Now that Star Wars is in the hands of the Family Friendly American Mouse Company™, how long until we get Blu-Ray releases of all the versions of the original trilogy? I mean the original theatrical releases, Special Edition 1997 theatrical release, and the DVD release. I watched the DVD edit first, and for that (and some other) reason(s) I prefer that one over all the others. However, I realize many other people grew up with different edits, and therefore think we collectively deserve ALL versions in 1080p.
I think it is up to us to bug Disney until they give in. What do you think?
>how long until we get Blu-Ray releases of all the versions of the original trilogy?
That depends on Fox, which still owns the distribution rights to Episode IV. If Disney can work out a deal with Fox on the matter, you’ll see the original Original Trilogy on DVD, Blu-ray, and HD-VOD as soon as Disney can get it out. If Disney can’t get a deal done…well, I don’t know if you’ll ever see that release happen in your lifetime.
>>42481 We been talking about it in the general and I thought it was great. Arguably, finding out BB-8 was a real physical droid that actually fucking worked was more mind-blowing. I'm super psyched right now.
There's been more information out about the first anthology film that's going to come out a year later. Rogue One will take the focus away from the Jedi and the big heroes and concentrate on a band of Rebel soldiers stealing the first Death Star plans. The only footage is foggy-as-fuck cameraphone video, so have the LEGO parody instead: //
Am I the only one who thinks Boyega looks kinda like Admiral Ackbar in some of the shots. It's more than the white suit, I think a lot of it is the angle at which his head is being shot.
>>42657 Yep. Star Wars is just one of those timeless classics. First saw them so young I couldn't remember almost any of it and it was still great on recent watch.
Like, say, an entire film that both has no practical necessity to the film series (I stand by RLM as well as the Machete Viewing Order) and ruined the idea of The Force as a purely mystical…er, force.
>>42676 Dunno, in the OT the Force was dismissed as an old wive's tale, some oddball religion that nobody cares about anymore. Wich is strange, considering the prequels show just some decades before they had little handheld devices that could quantify how much Force you had.
>>42678 Exactly my point. They had a great level of scientific understanding of what made the force work, the little thingies inside you that allow to connect to it, which could be measured and shit. And then in, what, 2 decades? you have Han saying he's never seen or heard anything that makes him believe such a thing exists, and an Admiral (who certainly MUST know military history, and how the Jedi openly served as generals during the Clone Wars) calling Vader crazy for believing in the Force.
>>42686 Han more or less described it as a mystical energy field which controls your destiny. That's pretty accurate coming from somebody who allegedly has no idea what it is.
>>42678 >They're just the component that allows their host to feel the force When I saw the movie my impression was it being the other way around, the host resonating with the force and midi's somehow tapping into this as a food source. Thus midi' presence would correlate with but not cause force sensitivity.
"Without the midi-chlorians, life could not exist, and we would have no knowledge of the Force. They continually speak to us, telling us the will of the Force. When you learn to quiet your mind, you'll hear them speaking to you."
So, unless he was bullshitting lil' Anakin, without the Midi's there is no resonating, it's through them that living things connect to the force. Hell, the "speak to us" part seems to NOT be a figure of speech, as the fluff even goes to suggest that the Midichlorians are somewhat sentient.
>>42756 ...So it's possibly that universe's first species of bacteria, what with all other life needing it, which would in a roundabout way make belief in it a sort of ancestor worship as all life forms trace their ancestry back to it?
Just rewatched Empire Strikes Back. On 2004 widescreen DVD. Which has Boba Fett's voice changed. What the actual fuck. I feel like sending an angry letter to Lucasfilm, demanding a Blu-Ray release of all cuts of all the movies, so I could construct a perfect version (perfect FOR ME that is).
Just read a bit about Empire Strikes Back. Apparently, the original version of the movie will get a Blu-Ray release. Since it's on Wikipedia, it must be true.
