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>>427830 You can but I think we’re gonna try to conserve images so we don’t hit the limit as fast and change to a new thread So you can use catbox alternatively if you want
>>427828 I am still here if anyone is wondering. Thanks for making the new thread though, focused on other aspects of my life while I was gone for a few days.
>>427896 >Apparently, the mod is still going to have another update but it's currently on hold due to "problems we'd rather not disclose". Its been 3 years so its canned probably >>427897 He will back soon or later
>>427901 no one knew that tranny (hooda) was an actually sex offender at that time got away by saying they were “intrusive thoughts” along with echo defending his ass cant really blame kore for working with him since most mainfags saw hooda as “framed”
>>427908 idk about Max but people like Taeyai see him as more than just an exe apparently and keep in mind this is the same retard that said Faker was boring and unoriginal when 2017x is the same but more accurate to the original pedopihle shitpasta so yeah either mental illness or Sturm has to do something with it
>>427910 yea sadly (Reposting this to add context) Max was directing it and the mod wasn’t going anywhere so Max gave it to Clownfoe and there’s been no word on it since
>>427911 >I just found 2017x be more than exe because how he got treat in both fandom and internet >thinking a character/material is good just because a large portion of people like it Yikes, what kind of method of thinking do you call this? Also, I genuinely can't believe that ugly rat is getting more attention compared to the "natural" looking exe character. >>427912 >>427913 Damn.
>>427913 >Max gave it to Clownfoe somehow Max revealed himself to be the most incompetent modder ever gives two of his mods to others because of his own incompetence and those mods are never heard from again because people like DusterBuster and Clowfoe had other projects like DDTO and Impostor to focus on
>>427910 If I had enough resources and enough people I can trust in, I'd genuinely try and revive it somehow. Damn thing looked way too good to die in such a depressing way
>>427919 >B3 Decent overall I guess, don’t like the all focus being on Shaya >Soft The designs are nice but the story is really flawed, someone who knows to actually write stuff needs to handle the script
>>427919 >B3 I felt like it was a mediocre mod all around. Not much to say other than the songs, story and art feel rather sloppy, and let's not get started with the fact that they tried getting some ugly-looking 3D models into the mod >Soft Absolute pedantry disguised as this totally deep mod about definitely-not-the-author-self-inserting and how they went around leading their life
>>427919 b3 is overshadowed by his totally-not-biddle-self-insert gf benjamin lacks a spine and always depends on pico to stand up against others small tweaks could save these two but biddle stopped giving a damn about b3 while the soft team is pretty much done with their mod
>>427914 >thinking a character/material is good just because a large portion of people like it Its nothing new, liking something became its popular is a part of the common “trying to fit in” mindset
>>427928 You can't deny that it's an egregiously bad case, considering the fact that nu-2017X has no real content to his name, besides a couple mediocre songs and that's it. Can't even discern what he's supposed to be like when all he's got is just things that might not even matter later on
>>427929 >besides a couple mediocre songs it aint a couple just a single song >Can't even discern what he's supposed to be like he is just X that is a Dark Age (2005-2010) Sonic autist that is so delusional that he thinks he is actually the Blue Blur himself
>>427934 >I thought everyone in /funkg/ found Accelerant to be alright before Considering that we will soon have Hank officially in the game, I wanted to commemorate his fanmade versions. so the other NG guests are pretty much nothing compared to this 2 decade old Columbine parody.
>>427958 >Weekends will only have Pico characters the amount of love this ginger gets is pretty baffling compared to the stuff skid & pump, captain and hank have
>>427970 The black and white isnt really an excuse when Mickey himself was given an unique look Definitely laziness on WI team’s part and the D-Sides team on not revising it
>>428008 >Like Starved before him Starved is alive somewhat Someone offered RE to buy the ownership of the character for 300 bucks RE agreed and now that guy owns red eggman and offbrand mecha sonic
>>428012 yea this guy owns him as of now he hasn’t done any content with him but does retweet starved fan content so the character is pretty much on life support
>>428015 My guess is that they tried to make him look creepy by making him hollow. But it ends up looking plain. Devilish's version is soulful due to him actually looking more like Robotnik.
>>428017 >its shit just like the original design Just because the game’s main goal is a demon and a rapper wanting to have sex doesn’t mean blatant fanservicey (or goonerslop) shit fits it
>>428017 Honestly, why upload this to a much populated site? Why not use PirateBay or any other torrenting site where it won't get this much attention? >>428025 Get on to your PC and pull out Blender. You'll find out soon enough.
