Seems the previous thread stopped bumping=
As before, any cartoon/comic/videogame anthro character is welcome here (unless they have their own threads already). Porn goes to /PCO
Hecate is from Devil Survivor, or this anthro iteration of the Triple Goddess of the Moon, Witchcraft and Crossroads is from Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine, an MMO.
>>243188 The individual volumes are good enough, and if someone did a collection, it would be too thick to turn the pages without stretching the spine.
He is not the first cartoon version of the Lizard (that was in 1967), but he is one of the cutest. :) From the 1981 Spiderman series, episode "Lizards, lizards everywhere!" Found a HQ link today.
Oddly enough, he is never mentioned to be Dr. Connors, can talk properly when transformed, and is never turned back into a human. Also, he takes way more care of his labcoat than the later versions. :)
>>243298 Have we talked about how weird it is Ice Age has gone from a feeling of melancholy dread as everyone is silently aware they are on the verge of extinction to wacky hijinks with everyone having a girlfriend?
The sketch actually is a really fun parody on how quickly a singer's style changes - in this one, Amber Twinkles, a Britney Spears-like "Dash gorn it me am so innocent yet slutty" popstar goes on an interview, and during the course of it, in mere seconds evolves her style from that to goth punk drug addict, weird Lady Gaga style with a Geordi visor and a guy dressed as a robot dog and then... naked anthro velociraptor. :D
>>243302 The movies keep adding new and new characters and not knowing what to do with them, so they keep them around without any plans on that. I made the mistake of watching 4, don't think I will watch 5. Though on the girlfriend front, Diego's snow-sabertooth forced love interest (who literally had no reason to switch sides in that movie) does not seem to be in 5, at least she isn't in the trailers.
The new Disney series Elena of Avalor officially debuts Friday in the states, and among the cast are three creatures called jaquins named Migs, Skylar and Luna.
Based on having just watched the preview first episode, I think it's actually pretty good. Even though it shares the same world as Sofia the First, it skews considerably older in its demographic, and it delivers in the waifu department so I expect it to get a bit more /co/ attention than Sofia ever did, for better or worse.
-"That "You are Secretariat" scene? Oh, it made me wet." -"It made you wet?" -"Yeah. 'Wet' is manatee slang. It refers to a feeling of comfort and warmth, because of our natural habitat, water." -"Oh, okay." -"It also made me really horny."
Odd, is a high quality rip of the movie out already? It's not even in the theaters in Hungary. Mind you I decided not to watch any more of that series after IV, it was terrible.
Snake mom! I wonder where she gets the milk from... :D
That's Fchan for you. Large segments of FA and SF seem to be pretty jake with it. Anyhoo...
Anyone else catch some of the chars they've been using in Mr. Pickles, esp. the Astronaut Dolphin Detective segments? Not sure if they're suitable for /co though.
Didn't think I'd like it at first but it's one of those too screwed-up not to watch kind of shows. Character designs may not be the greatest but there's some fun stuff sprinkled around.
>>243574 Well all he had to do was save him from being gang raped by pedophiles, but he went the extra mile and also constructed an elaborate ruse so he can continue to believe in the tooth fairy.
>>243556 Last I checked she was trying to be this decade's Madonna. Hell, Weird Al even made an awesome parody of her - which her agents tried to take down. //
I think it says a LOT about Adult Swim that shows like that and Brickleberry weren't cancelled and got renewed for another season. For the record, I only know Mr. Pickles from Atrocious Animations, and it did not endear me to watch it.
Ugh. Other shows were sacrificed to keep that Tosh O heap alive on Comedy Central. RIP Ugly Americans.
FX did the same bullshit killing a likely solid written show from the Archer producers (Cassius & Clay) to Green Light another glamour project for a comedian.
Post Apoc American South with Lady Bounty Hunters. I'd watched.
I think it says far worse of them that they continue to renew live action crap year after year. And it's not like they're going to be airing furry Shakespeare anytime soon. Now, one of the tamer examples from Mr. Pickles, Dear Boy. Half Deer, half Italian. Which half he gets the fur from, I don't know.
>>243589 People need to stop using "Shakespeare" as a synonym for "good writing". Sure, the man was an influential figure at the time, but his stuff was not that great. He just wrote the most entertaining plays back when half the population was illiterate.
Diane's new job leads her to this mousey girl, who runs "women for women" society website. And I only realized after a while how rather revealing her attire is...
