/md/ - Murder Drones

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Replying to /md/52736
Murder Drones Main SouthAnonymous
Image:172789799545.jpg(77kB, 850x889)Not AliceAnon Just Using The Picture.jpg
I've decided that enough is enough, I came here to discuss Drones not see off-site garbage posted or the millionth Oogi post.

>Labor Bots are an exception
what about Sentinel Drones?
also based thread fren
Sentinel Drones, are allowed friend
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Does anyone have her greentexts?
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Only thing I got is this from the booru, but I remember there being so much more
y'all mind if I repost some autism writefaggotry that I've been working on in the OC thread?
Sure go ahead, friend
>>52747 (me)
Drone related greentexts and OC are perfectly fine and allowed, Labor Bots are allowed too
Image:172789912459.png(406kB, 448x906)Beretta & Auntie Cyn Take A Sip.png
You're welcome, friend
reposting from OC thread
>Be anon
>As the only son and heir of two wealthy JCJENSON (IN SPAAAAACEEEEE!!!) investors, they had forced you to attend a gala in hopes of finding you a suitable partner.
>Thankfully, they sent two of the most trusted drones from your estate to accompany you as protection.
>Alongside you was Lily and Juliette.
>Lily was, to put it bluntly, intimidating.
>Standing at a whopping 6'8, the Sentinel Drone was as strict as she was sweet with you.
>Whether it was forgetting to do your homework or skipping your business lessons, she always seemed to get after you for the smallest thing.
>On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, however, was Juliette.
>Unlike Lily who towered over you, the Disassembly Drone was a head shorter than you and had been since you hit puberty.
>And also unlike Lily, she was much more lenient and even a little mischievous at times.
>She always teased Lily for her "no-fun" attitude and the cold (heh) exterior that she put on around others.
>Deep down, you knew that they cared for each other
>And even more of so of (you).
>Recently however, their protectiveness of you had kicked up a notch.
>Now that you're about to attend college and, from their perspective, "discard" them, they had tried to spend every waking moment with you.
>You found it quite cute if not a little eerie at times, but you knew that they were only doing it out of fondness.
>But oh well, you're sure that they won't disturb your important mission at the gala.
>Speaking of, the chauffeur was just pulling into the the main gates of the mansion holding the event
>Internally you were praying that your autism didn't kick in near the girls your age.
>Unbeknownst to you, the Drones accompanying were even more nervous, their fans whirring loudly in agitation for what was to come.
reposting from OC thread
>You shifted restlessly as the mansion gates opened, the lights from inside foreboding the imminent social interaction.
>Dread settled over you as the car came to a stop.
>Stepping out of the vehicle, you beckoned for Lily and Juliette to exit alongside you.
>There was no getting out of this.
>It’s not like you hadn’t attended a gala in the past; it was expected, encouraged, even, as a way for the wealthy to interact with fellow elites.
>Most of the time you stood back to let your parents do all the talking, preferring to be in a corner alongside other rich social outcasts.
>This time you were alone, given a task so daunting that you considered turning back now without fear of whatever harsh punishment awaited you back home.
>Or at least you would have, had they not threatened to discard the drones back at home.
>You could deal with whatever happened to you, but getting any of the drones, or god-forbid, Lily and Juliette disassembled made you reconsider any sort of rebellion against your parents
>Growing up homeschooled limited your interactions with the opposite gender to your mother, extended family members, and your two beloved drones.
>Hell you wouldn’t mind marrying them at this point, but you knew that it was ridiculous, it would never be accepted, let alone by-
“Excuse me, could you state your name?”
>Shit, you had forgotten that you were in the front of the foyer. Damn your daydreaming.
“Umm. It’s A-Anon.”
>She looked at the guess list for a second before smiling.
“Welcome to the Elliott manor, Anon. We hope you enjoy this evening’s entertainment!
>Well shit, that was faster than expected. The Elliotts reputation of being the best wasn’t unfounded after all.
>You thanked her as you stepped into the manor.
“Oh, and one last thing. All drones accompanying attendees must be kept out of sight. House rules.”
reposting from OC thread
>The blue drone found herself pacing around the room. She should be out there. With Anon. Not in this glorified holding pen they called an attic.
>”Drones must be kept out of sight?” Just who did they think they were? Imbeciles, for starters.
“Could you knock that off? You look like you’re about to shit yourself, which is impressive considering we’re drones.”
>And what about security? Yes, they had state of the art security measures (herself notwithstanding), but who knows what could happen inside the manor?
>What if Anon had an allergic reaction to one of the dishes?
>Or started having a panic attack after being approached by one of the female attendees?
>She needed to be there for him. That was the purpose she was built for.
>One could never be too sure, especially with the reports of malfunctioning Worker Drones attacking humans. What if that was happening at this very mo-
>She turned to look at the only other person in the room.
>Juliette looked at her with that self-assured smile she always seemed to have.
>”Look, I’m worried about him as well, but he’ll be fine, It’s not like he’s actually going to find a suitor tonight, right?”
>She could hear the uncertainty creep up behind the facade of her rhetorical question.
>Both of them knew what was in store for them once Anon went away.
>There was a chance that he would keep them after inheriting his family’s fortunes.
>The most likely outcome, if she was being honest.
>But there was still that doubt in their control systems that filled them with uncertainty.
>They had seen so many drones come and go over the years, so many bonds ripped apart based on the whims of their owners.
>But Juliette was right. Anon was not going to find someone worthy of his love here.
