>>57745 You gotta start small, make sure you manifest the feeling for some humans to think about ways to make robots for cheap labor and have them think about discovering the Absolute Solver and attempt to harness energies of the unknown to make those drone cores. With a good power source that's light, handy and lasting (and potentially allowing her to come through via techno-magic Eldritch shenanigans i.e. the cores using a bit of her own powers in their construction) then they can make drones that take the form of the workers from the show.
Hello everyone. For the past 5 months or so I've been designing a worker drone. I have finished the designs for the legs torso arms and head. I have almost finished the hand. I need to add a place to put the servomotors that will move the finger tendons and to add another motor to the thumb. I have to redesign some parts and to add clearance but I think I'm almost done with the design phase. I originally wanted to wait until I got the drone to walk and post it on Reddit for 100 updoots but I've grown bored with the design aspect and I want to get to inverse kinematics as soon as possible. I won't stop working on this and I'll keep you updated.
>>165112 Progress update: I made this so far. Soon I'll print the legs and see if I can get them to walk. This design is bad, I know how to improve it but I won't. This is because the amount of effort needed to make a good worker drone is higher than making a disassembly drone, if you want to hear why I think that's the case let me know and I'll break it down. Thus the worker drone will become a test platform. I'll prototype whatever mechanisms I want to put on the dd on the worker drone.