>>243592 Indeed - but I bet he is a mouse because of the Geronimo reference.
>>243596 I am still snickering at how someone can have a name like "Butterscotch". :D No wonder he turned out to be a big sociopath.
Took me a while to realize that holy cow, that shirt is totally translucent. You can see her fur pattern underneath... meaning those pockets on the shirt are rather conveniently placed. :D
Wow! Unless I don't remember something from the previous season, she is quite the surprise appearance. Guess we will find out in Season 4 (already announced!) - probably a daughter Bojack never knew?
>Kazerad sold a bunch of merch >all the suggesters can now ask for 0.05% royalties because he's made money off their intellectual property inb4 someone take this seriously and debates fair use/moral rights
>>243631 I still don't understand how you can make merchandise off of an MS Paint webcomic that updates maybe once in 10 years. Are people's feelings for their cat waifu that strong?
Unless I have missed some episode of the old D&D cartoon, first time ever of an animated D&D kobold to appear on the TV screen! Yay! :) (From Harmonquest, episodes 4-5. Watch it btw, really funny).
>>243667 I do hope so! The only set she comes with is too large and pricey. And after all, the other demon generals already had their toys. Only she and Jestro have no ultimate sets yet.
>>243668 Lego is a grey area... especially for monsters like her. See, she has no nose (well, no Lego figure has) so I can just pretend she is reptile-headed like say, a D&D salamander.
Just saw the trailer for Dungeon Punks - a Golden Axe-like game with flash graphics, and many of the playeable characters are anthros, like a blue werewolf, a female Anubis, or even a lizardman.
I have completed a row in the Bunny List for Bunday as it was last updated at the end of 2014. I replaced the Judy Hopps photo since Zootopia was released.
Image:147058150600.jpg(159kB, 1920x800)Gods of Egypt 2016 1080p BluRay x264 DTS-JYK.mkv_snapshot_00.34.01_[2016.08.07_16.40.10].jpg
I loved the version of Anubis in Gods of Egypt - finally he is not portrayed as a villain, but as the neutral and impartial guide of the dead and protector of the underworld.
>>243787 Neat! Was about time someone worked on it. Who is Kaboozey btw? Present on FA/DA somewhere? Or not an artist?
Eyes must be worse than I thought. I don't see Daisy Lou on there anywhere. I've have to look it over closer but I can think of 4 or 5 more that don't seem to be on there and probably should.
Must say, the latest issue of DC Rebirth Wonder Woman was pretty touching. I like this new relationship between Diana and Cheetah - looks like here they were friends before she got cursed by the evil god, and while she craves to eat human flesh, he hates her nature and wants to break the curse.
Image:147168548700.jpg(34kB, 540x360)The Woodcutters Wealthy Sister [Britannicas Tales Around The World] [Low, 360p].webm_snapshot_01.23_[2016.08.20_11.30.47].jpg
Sexy Rakshasa lady from an animated fairy tale (The Woodcutter's Rich Sister), from Britannica's Tales Around the World. Thanks to IHE's Disney-ripoff reviews that I found this!
Image:147170698500.jpg(20kB, 540x360)The Woodcutters Wealthy Sister [Britannicas Tales Around The World] [Low, 360p].webm_snapshot_03.05_[2016.08.20_17.26.34].jpg
I guess the moral is, if your wife says she saw an anthro cat-woman fight a cow in the middle of the night outside your window, you are supposed to believe her? ..Part of me thinks she didn't want to eat them, just to scare away the wife so she can bang the woodcutter. :D
Image:147170757800.jpg(23kB, 480x360)Beauty And The Beast [Britannicas Tales Around The World] [Low, 360p].webm_snapshot_05.46_[2016.08.20_17.39.00].jpg
The rather werewolf-like Beast, from the same Britannica series's Beauty and the Beast!
Image:147170759900.jpg(20kB, 480x360)Beauty And The Beast [Britannicas Tales Around The World] [Low, 360p].webm_snapshot_05.05_[2016.08.20_17.38.39].jpg
Image:147173051400.jpg(2.21MB, 1680x2583)Flash Gordon 003-021.jpg
Beast-Men from the 2014 Flash Gordon comic series from Dynamite.
>>243973 Nobody cares about what you think. I am just posting new pics and characters, which is what this thread is for. If they are used as references for R34? The better. Seems you have never checked to see who that someone you bemoan actually is, or you'd know I specialise in R34 and fanart of obscure anthros. So why act surprised? Come back when you have a name. Maybe then someone will take you seriously. (Not me though).
