My Friends! 150 Threads in this, isn't it amazing? Anyway, let's keep the good talk about the Drones, like the new OCs that have been popping up. I hope you are having a nice day. The lovely Booru: The incredible wheel with OCs: The beloved OC wiki: The last Thread: >>151845
>>152763 if Earth survives in the post-good end timeline, and somehow, against all odds, Molly's old room survived– do you think it would be the first place she went, to cling to the warmth of happier days? or would she dread the thought of returning to that room, knowing that all those gifts and the fond memories they carry were forever tainted?
>>152808 >your friend is a technical genius >he has awards and a high paying engineering job >at times you were jealous but it was all good >recently he has been working on a personal project >you don’t know what it is because he never specified other than it’s some kinda robot >one day you’re just minding your own business >you get an email >it’s from him >”hey anon, I’m gonna have to trust you to look after something I’ve been working on for the past few months, I was gonna surprise you but I have an important business trip and I’m leaving tomorrow morning, it’ll come right to your doorstep not too long from now. I’ll be back in a month - phill >doorbell rings >that was fast >you open it >there’s the box >drag it in >wow it’s heavy >pry it open >you finally see what this thing he’s been making is >it looks like this >cool, it’s that thing from that other thing from those guys that made digital circus >but how do you turn it on? >oh good, your friend left you instructions. >do accordingly and it lights up >”hello there. Curious What is your name?”
>>152801 >at the Outpost 3 high school gymnasium >Ms. Lizzy finishes coaching the cheerleaders for the day >Lizzy: "Great job, ladies! Enjoy the rest of your day. Except you, Beretta, we need to talk about something." >Beretta: "Something wrong, coach?" >Lizzy: "Yes, actually. Look, I know you wanted to join cheer squad mostly to spite your mom but you gotta to put in more effort than this." >Beretta: "How much more effort? Why aren't you grilling Beverly who has two left legs and can't do a split?" >Lizzy: "No, no, your choreography is great. I'm talking about your resting bitch face." >Beretta: "My what?" >Lizzy: "Cheer leading is about representing school spirit, making people excited to be here, and your moodiness is casting storm clouds over everyone else. So could you try smiling a bit more? For me, at least?" >Beretta groans while rolling her eyes and then hooks her two index fingers around her mouth to pull a very forced smile >Lizzy laughs: "Yeah, keep practicing. You'll make it eventually."
>>152814 Do you think Beretta ever talks P's (nonexistent) ears off about her day to day while he's baking stuff, and he tries to relate despite never really having friends (or that he could be a good role model to Mac, since Mac actually has a harem technically)
>>152827 >And bold of you to assume Anon ever has to commit to a timeline I'm comitted to both Beretta and Akita who are in separate timelines. I'm planning on merging the timelines to be with both Beretta and Akita.
Image:173869061157.png(64kB, 468x543)serial designation n, uzi doorman, and serial designation v (murder drones) drawn by vicious_fiend - 6efc59403e456af082f684d1be526533.png
>Fun Fact: V is usually the one who gets to 'top' whenever she's in a threesome with N & Uzi
>>152848 Agreed, but she'll be back sooner than later. Also if she does she will not namefag immediately for obvious reasons and probably wouldn't wanna get called out
As someone who’s a bit iffy on analog horror. I feel like the only way that a murder drones analog horror can work is if its taking place during the events of the solver war.
>>152820 >(or that he could be a good role model to Mac, since Mac actually has a harem technically) She doesn't know about that, she just knows that Mac occasionally complains about feeling cold when no one else does.
>>152881 Idgi honestly but it's a nicely drawn one at least. Is she doing it for the parts or? And wouldn't drones benefit from water whenthey always overheat? If they can handle pil inside almost everyhwere, have saliva and can live in snow then they are defeinitely shielded enough from wetness
>>152831 >Wow Anon, you’re such a nice friend of mine Anon. Thanks for buying me snacks and video games and paying off my phone bill while P’s child is growing inside me. >I can’t wait to give birth so I can go back to having more baby-making sex with P! >You’re such a nice guy, Anon. Now go get me some Chipotle.
>>152880 I think one anon had posted an idea of how the solver slowly presented itself to the world and i think it could work well in an analog horror format.
>>152881 >Have to use a magcrane to pull her out of the water once you're done. >Dredge up coins, bike frames, an old FTL drive and your Uncle Jeb from the deep before Alice flies like a bullet up to the pile to join it.
>Good thing she managed to find your lawnmower keys that suspiciously fell into the lake.
>>152886 I would, but Akita is sitting on my lap >"You wouldn't make your cute little abomination wife move, would you? Especially while she's pregnant with YOUR baby?" Sorry, Beretta, you're gonna have to ask P to grab your snacks for you
>Uzi walked along the halls of the elliot manor, running as her digital body searched for N, it was clear that he had been snatched by Cyn and dragged to the basement, but the fact is, the walls of the manor had became labyrinthine and confusing, stretching into a nonsensical maze of halls and rooms, she couldn't of navigated the mansion from an outside perspective, so she HAD to fully implement herself into the system, one more mistake and she was dead... or worse. >She found what she thought to be a lead, an decrepid door crawling with bugs, the word "BASEMENT" was also written in sloppy font above the door. >this place worked weirdly, due to it being a mix of memories surrounding the manor and the accompanying massacre, So an out of place door was to be expected. >"I'll get you N." Uzi said to herself, bracing herself up as she kicked down the infested door, bursting in to the large cold room. >"WHERE ARE YOU, YOU EVIL ZOMBIE WEIRDO!" Uzi shouted, hyping herself up as she wielded a lamp as a claymore. >... >nothing. >the dark room was large, but Uzi could sense there being no physical presence besides herself, she'd continue on. >Did i mention that the room was large, yea, super large and freakin' cold. >Uzi walks forward, tripping on thin air, she looks backward, not seeing anything. >she'd brace herself as the door dissipated into the fog, just a while longer, and she'll find N, and Kill Cyn... or atleast the memory that N has of Cyn. >Dream Logic is freakin' weird. >Uzi would trip again, her walk slowly becoming more and more unstable and floppy. >"Ugh, did they fill this room with fricken' pebbles? gr-" Uzi Groaned, looking ahead of herself, not noticing as her hoodie and skirt fused and became >a maids dress, not like she would, that's what she wears all the time! >Uzi's grip on the lamp stayed the same, but the way she wielded it, it was as if her arms became like rope, struggling to be held up by her strength, she felt gangly... >but that was no concern. remember, find N, J, and Cyn... >Uzi stumbles forward again, dropping the Lamp, finding it too heavy. >the solver would provide her with her strength anyway~
>"GASP!" Cuzi gasps. >a door! it was far neater than the door before... mostly because it looked more appropriate for a door in a mansion, Cuzi wobbles towards it, her path swaying side to side, politely opening the door to the basement. >remember, Find N, Find Cyn... then what? it didn't matter.
>Cuzi wraps her hand around the door, slowly opening it, >She walks in to see Cyn, sitting down, sipping from a tea cup, her ragdoll esque body flopped into the seat. >"Hello, Uzi. N has told me alot, about you~ >Sip." Cyn sips from the teacup, showing Cuzi to another chair around the coffee table. >"Take, a seat, i am sure you are confused~" Cyn says, smiling >"W-what the hell? like i would ever, you're evil or something!" Cyuzi raises her arm, ready to toss Cyn against a wall... but, why would she do that?
>"Are you sure?~ i have drained some oil, freshly for you. beckoning stare" Cyn beckons, crossing her legs as her head tilts "N is ok, i have just helped him with his... memory issues" Cyn says in a creepily robotic tone. >"and i doubt, you were worrying about V. giggle." Cyn Giggles, fixing her heads position.
>Cyuzi stumbles towards Cyn, placing herself in the seat before picking up the Oil filled tea cup >"Why... why are you so, peaceful towards me? Shouldn't you.. like, be attempting to kill me? with your eldritch super powers? Sorry, for talking weird.. brain is a mess.." Cyuzi says, finding it hard to speak in a regular speech pattern.
>"Laugh. do not worry, Cyn-2, you are merely adapting to the data that i have sent into N's brain." Cyn laughs, smiling happily as she looks towards Cyuzi >"sip. spittake. C-cyn-2?- WAIT, WHAT DO YOU MEAN DATA?!" Cyuzi spits out her oil onto a nearby carpet
>"i found a way in~ do you think that two drones connected by the solver, couldn't just.. do a simple file transfer~? i am not a biased memory of cyn, created by N. giggle, i am Cyn~ and in a few moments, you will be aswell~" Cyn giggles, looking at Cyuzin before taking another sip of her oil
>"huh? w-w-wh-why am.. i ok with this? ugh... brain hurts, things being replaced... Groan..." Cyuzin holds her head, leaking a bit of oil from the mouth*
>Cyuzin tried to hold onto everything, her memories of her father, her identity, her rivalries... but it all felt distant, like her memories weren't her own anymore, but that of a stranger
>"Just a bit sooner, Cyn~ You are a freshly born fawn trying to find his way in a world that doesn't make sense. Sip." Cyn sips from her teacup, smirking as she looks upon Cyn-2
>"you stole that quote... i think.." Cyn-2 tried to remember, thinking about an old video she watched about a man with a weirdly colored mous- and just like that, the thought was gone. replaced by memories of massacre and joyful malice
>"i-i-i- HELP- KH-A- i am feeling much better, giggle." Cyn-2 glitches out, sparking and spasming, both in the digital and analog space, before coming to accept her new reality.
>"teehee, we are so silly~" Both Cyn's giggled, knowing that Copper-9 was doomed... and that a greater force was a fufilled, a greater force that would come to consume this series of events, cataloging and enjoying in the changes it brought.
>>152899 She knows Uzi's (full of eldritch meat/a biomechanical eldritch giant centipede monster using a corpse full of eldritch meat as a sock puppet).