>>428032 Also, someone on xitter (I'm using xcancel right now) said that there are 5 pirated reuploads of the model, so there really isn't anything to worry about right now.
>>427917 >creates a DoAWK mod >never finishes it due to losing interest in it >doesn't release a build at all >creates a DnBshit mod >songs so far are actually decent >it's only two people working on the mod so it'll take some time >jokingly says it will be released on October 17th of 2024 >mod starts going through sudden devhell >it's now past that date >suddenly not want Popcorn Edition to be a DnB mod anymore (while also giving Wedsen a shit redesign) Just why?
>>428053 Honestly, what's with the characters looking like gods or ascended beings? Is it kind of wrong to admit that some of these designs actually look good?
>>428063 >That mod is just a mess on its own Honestly, I agree with you. The sprites and the artwork looks like it's just trying too hard to imitate DozenRahyz's art-style, especially with the vivid colors and lighting. I haven't listened to the music.
>>428064 (Me) Decided to check out the mod for once. And my goodness, the eyesores are over the top with this one. If they're going to make it look flashy, at least use softer colors like Fanvict. Oh, I'm sorry, ASURA ARMAGEDDON. The BEST DAVE & BAMBI MOD??? | DNB: Neutron Rush DEVLOG!!!
>>428066 any convict mod is equal to this in terms of shittyness >>428065 >pretty bloodfag only known for making a porn oc based on pompom is a hack water is wet
>>428070 >Has Matt ever confirmed if anyone else is working on the new version of Visit? Matt has practically left FNF, so no one really knows someone needs to hit DJ in the head with a bat hard to make sure some progress on convict happens
>>428071 >someone needs to hit DJ in the head with a bat hard to make sure some progress on convict happens And then have the mod get canceled for the third time. Woohoo.
>>428072 >And then have the mod get canceled for the third time. A better fate than its current status. The mod should have stayed dead when Banbuds left it.
>>428073 Why couldn't Banbuds release the mod in 2021? It had a lot of progress already done to consider it finished. It also could've been just as popular as the Tricky mod if it stayed alive.
>>428088 >what do you expect from a person who came from one of Sling's Discord servers? duckling seems to be the only normal person that has ever been near that thing
>>428096 >The guys’ art style fits very well with yume nikki Isn't Yume Nikki's art-style just high quality pixel art with a sprinkle of LSD: Dream Emulator? If one is a talented artist, it wouldn't be that hard if you're autistic or just generally creative.
Image:173526528855.png(307kB, 709x441)SIDES CURRENTLY IN ORBIT.png
>go through articles of old mods on FP >approach Sketchy >go through >transgender HUH? WHAT THE FUCK? WHEN? IS THIS OLD INFO?
>>428100 >It's just so weird to see Sketchy out of all characters be MtF. I mean if it doesn’t affect the character in the slightest then there is no reason to lose your mind over it
>>428105 Personally I don’t get it Why stoop this low just to fuck with the general? Of course we’ve had our nuisances over the years but I don’t think a single one’s gone so far as to beg for fucking cheese pizza and make an account on a cheese pizza site
>>428103 Not so related to the topic, but I never got why the DJvict team felt like making Convict so cartoonishly over the top with the blood and gore
>>428108 >the DJvict team felt like making Convict so cartoonishly over the top with the blood and gore That was an issue since the Banbuds days They should have toned it down with giving Convict more menacing poses Pretty much the entire mod itself is highly inaccurate to Convict’s character as a whole
>>428109 It's my personal belief that the Convict curse consists in that every mod trying to do something related to Buds' Convict mod ends up dying one way or another, and those that don't have higher chances to live
>>428110 At this point, modfags should move on from trying to make Convict mods and instead make mods for other cool NG characters like S'asshole, P/A-Bot, and Fancy Pants.
>>428114 I think those guys would get character assassinated too only NG characters that hasn’t experienced that are Pico and his gang Which isn’t surprising since the devs have been shoving them in our faces
>>428116 Seriously why does Pico get all of this stuff, Skid n Pump and Tankman are NG guests too but they only got a week and that’s all I worry for what they plan for Hank
>>428140 >Who? Exactly, he isn't a namefag at all. But I do remember he does draw with the same pixelated brush and posts compressed images of his drawings. >>428142 >go through the creator of SleepySky's account >17 >uses familiar reaction images that are used on /funkg/ I don't think I'm convinced just yet.
