Why? They are super useful when I go through my misc pics years later, find some typical 127876841561456.jpg file, and have to look up who or what that is. Fchan still archives the old threads too, if possible... so should we. On topic, have some Dug. Best CGI render of Sebulba I saw so far. Took the pic from a SW book in a store.
Greeata, the Rodian gal on Jabba's barge. Sadly, she is basically Greedo in a bikini (pretty sure that is the same mask and hands), with a green fabric as her "skin"... say what you will about the prequels having bad CGI but even that'd be an improvement over this, sadly.
And since people were talking about hungarian toons on PCO, here is fanart of another one you might (never) heard of, "Next, Please!" aka Dr Bubo. ;-) The show had amazing humor (written by a famous poet and humorist in the seventies), but it is totally lost in translation, so this is hard to appreciate. And while it has anthros, the art style I was never a fan of - many of them have human noses or otherwise their faces are a weird mixture of human and animal.
"Y'know, it really does feel weird hooking up with someone over the internet" This episode never gets old. :D And to think this was in 1997! I barely discovered the internet back then, but Johnny Bravo already did an episode on net dating. :D
Since we were mentioning hungarian anthro stuff on PCO... recalled something even I barely remember. As a kid I used to read a lot of the Bucó, Szeti és Tacsi comics (Szeti refers to him being an Irish Setter, and Tacsi is a weenie dog) - they were rather simplified for kids, the 3 dog kids usually trying to win a race or something, and the small-time gangster fox "Boss" and his dumb rotweiler muscle trying to cheat them out of it. Funnily, just read that after 30 years, they are making a new comic. https://port.hu/cikk/konyv/30-ev-utan-folytatodik-a-buco-szetti-tacsi/article-44287
>>417470 Usually he or she is depicted as a dumb animal, so nobody knows its gender really due to Ammut simply not talking. But in Mummies Alive, Ammut is referred to as a he.
>>417465 This. We have pics that aren't reposted anywhere. An anon claimed to be archiving plus4chan, but was only doing thumbnail images so that's not quite a replacement. If I can be certain that a user or Wayback Machine has properly archived the threads then I support their deletion.
Just got Oliver und Olivia(War of the Birds) on DVD from germany, and guess who makes a cameo to give our main character the finger... :D
>>417475 Yeah, you mentioned this in the older threads, the movie is up on Kimcartoons as well. >>417476 When I had no access to my PC and needed my collage pic of the Bratgirls from Crash Bandicoot for reference, I tried looking on Fchan, but those threads were gone and not even wayback machine could restore them. So yeah... would be best if we left the old threads as they are. I mean, we have threads on PCO reaching as back as 2012, so why not? Btw, Fchan seems to have died. Cannot load it all week.
Got this also from german ebay. Maaan the opening theme in german sure brings back memories - I first saw this show on a german channel. Only german audio, but I'll rip an english one over it eventually.
-"Stepmother, it's... not what you think! Flicker was just... erm, trying to remove something from my eye." -"With his tongue? Don't be surprised, I used such excuses myself when I was young." :D Maaan this show sure had the typical british humour.
>>417463 S'matter. you didn't like the nurse? ;) Here, have some cutie Basuti instead.
Again, all I care about is it'd be nice if there was some indicator the thread had hit bump limit besides the appearance of a new thread so I'm not sitting there like an ass wondering why it got so quiet. (It's not like they're archiving instantly given the speed of the board, which I assume is your cause for complaint. I can see where having 3 threads at once cluttering the front page could be a problem.) Didn't the old site have archiving? Are there resources available for setting up something like Desu?
From Werewolf, the Beast Among Us (2012) - rare to see such properly snouted anthro wolves, even if they barely show them standing still. And yeah, the on in the opening is a female.
Most hilarious scene in the movie? When the werewolf is being stalked by hunters in the woods, and he just... snatches an owl from a tree to put it in a trap as a decoy. :D Yes, seriously. Werewolf arm comes up behind the owl and WHOOOSH, owl'-be-gone. :D
I had to GIF of the owl-yoinking, it is so hilarious. The movie's story is actually rather interesting and has some nice twists, and finally an intelligent werewolf who is also not evil but it is rather badly acted and shot.
