Image:143803053700.png(677kB, 768x576)Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist - S01E09 - Annushka's Winter Tale.mp4_snapshot_02.05_[2015.07.27_22.52.28].png
I think it's hard to find download links here, so from now on, post your links to any hard to find or obscure stuff here. ;)
Let me start with one right off the bat - Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist. I managed to purchase a 6-DVD-set of it - and luckily it had czech AND english audio tracks. Oddly enough DVD1 starts with Episode 9, so we'll see what's in there.
Episode 09: Annushka's Winter Tale!ccBUQRxa!dMq7Clhg7I7GlYmkPEpo37AxbUu2s6CsV8rZp4GBBL0
Who's Scotty, apart from Captain Kirk's chief engineer? And I just shared Roswell Conspiracies in the other thread, in case you forgot. Sharing it here too - episodes 11-20, DVDrip.!lVpxFagZ!xl2mX_9sW7JaYROHf-XEmQ
Image:143942701900.jpg(33kB, 512x384)Fillmore! - 1x01 - To Mar A Stall [PDTV].avi_snapshot_00.05_[2015.08.12_17.40.54].jpg
Here it is. As I promised Fillmore!!fkxFHJzQ!TRrb5gl6xmaKoPblJkzJFQ
It's a cop drama, but set in a middle school with basically hall-monitors as police. It's fun to watch all the cop or crime drama be filtered through the school tropes. It also suffers from Hellboy Syndrome, i.e.; the majority of /co/ agree it's a good show and can't say much outside of that it's good and they like it so threads don't happen. And if they do happen they die shortly there after due to basically nothing to discuss.
>>237870 Its just that lovely of a pocket sized show. Its oddly very deep yet its hard to ply the depths that it has. Maybe had internet been in its current form then and with creators being as open as they are now we'd have the whole lore book out in front off us. I'd pay good money for a X Middle School handbook with a map of the grounds.
Image:143953337800.jpg(47kB, 768x576)21 City in the Sky.mp4_snapshot_12.05_[2014.07.17_01.42.47].jpg
>>237756 Yeah, I believe originally I found these 4 episodes on an ISO file too and nothing else.
But there are S2 rips too... I have the whole show. Not sure what you mean by full rip. Here you go, Season 2 - I have yet to watch that one. Pic of the sexy angel doggy related, from episode 21.
Since this is the place for obscure shows - anyone knows where to find Alien Racers? I have never managed to get more than 4-5 episodes. More exist online, but only in russian. //
>>237870 I watched it a few times, but the art style always bothered me... kinda of the lazy minimalistic style. As for the whole thing being done like a serious cop show, it was fun for a while but the novelty wore off.
>>237904 If I understand it correctly, Disney somehow ended up owning it. They will never release the show that is directly competing for attention with Disney's Peter Pan™.
>>237905 >>237906 No, that was the reason Disney refused to buy the rights like they'd done for Saban's other stuff. Supposedly the rights belong to TMS, who've just been sitting on them.
So, ripped and uploaded the first 10 episodes of Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths and Legends. Enjoy! (btw, if anyone has more info on the toys - I have a few but for many I don't even know who they are supposed to be)
Episode 01 - The Bait - Part 1!9No3wYiD!pT22Z8D6m70PdJ6qFwNpkSnT4yetizlxJHwtoZQB-dM
Episode 02 - The Bait - Part 2!1UIRyDbI!-nHFysNrCcrsjolHen7-NUbOgFTXAvthRDICLLbjtRo
>>237909 Someone should pass a law that forbids companies to just sit on rights. If you are not willing to sell, you should be forced by law to make it available for free.
>>237926 I hope you burned them to only read on your computer. Because if you made it readable for a regular DVD player, you then changed the pixel resolution from square to rectangle.
Also, please do NOT upload anything. Just check for yourself when playing a random episode on your computer.
Image:143967769200.jpg(33kB, 768x576)09 The Fountain of Truth.mp4_snapshot_18.32_[2014.09.19_01.21.38].jpg
>>237929 I only burned them so that I would not have to rip them again if I need to upload or send them to anyone. I don't have a DVDplayer - my PC screen is bigger than my ancient TV, I watch everything on my PC. ;)
I can check, but how do I compare it with the quality of something that you have? But, I remembered I took screenshots, so here is one.
