Video:165702396344.webm(3.64MB / 0:00:12 / vp8, 686x520)Stupid Star Trek Doublepunch.webm
Want to make this board a little more lively, and threads where you share images seem to be the most active on +4. Not to mention this is a highly natural thing to have considering the board's media topic.
So please post webms from music videos, television & film here.
Video:165702398814.webm(1.41MB / 0:00:23 / vp8, 572x432)Benkarans occupy just 10% of Nygean space but take up nearly 80% of the space in Nygean prisons_ Curious.webm
>>417920 Oh yes, it absolutely is, it's as good as the 1991 movie, just a bit less extravagant due to being a sitcom as opposed to an expensive movie. It established many of the motifs that all the modern shows and movies later copied (that weren't in the original comic strip). The original creator had a hand in creating the show too, since a lot of things weren't clear from the comic, they just asked him about it. Some parts of it might seem strange because the newer, more popular movies changed them around for reasons. The most prominent example is Wednesday having a sunny disposition over the evil goth persona in the 1991 movie. She was like that in the original strip, they changed it for the movie because it fit Christina Ricci more.
A lot (but not all) of the episodes are also up on YouTube:
>>417921 >The most prominent example is Wednesday having a sunny disposition over the evil goth persona in the 1991 movie. She was like that in the original strip, they changed it for the movie because it fit Christina Ricci more. cheery goths are also 'kino', as the kids say.
>>417928 Yeah, even if some of the jokes are hit or miss or requires that you know the context or what they are parodying. Case in point, the most meta cameo scene ever: Hot Shots! Part Deux~I Loved You In Wall Street Charlie Sheen is reprising his scene from Platoon, his dad Martin Sheen is reprising his scene from Apocalypse Now - both are Vietnam movies - and they are commenting on the movie Wall Street, in which they both played... as son and father.