I didn't mind the art as much, but if I had to guess as to the reason behind it's message, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume it was done as a simple story for younger kids. That's what I've always seen Free Comic Book Day as, something for younger kids as much as it is for adults...
Granted, DC mega-dropped the ball on that front, releasing one of the single most depressing and violent goddamn things ever with a bleak future of various superheroes getting mutilated and killed left and right...
But yeah, it felt like they used a simpler message for younger kids in that one Suki story.
Stinks a bit, I really like Suki, she's pretty much my favorite minor character from A:tLA and I'd really like an official story focused on her and stuff she's doing, but eh.
>>119216 >Granted, DC mega-dropped the ball on that front, releasing one of the single most depressing and violent goddamn things ever with a bleak future of various superheroes getting mutilated and killed left and right... I guarantee the higher ups seriously thought thats what kids were into.