>>428143 That riddler reaction image is nearly used by everyone >But I do remember he does draw with the same pixelated brush and posts compressed images of his drawings. That was probably Shyuu aka faggot
>>427828 Bored? Want some mod recommendations? Here you go.
>>428155 I wouldn't be surprised honestly, but he NEEDS to leave /funkg/ at this point. Him and the likes of McChickenanon have to stay away from the internet for a long period of time. Also, it kind of feels like he's using /funkg/ as a coping mechanism from his dead dad, whether he cares about him or not is none of my concern.
>>428163 A mobile port in general is a bad idea because how are ya supposed play stuff like mods on it and can a mobile phone even run a game that will at least have 52 weeks with impressive visuals? I swear these guys do not actually know a damn about their own game.
>>428174 >>428177 AIIIEEEEEE MY GOLDEN LAND RETAKE AIIIEEEE >>428182 What AI software is this? Not surprised about the fact that it draws better than the creator herself.
>>428166 >(Note: Hollowed_insomniac does not condone the toxicity of the 4chan community, not the site itself) I mean, why would anyone condone the obvious side anyways? Not even the average 4chud would support it. Toxicity there comes out automatically like a round of Call of Duty. >>428169 NTA but the info mainly bases on what the creator knows from their knowledge and the /v/-tan mod.
>>428187 >NTA but the info mainly bases on what the creator knows from their knowledge and the /v/-tan mod. That is pretty much your average /funkg/fag only knows 4chan because that gender ambiguous frenchie made a mod based around the comics and anims about it
>>428189 >only knows 4chan because that gender ambiguous frenchie made a mod based around the comics and anims about it Not only that, normalfags outside of the FNF circle only know 4chan as "that one racist/edgy site DNI" or say things like "I love how 4chan users do the most atrocious things and put animal abusers behind bars and etc." In reality, like all social media, even 4chan, have their loud minorities that give it its reputation, and have their own safe zones where users can actually have general discussions.
>>428190 >normalfags outside of the FNF circle only know 4chan as "that one racist/edgy site DNI" or say things like "I love how 4chan users do the most atrocious things and put animal abusers behind bars and etc." wonder how they would react if they found about 4chan actually just being Reddit in reality
>>428191 >wonder how they would react if they found about 4chan actually just being Reddit in reality They'd probably go "huh, that's odd", but would still object to using 4chan either way. If they did though, they'd have to deal with shitty jannies, harsh and overreactive disagreements/viewpoints (depends on the board), and slurs being equally treated as common swearing.
>>428192 >slurs being equally treated as common swearing. faggot is used commonly in twitter and no one has an issue with it doubt they wouldn’t be able to handle it
>>428193 That anon probably means the racial slur aspect of it, considering the ones at Twitter treat that shit like saying it is gonna bring the King in Yellow unto this world
>>428193 >faggot is used commonly in twitter and no one has an issue with it I'm talking about the obvious ones like "nigger", "tranny", "gook", and "kike". They definitely wouldn't want to see that. This is starting to turn into a /baw/ discussion, so have a Julian.
> disassociating from cuphead pretty much killed this character could have solved this whole younger audience issue by leaning more into the darkness of the era that pompom is based off of
>>428200 >disassociating from cuphead pretty much killed this character You know, this original design of hers has more soul and charm than the one that the FNF mod had.
>>428212 As far as I know, one of the devs made a concept where Ronald is going against The Mask. And I say "concept" because I'm not sure whether it'll be official or not.
>>428216 >Isn't THAT supposed to be Joker's Trick? >Are they making a completely new song for them? yea it is jokers trick but that mask thing isn’t probably gonna be real
>>428226 I'm more on about the fact that you(?) don't know the creation date of main /funkg/. And as I said before, that anon mentioned the creation date of plus4chan, NOT the creation date of THIS /funkg/.
>>428227 I do know about the creation of main /funkg/ its in April but might have just confused it the fact that you immediately went “OMG U NEWFAG?” says a lot of about you
>>428233 >Do you think the pitstop will come out today as the team promised? Did they promise to release in New Year's Eve/Day? If so, they better release it with NO announcements of delays whatsoever.
