
Right, this application of the rule wouldn't allow the mlp board or most of the pokemon board to exist.
>>392588 or maybe it could occur to you that nobody give a shit about your fetishes and people are getting tired of half the active board not talking about comic and cartoons but instead share cropped porn pics and fanfics that make their dick hard and sweaty?
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>>392591 Ha ha, time for Devil's Advocate! ... or white knight, whichever you prefer.
People will post whatever they want, and talk of whatever they want. As long as the rules are being followed, complaining is m00t.
However, whether or not "half the board" is right or wrong matters little. The only important thing is that you have the ability to talk about what you want, in threads you like. Remember, no one is forcing you to go in threads that you dislike. Just stay where you want, and don't complain about threads you don't post in. Why would you complain about threads you don't post in? What's the point?
Unless someone is dumping OFFENSIVE content in a thread you're in, and you know it doesn't belong. Then you can complain. Otherwise, live and let live.
>>392591 You can read the thread yourself and see which people got banned and which posts were deleted.
The more pornographic material was allowed, some sfw pictures were selectively removed and posters banned. The thread in question wasn't cropped porn pics and fapfics. Hell, compare to the recent cheesecake threads, which went straight untouched.
You can't selectively enforce new rules like they are doing. That's a terrible pattern of behavior for a moderator.
>>392588 It's possible they aren't reading the threads but instead only the reports. I know not long ago I quietly reported someone for publicly announcing a report and expected either nothing to happen or even myself to get banned for a frivolous report, but soon after that post was gone.
>>392593 Neither does pointing out the perceived attributes of a typographical choice? Not that the emphasis is at all random anyway, those are obviously the answers to this week's quiz.
>>392595 Banning on frivolous reports is also completely unacceptable mod behavior, let alone that there has clearly been a trend here where they are issuing the bans all cited under global rule 3 for furry content outside of /b/, which by all prior practice was fine so long as it was board relevant and sfw.
>>392596 >Banning on frivolous reports is also completely unacceptable mod behavior I didn't say such bans happened, I just didn't know what to expect because it seemed like other such report-announcing posts tended to hang around, and wasn't sure if they just weren't being reported or rule 7 wasn't being properly enforced. Apparently the former in that particular case at least, which I find good.
Also, false and misclassified reports are in fact also against rule 7, so if a report is actually bad, banning for it is official policy.
>>392613 I didn't even intend that to be at your expense, I just like to throw things together in MS Paint and spent a lot of time pouring over textbooks.
>Mod decides to start banning people all the time for not actually violating the rules >Only issues 3 day bans so they can't be contested and draw attention to their horseshit
This is the sort of shit people left regular forums to avoid.
>>392615 mods being super defensive korrafags is nothing new, you never ever saw a korra thread deleted, even when there were 8 hogging the first page, and half of thm being fetishit or role play.
>>392610 Maybe they are finally enforcing boards theme as the medium and not the subject. I won't complain, too much movies and series and actors blogs these days on /co/
>>392622 Though that kinda stuff can't be discussed in the same way on /tv/ as it can be on /co/ since most the subject matter relates directly to the core of the property which is a cartoon and toy line.
Hmmm. I was banned earlier in the week for a dumb thing, but when I did a test post it didn't take me to the "your ban is over" screen. Is that normal now?
>>392616 Bans have been automated for a while now. That is, if you get banned for a rule, you will get the ban length associated to that rule. It's not something the staff has control about anymore.
>OP >make thread >surprisingly successful >get banned from all board due to action on other board (wasn't even bad) >thread blows up, awesome replies appear >can't participate in amazing thread created >people are asking me questions >IM TRYING NOT TO BE A FAGGOT BUT 4CHAN WON'T LET ME BE STRAIGHT I even got to fall asleep before it died. Also, I suggest avoiding certain Tumblr tags on Christmas.
>>392732 >>392721 You'll excuse me if I don't understand the logic of casting a black character in a white role, particularly if it's a lead.
It's one thing if it's an original series, a remake, or a reboot. But this is an adaptation. Wouldn't it make more sense to get actors that actually look like who they're based off of?
>>392751 IMO it all really depends on the nature of the character they're replacing. If it's a total straight adaptation where it helps to be as loyal as possible then yeah it's probably dumb, especially if it takes place in a setting like making Captain Ahab black or Mulan an Indian. But if the nature of the character is that their background can be ditched, like the important aspect of their backstory was that they grew up in modern NYC, had a good relationship with their mom and brother, and used to be a cop, then yeah it doesn't matter to me.
>>392751 It's fucking Power Rangers man, like I get what you are saying but come on, if we were going that route they'd all be Asian then wouldn't they? Besides the off the rails nature is why American power Rangers is fun.
I was bored. I went on /v/ for a minute. Then I closed the tab and played some videogames to distract me from the urge to kill every human being on the planet.
>>392790 weird, I think /v/ is going pretty well recently, all you have to do is learn to recognize bait threads, that make up for 75% of the board, but once you recognize them (it's easy, it's always the same 4-5 thread subject), the rest is decent.
Major shitstorm on /a/ and /v/ since apparently some bioware web designer bought the exclusivity of a good hundred hentai artist for his personal porn site. This is kind of a weird turn of event but I can't see it ending peacefully.
>What? This isn't about Fakku, is it? well yeah it's a guy from fakku who is also a bioware senior web programmer or something. >Actual mangaka from Japan or just several western internet artists that draw porn? a good hundred of japanese mangaka including nichi iori and da hootch and others. Bascially everything that was published under the magazin that I don't rememeber the name is now fakku's property in the USA, and they are sending Cease and desist mails to all the American based websites at this moment. The guy is also shitting all over 4chan's reaction openly be it on his social network or 4chan itself if I believe some /a/ screencaps. no matter what this is a lose/lose situation. But this guy might fall from high if he continue teasing the internet like that. He clearly has no idea of what he's doing, pretending the whole world around him is about the same level as his comfy videogame forums.
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Someone made a thread about a series of children's/young adult books on /lit/. Very soon, the thread was flooded with posts by pretentious intellectuals telling the "manbabies" to get out and "read some serious literature".
>>392897 But why? If the script was getting hard to post around, then it actually reached the age where it collected enough data to actually matter, and getting rid of it just admits that there are now three /b/s. Getting too long an archive to run everything past it without taxing the CPU, I guess?
>>392898 There's only one /b/ since rule 3 wasn't removed from /r9k/. moot just made another /s4s/ yet he won't make a /pco/. He might as well change /r9k/'s name to /baw/ and be done with it.
That doesn't really explain why he'd bother getting rid of the script, though. If it was to change up the board, I'd try taking mod and janitor deleted posts and using them as training material for an email-style spam filter that hands out similar escalating bans as the old system. Most shitposts have a distinctive style that could be recognized as easily as Viagra ads and Nigerian prince scams, though it wouldn't work for image-only posts.