>>42807 There is so much right now, that it often contradicts itself. I recommend reading the totally actually really canon (but unused) The Clone Wars stories adapted into books and comics (look that up). Also, try reading The Star Wars, a 2015 comic made from one of the earliest drafts of the story by George (before it became A Hew Hope).
>>42765 >Don't over-think it I see no reason not too, midi-chlorians being the first life form makes them seem a lot more legit than just "we need these for force power".
As for magic genes, those would exist anyway because half-veelas. Huh. I had no idea Josh Trank was even involved with the new Star Wars films in the first place.
>>43253 My mother has the same problem. I don't. It all depends on how well you pay attention to one thing while ignoring the other. Concentrate on dialogue, ignore music and effects. You can do it!
>>43255 My interpretation is that the two made a Serious Grown Up Decision years back not to become an item in the middle of a tense and potentially lethal rebellion against a galactic dictatorship, and have used that decision as free licence to flirt and joke about being the "parents" of the Lothal Rebels.
Kanan has had attachment issues since Order 66 and Hera's first love is the Ghost, so this arrangement suits both parties. The pairing might be a thing in the future but right now they need to be adults.
>>43301 Peter Mayhew back in the saddle. Oh bet he's having a time of it. I do love that the Disney executives were on board and actually pushed for some of the practical aspects.
Image:143663835400.jpg(1.85MB, 3200x2368)this is mangoficent.jpg
>>43305 It's more of a financial decision than anything. Believe it or not, you can fake reality with CGI most of the time. The move to 90% practical FX is to lure back as many prequel-burned fans of the original trilogy as possible. Get more butts in the seats.
It may be a financial decision, but it is an artistic decision as well: Actors who can interact with actual sets and objects can do a far better job of making the fantastical seem real. It also lends a sense of realism to the overall film as well, as CGI can still look conspicuous, still fall into the Uncanny Valley even with today's technology, and still be abused by filmmakers (and studios) who use it as a crutch instead of as a tool.
So, rewatching Empire... again. And I noticed something. After the Falcon flies into the asteroid, the scene transitions into something that was definitely cut from the film. Because you see a moon or a planet, that is nowhere to be seen in the next scene, where Luke arrives to Dagobah. I wonder what was the original scene meant to be there.
So Rogue One has just begun principal photography and Disney has shown off the main cast at the D23 event:
>>43725 Glad to see them going for a diverse cast. It's scifi, takes place in a world which isn't supposed to parallel ours directly, and a franchise well known enough to draw viewers on the name alone. No real excuse not to.
>>43727 20 (or so) years between the prequels and the NOTprequels. I prefer to not know what happened. Rebels I allow myself to like as an exception, because it ties in with Clone Wars. Otherwise, if you have a time skip between chapters of your story, LEAVE THE SKIP AND DON'T FILL IT WITH ANYTHING.
Well this is the mission that leads right into A New Hope, those brave souls that broke into the Imperial stronghold to get the plans for the Imperial Super Weapon.
>>43734 Yes, it happens right before New Hope. But is this movie being made because the writers want to tell an amazing story, or because Disney will make more SW sequels/prequels/spinoffs/merchandise than ever before?
If you over-saturate the world with Star Wars to the point it's fucking everywhere like it's perpetually 1977, is it really a good thing?
I will make an extremely controversial claim and say that too much of a good thing is bad.
>>43742 >But is this movie being made because the writers want to tell an amazing story, or because Disney will make more SW sequels/prequels/spinoffs/merchandise than ever before?
This criticism might have merit if we were talking about The English Patient or La Haine or something, but this is Star Wars here. The franchise has been a merchandising cash cow since its inception.
Given that, the Rogue One crew have been very upfront about their motivations for making this film: a group of people really wanted to tell a gritty war story in the Star Wars universe, and now that the Disney deal has pried Lucas' grubby mittens off of the franchise they finally have the scope to produce one. There was a pitch, it struck a chord, and now they've got a director and a team and an incredibly diverse ensemble cast dedicated to making The Dirty Dozen In Space. This isn't an exercise in "filling plot holes", this is intended to be a vignette tale about a ragtag band of diehard underdogs being forced to step into the vacuum left by the extermination of the Jedi. I, for one, am looking forward to it, it's a far cry from the shameless cash grabs I was expecting to emerge from the Disney deal.