“Of course not. It is merely his first gala without supervision.”
>She steadied herself
>Everything was going to be alright.
>Anon was probably enjoying the freedom he had.
>Enjoying the ballad, as people his age were supposed to.
>Nothing would happen tonight.
reposting from OC thread
>Standing in the ballroom, (you) were absolutely, positively, shitting yourself in fear.
>For the first time in your life, you had to approach a girl. Willingly.
>How did people enjoy these sorts of things?
>It was worse than having to sit through one of Lily’s business lessons, and at least then it was just between you and her.
>And Juliette when she decided to butt in without permission, you guessed.
>She was surprisingly astute when it came to learning.
>If only they were here right now. You were regretting anything positive you had said about the Elliotts.
>Damn them and their abnormally large hatred towards drones!
>While your internal lament over basic social interaction continued, you failed to notice somebody approaching you.
“Ah, Anon, old chap!”
>Finally, a familiar face.
“Lord Frumptlebucket, it’s good to see you chum.”
>You meant that without a hint of sarcasm. It was nice having a familiar face to speak with.
>Even if he had a reputation of being slightly off the rails.
“Having trouble with the dames, I suppose?
>That caught you by surprise.
“Is it that obvious?”
>He laughed.
“Of course. Haven’t you noticed those girls snickering since 15 minutes after 11 o'clock?”
>You turned around frantically to spot them.
>He laughed harder.
“Just pulling your leg mate. I’m sure even someone like you can find the right gal eventually.”
>You decided to take that as a compliment before parting ways.
>The ballroom was packed now. Whatever James Elliott had planned for midnight was sure to be extravagant.
>One thing you had noticed was the lack of drones present. They would probably show up soon for whatever he had up his sleeve.
>The sooner this was over, the better.
>You had promised to play a co-op game with Juliette after getting back home, and maybe with a little convincing you could convince Lily to join
>Just as soon as this boring gala was over.
reposting from OC thread
“A cherry? In my Piña Colada?! Do you have a couple screws missing ya’ broken twat!”
>The man struck the drone with the cocktail glass, shattering its poor visor.
>You couldn’t help but think about your own drones. Why so many decided to treat them so harshly was a mystery to you.
>Although you could understand his frustration.
>It had already been 20 minutes without any sign of the hosts, and you had contemplated leaving prematurely.
>A perfect excuse to go back home.
>But it seemed that luck wasn’t on your side.
>The Elliotts had decided to make their appearance as soon as you headed for the exit.
>it looked like you would need to pretend to enjoy being here for the next 4 hours.
>You took a seat as they made their way to the front of the dining hall.
"Welcome all.”
>Spoke James
“The Elliotts are known for many things.”
“Currently being alive.”
>Yeah, obvious-
>The guest’s gaze shifted.
>At the far end of the room sat a drone, no different than the ones you had seen beforehand.
>Yet as it turned to face the audience, a bolt of lightning illuminated what must have been dozens of sharp appendages.
>You stood alongside the guests in stunned silence.
>Not a moment passed before a second interruption hit the gala.
“Everyone stand back! This is a citizen’s murder.”
reposting from OC thread
>You shuddered as footsteps passed near you, hands moving to cover the noise from your heavy breaths.
>A yellow glow approached, and for a moment you accepted that your end was near.
>But it moved away as a sound came from the table beside you.
>Somebody had gotten desperate and made a sprint towards the front entrance.
>On cue a drone swooped from the air, tearing him apart before they could even make it a couple of feet.
>Just like the rest of them.
>Those unlucky enough to be seated near the entrance had been the first to go, unable to react before a swarm of Worker Drones tore everything apart.
>Some had tried to escape through the windows, a desperate last ditch attempt since you were nearly 70 feet off the ground.
>Others had been smarter and opted to hide, yourself included. But the minutes turned into hours and the likelihood of rescue seemed less likely with every chime of the great grandfather clock.
>So you waited in paralyzing fear every time you heard a scream or the sound of flesh being torn apart or somebody begging to be spared. Tessa Elliott was proof enough that the latter wouldn’t work, but some people only knew how to learn things the hard way.
>Yet all those things put together didn’t hold a candle to the worst part about being here.
>The worst part was The Lights.
>The blinding, yellow Lights.
>Goosebumps formed in your skin every time the golden hue drew closer, only to go the opposite direction once it found another victim.
>Whatever monster pretending to be that maid had plunged the room into darkness and chaos.
>But the light of the drones hadn’t been snuffed out.
>It was torture, a sick game of cat and mouse that mocked how close the mouse was to the cat’s claws.
>Sooner or later one of them would glance under the table you were hiding in.
>And this time there would be no desperate idiot to save you.
>More minutes passed by before the shimmer returned.
>You muttered a small prayer as it got closer before stopping just a few feet in front of you.
>Abruptly, the table was flipped over, replaced by a drone with jagged claws and an X on its visor.
>It smiled at you as it raised its hand.
>This was it.
>A feeling of disappointment washed over you. This would be where you died.
>Not at home being surrounded by your family and the drones that love you.
>But at a fancy party with people you hated.
>Just for the chance to get a girlfriend.
>You closed your eyes as the drone brought its impossibly sharp claws down.
>A few second passed before you hesitantly opened one of them
>You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.
>The drone was on the ground, cut in half.
>And behind it was a sight that filled you with relief you thought wasn’t possible.
>It was the blue illumination of Lily, holding a sword covered in oil.
>You wanted to say something, anything, but the look on her face left no room for conversation.
>She uttered a single word to you before turning to face the other drones in the vicinity
reposting from OC thread