>>392943 >>392944 At least I'm not the only /co/nami goer that decided to check up on plusc4han when the site maintenance cruelly killed the thread(s). Not to mention all the quest threads on /tg/ will suffer tremendously. (like I care wwwwwwwww)
>>392971 Pulling the "viral marketing" card? This shit happens with every Marvel/DC movie or where you not there when TDK dropped and a third of the board was about that movie.
The main problem is that the board was never the comics and cartoons board but the "western media" board. Until moot change those rules which he won't, movie and tv shit will be posted on the board.
God-fucking-danm I hate drawthreads so much. I should really just hit up the /ic/ sticky and start making this shit happen myself. Fuck trying to ask others to take my "shitty" requests, having to sift through all of the endless whining & complaing about what people request , rulefags playing armchair moderator, drawfag dick-riding & whitenighting. Anyone else have had issues with said threads that perhaps aren't as baww-worthy as mine?
>>392973 So if I understand your complaints correctly: you are upset that the free art you are demanding is not being provided to you in the most convenient way imaginable?
>>392980 It's not the sole reason, but it's kinda there. That's just the tip of the iceberg of other problems I've listed already. I know it sounds extremely childish, and I do realize I'm not owed anything and it all boils down to luck, etc, just wanted to vent in the "4chan bawwing" thread.
>>392973 >rulefags playing armchair moderator, drawfag dick-riding & whitenighting. This is why I stopped drawing for 4chaner a while ago. I still draw in threads from time to time, but dedicated "drawthreads" are really fucking nasty these days no matter the board, so I just hide them on sight now.
Fuck this shit man! Just... fuck it. There I said it. I heard the news the night before and felt depressed the entire day. I just needed to get that off my chest.
>>393127 >expecting anything positive from a board where people unironically believe in national socialism while claiming to fight against the enemies of 4chan
>4chan just rangebanned one of the biggest ISPs in Finland for no reason I hope these fucking retarded cuntniggerfaggots all get ebola and die horribly.
From the Zoe Quinn news to a woman merely mentioning she doesn't like how Samus is shoowing less skin than before in Smash Bros, /v/ is entirely shit today.
>>393182 Less that and more the ham handed method. Since Lolicon according to whomever they are dealing with now is anything that looks to be under eighteen. Which wiped out a lot of Western Centered Artists. I really stupid deal they made there.
>>393205 Extremist reaction to extremist behavior. When we don't have to account for our identity, we don't feel pressured to respond rationally. They feel frustrated and attacked, placed under the same unfair hyperbole that Tumblr extremists preach against, and they know it. But they're angry, so they shift into a irrational attack mental state, ironically fueling and justifying the extremists they're angry at.
>>393208 Honestly they are the unfair hyperbole, and half the time they're proud of it. Even when they're not "attacking the SJWs" it's bullshit about how race mixing is unnatural or which cartoons have the best fetish material.
>>393204 /co./ stopped giving a shit about SU months ago, the franchise is in /frz/ state now, where a limited number of worshipper keeps it "present" for the sake of it. No haters gonna alter taht whole "event" because people don't give a damn anymore.
>>393253 I don't know either. The [More Info] bit just links me to the FAQ. There is no public list of which countries and ISPs are blocked. I have no fucking idea who's responsible for this shit or what they did.
>>393256 Nah it's worse than usual, korrafags are spamming in full force about a final nobody give a shit about, especially the part that are supposed to be erotic for them and thus for us.Also now that /frz/ is dead we have shitty permanent webcomics generals filled with edits and links to fanfics, but nobody actually discussing at all. Saturday cartoons being currently dead doesn't help. So yeah, definitely a low point for /co/ these days. Let's hope the end of summer and the arrival of new seasons clean that shit. But I doubt it, mods seems really content with that /co/, and already silence any complaint as "quality of post" so moot doesn't have to see what gets banned.
>>393266 >korrafags are spamming in full force about a final nobody give a shit about, Yeah, geez, fuck all those people talking about the finale of a cartoon with a bunch of like-minded people on a cartoon board.
>>393266 That's not at all what I was referring to. I was talking about the dumb threads where they complain about tumbler or whoever that become echo chambers. Like the Daphne threads or the Spiderwoman threads or the other bait threads.
I got no issue with Korra since it's the finale week. Or the generals so long as they keep to themselves and eventually get back on topic. It the general negativity and need to bash things that bother me.
I wonder if the userbase's slow transition from left-leaning anarchists to neonazi central would've happened regardless of the "tumblr" culture popping up.
>>393282 It's inevitable for any site based on regular discussion that reaches critical mass, which 4chan did years ago. The more reasonable/interesting/helpful tend to get overwhelmed by the continuous stream of shitheads (be them 13 year old idiots or 28 year old trolls) and move on to greener pastures. Their absence just invites more such people. A lot of people also leave because the speed is too much for them; it's hard to have a conversation when there are 200 people involved at once.
The SJW (which aren't just on tumblr, but that seems to be their own "haven") didn't do much to change the culture of 4chan, but give them a coalescing and shared platform of hating the SJW and their own brand of bullshit (likely because they're just as effective as the trolls without trying to be trolls.) This actually made 4chan users overall more powerful, because that shared hatred gives them common ground to rally around, such as That power is always used to antagonize, but sometimes--like this--it's used to antagonize bad people (at least, as far as 4chan understands them) in the pursuit of helping others. Project Chanology didn't really "help" anyone, but it was good antagonism.
>>393285 >The SJW (which aren't just on tumblr, but that seems to be their own "haven") didn't do much to change the culture of 4chan
Then I take you haven't been on /v/ recently. /v/ is now a social justice board, busy hating a whore and ordering people to give their money to "causes" that follow their agenda by adding a few maymays and namedropping /v/ in their official merchandising.
You can forgot everything /v/ ever said in the past, this is a rebirth, they effectively rewritten their own past at this point, to "prove" that it was always like that and they are doing a holy crusade that will save the industry entierely, but only if you but the Tshirts with the maymay on it.
>>393291 >ordering I think that's exaggeration of it. A lot of people are overly excited about funding some dumb art team's video game project. They seem to think it's a fun way to show up other, more annoying people, and maybe get them to be quiet for a bit, while also maybe getting an actually passable video game out of it. Pretty sure I didn't see anyone expecting me to hivemind in the threads I saw last night. Even today, I just see posts written under the presumption that I'll either care or ignore them, for the purpose of further motivating in the former case. No one's saying you need to do things, and I know I haven't pulled out my wallet.
>>393295 >I think that's exaggeration of it No, that stinking scam was spammed with OP telling people they must fund it, with no excuses possible, based on some tl;dr image and link collection.
>>393338 >Korra threads are being ruined by pure H8.
People would be milder against Korra if mods kept the fags from posting 5 threads in a row, often reusing the same pics, for a discussion content that is invariably "at least there's the porn". At this point it's just invasive and only serve to send slower threads to page 10 while the guys making the threads gets the false sensation that their cartoon is popular just because it's there.