>>428239 I'm damn sure Sandi's fuck-up killed whatever chances they had of releasing it. They even said it would get "delayed," which, considering the other mods that had gotten "delayed" before, means we should consider it dead from the get-go
>>428239 >do you think V3 will also get into their delays once more due to Sandi? V2 songs are unchanged except for the ones mentioned in the Deluxe trailer. Golden Land Retake is definitely gonna be remade. So yeah some delays are expected. did he forget he used to shitpost with schizo neo in main and ran the fnf days account with 3 other people
>>428264 >dramawhore previously fishing for pride on LogantheCrazy123 >now there's another dramawhore trying his hardest to look better than Sandi Do these people have nothing better to do? PLAY your favorite FNF mod. PLAY a good game. GO outside. And lastly, take a gosh darn break to relax yourself.
>>428264 this whole sandi shit has nothing to do with him yet he acts all mighty in how he will slay le ebil fat fetishist watch ezax acting like sandi when people find the skeletons in his closet
>>428267 >this whole sandi shit has nothing to do with him yet he acts all mighty in how he will slay le ebil fat fetishist This... is basically all controversies that just happen in general. Random users coming out of nowhere acting high and mighty when they clearly have nothing to do with it. It's almost like they're trying to build their insecure pride.
>>428269 I hope someone exposes Ezax as well to show him not to stick his nose in the places he doesn’t belong. Apparently also the guy that called out Sandi is no better than him.
>>428273 Speaking of guro, when will someone man up and make a mod that has the same levels of gore like GORE STREET (a musician not an actual website)? Shit would be sick as hell.
>>428276 >nobody and having that much gore would just create another MMLL MMLL barely did jackshit in terms of presentation honestly. And I meant like an aesthetic similar to nana's videos.
>>428280 Where is the update? Shouldn't this be the only mod MaliciousBunny is working on? >>428279 Too bad most of the stuff looked like something from vibingleaf.
>>428282 >Where is the update? Shouldn't this be the only mod MaliciousBunny is working on? Bunny went even farther where this is basically a full on game that is also a fnf mod similar to what faf night 2 is going for
Someone has got to convince Sturm to be more of a MG(S)fag instead of an exefag. Hit Single could've been much better with Metal Gear content instead of what YT Kids is attracted to.
>>428285 That and convincing him to actually pick up the pace and get better at music. I don't know if it's me or not, but I've felt like his music has seen a decline in quality ever since Silly Billy hit
>>428286 It does. It's mostly the mixing that hits me in the face. He makes the vocals AND the inst at the same volume which clashes and sounds annoying. Sometimes like Deathrun, the... harmonization of the vocals don't really fit as much with the instrumental and feels too stretched.
>>427982 >a 16 year old originally created the model and someone other than the creator made an NSFM(inors) edit Oh well. And also, >this model is still getting controversy and comments even though VRModels is filled to the brim with un-original emo and suggestive models
So... is this thread starting to lose its activity like its 8chan alternative? If so, normally, plus4 is used when "shit hits the fan", so I guess that says the same for this thread too.
>>428298 It’s always been kinda slow here but I guess the /vg/ threads are currently less shit than they were before so people are going back and posting there instead of here
>>428299 Has Hamburgelfag actually left (for now)? Was he really the one pulling the strings with the /pol/rie spam? Also, as far as I know, a bot can't manually give minor changes to the same image(s) to avoid filtering, so I have a feeling that it is an actual person spamming the thread.
>>428303 >Bob-n-face PLEASE don't try to make him a horror character. He's just too cool to be one. Anyways, this song is alright, although there is a better Bob-n-face song by Sturm out there... which is unfinished.
>>428307 It's a bit better than the Pico one. I don't like Bob's chromatic that much. But this version will always stand as the best.
Funny how this category was made by an underaged tourist at the time.
>>428307 Sounds kind of unremarkable, honestly. Like it's the kinda song made in the style of basegame FNF's music that ends up popping up and being forgotten within a few months
>>428331 I don't think anyone wants to be here as much anymore, since /funkg/ seems to be a bit more "better" than before. At least this altchan is better than 8chan so anons can actually come back to this site without worrying about anything.
i finally got nimbus booted from the mod, suprisingly guy got too busy sperging out about pokepalooza to notice hes not in the mod anymore soo now this concept stands. yes furnace is actually alive and yes deluge will be releasing
>>428346 director and organizer of the furnace whitty remake >>428347 sadly no, this was from destrio. a tad pinch old concept but sprites are currently in the works for cyclone updike as of right now
>>428345 >>428348 >Furnace is still alive Oh shit, now I have something to actually look forward to, what the fuck. Also, I honestly don't like his winter apparel. Keep his comfy sweater and tall build. >>428342 What's even more surprising is that I haven't seen a single /pol/rie post so far. Please tell me this isn't temporary.