Rutracker. I cannot recommend that enough! My friend Latecomer helped me find this place. That, and Kametsu forums. Mind you the russians often over-dub the audio, but you can always replace that with english using Wondershare.
Mind you in this case, I don't remember where I got this from, exactly. But Rutracker has a 19 GB version (all episodes) so that might be it. EDIT: nah this wasn't it... these are DVD ISOs. MInd you these might be even better quality than what I have! Downloading now.
Also, yep, LOVED the show as a kid. I was older then you, and saw it in german, but I always loved it for being weeeeird and spooky. The episode where Silver and the Rat swap heads while JIm becomes a 2D Picasso drawing due to some weeeeeird cave's gases? Maaan. And Blind Pew I find genuinely scary even today. Still not sure WHAT he was. Certainly not just a rat...
I accidently posted the link of episode 2 instead of 3 - here is the correct link!IABmyCjA!g21spBDetH4YHMxqIHBsrz6OZt7iybndRFMetyDGjtQ
The one I have is english, yes. S2 episodes are 350MB each. Resolution is what you see here.
But if the DVD ISOs are better, that'd be awesome. I can always just rip the english from the ones I have to the DVDrips, if those are russian. Doing the same with Adventures of T-Rex now (where the french VHSrips are the best we have). :)
>>238126 Well, you can burn the files to a DVD, or convert into DVD format and then burn on a DVD. The second option will let a DVD player to play it, but you will have to distort the image once (official DVD format has non-square pixels).
If you just used the DVDs as a storage media, like a flash drive, that means you didn't harm, compress, or distort the files. I hope that is what happened.
I been learning about DVDs, and am starting to like them less and less.
>>238129 Anyways, the fastest way to see what happened to the files you burned to the DVD is inserting the DVD, see all the files on it, and look at one of the episodes. Your system will tell you the pixel dimensions.
Yep that was the old source. I have the new torrented DVDs, have to make them into ISOs.
So, apparently this site exists and has tons of cartoons uploaded - to Youtube, no less, yet, no-one is taking them down.
They even have Avenger Penguins. Seriously!
They ask you to spend money to buy points to download them, but I guess they never realized there is such a thing as Flash Video Downloader... or other Firefox plugins.
In case I haven't posted these yet - I am engaged in a sadly long and ardous task of ripping the audio from the english The Adventures of T-Rex TVrips episodes, and putting them on the much better quality french VHSrips.
I'm done with 6 episodes so far, and will be posting them as I am finished with more.
Wow - someone has Sumo Mouse, and KissCartoons got it uploaded now! get it while it's there. This thing is super-rare. For a while I never even knew if it even aired anywhere!
Image:144506976700.jpg(48kB, 768x576)D4-The Trojan Dog (1994).mp4_snapshot_18.59_[2015.10.17_09.52.15].jpg
Sharing a really obscure (and admittedly, not very good) animated australian movie from 1994, D4-The Trojan Dog. Some mice, living in an abandoned house, are plagued by three street cats, and one of them comes up with an idea on how to get rid of them by reading the Iliad. It's mercifully, just 45 minutes long.
Ep 6 - 26 of Patrulla 03, and they're not in english
ep 6 ep 7 ep 8 ep 9 ep 10 ep 11 ep 12 ep 13 ep 14 ep 15 ep 16 ep 17 ep 18 ep 19 ep 20 ep 21 ep 22 ep 23 ep 24 ep 25 ep 26
Image:145962856400.png(110kB, 372x242)Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 15.54.51.png
Decided that it would fit here better:
Lookie what I got - yeah, oddly the show was released on DVD (with english dub) only in the Czech Republic, apparently. Gonna rip it when I get the time.
>>242465 I remember some place had Fox Peter Pan and the Pirates rip in some really archaic codecs and formats. 90s obscure formats in massive file sizes. Might have been production recordings some of them.
Image:146282048600.jpg(69kB, 1280x720)Eek! The Cat - S01E05 - Cape Fur.mkv_snapshot_00.01_[2016.05.09_21.01.07].jpg
Started sharing the DVDrips of Eek! the cat on Kametsu. Will be uploading the rest there.