>>43756 >I'll rather not watch even if it's good. That doesn't make any sense, in that case you would be abstaining from watching something good, out of sticking with a principle that you already betrayed with another media piece of the franchise. You can obviously do whatever you want, but it is odd and arbitratry choice for no real reason
>Star Wars: the YouTube live stream >comment section >Anakin did nothing wrong, Jedicaust was a lie When will shitposters stop being the face of the Internet?
I was thinking about the Mortis arc of the Clone Wars. Anakin is given a vision of what will happen, and joins the DS (Dark Side™) because "it would give him the powers to prevent it".
But why are the snippets of the future just a touch different from what happens in EP 3? Because, as Yoda said, "always in motion the future is". Future events have not happened yet, and can play out very differently from your visions. Nice touch, writers.
Image:144266586300.png(575kB, 853x480)Anakin Skywalker and Jar Jar Binks.png
>>43965 That wasn't really a question. Disney simply HAD to do this, or else their reputation would be forever damaged.
Now I could create my OWN cuts of the original trilogy, with the changes I liked, and minus the changes I didn't like. It would be a fucking dream come true.
Now the only thing left is getting the theatrical cut of The Phantom Menace. I have the LD rip, but I want that in 1080p, dammit.
Animating those episodes of The Clone Wars that had voices and sound effects already done would be the cherry on top of the cherry.
>>44093 That's what happens when one becomes a well known VA and the other an Actor who its been a while since he's make a top Film. Ford has always been a bit of a pill about being known for his Science Fiction movies.
This has been going around for a while now; A very extensive and very good argument that Jar Jar Binks was in fact a highly skilled ally to the Sith the whole time.
So, that SW superfan who had connective tissue cancer, and was expected to die any week now, got to see the movie ahead of schedule.
Normally this would make you all happy and grateful to Disney for doing such a generous act, but...... I would be more pragmatic and say Disney simply did it to gather more "fan love" points. It's all PR, cold and calculated PR.
JJ Abrams did the exact same thing for a dying Star Trek fan in 2013. Disney may be a cold, calculating and well oiled machine (unlike your favorite corporation which surely is all flowers and rainbows), but I don't doubt Abrams pushed for it simply because it was the decent thing to do.
Yeah, other than maybe a minute or two of new footage, there isn’t anything in the new trailer that old trailers or the plot synopsis haven’t already covered in terms of plot points.
>>44208 Ah, that's good news. I'm finding a lot of the plot-vacuum speculation people are doing pretty fun, so I'm glad they're keeping discipline and not just handing us the plot on a platter.
I am forever grateful to whoever decided to put the theatrical version of the soundtrack, on the soundtrack release of Episode 1. The theatrical version has a unique musical bit not featured in the "extended" DVD cut.
Hey Disney/LucasArts going into DMCA overdrive to keep people from the spoilers Rey is the next Jedi/Skywalker Newest one is them filing take downs of people posting pics of the toys already in the stores The ones with Rey holding the lightsaber Which proves what people thought more than just letting people see it and further speculate.
I’m not much of a CinemaSins fan (too negative and nitpicky), but if any movie has ever deserved the CinemaSins treatment, it is The Phantom Menace. In fact, they had to two-part that shit:
The shocking moment fails to be shocking if you'd paid any attention to the actors really early on. Not to mention the dozens of parallels between A New Hope and this.
At the end of the day, it's decent enough. The thing that I can't quite cope with is the camera work. The puppets also felt really bizarre put right next to the CGI. Each individually was good, but the mix felt odd.
All the major reviews I've read kind of hit the same note: not as good as the Original Trilogy, better than the Prequel Trilogy, a good starting point for whatever comes next with the Star Wars franchise, and a mix of what makes Abrams films both good and bad (mostly leaning towards good).