>>393340 Hmm... not exactly my point. "Pure H8" refers to the hate towards Korra herself. Too many anons are obsessed with her dying in all manners of painful and/or violent death. When you post something like that once, it's okay. Twice, and it's edgy. 5 times, and edginess intensifies. 500 posts about wanting the main character get killed? I just don't get it. What teh fück did she do to deserve death?
>>393341 Same reason you get people making 500 post about licking her feet or violating Jinora, once one anon manage to get attention with some fetishit or fanfiction, others gathers like flies and yap it again for a while hoping to be part of the "fun". At least that's how it was last time I tried to read one of those threads. But I gave up mid season 2, when it was clear ATLA S2 was a fluke and bryke will always be mediocre at best.
>>393340 not sure if they'd be milder, they'd just end up tuning the threads into what the Frozen stuff turned into mainly being fanfiction AU stuff about Introvert Elsa. Also it seemed to get worse when not as many people would hate on the show with them because Book 3 was pretty dang solid.
>>393414 This is 4chan, an anonymous board, they should get a permaban to show off there nder their name. and should lurk the fuck more if porn make them shit their pants.
>>393427 Apparently there is a new site filter blocking the pics from the Fapping and that's why the site is moving so slow. Also 4chan has a new policy.
>>393435 Pff, they probably got a note fro moot after the whole photo leak fiasco, to avoid 4chan name getting publicity with real people. The end of an era imo.
>>393442 I wish you weren't such an entitled faggot waiting for the entire userbase of 4chan to make content to entertain you. You're a user too, make something for everyone elses' entertainment or shut up.
>>393452 I'm interested to see what other word you might feel would be more appropriate to describe someone who expects other people to provide them with free entertainment without any form of contribution of their own.
I feel like half of /co/'s threads are the same as this morning, and they only got like 30 post in a day. Even /v/ and /a/ are slow as shit and threads can't die, and worse, no new ones are made. wtf.
>>393473 I hate to say this but I agree with /v/ on redditors taking over the site. Too many people want little hugbox sub-boards which are what 24/7 generals are. They have their own drawfags, writefags, and pseudo mods. I hope this guy keeps it up because this might help /co/ go back to the old ways.
>>393473 >>Someone tries to have a combined Thursday premier thread for all the new shows.
That's a bad idea, the whole board is made for cartoons and comics. It's really sad that /tv/ is taking so much place these days poster feels that cartoon don't deserve threads anymore.
>>393479 No one said that they could not make seperate threads. Jesus, am I the only person that remembers when we used to have thread like this for Saturday morning cartoons? Has all the fanbase wars threads screwed up posters so much that you would stay in a hugbox general than actually watch your cartoon with others.
>>393522 Someone commented that every time Fox talks about 4chan or memes and have no idea what they talk about, it's feigned ignorance to relate to the common viewer. They absolutely know what 4chan is, they're just acting like they don't.
mods are currently sending warning for people who report shit like that /v/ whore DA OC, or their online crusade recruiting general. Way to go, mods, you are the cancer now
man, I love Smash and all but /v/'s hateboner spam since the Jap release is ridiculous. O well, at least it hides those horrible SJW hash tagged faggottry for a day or two.
>>393572 > for the next few weeks. FTFY. Japan officially gets theirs Saturday, but the rest of the world has to wait until October. You'll see a bunch of details revealed over the next few days, then discussion about fighters, then it will die a bit, and then when the games are released everywhere else the internet will explode again with challenges and more fighter discussion.
Is there going to be a /cog/ group of Smashers next month? We should party. Also, I want my friend list as big as possible so I can find someone to play.
Speaking of shitholes, it's amazing how much you don't need /v/ in your life. I mean, sure, I browse /vg/ and /vr/, but those places actively talk about games and not manufactured drama.
>>393648 For all the retarded misogynists, racists, and homophobes there may be, and as motivated by sheer womanhate as the initial (tenuous) ZQ incident might've been (not that it didn't turn out she's kinda shitty too what with the cheating, transphobia, and all), I think videogame journalistic integrity and disclosure is a pretty important issue that deserves to be discussed. It's just that 4Chan isn't a good place for it, especially since anonymity means any inkling of an attempt to shift focus and become a positive force for change rather than a bunch of grudgeposts by butthurt reactionaries runs into a wall with all the trolls and assholes.
Shame the fuse for this had to be what it was and cause SJW and genuine rightwingers to jump in mindlessly and fuck everything over. Something like Dorito Pope v2.0 might not have gotten so explosive (since not being over a woman makes it a less obvious target, also they probably wouldn't have committed the Streisand Effect so egregiously), but the lack of politicization would've made it much more effective. And while I don't think it's the result of a cohesive conspiracy I think it's stupid how all the press is on the defensive and attacking "gamers" as all /pol/-tier reactionaries when there are many of us who are female or minorities (both in my case) who have identified as gamers for years, and are now being erased or even attacked by both sides for daring to defend our existence.
>>393650 >videogame journalistic integrity Well there's your problem. Video game journalism doesn't really exist. The thing that gamers refer to as "journalism" is 90% just reviews and previews of upcoming games. Movie Industry journalists don't do that sort of shit. They talk about things like staff hirings, license deals, that sort of thing.
And the thing is, most people who are fans of movies don't read that sort of journalism because that stuff is, for the most part, only interesting to other industry insiders.
So that's the real problem here. You are expecting journalism in an environment that does not support it. The people who read gaming "news" don't actually WANT gaming news. They want people to tell them which games are coming out this month and whether or not to spend their money on it.
They've got that right now. You can make arguments about reviewer objectivity if you like, but know that it's a losing battle--we're talking about reviews, not criticism. Reviews are SUPPOSED to be subjective--they're not supposed to tell you whether something is well made or how much craftsmanship went into it, they're supposed to tell you if you'll like it. Find someone who has the same tastes as you and listen to their reviews and stop pretending like you're ever going to find a universal way of quantifying the experience.
Even criticism isn't OBJECTIVE objective. But even if it were, the gaming audience doesn't want actual criticism. Because actual criticism? It looks a lot like what Anita Sarkeesian is doing. And we've all seen how the gaming audience reacts to that sort of criticism. They don't want people to look at the cultural ramifications of the things they're playing, or what the games say about the human condition or the society we live in. They want people to either tell them what to spend their money on, or they want someone to validate their decision to spend money on something they've already spent it on.
There is no place for journalism in the gamer community.
>>393663 I take it you don't like being reminded that when you post content on someone else's website, you're using their property to share that content, and that they have every right to decide what you do and do not get to say using their property.
>>393665 I think too many people see 4chan as some sort of nebulous IRC client with no direct ownership. This helps in free exchange of ideas (mostly insults and porn, but sometimes ideas), but it also means they'll raise it to some lofty bastion of free speech only to get smacked by stuff like this.
>>393660 >Devin Faraci Jumpman pls If you're going to post a tweet so you can act like a smug prick, at least get something from someone who isn't a complete tool.
>>393666 >>393665 Not that 4chan has no right to do what they're doing, but I can't think of any reason why GamerGate discussion would be off-limits to any website. At all.