Image:152296883500.jpg(225kB, 1920x1080)look at this photograph.jpg
>>417491 >Again, all I care about is it'd be nice if there was some indicator the thread had hit bump limit besides the appearance of a new thread It's customary in fast-moving general threads to have the creator of the new thread make a post in the old thread linking to the new one. I think we should do the same. >Didn't the old site have archiving? I think those were just preserving threads on the old site once the new version was launched. Not sure. >Are there resources available for setting up something like Desu? I think desu & friends (foolz.fuka type archives) are open source or based on it, but are adjusted for 4chan (so you would need to change it up a lot) and require hosting (costs money). A basic webcrawler would not be too hard to set up (in fact someone on /baw/ a few month ago was planning on crawling the entire site, but was only saving thumbnail images). The issue is that you would have to store or host it, especially if you want it available for others.
IMO, the safest and easiest way is to: >1) make a post at the end of each thread linking to the next and previous threads (for some kind of basic thread navigation) >2) download Wayback Machine chrome extension and browse though all old threads opening all the image links. This should hopefully add them all to the Wayback machine. Boom, archived. I plan to do this next week if no-one has a better idea.
All the threads are still up (since we haven't hit page 10 yet). The second animals thread is temporarily inaccessible from the index since it is stuck in a gap between pages (known issue, fixed in the upcoming update, we just need more mods to help bug test it before launch). Luckily, I have access to the test site where it's fixed, so I can grab the URL through there.
Image:152299575900.jpg(255kB, 1120x630)Werewolf_The Beast Among Us.2012.BDRip-AVC_[rutracker.org]_by_Deerhoof.mkv_[2018.04.06_08.20.00].jpg
>>417498 Once you see the thread stops "bumping" and is not pushed up to the top of the page when you post, you know it reached the limit. Mind you, hard to tell here - all the other threads on /co seem kinda dead, ironically.
>>417503 ...And I can see three errors I missed already. 2nd "fly" girl from Bug Parade should be a wasp. Tried something a little different so it looks like there are more than there are. Refs and larger rez available if needed. Couldn't spot the upload limit right in front of my face.
>>417498 Thanks for addressing this. If it were a faster board, this wouldn't even be an issue. Also wouldn't be a problem for me if I actually checked the main board. 4CH's page counter has spoiled me for that.
>>417491 >Again, all I care about is it'd be nice if there was some indicator the thread had hit bump limit besides the appearance of a new thread so I'm not sitting there like an ass wondering why it got so quiet.
Got got through watching The Aviators, AKA Cher Ami. I have to say, this is in the running for the craziest funny animal movie I'm ever seen. Based on the true story of a famous WWI carrier pigeon, they've transformed it into some sort of bizarre pigeon version of Flyboys. Character animation is top tier, with some designs looking like they were lifted straight from Bluth but everything else though is bad CGI. Good movie if you're into birbs though. I'll have to see if I can grab shots of some of the QTs.
I do remember this episode, though, the car racing... one of my favourites as a kid. We had the episodes on a film reel and projected them on the wall, of course no audio... Good old times.
>>417503 I really feel we should not consider characters who look like regular people with antennae on their heads as anthro insects... With that logic you might as well include all the Andorians from Star Trek. ;) A real anthro bug should look like this.
>>417519 Sounds like Hatched? Been meaning to watch that. And wouldn't you know it, Jeff Foxworthy's in that one too! Didn't realize, the one on the left in the first pic is the male lead but I just looked it up and the real Cher Ami was misidentified as male until after "he" died! Not this one though. >>417529 Yeah, I wasn't sure about that myself. Like I said before it ate my original post, there's only so many you can include. BLG did though so I followed suit. And it gives me the numbers. ;) Same for monster girls but there were a few I couldn't resist. Then there's one's I disincluded like Fifi Le Flea from Tex Avery's The flea Circus. All she is is a tiny human. Not even antennae or a proboscis. On the other side of the coin of course there's talking animals. Speaking of not-sures, would it be crazy to include The Far Side? Went looking for one specific one, couldn't find it but found 14 others, and I havn't even gone through the whole set yet.