I guess Rob Schneider and Tom Kenny needed money very, very badly... 'cause while this is not Ratatoing levels low, it is a terribly animated mess of a movie.
Trust me, I'd have much rather posted the canine lapdancer, the toad queen getting shtupped or even the feral BDSM party but I gather that's /pco. Didn't leave too many other options.
BTW, the music video artist's a she.
OBcontent, on the off chance some people here haven't seen her yet, Cooch from Supermansion:
Image:147237247500.jpg(307kB, 1920x1080)[HorribleSubs] One Piece - 754 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.20_[2016.08.28_10.13.23].jpg
Thanks to Alkali for notifing me, apparently One Piece started the story arc that has the "Mink Tribe" (yeah basically furries) in it.
>>244007 Yeah, I have posted pics of Cooch in the previous thread. That series got surprisingly good by the end. Hope they renew it. Also, the anthro T-rex dude whose name Rex stole was a funny villain.
Figured as much. It's new to me since Crackle's only just started making with the ads strongly.
Just caught Heavy Metal 2000 on there the other day and thought of you. I imagine it's safe to assume you're already well acquainted with that too. Suck-ass animation but plenty of lizards. (plus the few interesting xenos)
Image:147249339600.jpg(32kB, 564x360)Josie and the Pussy Cats in Outer Space - Episode 1 [Low, 360p].mp4_snapshot_05.04_[2016.08.29_19.14.57].jpg
And Cator, the leader of the Cat People (yes, they are that unimaginative to call themselves cat people). Kinda reminds me of an anthro Ravage with all the angular lines. >>244055 Thanks! Yeah, I know that one, haven't screencapped it yet though. Just thought about it today to rewatch it as I stumbled on some posters for that movie.
Sacred 2 wasn't a great diablo clone, but it sure had the bustiest harpies I have ever seen. Wonder how those epic boobs do not cause them problems while flying, LOL! :)
of course, that was in the expansion, I mainly played as a Temple Guardian, 'cause who wouldn't want to play in a fantasy world as a super-advanced Anubis robot with lasers and buzzsaws and flamethrowers? :D Joke aside, it was a fun class, plus Anubis robots! The various helmets you found were also pretty cool.
Mewsette, from the rather funnily named animated movie Gay Purr-ee! :D Keep in mind, this movie is dated 1962- the word "gay" meant something totally different then than now. Otherwise, it is remarkably similar to Artistocats, while the style makes me think of late era Chuck Jones.
>>244072 WOW! They finally have proper humanoid anthros in that franchise. Love their designs. Classic 60's low budget sci-fi schlock space amazons. :D
>>244073 Yeah, just watched it on the weekend, it was terri-bad. You ask me, the series went downhill after the first one already, much like Shrek. Bobsheaux said it best, Ice Age is on a good path to become the new Land Before Time of our age - one good movie, countless sequels of steadily worsening quality. Except, theirs make it to the theatres still. I mean, Diego and Shira were barely in Ice Age 5. The latter felt like an afterthought, she has like 3 lines, and neither of them contributes to the plot or has a story arc. And don't even get me started on Brooke and the stupid fountain of youth part...
>>244076 >the series went downhill after the first one already, much like Shrek >thinking Shrek 2 was anything but great Leave it to the german to have the wrongest opinions.
Heh, two of the silliest TMNT characters made a comeback... as the dynamic duo of crimefighters - Wingnut and Screwloose!
After they steal the crystal that gave them life (yes, they are comic book characters of the true Adam West variety) they turn more bestial and more resembling their old toys.
The sadly short-lived Skunk-Man (probably a Stinkor parody) from Son of Zorn. "Well, at least he died doing what he loved... wanting to meet my family."
Image:147465018200.jpg(56kB, 1280x720)Underworld - Endless War (2011) BDRip 720p.mkv_snapshot_03.55_[2016.09.23_19.01.27].jpg
Never heard of this until now, but apparently, there is an Underworld animated special called Endless War! Featuring some cool Lycans.