>Anon was walking home one rainy day when he noticed a drone laying on the sidewalk by the corner of 5th avenue
"What woes befell you?", said the man to the machine.
>The drone lifted it's head with effort, the visor cracks showing that it's time as a vagabond hadn't been Eden
"My owner's, sir. They didn't like the way I sung no more."
>She replied with a voice box that had seen better days
"So I was taken and told I was going to be fixed soon. But they lied. So I waited."
"And I waited"
"But I'm starting to think they ain't coming back soon".
>Anon's sympathy turned into pity which turned into anger as the poor fellow shared her story
"Well I don't rightfully think a man should get rid of a dame, not one bit."
"Now why don't you follow me? There's a lodging that needs songbirds, and I don't throw away valuables."
>The drone beamed for the first time since recounting her tale; she could be useful again, like she had been so many years ago
>So with the last of her strength she stood, and followed the man to her new beginning.
"You got a name, lass?"
>The drone lifted it's head once more, although no worries weighed down her answer.


~ Ve-ní-te A-do-ré-mus, ve-ní-te a-do-ré-mus, ~
~ Ve-ní-te A-do-ré-mus Dó-mi-num ~
>The crowd, silent as a grave, roared in thunderous applause as the choir came to an end
>One by one the choristers gave a curt nod before heading backstage
>All except for one. A drone which, just weeks ago, had been left to a grim fate
"Bravo, Juliette! Bravo! I knew taking you home was a wise choice. Your owners would be very upset knowing that abandoning you was such a big mistake.
>Juliette blushed. She was a tool doing her purpose, and wasn't used to receiving such praise.
"Well thank you sir. I'm just glad that you enjoyed that lil' showcase of my abilities."
"Abilities? Your singing was majestic! Why I ought to parade you around the country."
>The man was gleaming with pride yet stopped curtly as a thought crossed his mind
>He looked at the robot
"Well dear, now that you're part of my household, it's about time I introduce you to your partner."
>A partner? The automaton had never had a friend, let alone a partner
>So she followed as the man guided her through his abode, until arriving at a smooth grey door.
"Go ahead. She's waiting."
>Nervousness became curiosity as she took a stride. A robot, just like her but taller and blue awaited inside.
>It turned to look at her before introducing herself.
"Nice to meet you, Juliette. I'm Lily, and I hope we get acquainted soon enough."
>The sentinel stretched out her hand
>And the singer accepted her reply
>Thus beginning a friendship which would surely last
reposting from OC thread
sorry for autism btw. Also it's a completely different Lily
Nah, man don't apologize for Dronetism. It's perfectly fine I love this kind of stuff
thanks anon. I think i’ll stay here for the time being, the OC thread moves at a snail’s pace and the main thread is a shitshow right now.
Sounds good to me friend.
>>52736 (me)
I felt the need to expand a bit on the rules/guidelines, just incase people get confused
>Anon is perfectly allowed in greentexts just as long as he stays an Anon
>Nameless/Side human characters that aren't Anon are allowed, just as long as they don't overshadow the Drone/Labor Bot in greens
>Any and all form of Drone is allowed even weird ones like T.A.M.F.K same goes for Labor Bots, Oogis are still not allowed despite this and neither are loafs

Now since I haven't done this kind of thing before and I'm not a jerk, I'm willing to take suggestions. Mostly in the probably rare event that another thread is made
Image:172790306670.jpg(686kB, 1080x1344)Fug u stoopid binch reading this .jpg
Which Drone is this?
Dang this thread is dead asf