Since drones are pretty short, I wonder how they'd take short jokes. >uzi goes off on some autistic rant about humans or whatever >"yeah sure whatever you say, smallfry" >gremlin rage intensifies
>>152911 If you think about it this may be one of the few moments of pure bliss in his life All the female drones in the area are his bitches to his confections and pastries (he is also singlehandedly causing a rise in DWFA syndrome)
>It was nice of the guys from the veteran support group to invite buddy for this little outdoor get together and drink alcohol around a campfire. >But while other drank, talk stories and ate some roasted marshmallows that one of the boys had brought. Buddy was doing something different. >Buddy had been focusing on the open flames. Watching them dance amongst the wind as small embers sparkeled out. His listening tune out any background noises as focused more on the cracking wood had been used as fuel. >For a brief moment, it brought him to a memory he had. >It was after Danni’s… ‘Death’, Buddy had been slowly going off the deep end. With the last thing that had kept him stable gone, he ran head first into darkness without a care for his wellbeing. Fates would align to have eventually put him in a special unit that saw a use for his hate and revenge. >for a brief moment, Buddy was back in the old guard in the old colors. The fire had been replaced by a victim of his. >A disassembly drone, its body now lit aflame which its poor core trapped in a burning coffin thay was once its body. >You’d be surprised how effective thermite on the double deltas. >he remembered the moments of panic that the DD had as the predator turned prey had stick of burning thermite embedded inside of its body. >He remembered himself watching the drone, just close enough to feel the flame but just far enough to be out of reach for the drone to get him. >in a blink of an eye the scenery changed back to the campsite with the guys none the wiser. >Buddy, despite his namesake. Wasn’t always a buddy. >He was a monster. >He was a son of the federation.
>>152916 >She needs you to be ready to fulfil her needs at a moment's notice >So she forbids you from working anywhere and buys lots of household appliances to relieve you of the housework >She also buys you expensive clothes and sends you to beauty parlour and gym to make you look better >She also plans to send you to a young father's course so that you can take care of the baby while she works
>>152936 "Aw and who's this lil guy?" >Molly says as she approaches Tessa, V, J and N >AM had his back turned to Molly so from behind he looked like a kid >Tessa snickers >AM turns around with a grumpy frown >"I am *not* a child." "Oh... Well I'm sorry... Can I still get a smile?" >Molly's smile becomes more fake as AM smiles "Never thought I'd have to say this but please never smile again you'll scare the children."
>>152926 This is literally how I imagined a "cool" Buddy to be: a soldier without mercy and internal limitations, driven only by hatred for the enemy and faith in humanity.
A great soldier to commanders, a good friend to comrades, and a terror to enemies.
>>152956 I did what the manual said and baby proofed my house so she doesn't get into anything dangerous, front door and windows included She just looked at me like i was retarded and broke the baby locks and left When she came back she was covered in oil and had several "spare" parts in a bucket
>>152963 >bullying drones by smashing their visors so it all falls to the floor >bullying drones by ripping out their wigs and clothes >bullying drones by pulling their tongues and teeth out >bullying drones by asking them if a set of all sets would contain itself in it
Nota bene: all techniques for bullying worker drones using their shortness against them work just as well for bullying Mobians. Better, actually, since they tend to be a foot or slightly less shorter than worker drones.
>>152047 >Yeva was an enigma. >Among her Drone test subjects, she was the favorite among the scientists. > She was compliant, empathic and serious. >The ideal test subject. >This however lead to the scorn of her drone peers. >They mocked her passive attitude and affinity for humans. >Even her friend Nori, despite never mocking her like the others, had the same unspoken agreement "Why do you care so much?" They asked Если хочешь изменить мир, начни с себя Was Yeva's response.
>The wind howled across the barren landscape, its desolate silence broken only by the frantic thudding of Yeva's boots as she ran towards the monstrous golem that held her friend. >It seemed to unfortunately know about their Solver abilities, as every time Nori attempted to summon her power, it shook her. >It was going to kill her, Yeva had to stop it. >Sensing the pipes underneath her, she PULLED at it with her magic . >In a blur of motion, she threw the large metal tubes aiming for the beast's joints and vulnerable points. >It only distracted it, but it gave Yeva enough time to teleport herself and Nori away from it. "Are you okay?" Yeva asked. >"Immm sooo d-izzzy" was the slurred response >The ground trembled again, and the unmistakable sound of heavy, mechanical footsteps echoed through the mall. >Yeva cursed, they had to go now. >She grabbed Nori's arm and >"No" Nori suddenly growled. >Yeva stared at her. >"That THING threatened my family, I am going to finish this." >Before she could say anything, a massive red eye appeared before them. >₣ØɄ₦Đ ɎØɄ!. >Before they could even blink, it's massive claw smashed into them. >Sending them both into the world of unconsciousness.
>The heavy straitjacket they put her in was inescapable. Her AbsoluteSolver powers deactivated.
>She lost.
>Uzi was now at the total mercy of all those men, each with worse intentions than the other. They completely undressed the drone, her bare armature fiercely manhandled in order to restrain her. This particular sensation of powerlessness brought Uzi to her breaking point. All her life she had been exactly the same: powerless. And now that she finally had strength, speed and durability she couldn't use any of them.
>The way they all touched her struck her programming as hard as it would any other female mind. She was used to neglect and segregation in such a way that receiving so much physical contact at once was overwhelming.
>But it wasn't untill she was completely secured that the gravity of her situation finally kicked in.
>Those men weren't just soldiers, they were ruthless killers who wanted payback for their fallen comrades and especially all the time they spent looking for the drones. They were absolutely willing to do unspeakable things to her, certainly to V and... if N was in their hands too, Uzi didn't want to even imagine. Sadly she would find out soon enough.
>She cried. She sobbed. She whimpered. Not a single ounce of pity in her captors' hearts.
>As they loaded her in a truck, she simply accepted her fate... although it wouldn't make everything to come any prettier.
>Be Anon. >You lock the door behind you as you come back home from the Bunker’s door factory. >You still don’t know what Khan does with all of the doors but it’s better not to ask. Just do your job and get paid plus it’s good exercise. >You don’t announce that you’re home and quietly take off your shoes and coat. >You quietly make your way towards the living room as you hear the TV play something Star Wars related. >You peek from around the doorway to the living room and spot Beretta laying on the couch, her attention at the TV as she watches ‘The Bad Batch’ with her hands resting on her enlarged belly. >You tip-toe your way over to her, careful not to break her concentration, and then sit yourself on the couch. “Hey, honey.” >Beretta quietly gasps and pushes herself up but smiles immediately upon seeing you. “Hey, Nonny.” >She scoots over next to you and looks up at you expectantly. You know what she wants so you lean over and give her a kiss on her polymetal lips. “How was work today?” >”A bit lighter than usual.” You lean your head to your right to stretch your neck. “But there was still lots of work.” >Beretta giggles you wrap your arm around her. “What about you, Beretta?” You ask her. >”A lot tired than usual, I dunno…” Beretta rests her head on your side. “Just don’t have the energy to do much---” Beretta gasps and then makes a ‘mmh’ sound as she looks down at her belly. >”Is he kicking again?” You say as you look down at her belly as well. “Yeah. Kurt’s been a lot more active today. Guess he doesn’t like Star Wars that much.” >”Mmm, maybe. We should start watching Star Trek then.” Beretta lightly punches your side as you snicker at the suggestion considering she dislikes anything Star Trek related. >It’s been five months since you and Beretta’s happy little ‘incident’. She got herself an anatomy adapter one day that would work with her and said she wanted to try it out which basically meant she wanted to have sex with you. What followed is the best night in your life. >What you didn’t account into is you getting her pregnant. Turns out her unique physiology, being the daughter of a literal centipede and a murder drone, allows her to have flesh inside of her that is compatible with humans. >You or her didn’t notice anything for the first few weeks until she started feeling weird. You took her to the local drone doctor and told you that she’s pregnant but it was very unusual. Instead of the child code being compiled in her main data stream, they were growing inside of her like a mammal. A pillbaby and, by some miracle, a human which you and Beretta have named Chiappa and Kurt respectively. >Both of you were at first extremely terrified but got the hang of it. You weren’t going to leave her, you were hers and would do anything for her. Fuck you, Anon Sr. >Uzi damn nearly took your head of the moment she learned you got her daughter pregnant and it took the combined efforts of N, Khan and Nori to get her to calm down. Since that day she’s been more hostile towards you. >But you’d rather not dwell on the past, you’re looking towards the future. >Beretta pushes herself away from you. “Nonny, could you go get me some lithium batteries? I’m hungry…” >You not and head over to the kitchen’s snack cupboard and open it. There are batteries, and some chips for you, but no lithium ones. There’s some nickel-zinc batteries and you know she likes them as well. You grab two bowls, one with the batteries and one with the chips for yourself. >You return back to the living room with the bowls and hand the batteries to her. “There weren’t any lithium batteries so I got you some nickel-zinc ones.” Beretta shrugs and starts munching on the batteries and you on the chips as the two of you watch the show. >A little while later, Beretta puts her bowl next to her. “Can I sit on your lap?” >You don’t think twice and immediately grab her and put her on your lap. She lets out a sigh of contentment as she leans her back on your chest. “Can you…pet me?” >You stroke her head which she finds greatly pleasing. This also releases a scent of lavender from her blonde hair which is very pleasing. >You put your other hand on her belly and keep it there as you stroke her. She puts her hand on top of your and lightly squeezes it as she keeps it in place. >You love her and she loves you. >The two of you are waiting for your family’s new additions patiently.
>>152997 N and Khan don't mind that he's a human and accept him. Nori is a bit wary cause he's a human but he hasn't done anything to upset Beretta so he's okay in her eyes.