For some reason, the powers that be decided that the most terrible, annoying APP ever had to get a cartoon. And no, I am not talking about Angry Birds. It's worse... it's Talking Tom. And they already made 40 episodes... (facepalm)
We finally learned who the awesome big lizard/snakeman in the new opening of Star vs. the Forces of Evil is - he is Rasticor, and he is a bounty hunter. Quite some similarities with Lockdown from TF Animated - he also has various mechanical and replacable bodyparts. Including a chainsaw-arm. That's is pretty badass. :D
>>244236 Pffft. No. I watch the first episode of EVERY new cartoon. This one, I dropped after the first episode alltogether, but since it has anthros in it, I dropped you guys a picture/link. Alicia or whatsherface is REALLY not my style - apart from the face, not much feminine about her.
Kid's storybooks don't seem to get much attention even though they involve a lot of traditional cartooning, except when they get TV shows. Probably because they're so cub-centric. They occasionally have more...interesting content though, such as the Critters Of The Night series by Mercer Mayer, of Little Critter and Little Monster fame.
>>244324 Whoops, sorry, missed your comment. They're traditional picture books AFAIK. Found another spinoff from Little Critter too, LC + The Critter Kids, with all the chars from Little Critter Up-aged. Don't know the print to picture ratio for these though. Can't find any previews.
WTF? Went to snag another image and it vanished. Oh well, looks like somebody on 4chan had the same thought not long ago anyway only they already knew about it:
>>244341 Yeah, but in the real show she barely resembles a wolf, and is nowhere near THIS feminine.'s.png/revision/latest?cb=20160218074016
The return of Augustus P. Crumhorn in the new Danger Mouse show - here as a Steve Jobs styles billionaire who owns 98% of the world already. And also he is Princess' father.
Never heard of this cartoon before - Egyxos. Sounds Italian to me, about a kid gaining ancient egyptian powers. Naturally the show has some deites, like Anubis, Horus, Thoth and Apis (an anthro bull now). Here are all episodes, sadly only in 360p. //
>>244420 Yeah, he was. Looks more like a Doberman now. Btw the episode was called "Mousefall"... LOL! :D
Intro here. Think I spotted Bastet (or Sekhmet?) too sitting next to Anubis at one point. Gotta check the episodes, see if I can find them in HD //
Character bios are on the website. The good guys have Horus and Apis, and the bad guys have Anubis, Sekhmet and... Thoth? Well that's a first, making the God of Wisdom and Scribes into a villain...
Warwolf of the Howling Commandos, from a just released Hulk/Dr Strange animated movie.
>>244433 Mirage was more based on Sekhmet, I feel, as she tends to be a goddess easy to anger and known to be vengeful, while Bastet was always a protector and fertility goddess.
Get this, Bastet has a daughter called Kira! :D Exaton the evil pharaoh kidnapped her to force Bastat to assasinate Kefer, the good pharaoh. They are in episode 19. I do wonder who the father is... LOL! Horus seems to be quite smitten with Bastet, regardless. Wish I could understand the plot, but the audio is russian.
Soooo...I've been compiling a list of additions for the official lizard list on my own and I just topped 100 discrete properties, not counting individual characters within those properties, (or the few I already cited previously) plus a short list of not-sures. Counting the chars it's probably edging toward 150. (I've also been keeping a separate running tally of ones you guys mentioned in other threads that didn't get assimilated into the lizard thread for you so they don't get lost.)
Oh, and when I said 4-5 additions for the rabbit thread? That was a conservative estimate to begin with but I got going on those too and I'm currently up to 40 properties give or take. Again, not counting specific characters.
So what's the protocol here? There's still a bunch of suggestions by others ahead of me from the previous threads.
>>244432 >And Seth of all people is a good guy? Man this show is weeeeird.
If I recall my egyptian myth correctly, Seth really wasn't THAT evil. Yes, he murdered his bro, but that's pretty much the full extent of his villany, and Ra thought enough of Seth to take him as his guard. Apep would be the actual deity of evil, not Seth.
Image:147768258000.jpg(49kB, 704x480)女狼狂濡 Legend of the Wolf Woman 02 [Uncensored,Dual Audio,English Subs].mkv_snapshot_11.52_[2016.10.28_21.13.17].jpg
Anthros from Legend of the Wolf Woman. Yes, it is a hentai, but none of the anthros ever get naked, so I can post the screencaps here. ;) And as usual (WTF Japan), the only female amongst them... is just a human with wolf ears and weird facial tatoos. GAH.
>>244472 Well, he wasn't officially worshipped, as such. He USED to be good - he was the warrior god who stood in front of Ra's sun barge and fought Apep for him. (That's pretty much referenced in the Gods of Egypt movie too). But later on, he got reinterpreted as the god of the desert, evil, and foreigners (thanks to the Hyksos, whom the Egyptians had good reasons to hate) and thus he became an evil god later on.