>>417522 >>417525 Looks like porkbelly futures are up. Those seaside episodes were a lot more interesting before I finally figured out Zayats was a boy.
>>417531 Oh yeah, he is. Just like Jerry, he is simply voiced by a girl. Plus the rosy cheeks made people think. (Zayac btw just simply means Rabbit in russian... I learned the language for like 3 years while it was still mandatory in school, before the Soviet occupation finally ended in 1990). You seen the episode with the interracial rabbit sports team? :)
>>417533 Can't say as I have. Did however recently snag a Russian one called The Dragonfly And The Ant, which I'll also be adding to my list thankyouverymuch. ;) As with The Far Side mentioned above, went looking for one thing last night and found three more with multiple chars.
Nice! Yeah there are a lot of such old soviet era cartoons. (I suppose we can say Russian, though usually these were made anywhere in the SSSR ) Here, a pan of Gecko standing sideways attached to a street light pole.
Can't see it enough times as she wails on Cheetah. After Ratel, she is the second most annoying character in the anime with her constant holier-than-thou bragging. And yeah, interestingly many of the fully anthro Brutes in the anime are cell-shaded CGI.
It's a nice touch that all 4 of them are actually different species of Chameleons. :) The guy is a Veiled Chameleon, while the girl is most likely a 2-banded Chameleon or any other Furcifer species - hard to tell because female chameleons lack the various horns and nose-pertuberances the males have.
Didn't tell you about the other movie I watched yesterday, Jungle Shuffle. Technicolor coatis, dabbing ninja monkeys and the mystery of the land-nudibranch. Not even kidding about that last. Dude's going through the jungle, bam, nudibranch. Sitting on a stump. No explanation. I figure they told the animators "put a slug in this scene. Something colorful." so they went online and found a picture of a colorful slug, without realizing it was a sea slug.
Did not see this game mentioned here yet - Ghost of a Tale. You are a little mouse thief, trying to sneak by rat guards in a prison. It's like Wind In the Willows in the middle ages. >>417548 I never heard them called nudibranchs before, I was wondering what that is, nudists on a branch? :D At any rate, never heard of that movie either, post some screens if you can.
From some new show called Final Space. I only saw a few minutes but it's like... if there is a word for this, I'd call it "edgelord animation". Like, they are trying to cram everything their mind thinks is cool and brutal and awesome into the opening, the problem is their minds got stuck in the time period they were teens.
>>417553 That style looks familiar...but yeah, they are not anthro enough for me. Like... slightly less anthro than the lemurs on All Hail King Julian, if that makes sense. These models look like 4-legged animals they changed in 3Dmax to walk on 2 legs.
>>417555 Kinda know what you mean. I think that might be intentional, since they're back and forth between gaits. I thought the girl coatiis were cute though. One more from The Aviators. One on the right is Amelie (something)Fromage. Only shows up briefly and and says her name so fast I can't catch it. Supposed to be Amelia Earhart. One on the left is Jeff Foxworthy's char, Linberg.
Where did you get this Aviators rip from, btw? I cannot find a copy anywhere, not even on Rutracker. Cute chameleon from Lion Guard, btw. Episode 17 or 18 I think.
>>417561 It's currently a freebie-with-commercials on VUDU and on Tubi. Tubi's easier to access and they've got a ton of older cartoons, albeit not all seasons yet. I was sitting on it til I finalize my herp list. ;D
>>417570 Got a link? I never heard of these sites. Are they like Kimcartoon? Huh, had to google what a manx is... Last I heard that word was in Swat Kats where the mayor was an ancestor to the Blue Manx, but I always thought it was a wordplay on Max. But you are right, I like to think she has a short tail under that toga. ;) >>417571 Well it is canon on the cartoon, as much canon as the show had. Every episode is just a Mario version of a famous movie... Man, reminds me to draw a Beyond Thunderbirdo pic! :)
Look what I found while watching Nightbreed (1990)... Yeah, anthro cheetah lady riding a dinosaur thing! Looks animatronic or a puppet. Literally just glimpsed for a few seconds at 01:02:10
Because I mentioned her, the Thunderbirdo. She's a big one! :D >>417570 Well, Vudu doesn't work... I registered, tried to log in, just says "Login Failed" over and over... I can change my password even, but it still does not let me in.