>>153009 >You are the proud owner of a Disassembly Drone. V to be specific. >Well, it's technically ownership, but really you're more like roommates at this point. >Mainly because she asserted herself from the beginning and you really don't want to own a slave anyway. >Plus you've not had a pest problem in your house ever since she moved in. She just eats anything that tries invading. >Although, she also ate a lot of junk you threw away. Broken hair dryers, television sets that had "mysteriously" broken screens, a toaster V managed to destroy after trying to fry a bunch of robo-roaches in it... >In fact the only that was worse off than the appliances in your home were V's diet. >And that diet was starting to reflect in her razor sharp teeth too. >J.C. Jensen ensured everyone that drone teeth were perfectly durable and would last longer than the drone they were attached to. >But you were still concerned for V, and doing a little research on some cantonese drone enthusiast forum turned up some results. >Apparently too much oil and garbage build up on a drone's teeth could cause the joints in their jaws to frequently jam. >Well that settled it. You're not about to let V suffer something horrible like that. You're probably going to walk away from this with your hands wrapped in more bandages than a mummy but you had to take care of V's teeth. >Make a special paste from dish soap, baking soda, and regular human toothpaste. The process actually worked better than you thought it would. >But that was the easy part. Actually getting V to cooperate was going to be the real challenge. >You enter the living room, specialized "Drone paste" and tooth brush in hand. >V looks over at you, a single digital eyebrow raised on her eyescreen. >"What's that for anon? Don't wanna miss your shows but gotta stick to a self-care routine?" >V teased you with a smug look on her face. >You shake your head solemnly and take slow cautious steps towards her. (1/3)
>>153011 >V's eyes hollow out and she leaps off of the couch like a startled cat. Landing on all fours her body tenses up and she starts hissing at you. >"Get that thing away from me narc!" >This is for your own good V! >You shout at her and dive right at the disassembly drone, tackling her to the ground successfully. >Although not without consequence. >V brought her claws out and began scratching you all over. >It hurts like hell but your mama didn't raise a pussy bitch! >Grabbing V's lower jaw with one hand, with the other you somehow manage to spread the specially made toothpaste on the brush and shove it into the drone's mouth despite her protests. >Back and forth...You methodically brush small circles across V's razor-sharp chompers. >She tried biting down on the toothbrush, but thankfully you already expected this and bought a solid steel J.C. Jensen Branded brush. >What was unexpected was the fact that V was slowly starting to find the process relaxing. Unexpected for both of you really. >Seeing her finally calm down and feeling her claws stop shredding your back was enough of a confidence boost to encourage you to keep going. >You make sure to brush her tongue thoroughly too for good measure. >The rubbery appendage shifts around to allow you better access to the hard to reach parts of it. >Soon enough you're both so into it that you start petting V on her head while you brush away the grime and stuck on oil caking her teeth. >She's trying to talk through the lathered paste filling her mouth, and although it's a little hard to make out what she's trying to say exactly, you think you can piece it together just enough. >"You don't tell anyone else about this or I'll kill you" >With a laugh you nod in agreement to her demands, just playing along with it to keep her from getting agitated again. >Once you were satisfied with the job you did on her teeth you pulled the brush away and got up to get her a glass of water. (2/3)
>>153013 >You stepped back over to V, smiling at her and holding the glass out to her. >Rinse your mouth with this and spit it back into the cup. Those were your instructions to her. >V stared at you in suspicion for a moment...But you insisted with a genuine smile that it wasn't anything sketchy. >The disassembly drone took the glass from you and dumped the water into her maw, swishing it around after slamming her jaws shut. >You sat down on the floor next to her, just watching with anticipation to see if your efforts would work out. >V made a lot of funny faces while she swished the slurry of water and paste around. Mostly she just looked annoyed at you...But her cooperation obviously meant she wasn't as agitated as she was earlier. >Finally V held the cup up to her mouth and spit the mixture out into it. >Excited to see the results of your labor, you asked her to open her mouth. >V opened up and allowed her tongue to roll out so you could get a good look. >Somehow despite the layers of caked on oil she had, her teeth looked factory new. >Her breath smelled pleasant and minty fresh as a bonus. >You expressed your joy over how nice her teeth looked now. >V might have looked mad at you, but the way blush lines appeared on her visor told a different story entirely. >A while later the both of you are sitting on the couch watching TV. >V looks over at you, her arms crossed, and makes a request of you. >"Hey...This is gonna sound weird but...You think we can do that again sometime?" >I might have actually enjoyed the attention..." >You just smile at her. >That smile completely flusters the poor drone and she starts punching your arm, complaining about you teasing her. >You were just happy you could find some way to help V out for a change. And maybe in a way you were able to get a little closer to her. >And it was all thanks to a Nigerian robot cleaning forum! (3/3)
>>153022 >Black History month >Also the shortest month of the year >Implies that the other eleven months should be spent avoiding thinking about black history at all I fucking love it
If glitch ever decided to do a season 2 or atleast more content. And they had to show humans. What would they look like? I don’t mind Liam’s art style but iirc Kevin and Luke didn’t like them and let cynwalker slide because she’s supposed to be creepy. It would be funny if they were in a different art style entirely!
>Molly confides in Pavo that sometimes she dreams that she's back in her old body again >and that she wonders if she can just be transferred into a new WD body
>>153037 >In today's episode of 'What kind of fucked up shit did NT scientists came up with": >Can a disassembly drone whistand 10000°K burning plasma?
>>153043 >N still makes sure to say GG >J doxes her opponents and calls their workplace to file a complaint. >Uzi uses solver powers to make their computer sapient as a prank. >V takes her anger out on Thad, sexually.
>>153048 Okay, that's fine too. Search your... spine, then. You know I'm right. And if you somehow are a courier who doesn't have a spine, heart, or brain, then try the liver because that's the next best organ. The point is that I'm pretty sure I'm right
>>153057 >Lizzy gets her posse to cyber bully her opponent if they shit talk too hard. >Thad knows online beef is stupid and doesn't participate, uses the report function if the opponent gets too retarded or starts to bother someone else.
>>153070 >Emily forgives the shit talking and turns the other cheek, knowing full well that her opponent will burn in the fires of hell while she basks in the divine light of God. >Also she puts a quarter in the curse jar.
>>153077 Yeah but I was deployed with Buddy and talking with him about the show was the only thing aside from Danni joking around that seemed to make him happy >Paid for by the Backstory Foundation
>>153078 >Kelsey is a popular girl and thus only plays match 3 games on her phone. If she hears of someone playing a game, she sends 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 emojis until they stop. >Nori hacks so fucking much she never loses. She has been banned from every game known to man at least once. >Alice takes it all in stride and just enjoys the game. Or at least she seems to before upgrading her pc/console/controller with so many random macros and bits that it only barely doesn't quality as 'hacking' like Nori.
>>153034 >Molly and Danni trying to sleep splayed out on top of Buddy >He almost suffocates under Molly's boob mods or Danni's ass mods depending on how they shift at night >And through it all, Pavo lies awake in bed next to Techanon, miles and miles away, with his 😐
>Molly is standing on the roof of her apartment building >Her hands clenched and shaking >She didn't know that she walked through Nanotrasen territory >But the residents made sure she knew, and they made sure how much of a monster she was, and that nothing she does will redeem her >And that if her victims were alive today that they would hate a monster like her >Ordinarily she would just tough it out and self-flagellate >But it wasn't just insults they hit her with >She was beaten by a crowd >That wouldn't normally bother her as much either >But there were kids in that crowd >That's what got to her, how can she even hope to get better if kids hate her? >DDanni was the one who found her brooding >"Hey...You okay?" >Molly doesn't respond >DDanni walks up to Molly and takes one of her hands >"Hey, it's going to get better.' DDanni says trying to be reassuring >In Molly's mind she's a ball of jealousy and rage 'Why does she get to be better? Why does she get to be HAPPY?!' 'Why does Danni get a happy ending when I sink deeper and deeper into fricking depression!?' >In a split-second Molly snaps and turns around >And punches DDanni full force in the face, her own face twisted in jealous rage
>>153087 >Cyn, surprisingly, is terrible at games. Turns out trying to play a game through a puppet's poorly controlled arms is kind of like playing with your feet. Outside her room all you would hear is [Angry] [Angry] [Angry] [Tantrum] followed by a nearby building collapsing. >Khan likes rts games but mostly turtles and doesn't build any weapons. He once played minecraft for 37 days straight, digging directly to the bottom of the map and encasing himself in obsidian before Nori had to ban him and his account from ever playing again.
Image:173870512805.png(88kB, 1402x619)Genny stars in a commercial.png
>>153106 From the Booru's wiki "Genny is an original character created by PhoenixAnon. Initially designed as a one-off illustration for a drawing guide, Genny was developed into a worker drone model for JCJenson to demonstrate new upgrades in advertisements (often anatomy adapters). These "infomercials" are created with her human coworker, costar, and lover, Anon."
>>153104 >Beretta avoids multiplayer games like the plague because ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶e̶r̶i̶o̶u̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶x̶i̶e̶t̶y̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶l̶e̶m̶s̶ they're lame and typically just plays life sims where she makes herself and then makes someone she may or may not have a crush on.
>>153121 >During the Solver War, soldiers about to get merc'd by Molly briefly threw a thumbsup at God, accepting their fates >Following the Solver War, anytime Molly asks Buddy to the bedroom wearing a negligee, boob mods swaying under the sheer fabric, Buddy throws a thumbsup as well, looking skyward
>"So, Pavo, Molly's been sleeping with us, and-" >"She's been what," Pavo asks flatly >"No, not like that. But... I mean, she always seems sad when she sees Danni and I so close, and I know she's sad that I found someone else because of the confession, and-" >"And your plan is to try and overwrite her trauma with sex?" >"What? No! But if it'd make her happy..." >Pavo takes a deep breath, putting his oil margarita to the side and leaning forward, elbows on the table >"Buddy, tell me. When you made your vows with Danni-" >"We haven't made vows yet-" >"Was the plan to be with her forever with all your being, or to be with her for most of forever with, like, half of your being, in case some other unfortunate drone girl comes along?" Pavo says, his digital eyebrows narrowing >Buddy takes a moment to compose himself >"It's not 'some other unfortunate drone', Pavo. It's Molly. You know her, and I know her, and... she really needs this." >"We're not the only people who care for her, we're just the first to find her. And it's important that you don't do anything rash, anything you might regret, and hurt her and Danni. Right?"