>>242465 I saw all TVrips that are out there. Trust me this is better.
>>242761 A golden rule of imageboards: just because anon posted an image does not mean anon created that image. His particular rip was made by someone else.
Also, it is a very easy solution to just select "720 widescreen" and add black bars. Creating custom resolutions is tricky.
>>242765 Get your fucking slander somewhere else, Mr. Twister, or should I say Mr Stone? Like that's not you as well.
It's my rip, as anyone who follows the Kametsu link can attest to. And why is it in 720p? Because it's a bloody DVDrip, they don't come any higher, idiot. I am ripping it using the same resolution as the original DVD.
There are three things you need to know: 1.) The two highest resolutions for DVD are 720×576 (25fps, interlaced) and 720×480 (29.97fps, interlaced), and a majority of DVDs use the latter, so you can’t rip a DVD in 720p because the absolute highest it can go is 576p. 2.) Upscaling a DVD rip from 480p to 720p is not ripping the DVD in 720p, no matter how much you might think otherwise. 3.) I ain’t Mister Twister.
Here’s the thing: if you do your encoding right, your video will be in 4:3 aspect ratio. Unless you have your video player set to stretch-fill the screen (which you shouldn’t because that makes things look fucked up), your video player will automatically generate the pillarboxes for you if you take it fullscreen while playing that video. There is little-to-no real need to add pillarboxes of your own.
So, I am sure Mister-Twister will jump out of the woodwork to state he has had this series on BluRayrip all along and just did not think to share unless someone asked politely... Here is Birdz. Pretty good quality, on Kisscartoon. Get it while it's hot.
The stories are about a well-meaning but clumsy anthropomorphic ox, Ollie (Boes in the original) - made as a coproduction between Netherlands and Japan (by Saban). Based on a Garfield-style comic strip, the stories are similarly short and loosely interconnected.
Kisscartoons just updated a lot of episodes, but the list is far from complete and several are missing. Still, this is the first place I have seen this show since TV times.
>>245252 Wow, thanks a lot man! :) I have tried finding these for quite a while without success.
>>245257 If you had the streams, maybe could have shared with everyone else? What is this website which streams these shows, anyways? It's not on Kisscartoon or Watchcartoononline, that's for sure.
>>245265 Ok, thanks - haven't seen this type of video sharing yet. Though the quality seems to be the same as the Mega uploads of all 13 episodes so there is no need to stream them, I already have the rest downloaded. I still don't understand why you would prefer streams to something you can save on your hard drive for later...
>>245290 I save things that I perceive to be rare and valuable, and something that will likely disappear from the Internets 4ever. I know Glue Studios is not closing anytime soon, and Rimba is a new show. I don't think it will disappear anytime soon, no matter how hard it might be to watch it in the west.
Now, Legends of Treasure Island is a different story. Old, obscure, british, and as of now completely unavailable save for what a few taped off their TVs and now sharing technically illegally. THAT I have saved (a shame season 1 is in 240p).
Image:148778894700.jpg(33kB, 768x576)08 The Merman Prince.mp4_snapshot_12.23_[2014.07.28_10.05.19].jpg
Well, goes to show when you think you know about all cartoons from the nineties... something like this comes along: Never heard of it before, but gonna check it - looks to be a good source of anthros. Animation style makes it seem like it should belong with Snagglepuss and Yogi Bear in the old dime-a-dozen Hanna Barbera toons based on the pictures.
>>245312 I posted a screencap before, compare them with yours. Here is another.
Guess Kisscartoons was wrong - this is from 1978... was part of a 60-minute show called CB Bears, alongside Blast-Off Buzzard.
Here, screenshot from the new German release of Mummies Alive. Got both volumes - not the full show, just 28 episodes. Quality is pretty good though and previously only a few episodes got DVD release.
Image:151190742600.jpg(71kB, 1280x720)Class of the Titans - Sybaris Fountain.mp4_snapshot_12.01_[2017.11.28_23.06.25].jpg
Great news, well, not "new" news, seems Class of the Titans was uploaded on youtube 2 years ago in 720p and just nobody noticed anywhere on file sharing or streaming places. //
>>245440 I totally forgot to mention the third volume has been released too, and I have already ripped and uploaded it to kametsu.