Image:147768263900.jpg(33kB, 704x480)女狼狂濡 Legend of the Wolf Woman 02 [Uncensored,Dual Audio,English Subs].mkv_snapshot_03.21_[2016.10.28_21.05.53].jpg
>>244462 Oh, and here is an addition for the reptile list - Lilith, a serpent woman from the Conan story "Shadows in the Skull", as reimagined by Marvel Comics. Sadly, she is only ever shown in her true anthro form after being speared in the back by Conan's amazon ally.
The rest of the serpent men are apparently all men, though they indeed masqueraded as sexy scantly-clad harem girls not so long ago. :D 'dem kinky reptiles!
Image:147768292400.jpg(47kB, 704x480)女狼狂濡 Legend of the Wolf Woman 02 [Uncensored,Dual Audio,English Subs].mkv_snapshot_05.37_[2016.10.28_21.09.08].jpg
Thanks. Yeah, I didn't want to step on his toes and I wasn't sure if he was using a template or what. I suppose all I really need to know is the font. If you're on a Conan kick, you'll like this, Ishiti, daughter of Set, with her own crew of snake people:
Wolfgang and Golden Queen are a couple, apparently! :D From Skylanders Academy. Btw, show is greatly recommended. Really funny and so many references to the games only players will get.
Thanks! I knew about Ishiti, but not Tartessus. Jeesala is one of the more anthro looking ones, from King Kull.
Kulipari - Army of Frogs is out on Netflix apparently, since September... odd, didn't see anyone mention it here or on Fchan or anywhere. Seems promising, reminds me a bit of the Thundercats reboot, sort of a high fantasy cartoon. Gonna bingewatch it next week during the holidays. :)
You gotta get outside the furry-only threads once in a while. They've been posting clips of it in the webm thread here on /co. Wondered why you were so quite about it. ;)
>>244507 Too true, (Another reason I''ve been hesitant to add list suggestions) albeit so many of these things are on services I don't spring for so I would never even hear of them if somebody else didn't bring them up.
Personally, the show reminds me of season 1 of Chaotic style-wise. It looks like a similar type of flash animation, but a much more evolved grade if so.
>244515 Proceeding from this version actually:
My accumulation is currently just text lists. Probably take me a few weeks to gather up refs for the stuff that doesn't already. Some I'll probably have to foist off on the more knowledgeable.
>>244509 It's a real passion project for the author; he put a lot of his own money into the cartoon, which wasn't a whole lot, which is why it is so cheaply animated. He also kind of forced an entire book trilogy to fit into one 13 episode season, so the pace starts going out of control near the end.
>>244518 Didn't intend to sound like I was coming down on it. I was pleased and surprised the state of the art had advanced that much. I'll take any decent 2d animation over most 3d anyway.
Odd that Kisscartoon posts toddler-made youtube trash like El Comedor or Sarah and Duck, but not Lizzie.
My friend Gilgamesh reminded me, Ice Age Collision Course is out on BR, which includes the new Scrat short with the Scratazons. Sadly, they are barely in the last minutes of the 14 minute short. :(
Huh. The aliens, especially outside of their exo-armor, are a lot more anthro in Independence Day - Resurgence than I remembered from the first movie. You can find designs, CGI models, even videos on the designer's website.
The alien queen has an odder exoskeleton, it having 6 legs and 2 arms plus lots of tentacles. Love the giant two-hand-operated gun she has, including a gun arm mount.
With her armor open, the queen has a rather reptilian head and a more frail, even feminine body, with the same giant xenomorph queen-ripoff head crest though.
I am thinking that Bai Tsa should be replaced as she is more of a fish than a reptile. Does anyone think that Post Super Genesis Wave Dulcy should have her own entry?
Also, is Alphys and Bratty from Undertale should be on the updated list.
>>244577 Pesonally, I'd say Bai Tsa has enough serpentine attributes to maybe still qualify as a hybrid. Did however happen to look up silgrians before I realized they were already on the list and sources say they're avian. Anybody got a Tenchi series bible?
Look who's back in the Lion Guard... :) Was worth the wait! Zira is of course younger than before, but it is confirmed that this takes place during Lion King 2 (Kovu already met Kiara apparently).
>>244577 Nice, she looks far better than the IMHO rather ugly old version with the nose-ring. Is she only from the comics? Bai Tsa is a dragon/demon, I think, like all the other demon siblings to the main villain. She is a tad fish-like sure, but only because she is a water demon.