>>153088 >"You know why the government bastards are so afraid of us, son?" >The one-armed veteran took a puff >The smoke from the cheap tobacco filled his lungs, and then, with a sigh, escaped in a thick gray stream from his mouth and nose >He held out his right hand >Rather, his prosthetic right hand >The worn army steel was covered in scratches, cracks, chips, and dents all over its plating, but that didn't stop you from noticing special marks >On wrist, among the scratches, one could see clear, short lines carved without any finesse or care >Thirteen marks >A smug grin appears on the veteran's face, but his eyes continued to stare at you still as menacingly as before >"He who fights dragons becomes a dragon himself."
>>152983 >The cold metal walls of the dimly lit interrogation chamber hummed with a low, steady buzz. >Nori and Yeva laid chained to opposite walls, their systems flickering in and out of sync. >Both had been stripped of their bags, the precious bags that contained the tools to save the colony, gone. >Yeva was blindfolded, rendering her teleportation useless. >"Did you two really think you could just walk outside after you stole from me?" AM’s voice crackled through the room, his mechanical tone dripping with pure malice. >Nori's once-shiny optics narrowed as she shifted against her restraints. " Awww, I didn't know murder-pets could have their own pets" She sneered. >A sudden sharp crack echoed through the room. >In the blink of an eye, AM had darted across the room and grabbed Nori's face. >For the second time today, Nori stared death in the face. >And it's bright red eyes hatefully stared back. >Nori kept her gaze locked with the Disassembly Drone's cold, unblinking lenses. >AM's grip tightened, and the pressure began to crack her casing. A low whine escaped her as the servos in her neck protested under the increasing stress. "Enough" >Yeva, who was calm and collected this entire time, had finally decided to speak up. "You will not find her, I do not understand your business with her but I will not let you claim another victim." >AM stopped, a bitter laugh rang out from the short DD >"I don’t think you two understand, I have your tools to save your precious colony, you are at MY mercy. Why don't we make a trade instead? You give the pod back, and your families stay alive, does that sound good?" >Before Nori could say a single "Bite Me." A sudden, loud rang erupted from Yeva’s left wrist. > Her hidden hacking port, their failsafe, had activated. >For a split second, AM's body stuttered, his systems glitched as it fought against the interference. >As soon as he was hit, both drones began to make their move. >Nori chomped through her restraints, while Yeva shook off her blindfold and teleported out of her bindings. >When AM's temporary disorientation ended, he saw both of them had escaped their bindings.
I must get back into the habit of writing regularly
How should I indulge my drone 'tism this evening? I've got too many ideas and right now I need to try focusing on just one >1. Horny NxVxUzi >2. Solver Cult Stuff >3. Tessa the Human* AU >4. Resume WIP (M████'█™ M███-M███)
>>153029 >glitch ever decided to do a season 2 >If They will, look at TADC's current success, it carries them but interest in MD is still MASSIVE and won't FADE any time soon, however TADC is destined to TAPER off because it is limited to 9 episodes. And what comes after? Gaslight died before conception, the french knights one will croak as well, from LOW interest, things will take the course I said they will take after 7 came out, which is TADC running its course well, but ending next year, afterwards nothing else will catch on so they go back to MD. Shortform or episodic content at first until proper seasons get planned, I have not doubt we will get more. The question is not one of IF, it is of the WHEN
>>153160 >NTA I don't doubt that Glitch will inevitably revisit MD, although I am far less certain whether Liam will be returning as a showrunner given his fatigue after showrunning season 1
>>153160 >>153164 I bet they're regretting the "skip straight to the wacky epic XD Lovecraft stuff then rush to the ending" decision at Glitch. Episode 8-or maybe episode 9, or 10, or even 12 or 13-could have wrapped up the season-the first season-with Uzi and Khan spilling their guts to each other, Khan putting away his iconic Mauser C96 and, together with Uzi, helping a bound and kneeling N to his feet as he tells him the execution's off. Belief can change the nature of a man. But on top of whatever we know is still out there, we're left with questions about this "Cyn" person, and whatever mysterious events happened at this mansion N has dreams about...
>Be you, Sales Representative and Captain Anon. Y. Mous >And you hate JCJENSON (in SPAAAAAACE!) >The reason? You were sent to Copper-9 to deliver another shipment of WD oil and mining equipment, a few hundred thousand barrels of oil >The JCJ Quarterly Profits was to make an FLT jump from Earth to the Copper system >Oh FLT jumps are safe! >Safer than driving a car! >It's only a 0.0000001% of catastrophic temporal displacement! >Guess who won the fucking lottery?! >You did! And now your delivery is twenty god damned years late! >You spent a few good minutes screaming in rage before you bothered to use the communications array "Hello? Hello hello? This is Captain Anon of the JCJ Quarterly Profits! My cargo ship suffered a catastrophic temporal displacement event, can anyone hear me?" >It took a few minutes to get a response >"This is Serial Designation J, welcome to the Copper system Captain. May I ask what cargo do you have?" >Of fucking course you got directed to a fucking drone
>>153176 Considering the fact he can get mods now, I'm pretty sure he couldn't care less about it Also the fact he's a successful businessman now helps
>>153129 god I had a shitty day and I needed this. actual characterization where Pavo isn't just "😐", Buddy and DDanni aren't in an open relationship, and Molly isn't just a sex prop. this is the trve canon timeline, where Molly just crashes on their couch for a while and doesn't fuck either of them because Pavo talks some damn sense into DDanni good green.
>>153184 I have literally no idea it's just showed up in a whole bunch of greens with him, molly, and buddy in the past two days and it feels kinda forced
>>153191 I think it's good up until she gets jealous. or at least that jealous. she might envy DDanni's peaceful life, but as self-loathing as she is, she wouldn't feel like she deserved that peace, and not enough to lash out like that
>>153201 Though stuff like the posters in the intro of episode 6 show realistic humans, so I assume that humans in MD are meant to be realistic to match with the environment.
>>153202 Or maybe it’s something like WALL·E where we have realistic footage but the people that actually show up are stylized. And also there’s a lotta moments in cartoons where there’s just realistic photos and paintings for a gag or two. Side note: how would you feel if the humans were in the same art style as the pic I posted?
>>153144 >Despite been stunned. AM still tried to force himself to stand. >To fight those who had stolen Tessa from him. >His attempt was cut short as a pickaxe was stabbed into his head, followed by metal bars impaling all four of his limbs. >His visor was heavily blurred by the impact. AM was immobile and blind. >But it did not deter him from making threats, in fact it had only spurred AM to make even viler threats. >Threats of death, dismemberment and other forms of torture. >A dark look crossed Nori's face as she began to stalk towards AM. "No" Said Yeva grabbing her arm. "Enough is enough, go find our bags. I will deal with this." >"But-" Nori started but was cut off by Yeva's glare. "Go" >Grumbling, Nori walked out of the room. Leaving AM and Yeva alone. >She turned and stared at the small snarling DD. "What is your intention with the human?" >AM froze, an angry snarl slowly grew on his face. >"That is not any of your concern. I do not ask how you wretches had a baby without a vagina and you do not ask why she is in my care." >Yeva raised her eyebrow. "I originally thought the human, or Tessa as the pod calls her, was your hostage. But you seem to actually care about her, why is that? >"No words can describe the SHEER hatred I have for you and your little friend. You can cease this interrogation, I will not give you a crumb of information. You are unworthy of life, what makes you think you are worthy to even speak to me?" >Yeva signed. This was going nowhere. "Hostage or not, what you say didn't matter anyway, I was not going to leave a child in the care of a serial killer. I was programmed to preserve to life and you were programmed to take it. I can get information without you. Goodbye." >Before AM could response, the metal bars restraining him snapped forward. Cutting him into mangled pieces. >Yeva simply turned away and calmly vanished from the room. >If she stayed for a few more minutes, she would have seen that AM was not as dead as she thought.
>The walk back home was a quiet one. Neither Nori and Yeva had the energy or desire to speak about what had happened. >They just wanted to go home. >But AM was good at keeping promises. >As soon as Nori was about to open the door, Yeva nudged her, pointing at the figure at the distance. >AM >The Disassembly Drone emerged from the shadows, his red eyes glowing with malice. And he wasted no time lunging at them with a screech, his blades aiming to kill. >Nori and Yeva immediately split in both directions, with Nori slamming her pickaxe into him from the ground up. >His smaller frame caused him to be flung much farther than a normal DD >“Not bad,” Nori said, smirking, though her voice betrayed a hint of unease. >He wasn’t defeated—far from it. AM lunged forward to the nearest drone, Yeva. >“Watch out!” Nori shouted. But Yeva was too slow. >Slamming his clawed hands down on Yeva, AM had pinned her to the ground. >Nori watched in horror as Yeva cried out as from the claws digging into her plating. >Without hesitation, she surged forward to save her friend. >But what she didn't take in account was his tail, which promptly was stabbed into her stomach. "NORI!!!" Yeva screamed, before everything went black. >She woke inside the bunker weeks later, in a power generator colony. >She would have been overjoyed, but when she noticed Nori missing and the sad face of Khan. It didn't take long to sink in to her to understand that she had lost her sister. >Yeva also learned she didn't get away unscathed either, his blades managed to stab her core. Injuring it to the point where any future use of the Solver is unreccommandtuon.
>>153203 Honestly, I wouldn't be into it. I personally like how realistic the aesthetics of the show are and how the drones have stylized designs without clashing with the environments.
>>153197 that solver's so silly. I bet she had a penchant for waking molly up right as her teeth closed around a target's neck, or standing in the aftermath of a massacre
>>153207 Sorry, but for me personally, I like the idea that the environments and humans have realistic aesthetics with the drones being stylized because they're robots.