>>44418 Pretty much my thoughts. It felt a bit too much like Age of Ultron in the whole "Wink, thats for the sequel, fans!" department. I hoped it would do new stuff and try to be a solid stand alone film, like the 1977 one was. Buuut it copied it in other ways. Then again, its still a fine movie to this day so there's worse things to copy from.
>>44419 Rian Johnson - the guy who did Brick (the wonderful indie high school homage to noir cinema) Looper and the Breaking Bad episode "Ozymandias." He's got this Fincher-esque visual style that just feels like a natural fit to follow JJ up.
A Star Wars film ganking plot beats and such from older Star Wars films is at least far more understandable than some other film/series/franchise/whatever doing it.
I liked it a whole bunch. I have to rewatch Empire Strikes Back to see if Force Awakens beats it for my favorite Star Wars movie, it was just that solid. But that is just my opinion.
I'm a bit conflicted that there wasn't force jumping, as far as I noticed. And I felt Kylo Ren was sooooo fucking weak! He lose to a force using newb with no formal training in in The Force or lightsabers! And didn't even beat Finn, a non-force force sensitive and untrained with lightsabers, instantly! Kind of a let down after he HELD A LASER BLAST FLOATING IN AIR FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES! Everything else was more or less ace.
I cried every time someone hugged Leia and when Han died.
He's not "a poor man's Vader". He's...well, he's best described as "Anakin trying to be Vader". (In a sense, he's also an expy for Abrams in regards to Star Wars: trying hard to seem familiar, but still trying to be something a little different than before.)
>>44428 >he's best described as "Anakin trying to be Vader".
My exact thoughts as well. I believe that he could prove interesting with time and training; he kind of feels like the trope of the evil minion that seems like a pretty bad dude early on, but messes up and continues trying, sometimes better sometimes worse - eventually joining others? No idea what that's called.
What I would like to see in the villain department is more General Hux and Captain Phasma; Hux was essentially Space Hitler and Phasma needed more things to do. Hope she lived... Also, as for Snoke, not sure what to think there.
Kylo is trying to be Vader and fulfill what he sees as his family legacy by being a "Sith Lord". OT Vader has been hardened by around two decades; of course that Vader is a badass. What we see in Kylo is a mirror of pre-Vader Anakin: immature, brash, and dealing with conflicted feelings in his heart. His character is arguably one of the few callbacks to the Prequel Trilogy, regardless of whether that was intentional, and a fitting inverse of what Vader was in the OT. This setup also leaves open future growth for Kylo in Episodes 8 and 9, including a possible turn to the Light Side - and I would love to see a canonical Sith-to-Jedi conversion without it being followed by near-immediate death.
Really, the character work laid down in TFA is some good shit in terms of setting the stage for the future of the franchise. And I hope to God that the careers of both Daisy Ridley and John Boyega blow up after this film - they fucking deserve it.
TV Tropes would call it the Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain, I think. It's been around for ages though. I want to say even the Epic of Gilgamesh had Enkidu as one of those at first. But I could be wrong.
>>44429 >eventually joining others? I think the TvTropes term you are looking for this specific aspect is the Heel-Face Turn, if the others you are referring to are the protagonists.
>>44441 Seen it. It managed to accomplish everything: >be a good movie >be true to the originals (both story-wise and style-wise) >be something new (story and camerawork) >take risks (not everything goes well) >deliver a vision of a new creative team >set groundwork for 1 more films >pack a shitload of story into just 2 hours (something Phantom Menace and Empire could not do to this extent) and yet still be comprehensible
>>44463 It's not that particular photo, just that it reminded me of the ban that Lucasfilm (and allegedly coming directly from the Lucas man himself) visited upon Prowse, declaring him persona non-grata on any official Star Wars event. Is that ban still in place?
I really liked it. It was like the OT...not as good as any of them, but as enjoyable and far better than the prequels. I liked the four new humans and Leia...omg. I cried.
>>44464 I hope not. I hope he gets invited to a SW celebration.