>>428349 appreciate the feedback, will keep it in mind and will let destrio know. may need to compromise just a little but it should be much better to handle now since nimbus is out
>>427885 Scrapper progress for the 4chanplus gens Scientist song: New Robbery: instrumental: New roberto
>>428345 >>427885 more furnace stuff, thought i would add on a common complaint most anons on main said that they just didnt like the new style with destrio's art for it, so i said "fuck it, lets have it be a toggle for more old-style sprites" thus we have this.
we are also switching engines again because base game beyond 0.5.0 is just entirely unworkable so we're switching back to codename
>>428367 So, what are the reasons of updating this mod when it is already fine currently? Also why did you fucks wait until some shit happen to kick Nim off the mod? Was he holding the mod back or something?
>>428370 >Also why did you fucks wait until some shit happen to kick Nim off the mod? matt and sykley apparently did jack shit for months and when nimbus was doing it they kicked him out so yeah hypocrisy pretty common among fnf modders the palooza stuff was just a coincidence that they took advantage of in getting rid of him
>>428377 i dont funkin know most faggots say they hate it cuz of nimbus or that place being his hugbox or some shit at this i dont care about it anymore
>>428367 What the fuck is this? This looks worse than the current sprite. I want you to compare the two and see which one is better. >>428379 What is Scorched going to do?
>>428386 >a drawing of scorched going all out on ruria would be hot ngl It better be the old versions. You definitely wouldn't want to see the new version.
>>428370 deluge still has yet to be released, thats the only thing left i want to do with the project outside of the toggle. one of the reasons why nimbus was kicked was because he was holding the project back from getting any actual work done outside of me and matt's inactivity, the pokepalooza shit happened waay after i kicked him from the group chat so whatever happened after that initial kick was just sudden fuel to the fire
there is plenty more reasons why he was kicked besides inactivity but that would turn this into a giant wall of text, by the time nimbus learnt he was kicked out of furnace i barely had room to actually speak while talking to him and was trying to focus on eating my lunch
>>428371 matt is done with funkin, has been for the longest while since GD's and furnace's release. the reason why i was inactive is because i actually care about my real life and went and got a job, its difficult to get time for funkin projects so i move them to the summer since im most free by that time
>>428388 >there is plenty more reasons why he was kicked besides inactivity but that would turn this into a giant wall of text You can always just... >>>>>>>>GREENTEXT
>kevin wasn't comfortable working with him since he was treating him like shit on other projects >some decisions he made were impulsive, for example he wanted a week 2 with pico while i just wanted deluge released >caused several arguments between our coder, artist, and charter over nothing >didn't help that it was all in spanish, so me and matt hadn't had a clue what was being said should put it into perspective
Image:173620732331.png(7kB, 340x694)she- i meant HE should make his other sonas be original characters and use them for some future webcomic, it's getting out of hand.png
>>428339 I personally think this is Kiwiquest's best sona >>428390 >nimbus wanting a week 2 with Pico I can sense this autism coming from this. At this point, someone on Twitter should announce a red flag on Nim to not hire him on any mods whatsoever. He's pretty darn impulsive... which isn't surprising coming from an autistic person.
>>428388 >>428390 Could have asked him normally instead of kicking him out instantly. I guess that is not expected from a faggot that works on a mod where Squidward ends himself.
>>428388 I find it extremely ironic that you'd side with kevin considering his ass specifically asked me not to talk about him after I blocked him recently, where he straight up badmouthed my work on private, acting like he didn't have me start my cassette girl project again because he was feeling suicidal and needed to take his mind off things. Not just that, but also the fact that you sided with me when I told you that destrio was extremely stingy with adding things that the original version had to the point I spent money from my pocket to keep that in because he didn't want a repeat of another situation he had in Monster of Monsters thanks to communitygame. Matt probably knows nothing about the brighter picture, and the way you're handling things makes you look not just like an asshole, but a snake.
>>428403 really i do not care where these two gays argue with eachother or not. if they happen to bicker here i will be watching with popcorn in my hand.
>>428414 >first replies are about his art-style being copied and his sonas being sexualized >the second half is info I'm not aware about Is the first part aimed at a specific person or a general community? If it's the latter, then he should understand that it's basically unescapable in the internet circle and to not make a big deal about it, even if he was a minor at the time. Look at PA, his style has been copied numerous times and he has definitely been sexualized many times by weird femcels. Yet, he doesn't make a big deal about it and moves on. What's wrong with Kiwiquest?
