>>188480 /co/ is not the most reliable of sources. But nevermind, I did find something official: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/i-played-with-fire-in-platinum-game-s-the-legend-of-korra/1100-6420711/
>>189945 Yeah, it's a lot more treble than bass, I can give you that. And some songs can get a little too high (looking at you, Gravity Beetle), but overall it's not too bad. Tunes are still pretty solid in my opinion.
>>193715 He apparently wants to do a Knights of Sidonia game because he loves the series so I'd assume it would turn out similar to ZOE with a dating sim stapled to it, not that it will probably ever be made or if it does that Kojima would be involved, but man it'd be cool.
>>193725 I would argue MGS3 is one of the best games ever made. I know people ride that dick hard, but the game really earns it. Hell it's the only story driven game I've replayed more than 3 times. Almost every other year I find myself coming back to it and usually story driven games like that don't have nearly as much lasting appeal and replay value. At least to me.
>>193738 Agreed... and its not because of any extraordinary reason, really! The story is engaging and interesting, all the characters have individual story arcs that humanizes them all in a chaotic setting, we see a main character humbled and grow based on his in-game experiences, and its really well capped off with larger-than-life setpieces to give the story an overall sense of progression.
Its my absolute favourite game for sure, and I'm certain there's many, many more who agree.
Now imagine a Metal Gear starring The Boss set in WW2.
>>193738 It finds the right balance between absurdity and complex deep storytelling, and doesn't require any previous knowledge of MGS except for a few in-jokes. It's also a very long game without feeling bloated at all.
I'm guessing music by composers known mostly for work in video games is related enough to go here? https://soundcloud.com/junechikuma https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jun_Chikuma
I am on the verge of tears. Capcom fucking nailed it. Not since the CPS2 days has Ryu’s theme sounded this fucking good. They finally made the definitive version of Ryu’s theme and I am in complete fucking awe.
The game's not even finished yet, and I already know I'll be buying the soundtrack: https://soundcloud.com/leila-wilson-woofle/freedom-planet-2-dragon-valley
>>201670 Well you see, there is no remastered version. The entire soundtrack was released on CD same year as the game. It was mixed perfectly, and what the public got was of highest quality. You cannot take something perfect and "make it even better", that is not how technology works.
People legitimately believe "remastered" means "I took the file, applied digital magic to it, and magically made it sound better". Nobody knows what words mean anymore, and nobody know anything about technology, despite living in the most technologically advanced age yet.
It's the same when people search for "Samurai Jack HD". The show was coloured in standard definition, HD masters of it do not exist due to never having been made.
>>201676 >>201670 ........ well crap. I think I misunderstood you. While the original soundtrack cannot really be remastered, the PS3/4 ports did replace some of the samples in the music, making it sound different. Different, not better.
But do listen to the 2 versions and compare for yourself.
//youtube.com/watch?v=y_nY7iH-3rQ It's a shame the budget is showing by them having to recycle several boss themes in the game. But they're all so great that I didn't mind it that much. Still, having even more themes of this quality would've been so good.
>>193738 MGS3 is, because of both its story and game design, one of those experiences that perfectly creates the innate wish that one could play it for the very first time again. It's one of the best examples of any piece of media that captures this feeling. For me at least. It's insanely replayable for sure, but it's one of those things that just has a magic to it like that. I can only think of a few other games that managed to pull this off for me, Deus Ex, Psychonauts, and Disco Elysium being a few others. Sure a lot of great games are very replayable and that makes them wonderful, but it's just something about that first time of going blind into the journey that makes the feeling special. It's almost pure magic.
And to keep on topic //youtu.be/7md_gd3HuMQ?si=WrZkclljERj6JNVw //youtu.be/jT-qjyJKtzU?si=NZZiGd9uDhjPCozz //youtu.be/6aPX8nqJ1zY?si=_zWB3werwqJ6_CFA //youtu.be/Xb3adEypLcI?si=oYS8spqAzN2T04Gs
By the end of book one I was "why does this basic-bitch VN have such a huge reputation? and a slapping soundtrack?" but then I kept reading... Don't know why I even have a floor the rug keeps getting pulled out from under my feet (in a good way).