>>417572 They're like what Hulu used to be. The former is mostly pay with some freebies and the other is all free-with- commercials. (little or none for series'.) And there, see, you learned something new. ;) >>417573 Must've been quick. All I remember are Shuna Sassi and the cat dude with the too-small face. Been wondering if it's worth watching the director's cut. >>417574 Aha! So it's not just me! I watch through the smart TV app ok but I've been having the same trouble online. Tubitv at least doesn't require registration for PG and below, or it didn't anyway.
>>417575 Thanks for the info - sadly Tubi does not seem to have Aviators, at least it does not come up when I search for it. Maybe it depends on the region? Can you download or record the video in some way maybe? It'd be useful as this movie does not seem to be present anywhere online for download, not even as a TVrip. Shuna is hard to forget, yeah... :P I wish her face was more snouted and reptilian, but ah well. This was from the director's cut remastered edition, btw. I managed to find close-ups of the puppet used, she is a leopard, not a cheetah, and they refer to the puppet as a Nesta beast, though that might be the name of the lizard mount. Really sexy anthro there, looks oddly almost half amphibian, like it was a feline with a salamander's skin. http://puppetsandclay.blogspot.hu/2012/06/interview-with-rory-fellowes-stop.html
Apparently the production name for them was "Diadaria on the Mezzick-Muul" and got changed to "Nesta's beast" so that is her name, then. And yeah, this scene was cut from the theatrical release.
>>417576 Not too up on that kind of thing. Here's the direct link to it: https://tubitv.com/movies/341860/the_aviators If that doesn't work, it's probably blocked. There's a chance it might be available somewhere under it's original Spanish title, "Cher Ami... y yo! ".
I almost think I've seen these somewhere now and the name Nesta rings a bell. I see they've been trying to get a Nightbreed series going for a while now. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
From the new Ben 10 toon. His name is Xingos and he is a 2Dplatformer video game character come to life, much in the style of Bubsy. >>417581 Thanks, but it says "this content is no linger available"... I tried checking for the original title, yeah (it was up on IMDB) but no luck even on RuTracker. I read up on it, seems the rights just got sold to another studio in 2015. There is a comic book, though - just reading it. Has much better backstories for the characters than in the movie which did not elaborate enough. Odd though that the comic ended in just recently, but Wikipedia says it was released in 1990... maybe there are more comics? http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/Clive-Barker-s-Nightbreed-2014
Dunno why Ben is not surprised when he escapes from the game, or wants to kill him immediately even though Xingo did not attack him. Was he in a previous episode too? Must have missed that
I ironically found these while looking for that Nightbreed leopard gal. :) http://www.deadbreed.com/
New MOBA game in a rather gothic environment, still in beta now - the characters of interest are Demonata: eyeless/noseless demoness who reminds me of the Doom game's enemies
Found some character renders here: http://greger.cgsociety.org/art/zbrush-maya-deadbreed-1201557 And btw, sorry, seems the game is not new - it was in closed beta in 2014 and seems pretty dead now, even gone from Steam.
So there was a Howling comic book... and it is shit. Called Revenge of the Werewolf Queen, I went in thinking yay Stirba, but nope, no awesome Sybil Danning boobness erm goodness. This takes place after the first movie with a surviving werewolf lady trying to get revenge on the main character... and surprise, she actually succeeds in killing everyone. Except you don't root for her because she is totally evil, killing innocents and every human she meets. And worst of all? She looks this un-sexy when transformed. Boo-urns!
The sexy high-society kitty appears quite a lot in the Mutiny on the Bounty Hamster episode - as we mentioned, they reuse models often. She has some dialogue too finally.
Cassie: "I'm impressed!" (about the black hole) Hamster: "Me too! Those legs go on for light years!" (about Veronica in a swimsuit) And yeah it seems the Humongous ship crew is around for 3 episodes now.