>>428419 >Yet, he doesn't make a big deal about it and moves on. What's wrong with Kiwiquest? Dave has been on NG for a long time where these types of stuff were common so its normal to him Kiwi on the other hand didnt
>>428420 >Kiwi on the other hand didnt Is this just people being overly sensitive nowadays? It's not like whining about it will change it. Being chronically online (without any common sense that is) can really do numbers to someone. >>428421 ARRRGHHH. SHOULD'VE STAYED THAT WAY
Since it's 2025, what new trends will we get? >another new horror concept >anime mods >mods in a specific artstyle (Ourple and 17Bucks for example) >object show mods >a new meme gets suddenly popular and mods base off of that
>>428428 >at worst more exeslop will be around EXEfags need to find something better to be into. They are literally the new Sonic autists at this point.
>>428430 >I've only got my eyes set on mods by the FNMOM team There is only one currently and they havent seem to complete any other mods they were making
>>428390 Could you please provide evidence of all this? I'm trying to convince one of my buddies to not get Nimbus on his mod and if I could show him more proof he's terrible to work with it'd really help me out
>>428463 he has commissioned a xitter banner from trikitroy before, so it could be him. or its some schizophrenic larping as him commissioning these to later shitpost about it on /vg/.
>>428465 why is she burning cash on people drawing her sona that no one outside of this place cares about really it only fuels the obnoxious posts even more
>>428478 >Glad it is dead. Do you really think m00t would make 4chan better than it currently is? >>428482 Why would the jannies give him a one day ban? Is this just another "THEY DO IT FOR FREE" situation?
>>428483 >Do you really think m00t would make 4chan better than it currently is? that greedy bastard couldn’t run his own site well so he sold it to hiromoot as a way of finally escaping from it >Why would the jannies give him a one day ban? Is this just another "THEY DO IT FOR FREE" situation? I think you overestimate the IQ of an average hot pocket-lovin basement dweller that moderates the site
>>428487 >And why didn't you fags accept the request to be jannie when you had the opportunity? Being a janny on 4chan is one of the most embarrassing roles you can be in life. Most people have lives to focus on instead of being terminally online on a 2chan knockoff.
>>428511 you need to know a character with 7 pieces of non content is kino and worth spamming god wish sturm never made subterfuge with lyrics or floombo put him into garn
>>428515 >Why the fuck is he getting so much artwork? its your average funkg main shitposting nothing too special >How much power does this guy have? none cuz he got outed just a day later
I cannot stop laughing over this McLovin bullshit. Why did one drawfag decide to draw the leaker as a femboy in the first place? And why did a bunch of other drawfags do the same out of nowhere?
>>428527 The /vg/ thread has been infested by chronic twitter users, people that use discord, and underages. There were a few that didn't get the Mclovin' ID joke and thought it was the actual guy
>>428530 its from a time when he was an idiot apparently he commissioned the piece from sugar privately but an associate of him leaked it to public as a way of getting back at rxdial it happened back in 2022 as far I know
>>428532 Tell him where he is that he will die alone like the bottlefaggot he is. Who in the their right mind would pay for official Nikusa porn where their self-insert is banging her?
>>428533 >Who in the their right mind would pay for official Nikusa porn where their self-insert is banging her? nimbus did the same with kasetto and merell at least he is not the same dumbfuck he used to be before and probably regrets commissioning those
>>428540 Never I thought I would see Komodoanon being an absolute cuck. Hope he can never find any coders for his shit. (Merellfaggot too but he is an already established fail.)
>>428550 can you stop lying? its very apparent the screenshots are real yet you are trying to save his face here by lying. we cant see the posts because the account is private and having no followers while these screenshots existing means he is doing it intentionally
>>428552 They are very real and you are trying to deny it very blantantly. I suggest deleting your Twitter account just so these retarded posts can stop.
>>428551 one thing i noticed is the account handle changing every time he posts a xitter link he is constantly changing his handle to make sure he doesn’t get caught self shitposting no amounts of “BuT ItS a ScHiZo dOiNG iT!” gonna not disprove he is not the spammer
>>428559 You are the dumbass here but if you are gonna keep denying, continue. Now, tell me what is your favorite base game songs and what are your hopes for week 8?
>>428560 There is something I don't understand How can Rayuko and that spammer be the same person, if Rayuko never showed any signs of caring about Sakkth and Mr Beep? It doesn't seem like he hates Plus either, the spammer hates this place and spends all his time complaining about it.
