Bee and Puppycat has some interesting questions going for it. Ones concerning the plot, and also how any of it is going to get wrapped up satisfyingly in four and a half two-part episodes. Maybe it's set up so that if it gets enough of a return in ads, they'll use that to make a bit more?
>>232200 It's less fat than it is badly drawn. Not as bad in motion, but I still think it's much less expressive. They decided to give her proportions based on Astro Boy as a reference, which means she's a grown woman with the proportions of a small boy.
So far it's very aesthetically pleasing, the voice acting is pretty decent, and Puppycat has a cute gimmick with that voice, but it seems very... I don't know, shallow? It's not outright boring, but it's mildly entertaining and that's it.
>>234448 >>234450 Based off the original short, I was expecting more "directionless slacker goes on RPG stomp quests for rent money" and that is not what the series proper is giving.
Like that cat episode? That was just... weird.
No.234699 The Declaration of WINdependence!7USAetZyzI
>>234699 Every post I've seen from you makes me think you are either mentally ill, only speak english as a second language, or are a shitpost bot. Or possibly all three.