>>393676 because GG threads devolved into idiots unironically spamming in caps about their life and circlejerking together without doing anything related to videogame, except spit on everybody they couldn't convert, including 4chan. They burst in tears and yap at fursecution when their shit gets moderated and instead of cleaning their rank, they spend 36 hours respamming "4chan is nazi, mods are retards, we win" every 3 minutes. They lost their way pretty bad and the sad part is that they haven't noticed it yet. 3 days and they are still in the "omg I can reset my phone IP i'm so hackzor XD" phase
>>393651 >There is no place for journalism in the gamer community.
This is stupid. Back in teh 90's, the independent vidya press was doing a good job at creating articles about the industry that weren't just game reviews. Just because something didn't happen in you short lifetime's memory doesn't mean it never happened, and will never happen again. Reevaluate you life, you really need it at your age.
>>393678 And the community of people who refer to themselves as "gamers" are nothing like the people who they were in the 90's. I remember because I *am* a 90's gamer, and that's a big part of why I'm so disgusted with modern gamer culture. To the point that I can't even refer to myself as a gamer anymore because I'm embarrassed to be associated with you people. I play video games. But I can not in good conscience still consider myself part of this clusterfuck of barely literate frat boys and neonazis you call a subculture anymore. If you feel offended by this characterization of your subculture, then you should be working harder to marginalize the voices that paint you in this light. Or join me in the "I'm just a guy who plays video games" camp. It's much nicer, and you're actually allowed to like video games here.
>>393681 He's right. Shitposting was always getting banned. Also free speech is not a free pass to be as much of a retarded asshat as possible. Sometimes it feels like the internet has bombed civilization back to the roaming scavenger ages in terms of universally understood social contracts.
>>393695 Boards are often better at discussing thing that are not their board topic. My guess it's because it's easier to talk to people without the usual trolls and contrarains that are on that board it's supposed to be on.
>>393705 It's also because threads away from appropriate board tend to be trivial "You like thing? What a coincidence, me too!" that's too general to generate any specific criticism.
>>393707 More than that, I think off-topic threads that aren't "controversial" (e.g. furry or porn) tend to interest only those on the board who already like it, and those who don't know about or don't like just ignore it unless someone spams threads. For some reason, this can't happen with an on-topic thread; too many people feel they have to come in and say how much they hate it. Perhaps the perception is that off-topic threads will be taken care of by Mods soon enough, but if the on-topic threads go "unchecked", as it were, they would appear a lot more often, sometimes many at once, and start to drown out or kick off other topics.
Perhaps that's how there was enough of a furor to create /mlp/ or ban certain things: anon didn't speak up much when the threads were first starting, threads gained critical mass, anon flipped out, board/ban was made. But now, to keep the critical mass from happening again, anon jumps on every topic they dislike to sage and/or shitpost. Old /co/ (and, to a lesser extent, /v/) had a live-and-let-live approach where no one would rage against a topic as long as it wasn't being spammed, and that mentality seems to have dissipated.
How are the mods up 24/7, especially that SJW one? Do the ones who are up all the time just rotate out their account to different people are something? It seems like they don't even sleep anymore.
>>393731 When moot comes down off his throne to hand out a edict, mods get off their comfy beds and make sure the rule is followed. Also you should remember that bans are easy as shit dish out, mods are global, and not everyone is down with your shenanigans and they will report you.
>>393737 >mods are global If 4chan runs like +4, that's not necessarily the case. I'm sure they have some global mods, but there are probably some that focus on a handful of boards.
It might sound like all mods being global is a good thing, but this is useful when dealing with nuances within a community. Consider /co/ when the Iron Man alcoholism meme was at it's height. Someone starts a thread with an image of Jack Daniel's and nothing else (except, perhaps, "I'll just leave this here..."). Anyone with familiarity of /co/ would get the joke and either continue it or ignore the thread. A global mod who is not a /co/ regularly might receive a report on it, decide it's off-topic, and ban the OP.
>>393739 >there are probably some that focus on a handful of boards. Some just focus on one board like /a/'s mods that maintain their board culture or /v/'s mod because of the traffic. Also we have board janitors so the mods don't have to know a board that well to police it. Janitor are supposed to handle the report and decide whether to make it known to moderation so they can hand out bans or they should just delete the offending thread/post/pic.
>>393738 I don't think there's any winner there. When you get a thread deleted, then spend 3 days spamming that your holy war for freedom of speech makes it OK to doxx mods, moot and his mom, and raid the board to be sure nobody is allowed to talk except you, then there's lots if self questioning to do that was clearly not made. The fact that that 8chan dude came and was receive like a messiah with literally throwing "promised land" to sell his place to the GGfags tells a lot about their state of mind.
>>393750 I don't get why people fling 'SJW' at everything related to that fiasco, neither side a re SJW. /v/ is /v/, GG are mostly stupid who ruined good intent with the shittiest execution ever.
>>393751 Seriously. There are some legit SJWs involved, like the people who threatened to send an "army" after TotalBiscuit, try get him banned off Youtube with a wave of fake DMCAs, or even dox him because he told people to calm the fuck down rather than side with ZQ outright, or that Borderlands guy who told JonTron to kill himself (he was being an asshole but dude that's fucking overboard), but /v/ is more concerned about going after moderates or even people like Jim Sterling, because people who think misogyny is not cool are infinitely worse than actual radfems who will punish and dox their own allies for not being extreme enough for their tastes.
Also people like Kotaku and several other press are being retarded and comparing GamerGate to the Holocaust, which is totally fucked up too, but that's not being SJW, that's just being an insensitive cunt. Not that GamerGate is any different by comparing themselves to Tianenmen.
>>393752 >who will punish and dox their own allies for not being extreme enough for their tastes So basically the same thing the GG fucks are doing. It's really just all the same shit.
>>393754 >>who will punish and dox their own allies for not being extreme enough for their tastes >So basically the same thing the GG fucks are doing. It's really just all the same shit. Not surprising at all, given that they are both just using politics to justify bullying tactics and tribalism. SJWs co-opt feminism and civil rights movements to justify their shit, and the GG fucks use "journalistic integrity" and "freedom of speech" and such to justify theirs, but they're exactly the same people once you strip away the trappings. Angry teenagers who want someone to take their anger out on, convinced they're doing what's right by hateful fucks who don't really understand the politics they claim to espouse and just get off on manipulating the herds to do their bidding.
>>393759 It would be nice. I wish they would just stop taking shit like board-tans threads and using it to promote their "better board". I'm amazed that their enemies haven't doxxed the place yet.
It appears that all the "1st october" guys want to fuck off to 8chan. Which is essentially 4chan with a different UI and the possibility of creating your own board. Here's their /co/ board.
The threads on topic are no different from /co/. The rest is full of people sniffing their own farts about having reached their promised land, free from the oppression of mods, with the board mod promising it won't be as bad as /co/.
The thing is, the gloating people appear to be mostly shitstirrers and shitposters, or people who are butthurt about having to face the consequences for breaking rules on 4chan.
