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Board stats: 160 posts, 21 threads

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Threes a crowd, motherfucker!
I must say I do not appreciate this attitude toward negative feedback. While its not surprising from a *chan in general, I thought plus was better than that.
>your face when /draw/ is deader than /z/
September 2nd. Big things.
rip orangetext<
or am I doing it wrong­<
>whatever its not like anyone is here
I'm here.
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oekaki enabled for /z/ for this worthwhile endeavor

good call
Two questions.
1. When's the cut of date for everyone to move into the new board.

2. Will there be a discussion about the other boards like /OP/ /MSPA/ /DIY/ and the like?
1. who knows
2. probably not? i didn't even know they were getting the axe before tonight
1. thats on anonex time
2. not any planned
This new board... it's fucking terrible.

Just saying.

>>Fixing what ain't broke
>>Messing with the natural order
message too long. Click here to view the full post.
you're fucking terrible

just saying
I think it's a nice change. Took me a few days to get used to it but I like it.

Also, spoilers are unclickable on iPod (although can highlighted and copied and pasted to be read). While it's at the bottom of the list, it's still an error.
yeah, mobile in general wasn't accounted for as this style was made about 4 years ago

i won't be doing any style fixes unless they're severe, since anonex is going to reskin the whole thing anyway
Love this new board system,
it's much better than old one.
why this not in 4chan or other board!?