>>44465 Why do people always need to compare shit to other shit? Is it impossible to not do "it's better than" or "it's worse then"? Is this "power ranking" thing really that necessary? That, and the suggestion that it is not as good as the original trilogy suggests the possibility that it is nostalgia talking.
>Why do people always need to compare shit to other shit?
Our minds naturally work that way?
>Is it impossible to not do "it's better than" or "it's worse then"?
Film Crit Hulk kinda hit upon this idea in his “What Makes a Movie Good?” essay (
Both a critic and a filmmaker can have deep technical knowledge and yet still completely fail. Hulk has said before that Fincher is a master aesthetician who has made one of Hulk's favorite movies ever (Zodiac), but he has also so tonally missed the mark on a few movies that Hulk worry he misapplies his technical acumen. To wit: a great critic can see every movie under the sun and still misapply the logic to miss whatever might have made a movie unique, interesting or compelling and ultimately be the thing that allows it to connect with audiences in a meaningful way. Heck, look at the most obvious example ever in Armond White. The man is actually rather intelligent and has seen just about every movie ever. But it's like his wires got crossed and every day is opposite day or something because he doesn't make a lick of sense when it comes to identifying things that will actually resonate with an audience.
Which means that both criticism and filmmaking are really the processes of well-articulated subjectivity.
Yes, they are opinions and created emotions, but they are informed opinions and created emotions that try to get at the heart of a movie-going experience. That's why Hulk hates doing traditional reviews and never wants to boil it down to some appraisal of worth. In that kind of world, the question shouldn't be "Is the movie good?" but more something along the lines "Does the movie work?" You may equate the two, but Hulk believes that basic change of language can really change the way we think and talk about movies.
>the suggestion that it is not as good as the original trilogy suggests the possibility that it is nostalgia talking
…or people might legitimately think the individual OT movies “worked” better than TFA. (Except maybe for Jedi.)
I haven’t seen TFA yet; I’m going with what I’ve read about the film and what others have said about it. And while I like the OT (and dislike the PT), I’m not a huge Star Wars fan.
There were a ton of things I liked, more than things I didn't like. Overall I was very impressed and I was surprised by how good it was after the travesty that was both of Abrams' Star Trek movies. I love the new cast and the new droid, and I fucking love the new villain. He's everything that Starkiller should've been. There are a few things that annoyed me about the film, most of them being inconsistencies and pacing issues, but overall I give it a thumbs up.
I'm on the complete opposite end. Snoke, Hux, and Kylo did not impress me as antagonists. They all were half-baked and not intimidating with their screen presence. Also, why did Phasma even exist in this movie? The Tonfa Stormtroper did more than Phasma. Ultimately I liked Finn, Rey, and BB8's onscreen chemistry, but the complete retread of A New Hope's plot, while somehow managing to completely miss what made A New Hope's plot good (seriously, you blew up five planets we don't give a shit about, it was no Alderaan moment), really left me severely disappointed in this film's writing and I didn't go in with great expectations to begin with. I'd rank it as a poorer showing than JJ Abram's Star Trek movies. Hell, they had better antagonists than this turkey, and yes I AM including completely generic Romulan. Even the Prequels, for all their flaws, at least gave us Darth Maul, Dooku, Sidious, and Grevious.
>>44481 My biggest problem with the movie is that they really blew their load with the Starkiller base. We were never shown what the New Republic is like, so when the First Order blows it up, it's really hard to give a shit. They should've built it up over a few movies.
Seriously though, this was a fun film. I do think J.J. Abrams' Star Trek revival was a more snazzier film, but The Force Awakens had a better foundation for the franchise to expand upon. Excited to see where the sequels will go, along with the spin-offs.
Best part about TFA was how everyone talked like real human beings, unlike the prequels.
>>44425 >spoiler text about Kylo Ren To be fair, he was injured and not in top condition. Not to mention it's acknowledged in-universe that he's a whiny brat with self-control issues, and he just killed his dad on top of that, which would probably fuck with his ability to keep a clear and focused head when fighting.