He quite likely is! :) And she was rather grateful to him after he helped stop the robots... Of course that was before the rich people made Cassie and Marion (yes, that's his real name... don't remind him of it) work off the ticket prices, and they decided to instead reactivate the robots and enslave the passengers again. :D
"I love monsters, and one day I am gonna catch... I mean, befriend them all. Now get in this ball!" :D
>>417615 The one show that should have stayed dead... Seriously, one of the most boring shows ever. Whenever I saw that dinosaur as a kid, I changed channels. :D They could have bothered to at least keep the skin color correct, though.
Also, after all these seasons, we finally learned crazy gator lady's name - Allison Sandra Gator. (They try to super-fast-marry them so they can learn their neighbor's name).
WHY, DC? WHYYYY??? https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/03/23/dc-comics-publisher-dan-didio-recreates-top-cat-batman-villainn/ Seriously, Hanna Barbera will regret ever selling the liscence to them. They already completely messed up Scooby Doo in that horrible Scooby Apocalypse comic.
>>417622 I dunno what you mean, or why that is in spoiler tag, sorry?
Why in their right minds thought this was a good idea? Did DC dump all the New 52 writers to the H-B properties after they started rebirth? Did all the grimdark idiots go there?
Now for something completely different... ever heard of Primitive Wars? It's a korean Warcraft2/Starcraft-copycat RTS that was a bit too late to the game, coming out in 2001 when everything else jumped to 3D graphics already. But, what made the game memorable for me was the insane setting...
See. this game takes place in the prehistoric era, except... cavemen with Flintstone- style flying machines are only one faction. The other three are various demons and other hellspawn, a faction of spellcasting elves and fairies, and last but not least, mutant anthro dinosaur people! :)
There are several cool things in the game - sadly some of them were neutered in the english version. For starters, your units can level up, and actually increase in power, making even regular grunts be able to survive against high level enemies. XP you can get from killing not just enemies, but the various dinosaur wildlife - and the latter nets you meat! This you can distribute amongst your units, who will regenerate as long as they have meat in the inventory.
The other cool thing about the Tyrano units is, they can disguise themselves as regular dinosaurs, turning back into non-anthros! They cannot attack in this form, but they will be left alone by most enemies - of course turrets and detectors can still detect them.
Another fun special ability of the race actually comes from their shapeshifting - you can take two of the same species, like two Velocis or two Ramphos, and turn them into "cavalry" units (after research) by merging them - which basically means one of them turns into the mount the other rides. They even merge their experience points and HP as well, so it is useful to merge experienced units. :)
There was a standalone expansion called "The Ranker" that only came out in Korean that adds several more units for the Tyranos - including their ultimate flying unit, a three-headed dragon-man, that you can get from merging three high-tier units.
Found a Team Actimel comic - or rather, the art only - featuring more of Mrs Ha! She looks more wolf-like than sergal here. http://www.avaray.com/portfolio/actimel-team-collectible-comic-cards-danone-2015/#
Just hit the local library booksale and picked up a vintage promotional kids Book for Crispy Critters cereal, featuring a set of mascots I'd completely forgot existed:
Something for the vore fans maybe? ;) The camel's the lone female it seems, named Camille in the book. And here's an older commercial for it I found a while ago with something even tastier:
Damn, this game has some pretty nice anthro designs. That one-eyed lady is really cute. Unfortunately, the gameplay seems the same brainless JRPG hack and slash, and I doubt I would have the patience to play it for long. Also, of course all your teammates are just boring humans (so far), except for the cat-eared prince.
Another one called Min Ti. All of these characters you can recruit for your kingdom via the most cookie cutter fetch quests ever (y'd think a king would not need to run around bringing omlettes or thread to random people)
Remember that bug girl dating simulator? Well... it is up on Steam now, in english. https://store.steampowered.com/app/356450/Creature_Romances_Kokonoe_Kokoro/
So I bought some Devilman Lady collector cards - that show models of many of the anthro "Devil Beasts" from the show. Here are the scans. I mostly did it for Harpy, of course... she looks amazing. Blue anthro busty bird-demon with a reptilian snout, who has a feather-crown like the real life Harpuia birds.
Wilber aka Wolven/Wolver - he is the first devil beast Jun fights, basically she is thrown in with him in a cell, and finds out she can transform to Devil Lady. Basic werewolf guy with weird outside ribs.