Zira's new voice actress: She has a song too in the episode, it's pretty good. Episode here btw:
Image:148005718800.jpg(47kB, 608x480)los vaqueros de moo mesa Epi # 22 22 español latino [SD, 854x480p].mp4_snapshot_03.35_[2016.11.18_22.45.23].jpg
For those who are interested - managed to find a much better quality TVrip of C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa, albeit in spanish. You can find all episodes here.
>>244672 So they finally ended up fixing Oedi's Species Of One status. Good for him.
Here's some vintage Herp stuff you may or may not be familiar with for Tuesday. (No acknowledged female representatives though but there's always rule 63):
>>244675 Finally as in back in 1990? :D But no, actually she is of a different species, since these issues take place in another galaxy. They are a placid, predominantly slave race - Oedi gets a lot of insults thrown his way because he gets confused with them, which starts the whole battle to the death with the planet's leader when he slaps Cookie. (Btw, that's not her name - that's rather unpronouncable, but she prefers the nickname). Also, LOL that freudian slip from Oedi... "Fine, I will get it up... I mean, I will be right up!"
>>244675 Those Gila monsters are adorable. :D They look more like skinks though. Why did you post the Supergirl one though? I did not see any anthros there, unless you meant Streaky, but he is just a talking super-cat.
>244681 Yeah but he goes back to the early 80's ;) Thought maybe the Insties had made good on their offer to him. As to her, too bad Starlin wasn't drawing her but any catgirl is a good catgirl. And holy crap, they brought Teuton back? Last time I saw him he was doing a reverse Johnny Weissmuller down an air shaft Bespin-style. >244683 You did see the villains of the issue? They had a muzzle of sorts which in my book puts them a step above the usual generic humanoid "reptilians."
Here is another artist drawing her - looks similar to something I have seen from a furry artist back in the day... -Oh yeah they brought Teuton back, only to quickly have him be mind-raped by a scientist and sent to kill Dreadstar, a plot that they never resolve even in the short lived (6 issues) volume 2 - where he ends up serving Papal. - I have mostly skim-read the series, but overall I did not like it very much, apart from the artwork and designs. It tends to repeat the same themes of "power corrupts" over and over and characters are often really underdeveloped. Cookie is a blank slate really, apart from being a spy to the rebellion and later being defined as Oedi's wife, she has no real character traits. Probably why they rarely use her apart from spewing filler lines. Same can be said for the plots, the whole "psychic powered kid" thing and especially his true origins are really a weird plot, not to mention whenever they introduce some new superpower out of nowhere. -Dreadstar himself comes off the worst, after the fights with Papal you'd think he had the foresight not to blindly throw himself into the wars of another galaxy, but nope, he ends up putting another horrible tyrant back on the throne by joining the civil war as soon as he enters this reality.
-Oh yeah, now I see them. More goblin-like than reptile, but cute.
Here is an odd dinosaur-themed kid's show I found called Saurini. The characters are rather chubby small anthro dino kids, some of them kinda remind me of Spike from MLP FiM - video at the link below.
So _that's_ how you pronounce Oedi. Huh. I don't know it much past the initial arc they reprinted as Dreadstar and Company thanks to most of Epics stuff being direct sales. Anything beyond that I picked up from discussions I think. Starlin probably didn't have much influence on later issues but he does like to repeat certain archetypal themes like specific religious motifs and the whole Thanos/Papal/Synnar thing. Also afros. If she's a newly-freed slave girl though, the lack of depth makes a certain amount of sense.
So, new Justice League cartoon (it is really good, close in style to the old JLU, especially since Bruce Timm is involved) and thus, new Cheetah! :) Must say, maybe the best one yet - looks a lot like JLU Cheetah, but with red hair, and an even more anthro face, and she finally also has the 'tear-lines' that oddly most Cheetah designs forget.
You can get the whole thing for free here: - how else do you think I read these from Hungary where barely any comics are ever released? ;) Nah, Cookie is a covert agent working for that evil dictator's son (whom the crew is fighting against before they realize they are on the wrong side). She was spying on the ruler of that planet and when Oedi killed him and won her, she used the opportunity to spy on Dreadstar. Her slave collar is a transmitter actually. She only pretends to be submissive and naive - but she did really love Oedi.