>>393767 It will last for a while since they can post porn and if any fandom gets bad they can just tell them to make a new board. Only thing is the board might have been better off being a comic only board and not a comic and cartoons one considering they are making cartoons and ponies stick to one thread.
>>393767 I'm actually hoping this place kinda takes off for containment's sake like /q/ and all the shitposting faggots can fuck off there instead. We can deal with the actual SJW who claim shit like "Naoto IS trans you shitlords" or "if any of you ever dare refer to Paolin Huang as 'she' again I will report you for transphobia" (actual shit that's been said) by ourselves just fine.
>>393770 I'd rather see them self-cannibalize. It would be hilarious to see the trainwreck of people getting banned for being SJW because they failed to be sufficiently racist enough in their posts or whatever.
>>393777 This whole thing is ridiculous. It reminds me of when the ponyfags went apeshit on /co/ that one weekend when a /b/ mod banned the word "pony" on /co/ 3-4 years ago.
I went to 8chan's /co/ and is full of people claming that Redwood banned them. How much of an asshole do you have to be to get banned and still think you did no wrong? Plus Redwood was demodded years ago.
Good thing for their october exodus, it means less shitposters.
>>393778 Yeah, GG deserved to be shut down to some degree for being a unproductive hive of personal attacks, but Moot's response hasn't been the best either.
I really miss the #Gamergate threads. It kept all the SJW bitching in one place, and all the overtly sexist/racist/whatever people that called for raids and doxxing were assumed to be false-flagging shills and reported. If moot just kept them and banned the shitters, /v/ would be getting a quiet chemo right now. Instead he cracked the bucket and left the shit to pour all over /v/ and fester. It's like when he deleted /new/ and /r9k/ all over again. /v/'s somehow worse than it's ever been right now.
>>393787 That's a really stupid behavior. The mistake was to let it exist at all, they have no reason to deserve a VIP thread just because of a shitty "let us shit that place OR ELSE" attitude of theirs.
/v/ mods might have become a little to trigger happy with ban delivery these days. This is literally just "don't tell shit about my waifu", despite my post point still being wrong, that shitty OC has nothing to do with videogames.
>>393782 Conflicting. Waifu threads are pure garbage, but waifuism is the basis of 90% of anime. It's not like a bunch of weebs aren't going to get into it.
>>393807 She's not. I don't know why you force people to believe that shit. Someone is trying to make a shitty game but nothing in her origin and even less in her current threads are vidya. "how does she smells like" isn't vidya.
>try to post : you are banned >check ban status and captcha : you aren't banned >try to post : you are banned >check ban status and captcha : you aren't banned >try to post : ban evasion
Jesus-tap-dancing-Christ, why the fuck are my threads getting deleted? I've seen several similar threads in /vr/ a while ago and shit was just fine. I'm tempted to just move it into /vg/'s /emugen/, but I'm afraid it'll get deleted for no reason again.
So whats this about a marketing group trying to get 4chan taken down by posing as anonymous and threatening to post Emma Watson Nudes as a underhanded campaign to push internet censorship?
Image:141166045700.jpg(57kB, 489x1024)gamergate average neckbeard.jpg
>>393822 People who don't know what 4chan or anonymous is trying to use both things to push an agenda. It's kind of funny actually, media was talking about "The Four Chans" as if it was some Triad gang.
>>393822 Yep, I suspected as much. As awful as 4Chan is most of the misogyny outside of boards like /v/ and /pol/ is done to be loledgy and they wouldn't go so far as to take action over it unless they were extremely new or outsiders trying to pull something.
>>393822 >moot: All posts and images are the responsibility of the posters. 4chan is not responsible. Seriously, people use to post CP, there have been shooting and bomb threats, harassment of ACTUALLY important people like politicians, and all sorts of shit on 4chan, and it still exists. Good fucking luck taking it down.
>go to a slow fandom thread to post image >someone gets pissed for some shit reason >nothing else to do, antagonize thread for shitz and gigz >someone posts other stuff >thread gits gud >start to contribute, everyone having a good time >guy from line 2 starts to antagonize thread Such is life.
>>393927 >>393928 Not that I agree with them since I feel hating a person for hating 4chan is dumb, people have been making outright "hate a person" threads for the longest time. I don't get how this is surprising with the daily Dobson threads, Diaz threads or any other threads bitching more about an author than the comics they make.
I got banned from 4chan just now. Some anon was saying he wished /co/ was slower and I suggested this site of course, but I also mentioned 8chan (in a negative way even) and lainchan.
I got an automated fucking ban for posting about 8chan.
This is not curbing advertising. Christ no wonder people are getting fed up. I was really ready to not leave 4chan for other chans, due to birthday fun and all, but this is kinda ridiculous. And moot doesn't tell anyone about what's going on with the site before he makes changes. What the hell was up with the post text in thread URL change? Why? No comment from moot.
>>393940 Because the 8chanfags are really anal about inviting people to their chan and moot dosn't want to deal with them. moot always was a piece of shit who never listened the userbase, don't act like he has changed.
>>393941 >moot always was a piece of shit who never listened the userbase This, seriously. moot has been an ass for years to practically every board especially to boards he doesn't go on. There was never any good communication between him/mods and the userbase except in /a/.
>>393941 >moot always was a piece of shit who never listened the userbase, don't act like he has changed.
That's wrong.
He brought back /news/ and /r9k/, and he was originally against ban messages linking to the post that a user got banned for. All of those things are part of 4chan now.
Just because he doesn't listen to every single suggestion (and let's be honest, if he did, it would be shittier than it is now) doesn't mean he doesn't ever listen.
>Make post on /fit/ for a foreskin regeneration general thread >no flaming, no trolling, just helpful links on how to do it, benefits, links to support sites etc. >get banned for 5 days for "off topic on a worksafe board" God damn the mods are fags lately, and I mean even more than usual. Like hyper fags or something, it's just awful.
Speaking of which would a foreskin regeneration thread on /baw/ work, or should I not even attempt it?
>>393950 You know, speaking purely as an outside observer who is completely uninterested in /fit/ and 4chan in general, I think I come down on the other guy's side on this one. The health and fitness of the bits of you that puritans try to pretend they don't have is just as important as the health of the rest of you, and the demonization of even acknowledging that people HAVE those parts in quasi-public places does a lot to prevent people from knowing how to take care of themselves and can even prevent people from performing proper hygiene simply because they don't know what they're doing.
I don't know that I give a shit about foreskin lengthening or whatever the hell he's talking about. But if a place advertises itself as a place to discuss health and fitness, it should not be considered taboo to talk about the health of your junk for the same reason that people SHOULDN'T (but DO) feel embarrassed to ask their doctor to look at a strange bump developing on their penis. This is stuff that people need to know, and feeling like they can ask questions like this without being judged for it is important to having a population that understands what it means to be healthy.
But it goes both ways. If you allow that sort of thing, you also have to be fully willing to entertain discussions about menstrual health and things like that, too. That stuff is also god damned important, and people's squeamishness makes it very difficult for some women, especially shy women, to get answers that they genuinely need to have.