Fayrace (LOL, not Rayface?) - she was a girl madly in love with Jun and her possessive instinct turns her into an anthro cat in a second "cat hat" on top of her head with extra bug eyes, and 3 tails. She claws into Jun (oddly, you'd think she would want to have sex with her) and she hugs her to death as Devil Lady.
Chika - she is actually a good devil beast. Only transforms to save her friends from the army. Reminds me a lot of that Batman TAS episode where Selina Kyle got turned into a cat-lady
The Season 4 Episode 5 of Ultimate Spiderman, Lizards, involved people transforming into lizard men. This includes Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons who originated in Agents of Shield TV Series.
More Hoi Den, from Ni no Kuni 2 >>417694 Yeah, I posted that back when that episode aired like a year ago. Sadly, no boobs on the transformed females. In a later episode or season, Crossbones turns into the Lizard too for a while.
Muriel, cute kitty NPC from Ni No Kuni 2 >>417697 I never got the appeal of that game, honestly. Sure multiple paths and funny NPCs, but the "combat" I found really annoying, and this "trying to look like DOS/NES games" retro thing needs to die fast. Braid proved that you can make 2D platformers look artsy without making everything a pixelfest.
>>417695 That show tries to be MLP FiM but it just does not work. Plus I hate the designs. Worst kind of cutesy-vutesy. It would make Hello Kitty die of sugar overdose.
>>417677 Holy crap I just watched this. It's the magic scroll episode of Xena, only with slightly less fish. Thanks for capping that scene BTW. It goes by so fast you miss half of it.
>>417697 It's always about the waifus. Alwaaaaaays....
Part of Undertales appear is that it deconstructs the RPG Genre and one of the influences is from the Mother / Earthbound franchise. Since it was a kickstarter project, one of the backers designed a miniboss, Muffet the Spider.
Image:152443867600.jpg(836kB, 1912x1072)LEGO NinjaGo - Masters Of Spinjitzu - S07E09 - Out Of The Fire And Into The Boiling Sea.mkv_[2018.04.23_01.07.08].jpg
Machia is so competent, it is downright scary. And also, utterly loyal to the Hands of Time. Quite an accomplishment for someone literally made up of a bunch of hive-mind snakes.
Apparently this is a thing? Never heard of this meme, but reminds me of BoJack... http://news.toyark.com/2018/04/19/mr-horse-memes-no-sir-dont-like-297299
Aggretsuko premiered on Netflix last Friday. We have Retsuko, an overworked Red Panda who vents off stress by doing Death Metal Karaoke. And this is from the creators of Hello Kitty.
There is also Fenneko the Fennec Fox and Haida the Hyena
Howard the Duck just appeared on GotG. Sadly he is not much more than a glorified questgiver NPC
>>417722 Ants? Are ants on the internet now? And ants are furries? :D Weird looking show... does this mean it is anime made for Netflix? I know Devilman Crybaby was like that, but still find it weird.
It is an anime exclusive to Netflix which it is classified as Original Net Animation (ONA). And prior to the Netflix series, Aggretsuko was a TV Anime with 100 one-minute shorts.
The series contains a yoga instructor who only says "protein."
From some show called Deep Space 69... really weird artstyle, but that's totally R63 Falco. http://kimcartoon.me/Cartoon/Deep-Space-69/Episode-19-Sirens-Part-3-Vega-5?id=82654
So there is a Maja die Biene movie out, CGI... Surprised people still remember this cartoon, but then again nostalgia is heavy these days. https://youtu.be/SucY0s6WK4w
The Hauk'ka are not really nice - they eat their enemies, after all - but I like how the comic still does not portray them as all evil depraved beings. Love this pic of the soldiers talking, one showing a photo of his kids (erm, eggs) to the others, and another chewing bubblegum. :D
>>417745 Originally known only as The People. They debuted in the first Ms. Marvel series.
Damn, I may have to get back into collecting and go back and pick up all the Alan Davis stuff I missed. (not the first time he's done dinoids btw. he did a couple issues featuring an alternate dino world back in Excalibur.