>>153209 Yeah, I heard you. I know you dislike it and would prefer a contrast. But would you absolutely loathe it if they looked like the guys here? >>153201
>>153189 >>153193 Ask her to explain what has actually happened in the twenty years I was gone. Is there any information that would affect me and my choices going forward.
>>153225 molly wouldn't bang, anon, she would make love. given her position, she would probably prioritize your enjoyment over hers, but she deserves someone who really, deeply cares for her to give make some passionate, doting love to her
>>153231 Nuh uh. Yvvone is a human, she has slightly different behaviors and personality traits compared to a robotic counter part of Y. For example SD-Y originally was far more submissive due to innate WD programming but Yvvone has no such internal compulsions (being sexual). Serial Designated Y also suffers from PTSD based delusions and illusions if grandure. Whilst Yvvone is more fanciful she isnt completely detached from reality. Additionly Y can be seen as far more cruel to her friends due to the internal knowledge that they are also self regenerating robots and can actually take a beating, combinded with her PTSD and well you get a more abusive Sarge from Red vs Blue, whilst Yvvone is not like this to her friends and resorts to simple teasing and non violent (and i hate to use this word but its descriptive) semi-tsundere behavior. The only time she actually had violent behaviors is because of either the Left Hand parasite or Cube infection, and now more recently government brainwashing as a nanitehost. They also share a completely different history ignoring the whole robotic work slave thing that Y had. Also Yvvone has german immigrated parents whilst Y was built on a factory line and has no parents. In short no they are not the same
>Molly stumbling back home >She had managed to get a date, thanks CLANKer >But he ghosted her when she arrived at their date spot >Waiting for someone in public for so long was just downright embarrassing >She didn't cry in public >She swears
>Daily canon fun facts: Molly has the longest tongue of any DD. This is because of a signature gag of hers back when she hosted the show and would get "tongue tied" and have to manually unknot it. After being turned into a disassembler, we have yet to find its maximum length.
>Solver reaches out to Molly. >It wants to make a deal... >It can make Molly happy... >All she needs to do is- >Molly tears off her own head before she can even read the deal. >She spends several days crying and killing herself over and over until Solver stops trying.
>>153246 >molly wearing a ruined dress, the flowers she brought wilting >her faded pink hair is a complete mess, strewn with garbage >digital tears stream down her face as she stumbles her way back to her tiny apartment >she takes Dronie Walker, the only man who'd love her, from the cabinet to join her in the shower >she steps in half-drunk and fully clothed >the weak spray of lukewarm water slowly washes the muck and debris from her shaking body as the girl sobs, hiding her face against the wall >eventually she turns the water off, collapses in a sobbing heap, and drinks herself to sleep in the bathtub
>>153253 Depending on Buddy's actions at this point in the VN, there are four unique endings >Love Conquers All: Buddy reaffirms his love for Molly and Danni and all three elope. Pavo beats his ass shortly after this (but is best man anyway). Epilogue shows Buddy has managed to do fine at satisfying both of his DDs but is also very dehydrated. >Starstruck: Buddy reaffirms his love for Molly and abandons Danni, saying he always felt their relationship was kind of gay. Pavo beats his ass shortly after this (and then mounts it on his wall). Danni disappears. >Adios: Buddy tells Molly she'll always be a treasured friend, but he was just a kid when he said that; depending on previous actions, Molly either moves on or goes berserk and has to be put down by Pavo. Pavo beats his ass. >Gay As Fuck: Buddy disavows both Molly and Danni, saying Pavo is actually the only one for him. Pavo then reveals he isn't gay, and also that he was Dr. Ones this entire time. He then fucks Buddy in the ass (as after which Pavo beats both their asses).
>>153260 >>153262 >from that day on, Pavo keeps an eye on molly from a distance any time she goes on a date >not only does he get to protect his friend from another heartbreak, he has a convenient way to convince techanon to get dinner at the restaurant across the street
>>153234 WIP of that one, I won't finish it tonight for sure but at least something got done for once. Doll isn't severed I just didn't manage a good pose, will add her father later on
>>153284 I posted it here. Something involving uncle Jeff and Steve and Lars. >>153276 >Lars is uzis mentally retarded cousin who’s too touchy feely with her >uncle steve fuckin hates humans and watches sports and does not get along with uzi >uncle Jeff is a neurotic weirdo who wears gloves because he doesn’t like how small his hands are
>>153278 More like ones the childhood friend and the other is the “childhood crush that your childhood friend helped you out to confess your crush to that day despite knowing you might get embarrassed.”
If you could have 'alts' of episodes, what would you change? The base still remains, so no entirely new setting (example no JCJ headquarter, but extending N's flashback in 7 still works), and it doesn't need to fit in with the following episodes consistencywise.
>approaches your pillow with an offering of berry >"b-boog?" >her tiny oogi brain has confused the general shape of your pillow with a bugretta >oogi spreads her little arms wide and hugs your pillow >she sniffs deeply, only to realize it is your scent she's sniffing >this isn't boogi at all >oogi sits down on her butt, tears welling in her eyes >"boog..." she sighs
>>153300 >Your Bigretta gf turns over in bed next to you, sighing >"Gosh mom, I told you to stay out tonight.... Fine, c'mere." >You still don't know how the little ambling.... thing somehow sired your hot girlfriend, but you're smart enough not to ask
>Buddy finally confronts Molly about where he stands with her. >Molly, knowing her luck, thinks Buddy is ready to cut her out of his life and move on. >She waited for that moment to happen. Waiting for the inevitable to happen. >“Me and Danni had been discussing, and we both seemed to had the same idea…” >She closed her digital eyes. This was it. No matter what, not even a monster like her could be happy… >“We want you to be a part of our lives Molly. And if you want to, We can be a part of yours too.”
>Molly applies to be a teacher. >Mostly because it seems like the only relevant job these days she can still do and interact with kids. >She... doesn't have high hopes. >And just as she expected, she doesn't get any response. >Until one day... >Turns out, on a backwater planet, a teaching gig just opened. >One for a class... well not 'kids' but teenagers. >But... those are fine! Right? >It can't be that bad. >Right?
>>153295 So many things I could cover, but the important ones... >episode 7: V fucking dies to the sentinels while the elevator is coming down, comes to in Uzi's mind palace; spends the final two episode of the series as Uzi's tail (and with white eyes, like she had as a worker) and taking time reflecting, provides valuable assistance while Uzi is possessed; obviously, no texting Lizzy for her >episode 8: the counter to Absolute Solver possession isn't "lol just git gud"; final battle is a giant battle royale where EVERYONE-the main trio, the bus trio, Nori, Doll's "poisoning" the Solver from inside its mind palace and hampering it in various ways (like, instead of the Solver getting a purple eye when it fails to possess Uzi it gets a red eye), even the bus joins in-needs to give their all against Vore Demon GLaDOS; Uzi experiments with various styles of DeviantArt OC eyes before settling on one yellow eye and one purple eye; we actually fucking see Khan and Nori's reunion and her realization that her husband still loves her as a headcrab who's dressed for a funeral; Uzi's using Solverpede camera eyes to project V and Doll into the desks net to Lizzy; credits montage has Tessa's dumpster friends paying their respects to Tessa at the cool freaking Berserk sword grave they made with her sword (meanwhile, Doll and Nori are talking, implicitly about Yeva); stinger goes on to have N walk in on Uzi and learn her horrible secrets and tell her he loves his giant biomechanical centipede girlfriend very much
>>153317 I dislike Molly being used as a sex prop, I want to see her struggle and slowly find her way to happiness, stumbling along the way and running from the past before finally confronting it. but aside from just voicing my complaints I've made multiple efforts to steer her away from being a characterless one-note harem girl whose sole defining characteristic is now "lol she fuck buddy" I will continue to make those efforts because I like the original idea for Molly and the "love" triangle diminishes the character and potential of all three OCs.
>>153322 I really like your ideas along with making Doll and the bus trio actually useful (Though I know it'll probably be tough given Glitch's "only two people in a fight scene" rule). Where would J fit into this?
>>153327 The J versus bus trio (and their backup, the bus itself) fight ends with Lizzy talk no jutsu-ing another extremely dangerous monstergirl and J, now that she has something to live for again, realizing the Solver's victory isn't inevitable
>Molly stares at herself in the mirror >In one hand is a bottle of hair dye, pink dye >In the other is a USB stick that should let her change her optics color >Molly gets to dying her hair >When she's done she smiles a little >It's...not quite the right shade of pink >But it's close enough >Molly then plugs the USB into the port on the side of her head >She selects pink in the provided program and watches as her optics flicker off and come back on in a familiar hue of pink >She goes to her bedroom and opens up the custom ordered dress she bought >A recreation of her favorite pink and green dress >Molly hiccups as she chokes back her tears as she looks at herself in the dirty and cracked full body mirror she found and set up in her room >She's cried plenty enough >Right now, she just wants to enjoy the moment
>>153332 J doesn't deserve a happy ending. Stop talking about her. I don't have her in my basement and I haven't told her that no one loves her and she's best down there. Why are you asking all these very specific questions?