>>44504 From what I've seen of the one in the stores with the unfinished casing and the wires running along it. Either its one he modded or its just unstable because of the crossblade
>>44478 Personally I'm hoping for some Kylo X Phasma. Angry dark side tsundere on tsundere action. Aw yea~ With SL Snoke watching being all like: //
Speaking of that name is really funny and hard to take seriously because it on letter from being Snok(cute swedish word for harmless snake) and Snokey(so celb).
Thoughts on the new characters: Rey – Felt like a better Luke in a lot of ways. Not as whiny, more serious but likeable all the same. The accusations of Mary Sue are definitely overblown. I mean I guess it was a little weird that she was able to pick up how to use the Force so quickly, but part of it is probably for pacing reasons, part of it is her personality and circumstances make her a better learner than Luke, and besides it's implied early on that she was already trained in it from an early age anyway. If she's not Luke's own child, then she's at least a survivor of the second Jedi purge hidden on Jakku for her own protection. Finn and BB8 – I actually didn't expect to like them as much as I did. They was great, and managed to be funny without being annoying. Also Finn's friendship with Poe was really sweet. Poe – Wasn't in the movie all that much, but he was great whenever he was on and I hope he comes back Wedge style. Kylo Ren – FUUUUCK YOUUU Spoiled fucking brat, but unlike Anakin it's clear he's supposed to be obnoxious on purpose (cast a guy with such a nerdy looking horseface, that HAS to be intentional), and at least Adam Driver can act, so in that sense I guess the fact that he's so unlikeable is a sign that he's a good character if he can piss me off this much.
All the others were OK I guess. None of the new characters stood out as badly done to me. Underused, but there are more movies coming. Probably my biggest complaint about the film would be the awkward pacing and scene transitions toward the beginning of the movie, but those sorted themselves out. And the CG on Maz Kanata wasn't bad, but looked strange next to all the real people.
>>44512 Apparently so, with ship battles already being drawn between Kylo/Reyfags declaring Finn/Rey to be too cutesy and forced or that Finn only has eyes for Poe while Finn/Reyfags accuse Kylo/Reyfags of being pro-rape/incest or women haters.
>>44517 Luke was whiny. Not emo-whiny, but that aspect was there. His main motivation at the start of ANH was leaving the planet because being a farmer was boring
And all his friends were moving away, and he was not even given enough autonomy by his Uncle to run his own errands. And he lived in a desert wasteland with sand that's coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.
>>44525 Last was Biggs and he was already off the the academy, though as we saw ended up with the Rebellion. Had the Emprire not done what they did Luke probably would have ended up in the Empire. Few years down the line being a TIE Pilot flying against the Rebel Alliance.
I don't know, I feel like I'm the only one that didn't have a hard on for the movie in one way or another. The things I felt it did wrong threw me completely out of the movie when I noticed them, but I didn't hate it just because it kept disconnecting with me.
I only really can work up an unenthusiastic "meh" about it, while everyone else seems dead set on some sort of fervor.
>Grossing a tremendous $153.5 million on its second weekend in theaters, according to studio estimates, Walt Disney’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” continued to break records, including the biggest second weekend of all time. On a global basis it reached $1.09 billion this weekend and became the fastest movie in history to pass $1 billion.
>>44489 Man I sorta want to go into a /tv/ thread just to collect pictures making fun of Kylo Ren or showing off TR-8R being a badass, but it's /tv/. And Tumblr likes Ren too unironically. What do.
>>44561 Same. Thought I was going to hate the snivelling fuck but I think he's my favorite now. Plainfaced giant nosed loser-kun definitely left the strongest impression on me.
Image:145141529100.png(278kB, 500x740)sw kylo in the hole they made for him tumblr_nzyalgIVTO1rq9iugo1_500.png
>>44562 And he is smart enough to not kill off useful personnel just because he gets mad. Plus seeing him, a powerful sith badass, throw a shit fit is fun.