Was this Wolfsbane? From the first episode of Wolverine and the X-Men. She only appears as a prisoner of the MRD they free.
>>417751 They did? The wiki says that was the Saurians. Those also appear in this issue but they are a different species. http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix4/lizardpeople.htm http://marvel.wikia.com/wiki/Hauk'ka
This is a funny What-If? to read... everyone is a snake-man/woman. :) Set wins and turns most heroes and villains to snake minions. And yes, Wolfsbane is a furry wolf-snakewoman. :D http://readcomiconline.to/Comic/What-If-1989/Issue-25?id=64379
>>417753 Ah. My bad. Right scenario, wrong race. I read the Saurians had been moved to the savage land and didn't realize there were two different groups of lizards. (insert speciesist "they all look alike" joke) It was enough of a surprise to find out they wern't all wiped out by the Dire Wraiths in Rom.
Oh man, I cannot recommend this show enough. :) The BBC did an adult, foul-mouthed dark comedy cartoon about Serengeti wildlife, and it is british humor at its best, it is bloody brilliant. I enjoy Jenny the leopard and Oliver the crocodile the best. :) http://kimcartoon.me/Cartoon/Tales-From-The-Serengeti
>>417755 Yeah there are a lot of lizard races in the Savage Land now, if you count whatever the heck Sauron is as well. :D And funny you should say that, that's exactly what a Saurian prisoner tells Nightcrawler when he thinks the two races are the same.
LOOOL the asshole marabu trying to draw off Jenny from her kill was epic. -"Wow, you are like, the slowest cheetah I have ever seen. Pretty chunky for a cheetah, too." -"I am not a cheetah, you idiot. I am a leopard." -"Oh so you are like a cheetah, but slow. Basically a shit version of the cheetah"
>>417762 Not true! They made the decision to change the premise after trying to pitch to several network for at least a year. They believe this new premise is more DOABLE, as in "we can make regular episodes cheaper and quicker".
They promised that if this new version is successful, the sequel will have everyone properly aged up, and going on fantasy adventures.
Yeah the greek gods apparently exist in Duck Tales, huh. >>417763 So any idea when this toon is gonna happen, and which channel will sponsor/air it? >>417765 Guess we have different standards... I found it woefully average. It was just another Romeo & Juliet story with added rich/poor class thing thrown in (probably an allegory for the indian caste system, this was an indian movie, right?) Sadly they totally missed the opportunity to develop the side characters - all the snakes in the snake charmer's basket were frankly far more interesting characters than our main heroes, but we barely spent any time with them, even the "rival" girl quickly turned into an ally and that was that. Mostly though this movie should have needed a more believable villain than the anrgy snake charmer who goes to ridiculous lenghts to capture a snake... guy was Dick Dastardly levels of "stupid evil".
>>417765 And I still cannot for the life of me understand what idiot thought it would be a great idea to have secretary birds be the "border guard" working for the rich snakes. Those birds EAT SNAKES in real life... This makes zero sense. Other than having some snake characters who are finally not evil (since well, they are all the main characters so logically they have to be good) I feel this movie only exists to be put on the "Reptiles are abhorrent" TVTropes page as an example where the trope has been totally subverted.
>>417766 They gave up on putting it on TV for now. They made the decision to make a PILOT ONLY, and crowdfund it (this year). With the pilot done, they will decide where a potential show will be shown, if there is interest. IF the show is successful, a sequel set several years later will be made. You can listen to all the juicy behind the scenes here: https://soundcloud.com/the-dnn/animation-estination-123-skynamic-studios
>>417770 Well, the Greek were not always very imaginative when naming their gods. After all Hades is the name of both the Underworld and the God of the Underworld. :P Btw, found this review of Sahara and it reminded me of another problem with the movie... really, snakes eating watermelons??? Just... who came up with that idea? :D I guess they wanted to downplay the fact ALL snakes are carnivores, but they could have made him eat an egg (he looks like a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dasypeltis anyway)... You probably remember these snakes from the movie Serengeti Show. Boy I loved that as a kid, now knowing how many animals they drugged and killed for that movie, not so much... //youtube.com/watch?v=FbfUMAiMgUM
As for the screens I am attaching, yeah, with my PC fixed it's high time I got back to editing Adventures of T-rex (adding the english audio to the higher quality french video). Sadly, still missing the english dubs of a lot of episodes...
