I hate that it doesn't unlock until after I leave for work, but it's probably for the best; now I'll have something to look forward to when I get home and can spend all night playing that.
So, just a tip: Don't get rid of Jaunt() as a primary. I did almost immediately after I got it, and then immediately after that I regretted it. Super useful, and you can pair it with other things so it can attack as you zoom. And during the fight after I swapped out the game helpfully told me "Press 4 to use Jaunt()", lul.
Pro-tips aside, I am greatly enjoying it, though it appears to be taxing my outdated system more than even TF2. :/ Oh, it's downloading an update right now, must have already found some bugs. Maybe that will get rid of the stuttering I've experienced.
Suddenly I want a game where the baddies are all dogs. Big dogs, small dogs, slow dogs, fast dogs, zombie dogs, pirate dogs, ninja dogs, laser dogs, dogs dogs dogs.
>>187631 Not referring to the ending, actually. More of the game overall and the really vague/loose plot - just looking at before release comments you can see a lot of people were expecting a straightforward sci-fi/kill these guys one by one story and from the trailers and the whole "surprise there's two less bosses than you think there are!" part it seems the misdirection was intentional. I dunno I'm still trying to identify a point to the whole thing - it's ultimately a romance, I guess?
I have to admit, the setting was cool enough that I honestly wouldn't mind having gotten that more normal story with more concrete characterization and the like. But that's not what they wanted to do here, and there's not going to be any spinoff material or whatever so that's just a thought.