>>393951 >The health and fitness of the bits of you that puritans there's no pitness in a myslcless body part. And please, "puritans" will not give you the moral highground you think it does. rest is tl;dr
>>393959 I don't think anyone is going to die at testicular cancer because the workout board on 4chan doesn't allow for genital discussion.
And if anyone does die because of this exact sequence of events, I might advise said person to step out of his boundaries and to stop going to 4chan for fucking everything.
>>393977 I'm pretty sure she didn't own the house. I haven't looked at the thread, but I could have sworn there was a cartoon where she was talking to the owners.
>>393982 I find it odd that people believe this kind of stuff. I *could* just call them racist or sexist, but is it really that? Are they being willfully ignorant? Do they not understand the issues? Do they think the way they do because they have never personally experienced/observed these things happening in their lives?
Or is it just that these people have little to no life experience and their encounters with women/minorities began and ended with the medium they consume?
>>393989 >I find it odd that people believe this kind of stuff. I *could* just call them racist or sexist, but is it really that? Are they being willfully ignorant? Do they not understand the issues? Do they think the way they do because they have never personally experienced/observed these things happening in their lives? They don't care because they are on 4chan. The anonymity of 4chan allows people to be as much of an asshole they want with no repercussions. Also, I think you should take anything >>393990 said with a grain of salt because most of times, people are acting this way merely just to get certain people's goat. There is also the fact that many people are not from the US so they don't understand why some things are racist or sexist to many Americans.
>>393993 >most of times, people are acting this way merely just to get certain people's goat. You're confusing the early days of 4chan with 2014 4chan. While it's true that there are still some people just saying it for effect, a lot of the people who are on 4chan now never really understood the trolling culture of 4chan and especially /b/, and just saw people getting approval for saying sexist, racist, homophobic, etc. things and getting positive attention for it, without understanding how much of it was said specifically to shock rather than because anyone actually felt that way. These days a large number of them are completely genuine in their hatefulness, because they think that's what the people they see as peers approve of. And over time, as the oldfags have stopped showing up and the newfags have taken over, it is difficult to tell whether the ironic hate speech on 4chan genuinely outpaces the genuine anymore.
/co/'s hateboner for Korra is starting to really piss me off. It feels like some evil overlord promised the biggest Korra hater the secret to immortality/a working copy of Dinosaur Planet.
>>394002 I have a working copy of Dinosaur Planet. Is that a big deal?
>>394009 Have you SEEN Book 3 of Korra? It was good. I'd even go so far as to say it's better than Book 1 or 3 of The Last Airbender. Now Book 1 & 2 of Korra, those I could agree were fairly bad.
>>394010 >Have you SEEN Book 3 of Korra? It was good. I found it horrible, it had no idea and occupied space with tons of tropes directly stolen from any popular shounen anime, but somehow people expect /co/ to find those "fresh" when ti's done in the USA, while that's the shit that get anime so much bad rap when it's done in Japan. Those special snowflake power villains are the worst piece of OCdonut steal they could use. And there's also that nonsensical worship of "muh airbended tradition" that just substitute any messave about changes and progress to "no, the old bald guy was right, the present can only be good if it follow his past that none of us ever witnessed to begin with". That's some seriously badly written hippy shit.
>>394014 If he/she/is keeps at it, and writes bigger and bigger paragraphs, they will get deleted. But so will yours, since you both replied to each other. That's what happened to myself once.
>>394035 Okay. I think it's kind of cool, even in the obvious beta state. The only thing I do not like is the freedom. There is too much of it. Anyone can create a board, as long as there is one moderator and one post per week. And that is just wrong.
>>394062 That board is probably going to get deleted since it's against site rules for CP. You are right about the too much freedom with the making boards. It works for some things like making a non-futa /d/ but too many are too niche or redundant like the 11+ boards dedicated to making memes and shitposting. I think people are making boards rather they are making threads that they can moderate.
>>394076 I also would like to add that I am sort of glad that 4chan made the board links bannable because so many idiots would be advertise there freshly made boards on that site. I also made a mistake, posting cp is bannable but not talking about it.
>>394082 2006-2010 mainly. Stopped visiting /v/ regularly when it votebanned Pokémon and then celebrated by posting doubles threads and other assorted /b/ material.
>>394098 > It's finally archived, but hoo boy...
From this thread and previous ones like it, I've learned: -It's too hard to not creepily leer at a cosplayer. -Asking a cosplayer's permission to take a picture is a serious hassle. -Unwanted touching is no biggie. -Those attention-starved sluts were just asking for it, anyway.
>>394104 I don't condone sexual harrassment and think defending it in any way is utterly deplorable. But I do think cosplayers are attention-starved idiots, female or male. And I wish it was possible to hold a single con without those annoying fucks.
>>394108 >But I do think cosplayers are attention-starved idiots, female or male. And I wish it was possible to hold a single con without those annoying fucks. Cons are literally designed so attention-starved idiots can go give each other attention and be idiots together. I hate to break it to you, but you are not engaging in serious and respectable networking at cons either. You are just as ridiculous and embarrassing to the general population as you find cosplayers to be.
The group isn't exactly tiny, and to blow your world, a place with a population as tiny as +4chan aren't even all in the same bag. Are you going to continue to double down on this stupid point of yours?
>>394108 >But I do think cosplayers are attention-starved idiots, female or male. And I wish it was possible to hold a single con without those annoying fucks. Hahaha, coplaying for cons has existed for decades. I'm so sorry that people dressing up as Batman or Sailor Moon in nerdy conventions offends you.
>>394118 >Hahaha, coplaying for cons has existed for decades. "But it's tradition!" is entirely a non-argument when you're talking about a general type of event rather than anything specific. Having a No Cosplay Con isn't going to ban costumes from every other convention in the world.
You have problems if you get angry because people are putting disguises near you. You are mentally ill if you actually literally wish it gone forever just because of the anger it causes you. Get that shit checked, you might stab someone for no reason one day.
>>394150 >seem to Yes, "seem to". If I really did think you were serious, I'd ask why you think banning people based on reputation/magic brain scan is comparable to enforcing a formal (albeit needlessly so) dress code. Though really, I thought you were directly mocking >>394108, which was in fact posted by someone else.
>>394156 >enforcing a formal (albeit needlessly so) dress code. This is childish to begin with. the only clothing worth enforcing are professional working clothe. Everything else is just "I don't like your shirt so you are not allowed" level of puerile.
>>394171 Alright now its only happening with chrome, guess when I tested it on firefox I just legit typo'd.
Chrome has been giving all sortos of problems, now whenever I try to open a new window (not tab) or a pop-up window on chrome after the first one it just appears as a blank white box.
>>394171 I had the same issue for a few years. Basically, every now and then, some hackers/bots take control of Google, at least partially. Your options are: -wait until it works -delete all "chan" cookies, all flash cookies, history, and cache, and wait a few minutes -restart your browser and wait a few minutes -restart your computer -all of the above
The "all of the above" method works 100% every time, but it is a pain in the ass to do everytime Google gets hacked.