Beyond Good and Evil 2 will have a lot of anthros, it seems, though the graphics are geared towards real-life-like realism. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-beyond-good-and-evil-2-gameplay-footage-shown-/1100-6458710/
Managed to find these - Adventures of T-rex collectable cards (or cromos as Spain calls them). Sadly watermarked but you can find scans here. http://lacromoteca.blogspot.hu/2018/01/t-rex-panrico.html
Image:152563787900.jpg(110kB, 640x480)The Adventures of T-Rex 11 - Screwloose.mp4_[2018.05.06_22.14.14].jpg
For those who like uniform/armor loss, plenty of it happens to the T-Rex brothers in episode 11. ;) Also, shameless self-promotion I know, but I continued the remastering of the episodes. Episodes 9 to 11 added to the Kametsu thread. https://kametsu.com/topic/48320-mega-the-adventures-of-t-rex-1992/
>>417781 Thanks for the links. I found the old animation with grown-up heroes to be better, like this: //youtube.com/watch?v=pQPhW0aLHX8 As I see, the new one seems to be just the run of the mill Harry Potter magic school with a rival "house" instead of the villains. Also they really just call the rooster kid "Elder"? I feel they need to rework some of the names, they remind me of fanfics.
Image:152580862200.jpg(119kB, 640x480)The Adventures of T-Rex 14 - The Comeback Kid.mkv_[2018.05.08_21.37.08].jpg
Wow, Adder (or Madder) is buff.
>>417791 Yeah, hate how most movies just totally neglect the supplementary material. See also the Dragons cartoon or Kung Fu Panda... The same studio does them, it would not be hard to make the series writer and the movie writer sit down for a talk for a day.
Image:152580871100.jpg(112kB, 640x480)The Adventures of T-Rex 14 - The Comeback Kid.mkv_[2018.05.08_21.37.24].jpg
-"Freeze!" -"Well, dressed like that, you will." And yeah, not sure why he had to undress to his undies just to get his gun out of the overalls. Fanservice? :D
Finally found a design collage of the melee snake-lady form of Katarina from the ARPG The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. I would love if I could somehow view the models in this game, it has a lot of cool steampunk monsters and a lot of anthros too, like electrical cyborg werewolves - plus sexy female monsters like naked Rusalkas (water spirits)
>>417794 The main reason is that the creators never wanted to make that supplementary material. It is almost always released to make money ONLY. Creators either want to make sequels, prequels, or NOTHING (and move on to something else). Why would a creator make his/her personal vision canon to some story that they did not even want to exist in the first place?
The ultimate nazi mutant supersoldier... Swine Kampf. :D Maaan that pun is so terrible, it is good. Also, he looks kinda like Vader. From Supermansion's new season.
>>417801 But how do you assume that? Why would the "creators", which is a nebulous term anyway, since most of these movies are created by a LOT of different writers, directors and editors - not just 1 person - would not like to fill in the blanks between two series? I did that ALL the time as a kid. I had my own fan theories about what happened say, between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, as did a lot of people... and likely Lucas had his own ideas, too. It's simply, FUN.
Wow, guess who will back in DuckTales... Don Carnage and his Sky Pirates! Makes me wonder... can Baloo show up too? //youtube.com/watch?v=-RIHH3EQwL0
>>417803 I dunno. I think it is more due to them simply being lazy and not hiring a guy responsible for continuity... like what editors are in comic publishers.
>>417804 According what every case I researched, the creators (yes, I am using plural this time) did not want to make the supplementary material, so the company hired those who would. When you are making a sequel to your own work, all the comics and books can go to Hell, you're pursuing your own vision.
Image:152611499500.jpg(401kB, 1280x720)1x11 - Beware The B.U.D.D.Y. System!.mp4_[2018.05.12_10.48.11].jpg
Guess who else makes a return in Ducktales. :)
>>417809 As I said, that is why the company needs to enforce its vision. Writers/creators can be primadonnas and if given too much control... well, things like Wesley Crusher can happen.