>>244694 Jurassic Cubs, wow, a fitting name for that show. Brrr. Speaking of Smurfs... another movie is coming next year, I just saw the poster. WHYYYYY....
An Early Christmas present of sorts. Provitional update to the rabbit list. Leaving it separate with the numbers off for the moment pending any revisions that may be needed. If anyone sees things they know they can get better pictures for, go for it. Your screencap-Fu is better than mine. Some of these may have additions I'm not aware of. I used my own judgement and zeroed out preschoolers and little old ladies. I wasn't quite sure what to do about samefaces though. The last three entries all have others from the same show I either couldn't find pics of or wasn't sure about. Looking for the name of the pink Trixtoons girl if anyone knows it. I forgot it and the Trixworld site is long gone.
Got a few other Not-sure's and multiples I'll be posting at some point. Attached pic someone put together of all the chars from Max & Ruby, of which only ruby is on the master List. Likewise when I saw Molly McDonald as the sole representative of the entirety of Arthur and Postcards From Buster, I knew that wasn't right. Little did I know how much til I checked the wiki for the names of the couple others I was aware of. I counted 77 female characters, not counting brats and old ladies again, albeit some of those you might gain back from flashbacks. Some are only background chars though. That's why I pretty much threw the link at Lucedo and ran. ;)
Shlaverne Difozifini, a singer who stole Goat's song after bullying her in high school, and becoming famous thanks to it. (From Pig Goat Banana Cricket S2E01)
Found this sexy big gal in a russian animated movie called Ku! Kin-dza-dza (not kidding, that's the title) - a really weird and rather depressive sci fi satire that is an animated remake of the live-action original from 1986. You can find it on Kisscartoon.
>>244705 Sweet potatoes, that's a LOT of rabbits. Never heard of Max and Ruby... what is that? Some kid's book series? All the designs seem to be variations of the same rabbit face, talk about lazy.
Maaaan those hips. :P Not sure what she reminds me of... kinda camel-like. At any rate, unless we have some russian furries tackling this movie, I gotta R34 her for sure.
Most of the other aliens (female included) are pretty weird looking though. Oddly, they all are supposed to belong to two species only, but not two of them look alike.
Shlaverne is also something of a Bond villain, her dressing room doubling as a compressor room trap. :D
>>244704 You could add Anaise and her grandma from Amazing World of Gumball. Also, where is Lola? Both versions of her seem to be missing... And maaan, now I have to look up that Great Easter Egg Hunt movie. That gal is sure busty.
>>244713 They're multiplyin' doc, They're multiplyin! ;) Yeah, between the two they need their own lists. Max and Ruby is a junior level cartoon, based on books I think. About on a par with Angelina Ballerina and Busytown. The amount of samebodies is a little daunting, hence not-sure status. Some of the adults ought to be on the list though.
>>244716 That's just the ones I compiled to add to the master list Lucedo posted upthread, once I've finalized them.The usual suspects are pretty well all there. Probably not quite half off these are off the top of my head, the rest either turned up accidentally looking for pics or spotted on tv. Egg Hunt and the 3rd Peter Rabbit are from a film series called Enchanted Tales, from Golden Films. They took like literally every classic mainstream animated movie and did their own version of it, altered just enough as needed to avoid getting sued into the ground. TGEEH seems to be a loose adaption of The Velveteen Rabbit. (She's kind of a narrator/greek chorus girl I think.)
Image:148144947000.jpg(48kB, 720x576)Star Trek The Animated Series - S01E13 - The Ambergris Element.mkv_snapshot_14.54_[2016.12.11_10.43.19].jpg
Surprised Kirk did not try to woo her right off the bat, but maybe he was too upset being mutated to a waterbreather himself. :D (Btw, from S01E13 of the show)
>>244717 Ah, OK! Thought it was the whole list. And maaaan.... Golden Films. Brrr. I hope Phelous gets around to review this one too someday. I only found the trailer on youtube, but maaan that singing. And the art style is weird, some rabbits look like they are from another series entirely. Let me know though if you can find the whole show on youtube somewhere.