>Start an "anime references in Western media" thread on /a/ >Little replies, except for "hurr durr reddit" >Leave, thinking the thread is practically dead >Come back later >People start posting anime references >There's now a good discussion going on mainstream, indie, and online comics
The comic book discussion actually takes me back to when /co/ was good.
>>394255 >We used to be able to talk about old nostalgic animus on /co/. Not really. People used to derail shitty threads into anime threads but we still complained about blatant anime threads. Old /co/ wasn't all peaches and cream like some people remember.
/co/'s attitude changed along with 4chan's so as 4chan became a more trigger-happy place full of retards, beggars and uptight assholes, /co/ and other boards have joined suit. There used to be a time that boards didn't want to be the new /b/ but now it's like if you don't act like /b/, you are from Tumblr/Reddit/whatever site that we are supposed to be hating right now. I blame moot for giving in to trolling faggots by making boards because they whined the hardest. /r9k/ should have never brought back. [s4s] and /mlp/ should have never been created. /q/ should have been a board that showed up for 2 days every month with a thread for every mod to discuss whatever board they moderate regularly.
/co/ instantaneously became shit again when /tv/ decided it was the place to talk about all those upcoming movies and TV shows again. That plus korra episodes on netflix = dead board. Anything else is zombie threads that survive 3 days with 200 posts.
So I was banned for posting on a #GG thread that popped up on /co/ and the ban expired today but there is another ban that was issued the next day for a different post on the same thread. I'm scared what could happen when this one expires.
>>394303 >At least /v/ is *slightly* better now because of them. The only good thing that shit ever did to /v/ was leaving. And taking with them a good chunk of the SJW that infected the place thanks to all those shitty reblog threads about e-celebs
>>394312 We need to think of an alternate name to call the Rileys, MedievalPOCs, Racismschools, Dropmycumberbritches, Stormfreakofthenights of the world and their kind of ilk. "Asshole" just ain't specific enough and "extremist leftist" is insincere since these kinds of chumps usually obsess over lesser problems and don't care as much as they like to act.
>>394312 It really does. I got called one because I didn't care that people were saying bad things about the game Hatred.
Like, I wasn't calling for the game to be censored or banned or anything. But I'm one of "them" based on the fact that I think people have the right to bitch about whatever they want or find problematic.
I mean, really.
>>394317 The term needs to be retired because it means fuck all anymore and is as nebulous as the word "hipster". And this is a step down from when it meant "people who aren't bigots like me" as seen in the example I used earlier in the post. It's time to go the way of Old Yeller because its purpose, if it ever really had one, has undoubtedly been served.
>>394317 How about "People who are completely irrelevant to my life but who I choose to obsess over anyway because it pleases me to have an enemy upon whom to direct my otherwise targetless and juvenile anger, which is if I were to be completely honest with myself, the exact same thing they're doing."
>>394321 Sounds like not a big deal until you get spammed with hate or doxxed by them for daring to do much as post a picture of yourself in a kimono when you're not Japanese (or even a case of a woman who WAS and was mistaken for white by dumbasses), or for talking about your pleasure at having lost a few pounds of weight, or when you have people you know now posting about how much they hate men and hope they all die. Or in my case, when I was calling a group of truly horrible people "crazy" and my friend flipped her shit and harangued me for being a horrible ableist because of it. A lot of these people actively seek people to pick fights with in the name of egotistical self-validation and deserve the shit they get and it's really unfair to automatically dismiss all hate towards them as us just being butthurt conservatives, when a lot of it is fellow left-leaners sick of their actions making our side look bad.
>>394323 The weight thing? Yeah. I posted about how pleased I was with a month of exercise and I got all these messages from people not just anonymous trolls but also from named people about thin privilege and fatshaming, and even some of the less hostile ones were talking about how I should learn to love my body. Umm, that's exactly the reason I exercise in the first place? I love my body and I don't want it to be plagued with things like diabetes or other diseases. I had to change my username to get away from that shit.
>>394324 Tell me, do you earnestly think Riley and her Arkh project, or that lady who accused Stephen Colbert of being a racist for using slurs regardless of their clear anti-racist context, are truly doing good for society? Or that artists who have been accused of whitewashing Korra because of lighting should learn to just suck it up when they get all that hatemail?
>>394326 >Tell me, do you earnestly think Riley and her Arkh project, or that lady who accused Stephen Colbert of being a racist for using slurs regardless of their clear anti-racist context, are truly doing good for society? No, I think that they make up less than 0.001% of the population and that the "threat" of them is inflated by this "Movement" that has formed on the internet because it feeds into the paranoia and victimhood complexes of the participants, and because it gives people a receptacle for the frustration they feel at entirely separate issues in their minds. For some people these issues might include misogyny, racism, homophobia, etc., but for others it might be as simple as previously targetless NERD RAGE, or being a fucking teenager and therefore being angry at the whole world for not thinking it revolves around you the way you do.
These small handfuls of completely insignificant individuals are boogeymen used by 1.) people who do have agendas and recognize the psychological weaknesses of hordes of anons who they can recruit to work as cat paws for their agends, 2.) narcissists who just want to make everything about them and 3.) Paranoids who genuinely believe the shit they say, but only because they are self-centered cowards who think there are conspiracies aligned against them for no god damned reason.
The people you've listed are not good people in my mind. But they are not worthy of spending time or effort thinking about.
>>394325 Granted, since I also like to post fandom stuff I'm willing to believe some of the anons were trolls looking for any excuse to bash others for liking/not liking stuff they disagree with (some of my reblogs include stuff making fun of Homestuck and Superwholock), but that doesn't justify the other people with real accounts who were definitely there just because they were mad at my supposed bodyshaming. But it's still a fucked up attitude and even if I wasn't outright doxxed that kind of behavior is inexcusable coming from people who claim to be fighting for inclusivity.
>>394327 >narcissists who just want to make everything about them and 3.) Paranoids who genuinely believe the shit they say, but only because they are self-centered cowards who think there are conspiracies aligned against them for no god damned reason.
>>394327 you are trying too hard to sound smart by using medical terms casually, while putting a judgement on it for the sake of winning a demonstration against an empty chair.
Is 4chan acting weird for people? I swear half the time I open a thread of a catalogue, I end in the middle of the page for some reason, or in the bottom for catalogues. It's annoying.
Riley is a sociopath and a scam artist who's hijacked a community's rhetoric in order to give her toxic, bullying behavior cover. She shouldn't be treated as representative of anything.
The best abusers never get caught. They siphon money and donations from others who actually need it. They obsessively control the social circles they're in and use their standing to ruthlessly eject anyone they dislike, even over minor disagreements. Most of all, they take advantage of damaged and/or younger sexual, gender, or racial minorities to satisfy their emotional needs and leisure.