>>153341 I think she'd look good with a sniper rifle. sitting hidden away in a little sniper nest for hours on end waiting for her target(s) seems like it would suit her
>Pavo returns to his best friend (or more) Anon >"Hey, Anon. Guess what former celebrity's living in the veteran house now?" >"You found the missing president?" >"No luck there. I met MOLLY!" Pavo says, throwing his arms out with a smile >His smile falters as Anon nods slowly, showing no real enthusiasm >"Come on, Anon. From Molly's Toyhouse-slash-Playhouse! You had a childhood, right?" >"I've only heard of it. I didn't watch much TV as a kid," Anon shrugs >"Wow, that explains a lot. She's not doing so hot, do you mind giving her a checkup later?" >"I'm not good with workers." >"She's... not a worker any more," Pavo says, making a grim face >"Oh. Damn. I'll see what I can do, then." >"Thanks, sweetheart. But I'm curious... what DID you grow up on?" >"Schoolhouse Rock, then the Crusty Craig Show when I was older. I wonder what happened to him..." >Anon looks it up and sure enough, Crusty Craig was also turned into a DD, ruining his burgeoning music career as Yonny >His output has not changed one bit >Pavo watches disapprovingly as Anon guffaws at Craig and Pink Drone getting up to their autistic antics around the omniverse
>>153294 Abby will allow up to .5 seconds more, not because she likes you or anything but you showed up to her presentation (you were the only one who showed up) >>153300 Awwww but Sad Give this poor Oogi a Boogi stat
>>153318 >Orc Becomes a Sentinel >Special ability: Anti-stealth >Orc is a Sentinel mech, you hear it before you see it like the JP Trex. >You will not escape the Smug mech. That or i finnaly get around to drawing orc as a fridge drone
>>153345 aww, I love Abby. I'm going to fill out the special request form (in triplicate, of course) so I can hopefully get approval to give her a much needed hug. I'll also send in one for giving her a few headpats in the likely event my hug request is denied.
>>153324 (me) As if it wasn't enough I forgot to mention J also being in the final battle, I also forgot to mention there'd be an N going absolutely fucking ballistic on the Solver after thinking it got Uzi and V bit.
one of the times Cyn woke Molly up during the war was when she'd just cleared a camp so she could see what was left of her latest victim still clinging to a Berry Sweet Molly Dolly™ doll
>>153324 Man I was going to complain about how disappointed I feel each time I think of 8 due, but your post has so many good ideas I won't waste time on whining. Can just say I think this version of yours would have been in concept many times better than what we got which boils down to (Nori tells Uzi don't be a bitch, Uzi finds N, Uzi has total controll over everything AS and is also immune to the sun now. V comes back, J jobs, V has her hallway scene. Nightcore fight which is eventually won by Uzi because she really wanted to win. The bus group has a funny scene with fucking 'sparky' and Khan presses a button, aftermath is worse everyday life for 99% of the bunker population with DDs now inside). I wish we had gotten your 8
>>153160 I hope Glitch returns to MD, although I'm much more optimistic about Gazlight and the new 2D show, I think a spin-off will come out, after all successful projects get a spin-off sooner or later.
>>153368 definitely, poor girl needs to heal her mind before she can even think about romance and buddy and DDanni could probably set her up with someone
>>153370 >NTA Or maybe Molly doesn't need romance at all right now and needs to focus on developing as a character before accidentally turning into a prop?
>>152956 Alice and V There might be a mutual prey-predator relation there, the Alice can use and make tools to get parts valuable enough even from sources as dangerous as Vs. This doesn't always work out tho, best to keep the Alice indoors
It's Glitch's strategy to make money from selling fan products. They just realised that if they constantly shoot 1 season shows with 8-9 episodes, when the fan base is most active, they can make the most money with the least investment in production.
>>153081 Nice green! Alice was actually pretty well tempered in 6 all things considered, the way she stops and sounds so much less energetic after Uzi snapped her finger off on the radio is always sad. Alice's fixing of her own hand in such a calm cool manner is one of the best moments of her. I love it
Alternate universe where Louisa accidentally crushes Cyn with her gigantic ass and saves the world (The Solver chose to do nothing to stop its demise.)
>>153378 Ah that image there, thaz was such a cool scene, how she ignores Uzi intentionally with that little pout the entire time, healing herself so precisely, working so well and smooth with her halflidded frowning focus, and then that hand-wellness-inspection afterwards, the whiring sounds and so on when she curls her fingers, her grin at that, Alice is so perfect bros I could watch her just working on something, anything, no dialogue, for 3 to 5 hours surely
Imagine >Alice keeps you as a sex slave >The only time you get fed is when you do a good enough job at pleasing her >Imagine her legs around your head as she coos and moans in that southern accent >Imagine her dangling the prospect of food over your head to make you perform better
If season 2 ever happens and for whatever reason they needed to show real unmasked non shadowy humans, I think Kevin temmer should design them. I love his art style. Back When I Used to Draw
>Several Anons sit around a giant desk in a small room. >"All right. How do we make the clown girl horror mascot bitch happy?" >Silence. >"Come on there's got to be something." >"What if we... uh... give her giant titties?" >"That will make you happy." >"Yes." >"We're talking about her." >"Oh." Anon pauses. "So giant ti-" >"Someone's got to have something!" >Silence. >"What if we gave her a giant ass-" >Several gunshots rang out from the Anon writers room.
>Molly seems to stabilize, drifting away from Pavo, DDanni, and Buddy slowly, but surely. >It's been months since they've seen her. >She told them she was moving a while ago, that she would stay in touch, but... well she must have forgotten. >According to Pavo she's still alive. >But... maybe she just found new friends? >Hopefully... >One day, Buddy and DDanni walk into a small shop run by a somewhat cranky disassembler. >It seems to have a bit of everything. >Notably, a wall dedicated to some very high quality plushies. >DDanni isn't interested, but as Buddy walks over. >"Hey, DDanni. Come here." >DDanni follows, looking to where Buddy's gesturing. >Near the bottom, is a small Molly plush. >"It's not just me, right?" Buddy asks. >"No, it's just like her..." >A small child nearby looks at the plushies longingly. >"Fifty bucks each," the disassembler behind the counter shouts. >The child looks at his mother, who shakes her head. >Buddy hustles up to the counter and exchanges some whispered words, and cash, with the owner. >"Never mind," the disassembler calls over. "Kid can have the clown one for free." >The child smiles, grabbing the Molly plush and hugging it. >Oddly, Buddy gets the impression the plushie is just as happy as the kid... >Probably just his imagination.
>>153264 She will be taller than Buddy and will be required to join local law enforcement. All in all, it's not a bad thing for her to be able to protect children on an official basis.
>Molly is walking through the streets >Buddy, DDanni and Pavo were busy for the past few days and Molly didn't want to impose on their already busy schedule >Unfortunately with no one to keep her more destructive habits in check she fell off the wagon >Or she tried >Pavo had asked the local bars to not serve her anything >See: threatened them into compliance with blackmail >So Molly's plan to make herself forget fell through so she's spending her time walking >Her visor is flooded by a message >AMBER ALERT IN PROGRESS BE ON THE LOOKOUT FOR A UNMARKED WHITE VAN >Just as Molly finished reading the message a van matching the description barrels down the street past her followed by police cars >Molly doesn't think >She deploys her wings and takes off >Her memories of the events were a blur >If you watch the footage you'll see that she ripped open the cab like a tuna can and saved the kid before shooting out the vans tires >She made sure the child was safe when she brought them back to the police >Molly wasn't used to police giving her compliments and praise, she was used to being sneered at for being a disassembly drone >Molly didn't know how to feel when she was told "We could use someone like you down at the station" Molly a hero
>If there was one thing that Danni was extremely good at, both human and drone. Was a fact that they were the kind of person that kept the energy going. >Sure, back in the youthful. Danni was sort of a dick, especially with Buddy in the early days of their friendship. And ESPECIALLY that time when he convinced Buddy to actually go through with that confession to Ms. Molly on her show. >But despite that. He deeply cared for his friend and thought of him highly like a brother. Even go as far as being the guy that hypes and keeps his bro’s spirits up. >Even when things was looking horrible …From that episode airing, his family dying in that attack. Danni knew that he was the last person that Buddy had left, and he was willing to do anything he can to make sure his brother was safe.
>Then he died. And became… THAT thing. >Serial Designation: Delta >The Triple Delta Threat. >It felt…Off being in a body that was both alien and familiar. >Back then, Danni questioned the origins of how he was able to come back from death after being devoured by the Disassembly Drone. But no matter what (s)he thought, the answer was always 4 words: Don’t Think About It. >Because you might know won’t be the answer you would like.
>It was a Miracle. Somehow in some way, Buddy was on Copper-9. The same planet that DDanni was currently on on. >When DDanni had found him. He had looked different than the last time they saw each other. >Buddy… looked older. He was about 19 with Danni’s human self being about a year older. Now, he looked like he was in his mid to late twenties. His hair had grown out and he had a short, unkept beard to him. >DDanni can tell just by looking at him on that day that Buddy was in a state of disrepair. >DDanni also knew that Buddy was just about ready to kill himself. Afterall, there was only one shell in that shotgun that day.
>Ever since that day, DDanni tried to have kept Buddy close, hoping to reel him in from whatever darkness that had engulfed him in those that they were apart. >That was one of two big secret that DDanni kept from Buddy. His attempted suicide. >And… >The possiblility that Delta is still inside of her.
>>153440 It's just like prison, you have to find the biggest, meanest kid there and submit yourself to them for their protection. Anyway this begins my Molly x Lizzy arc.
I honestly don't find the appeal of Molly, Danny and Buddy being together. It would be better if it was just Danny and Buddy being together while Molly is just a friend.
Mentally unstable people being in messy relationships very very often leaves them worse off. especially ones as messy as Three way ones. Those can very easily turn into cluster fucks,
>Beretta: "Hey Jane, have you noticed anything different about your appearance lately?" >Jane: "Yeah, I uh, got a new wardrobe." >Beretta: "You're still wearing your school uniform." >Jane: "I got my hair down at Eye's." >Beretta: "That's not true either." >Jane: "I bought a new bow at a yard sale." >Beretta: "We both know your bow holds too much sentimental value for you to even consider that." >Jane: "I took a shower." >Beretta: "Jane, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop being a compulsive liar for like five seconds." >Jane: "Who asked you, Dr. Phil?" >Beretta: "Ironic that you mention that because I'm telling you that you've put on weight and are in denial about it." Glass Breaking Sound Effect HD | Glass Shattering Sound Effect >Jane: " N-nuh-uh!" >Beretta: "Yea-huh, I even have photo evidence." >Beretta's eyes change to two unflattering pictures of Jane, one timestamped three months ago and the other from last weekend, clearly showing what she said was true. >Jane: "Um. Uh... Look, a mint condition action figure of Willrow Hood!" >Beretta: "WHERE?! Wha- Jane? Jane? Dang it, I always fall for that.