>>247592 It will be? You mean this, or 4chan? If the latter, I will happily dance on its grave. :) If this one, I am gonna miss it, since no other chans are as tolerant of furries like this. And yes, I still have it. But so do others, and it's up on youtube now. //
>>247593 I would like to have the original files, since everything that is uploaded to YT is compressed again and loses even MORE quality. Please, if you can, upload the episodes of the 1st season somewhere.
And 4chan is quite tolerant. The rule is basically "do not post (furry)erotica or overly erotic (furry)OC and you'll be fine". I wasn't banned or give an warning for a very long time.
>>247601 it was a while ago so I need to check my DVDs and find where I burned them out to. As I recall I had two versions, the two DVDs that had like 4 episodes were the ones you wanted? As for 4chan, my experiences there is that people troll you for the slightest thing and fakepost using your name if they disagree with something you say, so I doubt it is the best place for threads like this.
>>247605 They really don't like nameposting. If you reserve your name for important posts (like posting something useful, or good art you made), they will be fine with you. And you cannot win against trolls anyway.
I have season 1 in TERRIBLE quality, washed out 240p. The second season you shared was in 576p, and despite also being washed out slightly, was WAY better looking than my old copy of season 1. All I want is season 1 in good quality, and you have it.......... right?
>>247606 Somewhere, sure. I burn everything to DVD or BR, so it will be some time before I can dig it out. But you can reach me anytime even if this site will be gone - you know my FA link and my mail should be in my nick here if you click it. ;) I'll post it on Kametsu too if I find it.
>>418896 Well, the kids do celebrate Christmas, would you break a holiday habit if you found out the greek gods are real? :) Plus despite their powers and them helping to train the kids, none of them are the sort of loving creator god figure you'd actually worship these days. I liked the episode with Arachne where even centuries later Athene holds the grudge against her for that weaving competition, and it takes Atalanta's arguments for her to finally let bygones be bygones.
>>419697 You know it's me and you even know my email, you could do like a normal person and ASK instead of being passive-agressive about it. For the record still have not found it, but will check again.
>>419703 There are these things called... email services? I dunno if you heard about them? I think they have been around for a while. And I kinda have my email address linked to my name if you click on it, all the time? Just a thought?
>>419708 >>419733 Most imageboards have a blue name instead of green when an email is given. This imageboard is an unusual exception. I assume that Twister believed there was no email because the name on your post was not blue (that is what I believed myself).
Some effin' spambot keeps bumping this up, so why not bump it up with some actual content. I ripped this for Kametsu before it sadly ceased to be, the new Pidax release of Roswell Conspiracies, the full series. The files are original DVD's lifted from the disks, so VOB and all, 6 DVDs in all. Just burn and enjoy. And buy the series from PIDAX if you feel like supporting a company that is giving us more and more obscure cartoons finally in DVD format, like I did, if you feel like it. ;)!iD4mhKzS!qoyuG48ymeU-0oi9ogdOTw Btw it has both english and german audio.
Well, the replacement forums for Kametsu are finally up. Make an introduction post first, only then will you be able to see the downloads forums.
Hello Swift! Could you upload all your Saban's Oliver Twist episodes that you have? It's my favourite show and I see that you upload a part of them in the past. THank you!
In other news, finally found a torrent of Kulipari Season 2. 1080p, Netflix rip. Uploaded it on Nandato!
Btw I have also continued posting remastered Adventures of T-Rex episodes. A guy there helped me finally to synch the audio of episode 18 up - with which I have struggled for quite some time now. (And yeah, this is the famous episode where Buck spies a naked bathing dino lady in the window... censors did not really do their jobs back then :P) I also uploaded episodes 19 and 20 there.
Thanks a lot, Swift! I'm still waiting for Oliver Twist :D. Btw, do you know why I can't have access to your previous topic on Is it probably that I just join to this site? Only the best! Cheers!
>>420412 It's a bit tricky and sadly they don't explain it on the forums. You have to join, THEN you need to make an introductory post in the Introductions forum. THEN magically you will be able to access the download section! Drop me a PM when you are there, and I will send you a note when I upload them. Can't promise when, I need to find wherever I put the blurays I burned them out to.
