>>422093 If Duke Nukem has a sister would her name be Duchess Nukem?
The fact he goes around nailing so many bitches must mean he has more than a few bastards running around, would a son be named Duke Jr in his honor? Maybe also King or Earl? (Not sure what a good name for a daughter of his would be)
>>421874 OP, when you invariably jump on the chance to start another fanart thread to post more furry pix (which you invariably will) I challenge you to make the OP image at least one high quality piece of gaming fanart that doesn't feature any anthro or furry characters at all.
If you are so obsessed with Sonic stuff why don't you just stick to the cavalcade of comic threads over on /co/ instead of filling up other threads with only them?
>>423220 On one hand you aren't posting furry art. On the other its still kinda boring as your only alternative, Nintendo softcore fapbait.
Its just such a limited pool of interests, carried out in an almost botlike fashion since its done without any sign of human qualities involved. For instance try engaging in conversation some time.
>>423439 It can be recognized as the same character because of how he moves in each game. Not many other characters staple move is spinning 6 times in a row, then using his sword as a helicopter, a pogo stick, sitting down to jack off (restoring health) and doing a harakiri.
Looney Tunes once experimented with this by the way. They made Daffy look radically different each time, at one point completely ERASING him, and he was still instantly recognizable from his mannerisms and his voice (later it turned out the "animator" for the episode was just Bugs dicking around). I think the cartoon won an award for that. So yeah, this point was already made 50+ years ago.