>Back at Jane's home, the human woman was looking herself over in her full length mirror. >Sitting on her abdominal blind to her notice up until now was a small pot belly. >Beretta was right, lying so often made it easy for her to live in delusion which is why this had to be pointed out by the one drone in this concrete hole in the ground that notices things. >How could this have even happened? >Was it falling off from her military exercise routine? >Was the last batch of rations more calorie dense than she thought? >How old was she getting? Was her metabolism slowing down? >Was it the vile machinations of the-No. NO! That's dumb and impossible! Stop thinking about it! >Whatever the case, Jane needed to work off this weight fast. >As oblivious as the average drone is, she didn't want to chance it if getting chubby would be the one thing to break her disguise. >Jane fell back onto her mattress and covered her face with both hands. >Her kinetistetic sense telling her that her belly jiggled on impact. >Here she was, the last human woman after the end of the world and she was fretting over her body image. >Jane had to laugh otherwise she would cry.
I've heard rumors that MG has several Oogis and Bugretta's working in a sweatshop beneath his store to make those plushies. He doesn't even tell them what to make...
>Nightly canon drone facts: The original model of worker drone was programmed to enjoy debilitating labor and death. But humans found that creepy so JC Jenson removed that feature.
>>153487 >The first drone, blessed with the uncreative name of "Adam" was essentially a happy, helpful worker. >Kept saying he was a time traveler and they needed to stop this research. >Something about earth being destroyed. >Total nutjob, they scrapped him after like a month.
>>153490 My idea was him also being a happy helpful worker, but also a total airhead, don’t tell him anything to do and he just stands there waiting for an order. Also tends to fall over and bump into things.
>>153495 He’s too good for anything, he is absurdly strong, they needed it with the later ones. I thought about him being the ceos butler and having a sort of sister who was the ceos maid but she felt like a copy of cyn.
Posted by an anon on /co/ that I found very interesting.
- Canon reason: >we didn’t really think about it that hard lol, drones r goobers XP -Liam Vickers
commonly accepted thread explanation: >drones were designed to be personable assistants and servants, and to do dangerous heavy industry jobs that had a high morbidity/fatality rate, as such it makes sense that they would be programmed to be trusting, quick to forgive, indifferent to the pain/death of their peers and willing to follow bizarre and unreasonable demands (I.E. LARPing as high schoolers and never going outside) as well as accepting & internalizing superficial archetypes (I.E. in a curated setting: “I am a factory worker, I work at a factory, this is who I am”, and in a non curated setting: “I love doors, doors are my thing I sure love doors, I’m the doors guy” see also: bitchy cheerleader, rebellious emo girl, checked out teacher) drone personalities also seemingly take on more depth with time and formative experience, but they seem most comfortable modaly as being somewhat more two dimensional than a human would be -
>>153503 Funny because like I mentioned here. >>153496 I toyed with the idea of giving him a “sister” who was the ceos maid and she’d also be very primitive, which felt to me too much like cyn. Although cyn moves around like a puppet and this hypothetical eve character would just trip sometimes.
>>153509 I picture him accidentally opening a door so hard he tears it out and shaking your hand and gripping your arm so tight that when he lets go you can feel your blood slowly coursing back.
We're foot—slog—slog—slog—sloggin' over Africa Foot—foot—foot—foot—sloggin' over Africa --
(Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again!)
There's no discharge in the war!
>Focus… Focus on the words. Not the mind, McGinnis. Ignore the pain. >Don’t think of the marching, the days of traversing rubble of once populated buildings with the dead still in them. >Focus on the words.
Seven—six—eleven—five—nine-an'-twenty mile to-day Four—eleven—seventeen—thirty-two the day before -- (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again!) There's no discharge in the war!
>Don’t think back to the days were you equipment would drag you down under its weight and your mask would choke you of your breath for days on end. >Focus on the words.
Don't—don't—don't—don't—look at what's in front of you. (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again); Men—men—men—men—men go mad with watchin' em, An' there's no discharge in the war!
>Don’t think of your family, your parents and little sister. Watching them turn into monsters in front of your very eyes. >Don’t think of the ungodly screams that they had made as their skin melts as their body bursts new appendages >Don’t think of how Ashley’s Molly plush is still clinging in her old arms… >Focus on the words
Count—count—count—count—the bullets in the bandoliers. If—your—eyes—drop—they will get atop o' you! (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up and down again) -- There's no discharge in the war! >Don’t think of the days where you were executing the civilians that were infected with the rest of the vengeful sons >Don’t think of think of the restless nights were you w̷a̷i̷t̷e̷d̷ stay awake to keep an eye out for Double Deltas >T̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷i̷s̷o̷l̷a̷t̷i̷o̷n̷ ̷ >Focus on the G̷u̷n̷ words.
We—can—stick—out—'unger, thirst, an' weariness, But—not—not—not—not the chronic sight of 'em, Boot—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again, An' there's no discharge in the war! >Don’t think of your s̷t̷a̷r̷v̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷,̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷’̷r̷e̷ ̷t̷i̷r̷e̷d̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷d̷r̷i̷e̷d̷ ̷u̷p̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷.̷ ̷S̷o̷o̷n̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̷a̷ ̷w̷i̷t̷h̷e̷r̷e̷d̷ ̷c̷o̷r̷p̷s̷e̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷m̷a̷s̷o̷l̷e̷u̷m̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷i̷r̷o̷n̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷s̷t̷e̷e̷l̷.̷ > ̷T̷h̷i̷n̷k̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷h̷o̷w̷ ̷s̷o̷o̷n̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷w̷i̷l̷l̷ ̷j̷o̷i̷n̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷o̷t̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷p̷o̷o̷r̷ ̷s̷o̷u̷l̷s̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷t̷h̷i̷s̷ ̷i̷c̷e̷ ̷h̷e̷l̷l̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷a̷ ̷p̷l̷a̷n̷e̷t̷ >Focus l̷o̷a̷d̷ on I̷n̷ the t̷h̷e̷ words ̷s̷h̷e̷l̷l̷. It
>r̷a̷c̷k̷ ̷i̷t̷ Taint—so—bad—by—day because o' company, But night—brings—long—strings—o' forty thousand million Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again. There's no discharge in the war! >R̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷d̷a̷y̷s̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷t̷r̷a̷i̷n̷i̷n̷g̷.̷ ̷B̷r̷e̷a̷k̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷a̷l̷r̷e̷a̷d̷y̷ ̷d̷e̷s̷t̷r̷o̷y̷e̷d̷ ̷b̷o̷d̷y̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷m̷i̷n̷d̷ ̷f̷u̷r̷t̷h̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷b̷e̷ ̷l̷a̷t̷e̷r̷ ̷r̷e̷f̷o̷r̷g̷e̷d̷ ̷i̷n̷ ̷a̷ ̷c̷r̷u̷c̷i̷b̷l̷e̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷m̷a̷k̷e̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷a̷ ̷k̷i̷l̷l̷i̷n̷g̷ ̷m̷a̷c̷h̷i̷n̷e̷ >R̷e̷m̷e̷m̷b̷e̷r̷ ̷t̷h̷a̷t̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷y̷ ̷t̷u̷r̷n̷e̷d̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷i̷n̷t̷o̷ ̷a̷ ̷s̷h̷a̷d̷o̷w̷ ̷o̷f̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷f̷o̷r̷m̷e̷r̷ ̷s̷e̷l̷f̷ ̷a̷n̷d̷ ̷h̷a̷v̷e̷ ̷l̷e̷f̷t̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷t̷o̷ ̷r̷o̷t̷.̷ >̷P̷u̷t̷ ̷t̷h̷e̷ ̷b̷a̷r̷r̷e̷l̷ ̷u̷n̷d̷e̷r̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷r̷ ̷c̷h̷i̷n̷.̷
Try—𝑡𝑟𝑦—𝑇𝑅𝑌—𝑻𝙍𝒀—to think o' something different! >U̷N̷L̷O̷V̷E̷D̷!̷ O𝐻—𝙈𝒀—𝑮𝙊𝑫—𝙆𝑬𝙀𝑷—me from goin' 𝑳𝑼𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑪! >M̷A̷C̷H̷I̷N̷E̷!̷ (𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐒—𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑻𝑺—𝑩𝑶𝑶𝑻𝑺—𝑩𝙊𝑶𝙏𝑺—movin' up an' down again!) >K̷I̷L̷L̷E̷R̷!̷ 𝙏𝒉𝙚𝒓𝙚’𝙨 𝙣𝒐 𝒅𝙞𝒔𝙘𝒉𝙖𝒓𝙜𝒆 𝒊𝙣 𝙩𝒉𝙚 𝙬𝒂𝙧! >̷P̷U̷L̷L̷ ̷T̷H̷E̷ ̷T̷R̷I̷G̷G̷E̷R̷!̷!̷!̷
>With a deep gasp, you pushed the barrel from your chin as you took frantic breaths. >You can feel your heart beating from out of your chest. Your eyes watering as streams of tears run down your cheeks. >Having just avoided a near suicide attempt thanks to your guilty conscience. You slumped your body back on the unfolded chair you were sitting on. >Two years. Two years had passed that you and a few others had awoken from your cryopod after decades since the Solver detonated Copper-9’s core. turning it into a Cold, Asbestos ridden hell planet. >Two years you had spent in isolation waiting for an old enemy to arrive while the others had left. >You don’t know how long you can keep this up. Keep saying the same old poem day in and day out…
Get it together Buddy… you need to keep it together…
>But you have to. >So time to start it all over again.