Here you go, Animalympics BluRay-rip. ;) I also included the Lisberger interview and the character designs video as separate vids! Enjoy!!heonmSKJ!UPChXIkCZ_rN0WSUkBU0Qg
>>420918 I don't get it... yes other people dislike it too, yes? If you are implying the "@usernam" thing, yes I know about that but it is not the same as quoting a message... especially not helpful given how only a few people post there.
>>420923 Wow that is incredibly convoluted. Anyway, this place is better for discussions. I will comb the Discord for links and pics and do the research on my own, it's at least good for getting a starting point.
I find that most real time chats don't need explicit replies. If there are many concurrent conversations at once, I just @mention and >quote if needed. The platform sucks but quoting isn't something I care about much.
>>421266 Sorry. I assumed this HighQuality guy who started contacting me there around the same time you asked here for Oliver Twist was you... Since he told me: "Hello, again! I'm the guy from boards who has looking for Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist. Do you have the complete series in English? Or only the DVDs from Czech Republic? I'm waiting news from you. Thanks! " Anyway, maybe search for Oliver Twist? I mentioned you also need to register and make a post in the introduction topic before the download section will be visible. It's their defense against bots. But if all this really does not work for you...
Image:158947646271.jpg(613kB, 1920x1080)The Adventures of T-Rex 22 - The Mayor's Egg.mkv_[2020.05.14_19.08.06].jpg
Just a bump-up, I continued remastering Adventures of T-rex on Nandato, using the new Mangas streaming rips. Episode 22 added today.
>>422118 Sorry, have not checked this topic much. Fraid I don't have that, sorry.
>>423326 >>423371 >Adventures of T-rex Hey I remember this show from my childhood, with the superhero team of dinosaur dudes in armoured suits, everyone used freeze rays for guns?
Had a tape I watched a bunch with like two episodes on it.
Image:159043990740.jpg(350kB, 1280x720)The Adventures of T-Rex 26 -Doctor in the House.mp4_[2020.05.23_17.55.58].jpg
>>423392 Cool! Glad someone else remembers this show. Yeah they had coolers instead of guns, well this was the 90ies. Even GI Joes used lasers. The original concept had real guns though, and the brothers were gangsters. I got my hand on the show syndication ads, curious what it says. Added 25-26 in the meantime too. 27 will take some time, as no english audio exists, but I got a swedish dub with (sadly recorded on) subs, so I am gonna go through the long process of writing a subtitle file for it.
Image:159061079644.jpg(324kB, 1280x720)The Adventures of T-Rex 27 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'.mp4_snapshot_10.24_[2020.05.27_21.59.39].jpg
Well, episode 27 took me a loooong time. See, there is no english dub for this episode anywhere online. But thanks to someone from Kametsu years ago, I did get a swedish dub of the episode, with (sadly built-in non-extractable) subtitles in english. So I spent the past few days painstakingly creating timestamps and making a subtitle for the episode (and I had to check both video files as sadly, they are not the same length due to cuts, so I could not use the same time codes).
So, please find the french audio episode with english on Nandato! And yes, this one has the Chain Gang and Flo in one of their more major roles.
For any french people here - Amazon Prime now has the Adventures of T-rex (or rather, episodes 27 to 50) in french.
Sharing my FoxKids DVDrips of Eek the Cat. Full S1-2, most of season 3. Rest will be included as well soon from other sources.
>>424751 Eh, it's more than just IRC for dummies. It's closer to MSN messenger for the next decade. Also, screw Discord. We already have enough horrible common closed commercial platforms like Facebook, we don't need another bad choice. For most cases, an open solution like Matrix (see is as good.
>>424750 Dude you are replying to a 1.5 year old comment I made. I figured out how to reply since then long ago. :) The obscure character discord is not a bad place, we certainly have more discussion there than here about obscure anthro characters.
Sharing The Donkey King here, this time finally in english.
>>424975 Pass.... it was 5 years ago. Honestly Mega seems to randomly delete channels if I do not visit them often, so likely some are gone. You best go to as I reposted most of my uploads there.