>>428566 anon, in anonymous imageboards, you can practically play as 7 different characters at the same time idk about Rayuko but its just a theory that he is the spammer, outside of that anon’s speculations no solid info about the spammer’s true identity is out there yet
>>428579 The joke was that, since Satan's theme took a lot of inspo from DK94's Showdown At The Tower, it would be a remix of that in the style of Satan's theme same guy that is continuing hooda version of /v/ and works on a revival of a slingmingo mod accusing someone of being a pedo falsely while he himself works on a pedo mod
>>428625 they really made the psych engine mascot look like a gacha life oc psychic himself would have been a better mascot since he is the first non-joke mod to use the engine
>>428634 A shitload of grooming incidents, mods being dicks, community members being imbeciles and other unwanted shit will happen if he makes the server. Expect FNF’s reputation plummeting down even more thanks to this.
>>428638 In all honesty, I hope at the very least the base game doesn't turn out completely shitty with each update. If even that turns out bad, it's doomed 100%.
>>428642 I still have high hopes for week 8, don't get me wrong, but I genuinely hope the base game doesn't go to shit either. The absolute absence of updates was something, and I don't want anything worse happening to it
>>428641 Week 8 seems to be in good condition. The real problems will be the remixes being butchered by guests (except for kohta) and the game having many bugs and running like shit due to pringle man using chatgpt and eric being an eh programmer. A late bug patch will be just salt onto the wound of it.
>>428645 seriously the abundance of patches after release seem pretty concerning do these guys even play test the update before the release to make sure it doesn’t end up being a technical failure?
>>428646 >ChatGPT Hopefully not to the degree of that one Sugarmoon person who used ChatGPT to the degree that some mod she was coding stuff for got flagged as a trojan because of how horrible its code was
>>428647 >do these guys even play test the update before the release to make sure it doesn’t end up being a technical failure? Really explains that "Null Object" situation.
>>428656 Codename seemed to have a mascot, but it was a quality April Fools' joke, they have an April Fools' build somewhere , that had that mascot f files on it, while looking, found this one.
>>428672 It was there I guess. Both characters are contentless with their creators being hacks, So they are perfect for eachother somewhat. And twitterfags losing their minds over it was funny.
>>428672 Seeing something like this get posted nowadays feels like unearthing some morbid-looking tapestry from the dark ages. It was an extremely odd ship, alright
>>428682 doner and kebab are turk dishes might suggest the mod creator is a huge zibidi / sinisterbart wannabe with the song and sprites being bucks-based
>>428686 if you're who i think you are you'll understand this, if not, embarassing for me somewhere you visit has an area named "dice-gamblers" go there and make a message
>>428695 its referring to headphonesanon aka xenophones gigatard shitposter from funkg that was once buds with panzu and nateanim8 that’s why the “stop bullying headphonesanon” intro text is a thing in vs whitty definitive edition here is a collage of him getting btfo’d from the general
>>428716 mod concept based off a semi obscure vn part of me wants to make it a one song mod but i don't feel my skillset would do it justice and i'm not sure what composer could best do something like the music of the vn
>>428718 The concept didn't get far beyond a character sprite and stage asset but it was based on a 2005 japan only mobile VN that ended up becoming lost media until it was remastered in 2018 and localized
>>428733 you could have said that first instead of going “GRRRR HOW DARE YOU LIKE A COMPOSER I DONT LIKE?” guess people who are fans of rage comics are the same as the rage guy
>>428747 You shouldnt feel bad for him in the slightest Shit happened to him but he still chooses to act like a 16 years old faggot despite being a grown ass man
>>428749 With all due respect, most of, if not, all the problems with Nimbus end up being caused by him. Either it's his own idiocy, his immaturity, or whatever, but point is, I'm damn sure your mod will be better off not having Nimbus in it
>>428750 Him getting groomed by Jig was also his fault too somewhat Guess the guy never learned what “Do not trust strangers on the internet” Didn’t he see the red flags when this 20 year old whore was trying to befriend him when he was 15?
>>428752 Quite honestly, all I've seen from him is that he's one big ball of trouble. Call me headstrong, but I feel like that's the reason why he has a curse on him
>>428773 >>428774 desuarchive archives plenty of boards on my end, including /co/, but they indeed don't archive /v/. Not sure if anything does that now that b4k went down.
>>428415 >I swear, every post mocking something or saying anything in a sarcastic tone with an image of God Z attached fits so well for some reason. His general design, idle and poses always have a smug aura to them. That’s probably why he works so well with the mockery of something / someone and sarcastic posts.