>>153390 I couldn’t really think of a good way to end it plus I was tired. Maybe I’ll rewrite it later or you can think of it as: It’s ambiguous to what actually happened next, Yeva lost some of her memories and power at that moment
I have this, it does contain Tessa but since it is like 95% Sonic related I think it applies. Also, Mephiles did not translate well to this art style….. Pretend it is intentional because he is supposed to be uncanny and creepy.
>>153475 >>153478 >PNN trying to get Buddy cancelled >Unfortunately, it turns out he doesn't have a job to get cancelled from >PNN helps him find a good job, by which point they've completely forgotten what they were trying to do >All they know is that it makes them mad that he has it now
Image:173875711161.png(121kB, 900x897)And you only had to get brutally murdered for it.png
>“Weren’t you friends with J, N, and V at the manor?” >“Those three clankers didn’t care about me getting brutalized so why should I care about those fair-weather fuckwits!?”
>>153535 I couldn’t think of anything for Martha but have this hastily made ghost girl get-together.
Revised version of this image because I drew it before Molly’s exact hair color was established, considering the agreed upon hue was so close to Fuguedrone’s hair color I decided that it would be coherent to make them have the exact same hair color, specifically: “jcJ(is) catalog standard [#ff007a] "neon rose"” >>153499 Oh hey I wrote that :)
>>153540 The psychologist said that to improve Molly's mental state, she needs prolonged physical contact with someone with whom she has a strong pleasurable emotional connection, and unfortunately, apart from Buddy, Danni and Pavo, Molly can't call anyone another as a friend.
>>153521 I'm clearly not the only one, though. >>153529 when content that turns her and the others into one-dimensional non-characters overshadows anything else, that's what they'll become in the eyes of the thread and how they'll be used going forward
>>153438 molly as a police woman is an unexpected direction, but I kinda like it. maybe she wouldn't be brought on fully (at least not at first) and would act as the mascot poster girl of DD reform they could even bring her to publicity events to show people DDs aren't scary, and she would get the chance to help kids with their worries again (though it might sting a little that she's one of those worries)
>>153551 Whatever man, if people want to write about it they're gonna write about it; if they don't, they won't People seem to swing about 50/50 on which version they prefer, so just cater to the one you like best, it's that simple
>>153513 >"He who fights dragons becomes a dragon himself."
I wonder if Cyn found soldiers like Buddy more interesting. He's a regular human, but he can fight not just mutants, but even disassembler drones. Very good green, anon
has anyone tried that recent line of scent-diffusing drones? do they work alright? I think a drone that gives off pleasant smells would be nice but I don't want to buy another JCJ product that A. doesn't work as advertised and B. has all support dropped after a year
>>153566 >DISGUSTING: so-called "reformed" MURDER drone FORCES a toy imitating her own BODY into the HANDS OF A CHILD >PNN cannot confirm whether the "stuffed doll" is anatomically accurate, however inside sources suggest this to be the case. >clearly this MURDER DRONE is trying to seduce CHILDREN with SEX TOYS
PNN wants pictures! Pictures of Molly! And poems about Molly! And it wants them finished before the poet starts! And before they finish, give it some coffee! And the poems should have the following rhyme scheme: A-B-B-A-A-B-B-A-C-D-E-C-D-E!
Molly shouldn’t become a cop She should be a masked vigilante, as to hide her controversial identity (and as to keep with the Pillar-chan J. Jonah Jameson bit)
>>153574 >Molly modeling her vigilante outfit in front of the mirror >Danni walks in >"Hey Molly, have you seen my..." >The two stare at each other for a second >"I see nothing. Catch you later." >Danni turns around and scoots away
>>153577 >There's SOMETHING going on in that apartment, and I want answers! >If she really IS having a menage a trois, I want pictures NOW! - for, uh, personal reasons. >Now get back to work, or you're FIRED!
I like to imagine that Pavo is the only person in the group to know of Buddy’s former association with a killsquad while DDanni and Molly are in the dark about it.
>>153567 The smells themselves are crap, and literally, I threw up when I first activated him, but you can pour anything into them (even though the warranty is immediately voided), and he's good drone himself. I changed him into a butler costume and fill him with medical air purifier, so I'm happy with my purchase.
Remember to buy Nanotrasen products, they will definitely not explode in your face because we're not retarded enough to sell unstable stuff to civilians.
>>153565 >Suffered from depression. >Most definitely had killed kids before. >Blamed themselves for the travestied they had commited. >Tried to off themselves on multple occasions.
>>153600 awww. I should really draw her again, though I can't decide whether I'd want to draw her like this or in her police uniform. I think it could be cute to draw her like a mascot character on an eye-catching police notice telling kids to stay safe
>Mmm you see quizboy I bought something that I'm certain you'll recognize >Ish that *the* Miss Molly? Where did you get that?! >Mmm a gentleman never reveals his secrets but no this is one of the models that replaced the original. >>Thatsh magishiansh. And itsh total horshe crap that you have her! >Oooh I'm sorry quizboy it's time for my shower. Come along Miss Molly, time for scrub scrub >>OH COME ON MAN!
>Huddled in the corner of the dark, massive room of the Gala was Tessa, along with a small worker drone in an what appeared to be a military suit . >Fear was displayed on his visor, yet he stood in front of the crouched girl, his arms spread out defensively as he stared up at Cyn’s towering form >“[Annoyed hiss] Get out of the way, buddy…I’m not here for you.” >AM gulped, yet remained stationary as he gave a defiant glare. >“No! I-I refuse! I won’t allow you to hurt her! Take whatever you desire, but leave us in peace... please...” >For a single moment, Cyn stood unmoving, staring down on the duo >Suddenly she reached at the AM, yanking him up by the vest and throwing him into a nearby unbroken table. >A crash reverberated as the drone grunted in pain, smashing through the blackwood. >Tessa raised her hands infront of her in desperation. “NO NO WAI-” 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐁! >And just like that, Tessa joined the countless corpses that littered the room.
>>153638 That's something she would say, alright. She believes the war isn't over because DDs still walk around and if the Solver was really gone, the DDs would be gone too.
>>153607 Doesn't have as much affect when Solver regeneration counts clothes as part of your body. Uzi just blew her head off and when her head regenerated she had her beanie back.
>>153651 Redditors didn’t realize that you aren’t allowed to make thousands and thousands of real death threats against the president and his associates without the FBI getting involved
>>153640 >She believes the war isn't over because DDs still walk around and if the Solver was really gone, the DDs would be gone too.
>This is the reason why the extremist veterans didn't lay their arms when they were ordered to. >They believe the war is still going on. >Which is why they also harass and attack disassembly drones.
>>153656 It would be sad if they were in a continuity where pic rel was the case and all Solver phenomena (besides Uzi’s tail) factually no longer contains the Solver’s influence, poor fools would have no way of knowing
>>153665 > but Buddy has crystal clear decision-making behind his actions I don't understand this, Pavo and Switch also love killing disassemblers so wouldn't that also make their decision making crystal clear?
>>153661 Since I know it's you Fugue, and Fuguedrone seems to like helping people, would Fuguedrone help Pavo and Switch with their mental faculties and help them tone down their hatred of disassemblers?
>>153669 I think what Anon was trying to get that is that while Pavo and Switch are basically immune to the shit that the deal with that would make a normal human cry and shit themselves. Then comes with one son of a bitch and a bunch of others like him not only doing the same things that the Sentinel Drones do (and doing much morally worse things). They’re also doing this with an a clear, albiet indoctrinated mind.
>>153674 Insane people can also do lots of morally reprehensible shit, even moreso that those who do the same thing but with a clear mind. Pavo and Switch would gladly do horrible shit against DDs and not even think for a moment what they do is wrong and just do worse things while a normal person's mind, doing the same things would cause them to have a mental break.
>>153664 Their bodies could be destroyed, but the singularities are inviolate, even if you dispersed them in real space they’d still exist in the void as cosmic information, just waiting to be brought back, maybe the friends of DDs would travel across the galaxy to beg Uzi to bring their DD back, maybe it would be possible for a Solver witch to perform a ritual to pull the data back into existence, the possibilities are endless
>>153671 Fuguedrone would and could absolutely help them, the tricky part would be getting the, to accept help in the first place, Fuguedrone believes all life is precious and that no soul is more valuable than another, not that one soul can’t be more powerful than another, but that kings are just men with crowns and we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt, no doubt he and Pavo would have a drawn out homoerotic fight scene with lots of one liners given the characters that they are, but ultimately he would most likely get through to them, I’m sure he’d be happy to see Molly again too, and that they’d have much to commiserate about, given how similar they’re origins and eventual tragedies were
>>153684 >but ultimately he would most likely get through to them I see this happening with Pavo but not with Switch when she literally thinks all DDs are bastards, no exeptions.
>>153686 I think Molly would still try to come in grip with the fact that she’s dating the same guy who proposed to her as a kid. (That and also being in a open relationship alongside DDanni.)
Is it just me or is Molly invalidated as a character when anons started writing her with Danni and Buddy which are always just them fucking? I'd rather see more greens of Molly by herself without those two.
>>153702 >Molly goes to therapy >Molly tries to be a street performer >Molly has a heart-to-heart with the parent of a child she may or may not have killed that day
>>153712 idk, not any harder than it is to believe so many anons would be assblasted to the point of complaining anytime they see a characterization that doesn't align with theirs, but maybe that's crazy
>Molly volunteers at the childrens hospital >She just claims that she's just dressed as Molly, the hospital wouldn't let a child murdering monster in after all >By the end of every visit those poor kids have smiles on their faces >But Molly can't help but cry when every so often those little beds end up empty
>>153664 Oh no, they still return to their admin. Now whether or not Uzi has figured out how to put her mind palace's occupants into fresh cores yet is up in the air.
>>153658 They thought they would get to either cancel culture or sic an antifa lynch mobs like they usually do. Except that 1. as of January, the current government does not sympathize with mentally ills, and 2. when you target government members that's called treason.