Image:162066825933.jpg(786kB, 1920x1080)Furiki Wheels -S01E48 - Too Many Kooks.mkv_[2021.05.10_12.00.38].jpg
Sharing Furiki Wheels in 1080p (I used the 720p Kimcartoon Disney+ rip's audio and the french video (which you can watch in french on TiVi5MondePlus)
Image:162091191654.jpg(788kB, 1920x1080)Furiki Wheels -S01E02 -A Tight Spot .mkv_[2021.05.08_13.31.52].jpg
>>436567 I don't see him in the credits, but yeah it has some similarities to both his style and Wakfu (especially the facial expressions). It is french too, so could be someone who worked with Balak or got impressed by his style?
>>436764 I have both of those but I'm not about to upload 80 gigs into mega of all things. Besides, you can just google for "tex avery screwball classics torrent" and get BDRips.
Image:163043439359.jpg(176kB, 720x480)Loopy De Loop 1960 - 05 - Creepy Time Pal.mp4_[2021.08.31_13.17.44].jpg
Sharing an unjustly forgotten Hanna-Barbera classic, and I think the only show they actually were the producers for, Loopy De Loop! Loopy is kind, considerate and charming (and has a great french accent), and made it his life's mission to make a good name for the much-maligned wolves by being kind and helpful to anyone! ... Sadly the world isn't ready for a good wolf, and mostly his reward is a beating or being shot at, but ever the optimist, he always perseveres. Must say for its time (1959!) this was a show before its time - if you look past the slapstick.
>>437756 Sorry dude I cannot just share a direct Mega link here. It'd be deleted in a week. PM or email me and I can send it to you though. But I will never understand, what is so hard in registering to a website? Surely you have lots of disposable "junk mail" accounts. I have a ton of them I use to register for new Mega accounts. Beside I assumed you already were. I mean is basically THE biggest obscure cartoon and anime sharing site since Kametsu stopped allowing download links.
>>437859 I have decided to watch the official uploads on YT, then back up each episode after I watch (and my method is the best). That way I get the show saved in "original" quality, all the while giving them views and likes.
As to why not registering, I have too many accounts in too many places. And I hate it.
Image:168208194884.jpg(347kB, 1280x720)The Adventures of T-Rex 27 - Cruisin' for a Bruisin'.mp4_snapshot_02.03_[2020.05.27_22.10.06].jpg
Seeing as how there is no anymore... gonna continue to share my remasters of The Adventures of T-rex here now, as well as on Furaffinity. Here is all I have done so far, I have gotten a few more created since last I posted. Episodes 1-11: Episodes 12-16 / 28-31: Episodes 17-27:
As before, still looking for an english dub of episodes 13, 36, 39, 47 as youtube never had those.
Image:168209271917.jpg(48kB, 768x576)The Adventures of T-Rex 29 - The Rexmobile.mkv_snapshot_16.54.870.jpg
>>448729 Y'mean the weird horizontal lines that appear in some rips? Because this I recorded with OBS Estudio from a streaming service, so there aren't any. Where do you even see something like that?
>>448732 In that case the official stream was sourced from an interlaced source which was improperly deinterlaced by someone incompetent. When something is deinterlaced properly, there should be 0 things wrong with the frames, and definitely no lines.
>>448735 Well, all I know is that this is the best resolution source I found so far, so I am using this. There were french audio torrents but they looked worse.
>>473483 'course. Been remastering that one for years. I should get back to it someday, but I have too much work to do... >>460172 I wish a place like Nandato or Kametsu existed. Haven't found anything since then. As your luck would have it, that Mega account where I uploaded it still exists. EDIT: aaaaand weirdly, the files are all there and it shows as 17 GB but then if I hotlink it it shows as empty and I cannot download them... WTF. Guess I'll be reupping them again. Watch this link and check back later!
>>448728 Since someone has been asking about Adventures of T-rex. These are the current links Episodes 01-11: Episodes 12-16 | 28-30: Episodes 17-27:
>>473506 Never even heard of this one... Looks like some CalArts stuff so it must be recent. Isn't it american by default? Cannot find any torrents but the / sign does not make it easy to search for. If this was a dub, what is the original title?