Image:148145033500.jpg(66kB, 720x576)Star Trek The Animated Series - S01E10 - Mudd's Passion.mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2016.12.11_01.16.38].jpg
Speaking of whom, here is a screenshot of her as well. :) Can't believe M'ress as a character is older then I am. Maybe one of the first female furry characters who was designed to look actually feminine? Alongside those Lizard Women from the Filmation Flash Gordon (but that show is from 5 years later)
Oh, can't believe I forgot to post this one from Dreadstar. :D Cookie tries to explain (on a TV show) to an alien race without sexual dimorphism what breasts are for. :D Hilarious
>244737 Beat me too it. The Ears definitely suggest a Kzin. You just getting into the series? If so, keep an eye out for the episodes Bem and Jihad too. Too late for caterday but speaking of Trek furries, there's also the Yannidians(?) from the Marvel series issue 6, The Enterprise Murder case.
Couple More I wasn't quite sure about adding, mainly because I couldn't get a good clean image Left, Bugs Bunny Nips The Nips. Right, Porky's Hare Hunt.
...And A full view of the mother rabbit from the original Mighty Mouse I listed. If anyone could tell me what episode this is from I'd appreciate it. It appears as stock footage in an episode of Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, Scrappy's Playhouse. MM rescues a bunch of bunnies in a sleigh.
Image:148149730400.jpg(71kB, 720x576)Star Trek The Animated Series - S01E16 - The Jihad.mkv_snapshot_18.56_[2016.12.11_23.59.59].jpg
Tchar, a Skorr from Star Trek - they were a very numerous warrior race before becoming peaceful, and Tchar would like to restore his race to their old ways.
>>244747 They're cat people, albeit less catty than the Catians. We did get a couple females out of the issue though. Still it could've been worse. I've got one of the old comic/record combos they put out near the same time as TAS, Passage To Moauv, which is probably one of the furriest Trek tales out there:
Sound and comic:(needs zooming):
....Except no-one told the artist that M'ress was a feline, among other details. It was only some time later I found out who it was supposed to be since I hardly remembered her in it then.
>>244751 She popped up a few times in the '80s DC comic, I know around issue #51 in particular. Aaaaaand I can't find those online at the moment but here, birbs:
Image:148206826500.jpg(57kB, 720x576)Star Trek The Animated Series - S01E14 - The Slaver Weapon.mkv_snapshot_05.36_[2016.12.11_14.45.33].jpg
>>244737 Hmm, the bat-like ears are similar, but in the episode the Kzintzi appear they look very different. Plus I heard that race - as the whole "The Slaver Weapon" episode was adapted from another sci-fi book series, and isn't really canon (as in, the race cannot be used in Trek as it belongs to that book).
>>244750 You sure you linked the right comic? I see the weird hypno-eyes cat but no anthros in that comic... I mean unless you count everyone acting like cat, but not actually looking like them. Weird to see M'ress as a blue-skinned human. Happened again in a later comic, where she was supposed to be present, but got replaced by a deer-antlered humanoid girl.
>>244780 Kzin are originally from a series of short stories by Larry Niven and other authors, Niven was so autistic he descided that his Trek episode will be a crossover with his Kzin series The Kzin are copyrighted by Niven, that is why we haven't seen them again is Star Trek
I think it was on en episode of Enterprise or in a video game that some writter tried to use the Kzin but had to change them to another race, the Lynxian to avoid copyright infridgment, later that plot was discarded.
>>244780 Hard to tell since they're suited but yeah, the Kzinti are from Larry Niven's Known Space stories. The episode is a direct adaption of "The Soft Weapon." (Also is it just me or has the thread stopped bumping?)
>>244781 You and I just apply different definitions of furry. ;) Re: DC's Trek, Nonono, That's a different character, from a bit after the appearance I mentioned. And I was right, issue 51 Is the issue that stands out in my mind, though as anon pointed out, there's plenty of other appearances throughout. Should've bought it at the time. Hmmm...must've missed 48 with the party. I Suggest reading that first:
From the movie "5 children and It" - is it me or does this 'sand fairy' thing look basically like a D&D kobold with antennae and a beard? He is adorable.
>>244792 What's autosage? Has something to do with Bennet the Sage? :D
>>244784 Yeah, I know - SF Debris did a pretty informatory review of that episode. I kinda find the Larry Niven's universe kinda stupid, reading it up on wikis- how a race can be as stupid as the Kzin as to attack humanity multiple times and get devastated in return, and still be considered a dangerous galactic force. There is a reason Klingons are still feared, they never got beaten by the Federation, they made peace after several wars and stalemates.
>>244785 Time to start a new one maybe? Still, it is always around the 3rd or 4th whenever I come here to the site, so who knows... Heh, thanks for that link. LOLed at the little mouse alien in a starfleet uniform. And huh, that means Worf wasn't the first Klingon on Starfleet?