After last week's hiccup thanks to our Evil Nick Overlords, SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL.
The Spirit Vines in Republic City have attained a new level of hostile! People are being abducted by them ala the spirit Hei-Bai back in Aang's era. How will Korra deal with these shenanigans?
Happy Thanksgiving to our American Avatar fans!
Check it out at 12 Noon EST Friday 11/28 on (free with ads), the Nick mobile App (free with ads). Amazon Video around 3AM EST. Also Available on Google Play, Xbox Video, and iTunes! $1.99 per episode, $2.99 for HD, Season passes go for $21.99 SD and $29.99 HD.
Well, I really enjoyed that. More than made up for the... disappointing previous episode. Played out in a manner that made sense, though no doubt there will be people complaining about Korra's progress being too easy...
Even though those same people whinged about how she wasn't fixed immediately in the prior season finale.
I thought this episode was pretty good especially compared to the utterly terrible one that came before the recap. Really hoping it was just Bryke stumbling around since Kuvira seems to be the only really badly written one out of the major characters.
So a 1 minute pep talk by Zahier and a trip into the spirit world magically fixed all of Korra's problems. It feels like Bryke only did this so they could include Zahier in the story.
If Raiko was so opposed to Kuvira why did he let her leave Republic City after she announced she was the new Earth Empress?
Why would Kuvira keep the former rulers of Zaofu in Zaofu? Wouldn't it make more sense to keep them thousands of miles away so they won't be able to cause a rebellion?
>>118636 Yeah, he's definitely got the most depth out of all the major baddies, and this episode made up a little for some of the more cartoonish dickery he engaged in towards the end of Book 3.
Korra's healing arc is motherfucking A+ and this episode was quite the cherry on top.
I'm usually more wordy with my posts about Korra but the Thanksgiving has tuckered me out this week. A very excellent and jam packed episode and it's clear shit is about to get BANANAS.
Only 4 episodes left D:
Preview clip of Episode 10 is up BTW
I get that there's the time skip, but is it me or does Bolin/Opal suffer from a lot of telling-not-showing? They hit it off OK last season but there hasn't been nearly enough screentime interaction of the two together for me to be convinced that Bolin's truly that in love with Opal, unless that's the whole point of his current mini-arc.
>Korra's encounter with Zaheer was, in my opinion, my favorite scene of this series. Zaheer was by far my favorite antagonist (I think villain in his case isn't the correct term).
>I'm a 26 y/o veteran that has been struggling with PTSD. Something Zaheer said, I guess you can say it was an epiphany. When he was leading Korra into the spirit world, while she was recalling her memory of Zaheer trying to kill her, he said, "Accept what happened to you. Don’t fear what might’ve been. Don’t be afraid." I just got off the phone with a therapist. I'm finally seeking help, and I'm finally ready to start talking about it. I'm not posting this with the intentions of it being a circle jerk or a means to garner sympathy. I'm actually posting it to actually admit that I forgot that cartoons can still teach you lessons, even as an adult. I'm now going to laugh at the next person who says to me, "You're too old to be watching shit like that."
>I can't wait to see what happens at the end of this.