>>428710 Not like the official mod looks better. FNF D-sides 3.5 monster teaser gf looks like a shitty HD sprite while bf is a trace of that one bf idle sketch PA did.
>>428801 >toothgap + patch on the hat = totally different from normal bf This fat retard always thinks with his dick so it must have been very hard for him to come up with something original. If this mod was supposed to take place many years after the og Sky mod then why doesn’t either Skyblue or Grandson BF look more futuristic?
>>428805 >If this mod was supposed to take place many years after the og Sky mod then why doesn’t either Skyblue or Grandson BF look more futuristic? Addde is definitely not the type of person to be faithful to any source material or be into sci-fi.
>>427885 Sticks and Stones gameplay with new art assets. reposting new Robbery gameplay with new assets in game. Robbery gameplay: All of this is in Codename engine. The song Sticks and stones might be remixed/remade for v2
>>428811 I was thinking of doing V-Slice, but the coder said codename is more easier to work with in his opinion. there will maybe be a V-Slice port of some sorts in the future after V2 gets released.
>>428834 Got any other indie games that you're looking forward to? Mine's picrel, it's literally becoming my new FNF and slowly becoming my new obsession.
>>428472 >>428474 PLEASE. COME BACK AND SHOW SOMETHING NEW MAN. Unrelated, but I like how this thread has managed to survive over 2 months and is able to show all of the drastic events that happened in the past. >>428858 Emailanon...
>>428863 nta but I think it just people losing interest or got too frustrated and moved to other generals. the main general isn’t more active than it usually is and if people moved from the chatango and p4c there would be some kind of interaction.
>>428867 I always knew even shitposters and obnoxious meltdowns will have their big droughts. /funkg/ may finally be "decent" or whatever if the thread keeps going for a few years, unless if the FAG finally releases that is.
Jesus fuck, it's incredible how soulful the 2023 threads were compared to now. I guess you can say it's basically the pre-boogeyman era or whatever you want to call it.
>>428895 only dave n bambi seems to have calmed down exefags are still the cancer with aethos catching up to them sky is essentially a glorified hugbox where you can only be uwu wholesome and no darker themes in the slightest
>>428897 >i stil remember the raped sky thing it was funny seeing the skyfags getting mad over her and her creator (lordovercast) is chill but the fact that SMC5 threw away his Jebus mod for a mod based on her is honestly pathetic and retarded
>>428899 >Did DnBfags finally realize how boring and repetitive spamtracks are? nope it just fell out of relevance, compared to exe which is still everywhere
>>428905 >Not sure how Felipe's going to back away from this one. Just don’t bother him about it. He has gone somewhere for a few days, which means he has no idea this happened. Do not harass or mock the guy about it unlike your average maintard.
>>428907 Someone's going to take the responsibility to dm him all of this. Also, post good songs with bad source materials, I'm feeling for some rare goods right now.
>>428908 >Someone's going to take the responsibility to dm him all of this. Just don’t do it. The dude already has enough shit going on his life, best not to screw with him.
>>428904 If I had to guess, he knew what he was signing up for and doesn't care. It's like Shakespeare said, what's in a name? He's not endangered as it takes way more than that to find a person, looking up the name only takes you to his work anyway.
>>428925 >faked suicide Playing with people’s morals is the easiest way of getting clout huh? At this point real suicide posts will be looked with skepticism due to these attention whores.
>>428931 Release is the only song here that does not suck ass in the slightest. I hope Yingyang has given Hex a proper voice in V3. Mike Geno has shown to not have improved since ‘21.
>>428938 >I hope week 8 would tone the general’s hyperfixation on pico down That really depends if the OC is a hot female character or just a really cool guy.
>whine like a bitch about releasing mod stuff when PA wanted you to >cause the death of osm >but still get hired for the full-ass game How did he do it?
>>428993 I can see that. As far as I can tell, the main thread is finally having regular conversations with the exception of /pol/rie, although he's basically like a swattable fly at this point. trannies seethe at removing something that ruins the art you might see a few recognizable names in the replies and the retwts
>>428998 >will turn to shit after the update Eh? outside of the pico's autism,I don't think anons will be as obnoxious as last year. unless they start bitching about rayuko and rxdial again
>>428999 rayuko is irrelevant at this point and some have started to appreciate red after 4 years of shitposting about him the shitposters will probably use beings like asher or other tango users for their posts