What is plus4chan?

plus4chan is an imageboard started circa 2006, as a place for /co/ to post whenever 4chan was down, and to give its users additional boards and functions that 4chan did not or could not give at the time. Although these additions may not be unique anymore, plus4chan is still around thanks to its own, ever loyal community.


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►>>/honey/ No.18

by thirstposter ## VIP

>Honey gets her own board >Everything else Sonic-related has to share a single board This is a travesty!...

►>>/tnt/ No.129052

by Anonymous

>>129043 /v/ REALLY does have a lot of trouble understanding Jack and Grimm winning has a lot less to do with schizo alliance, and more to do with what >>1290...

►>>/tnt/ No.129051

by Anonymous

>>129043 People complaining about /v/ more often than not also praise /co/ in the same breath. They don't sound like /v/fags to me....

►>>/tnt/ No.129050

by Anonymous

>>129047 Well yeah, that's what I said. It doesn't always have the follow the same beats, however....

►>>/tnt/ No.129049

by Anonymous

>>129044 it goes both way, one /co/tard was even complaining about having to share discussion with /v/tards earlier....

►>>/tnt/ No.129048

by Anonymous

>>129043 /v/ fags are disenfranchised with everything. You're not telling me anything new about /v/ fags...

►>>/tnt/ No.129047

by Anonymous

>>129045 >most of the time ends in some storyline about the winner being a chūni powerfantasy. Feels like every year is a tournament arc. and that's good....

►>>/tnt/ No.129046

by Anonymous

>>129033 Because it's true, Eggman is liked mostly because of youtube poops and there's nothing wrong with that. But saying it out loud triggered the people who wer...


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