The internet is filled with vulnerable people. It's way too easy for a sociopath or any other selfish person with foul intentions to ingrain themselves in a community and assume absolute control. I've something like this happen far too many times:
>harmless person draws the ire of somebody with a strong friend group, popular clique, or fanbase >popular person attacks them; twisting language and using their connections to exclude someone from a community >popular person has successfully expunged somebody they didn't like
This is how people like Riley gain power. Establish social power with subtle manipulation or seniority and just bury anyone who disagrees with you, criticizes you, or even annoys you. Anyone wise enough shuts up and stays out of your way.
God forbid if the person you want gone suffers from any sort of mental illness. All you need to do to get rid of somebody like that is just press their buttons and violate their boundaries in just the right way. Eventually they'll reach the breaking point and have a nuclear meltdown.
>>394481 Asfar as I heard she's the only one who doesn't try lifting it at the party because she's already sure due to her life she won't be worthy, cap on the other hand is the only one able to make it even budge slightly.
As much as I have issues with a number of the crutches Whedon inserts into all his works I doubt he would take the waifish action girl thing of his that far.
I'm mildly annoyed that /co/'s halloween sticky is a youtube animation that was dosed by a bronie in the last 3 days. It really shows that mods don't give a fucking fuck anymore. guy opened /co/, saw on of the thread that wasn't literally one of the 50 /tv/ related thread, and stickied it, calling it a day. It's just... cold and soulless.
>>394542 >Who cares people with arguments. That mediocre tear jerking vid has been spammed for day by some retard hungry for click money. It didn't deserve recognition. He didn't even try to launch discussion, he just post that shitty link with "wow this is so gud you must see it guyze" like a facebook spambot.
>>394544 >people with arguments Arguments that have nothing to do with pony, or the video being made in the last three days? Making a point should kind of involve the actual point to be conveyed, not random unrelated attributes.
BIG POSSIBLE SPOILERS in there, but my God, if it's legit... The thread already reached 1K posts. Just imagine what's going to happen when the final chapters officially leak.
Is it me, or does /co/ seem to be more angry about women and minorities than usual lately? Anything with a nonwhite hero is "pandering". A woman who says or does anything related to comics/cartoons is a horrible feminist. I'm sure some of it shitposting, but there seems to be a lot of genuine hate and resentment in a board devoted to comic books and Western animation.
>>394635 It's miss marvel threads, they always were like that. People might start to be fed up with all those "why is she so perfect" korra thread too.
>>394646 They are no better than posters on 4chan except most of these posters had 2012-current /v/ as their first board instead of 2007-2009 era /b/. Even now some of them want a /co/micgate because SJWs are killing comics. I would be for it if this was done during that whole Slutfire thing or when that chick in the Batgirl outfit complained about women in comics at the DC panel, but now it's just seem like the old "/v/ did this so /co/ should do it too!" mentality.
I hope infinitychan users become better because they have the tools to become a better chan than 4chan.
>>394657 There's a reason every board look at /co/ and calls it /co/mbler. It's way closer of Tumber and SJW in culture than 4chan, mostly because the comic and cartoon industry is currently heavily using social networks to survive.
>>394660 The same boards that refer to /co/ as /co/umblr are the same are either offshoot of /b/ or boards that people consider the new /b/. These same boards have the habit of making "epik maymays" often from other sites like Reddit and Tumblr.
Of course this is just my tinfoil hat talking. Comics(mainly webcomics) and cartoons are more affected by social media because they are easier to make than a videogame so anyone with some art skills can make one. It just so happens that most of the ones that are making them are women (at least the webcomic ones and the ones that anti-SJWs post on /co/ constantly). Of course this doesn't mean /co/ culture no more like Tumblr's than /v/ culture is like Reddit's.
today, 4chan made a minor update that show the number of unique posters in a given thread. Mostly cosmetic, but it might slow down those horrible fake threads that starts with 10 post or self role play. Hopefully. I still sthink most board would benefits from user IDs.
>>394664 My /co/ catalogue has an average of 50 tp 60 threads hidden these days, and my only critera are hiding movie and tv threads that don't belong + korra shitpost when an episode aired. As long as mods will allow that stuff, /co/ will be shit.
>>394684 It's another one of those neanderthal meathead things /v/ has become quite fond of these days. It's basically a male who's too weak and passive to keep his partner faithful.
>>394687 After 5 mins of research in /v/'s archive (2mins of that we me goofing off), my first prediction seems to be correct.
Anthony Burch, some SJW video writer got divorced and now /v/ is going off him. Cuck = cuckold = ntr = neotare = cheating essentially and she might have taken his WiiU, which could be a good thing or a bad thing.
>>394688 I'm pretty sure any divorce would have to more to do with the fact that he has a history of being a rude asshole who actually deserves the SJW moniker rather than because he was too weak and spineless or anything like that.
>>394696 >>394702 It was used for "storytimeing" softcore sets. After the celeb leaks; there has been an influx of "check my GF", threads without even 6 posts, (more) request threads, full creeps looking for tips how to secretly tape women, discussion about the legal ramifications of sharking, more /cel/ threads like the ones that killed /hr/.
Maybe I´m too alarming sound now, but we know how a /b/tard infestation evolves.
It is just me or has there been a hueg influx of newfags for the past 2 months? I just realized that I've seen newfags in every thread I've thoroughly read recently. Or is pretending to be a newfag as a form of trolling in vogue at the moment? I thought that only happened that frequently in summer to troll newfags pretending to be newfags.
>>394744 Probably a combination of Gamergate and the Fappening revealing 4chan to an entirely new generation of 13-16 year olds who didn't know about it.
>>394810 I can understand not allowing furry NSFW content, but not allowing anything "furry" is retarded. So no more Lackadaisy threads? Or Archie Sonic threads?
>>394814 the way you are reacting is one of the reason furries were banned. The victim complex and inability to make a difference between porn and non porn makes it impossible to deal with. So everything got banned because most furries will use any excuse to put the porn anyway.
>>394816 Speaking as someone who doesn't actually give a shit either way since 4chan is hopeless and has been for years and all, that doesn't seem like a victim complex. A victim complex is "People are trying to oppress me!" Not "That decision seems stupid considering X and Y."
I preferred the old 'ambiguity' about furry being a bannable offences. But now it allows dunkasses to point at anything remotely furry and yell "ban this!", which is just another forme of shitposting. But all the dumb posters falling for obvious bait sustains me.
For a while I took the whole statement that it was with a bit of salt and thought they really could do great things sometimes, and they could have fun sometimes. But no, they really do suck. The absolute worst gaming community I've ever seen.
>>394844 Depends on the time of day, your luck, and what games are discussed. For the past two months I have mostly positive experience there (as Anonymous).
That's the problem. I shouldn't have to be discussing a game other than the one I want to discuss without getting a bunch of hatred and bigotry in response.
>>394846 If you want to discuss things but don't want to listen to other's opinion about it, maybe a blog would be a better platform to express yourself.
>>394849 Are you purposely being retarded? Here, let me point this out to you since you've seemed to miss a point in that gargantuan post he just made:
>without getting a bunch of hatred and bigotry in response.
>>394851 I'm pretty sure>>394849 isn't the one here having issues comprehending the English language, try taking care of that before going off on other people's mental faculties.